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FFR Player
FFR Average Rank:59,489
Location:Missouri, USA
Last Activity:04-27-2008
Member for: 16.17 years
Gaming Region:USA - Pacific Northwest
Profile Views: 338
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QueenRenay's Details
About me:
Hi, I'm Renay. And here is some stuff about me. I love anime. I play the flout in my school band. Favorit foods; Raman, strawberrys, chocolate, chilli, chinken, vechibles, hotdogs, corndogs, fruit, ham, pork, italen food, stake, and lots of other stuff. Favorit treats; Poky, chocolate, cake, cheese cake, icecream, candy, that mexican icecream, cookies, basicley almost any dessert or candy. Things I like to do; Singing, cosplaying, yaoi, art, playing video games , haveing fun, reading, colecting things from other countrys, watching movies, writing, rockin out, going to conserts, going to theme parks, enjoying nature, takeing pictures, hanging with my friends, cooking, rock collecting, and other stuff. Least favorit food; Seafood. Hair color; brown. Eye color; blueish green. But my eyes sometimes change to a sold color if I feel a big emotion. Like if I'm very very very very very sad then my eyes turn crystal. gender; female skin color; really light white. I never seem to tan Race(s); German, british, scotish, ireish, chinesse, japanesse, indain, and french. Personality; Rocker, crazy, goody goody, bitch, child, creepy, hyper child, gothic, fangirl, grandmother, compter freak, slut, good friend, scienceist, country girl, wiredo, really smart person that is a bit boreing, and many other things. I tend to have paranormal incounters a lot. Mental problem; I have a Mulitibale personality syndrom, but insted of two people in my head I got aleast 35 people in my head and I think I have a few more mps but I don't know. Boyfrind:Chris G.
Singing, cosplaying, yaoi, art, playing video games , haveing fun, reading, colecting things from other countrys, watching movies, writing, rockin out, going to conserts, going to theme parks, enjoying nature, takeing pictures, hanging with my friends,cooking, band, rock collecting, and other stuff.
Fav Music:
My favorit kinds of music are rock n roll, punk rock, pop, country, metal, classical, a little rap, and songs that I don't even know what cacagory to put in.
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Comment wall
Goozen writes...
at 9:21:31am on 4/27/08
Synthlight writes...
at 7:49:36am on 4/27/08
First person to post on your wall.
