Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Rank:50,801
FFR Average Rank:59,486
FFR Grandtotal Rank:91,983
FFR Grandtotal:98,513,140
FFR Games Played:594
Last Activity:01-09-2021
Forum Posts:18
Member for: 17.85 years
Profile Views: 1,380
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About me:
Nothing special. 14 year old living in a rural town in upstate New York.
anime, manga, ffr, Gaia
Fav Music:
Gorillaz, Gwen Stefani, Black Eye Peas, Daft Punk
Fav Movies:
Breakfast Club, Napoleon Dynamite, Princess Monoke
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Random Thoughts
Hmmm... interesting.
Posted on: December 14, 2006, at 08:17:49pm   [0 comments]
For the past few nights I've been playing FFR Renosance, mainly because it has Beethoven Virus and Speed Over Beethoven on it, so I've been playing where the arrows move faster. I don't know if that's the reason I'm getting better at regular FFR. Seriously.

Like, just now, I tried the Snowflakes song, which I always used to FAIL, and I did waaaaay better than I expected. I remember thinking "Hoshit. Look at all those arrows. I can't move my fingers that fast." yet my fingers seemed to hit most of the arrows without me really thinking about it.

Oh and my rank right now is like 78800 or something like that. Biiiig improvement from a while ago. ;D

Tata ya'll.

The new layout is...
Posted on: December 9, 2006, at 05:08:50pm   [0 comments]

At least to me. I liked it better when it was at 800x600. And the thing at the upper-right corner just looks.. uncool to me. Plus, when does it update? I've played 4 songs since I logged in and it's not updating. Plus, the way I used to get to my profile is by clicking my name in the upper-right corner. Now I can't do that. DX

Posted on: December 8, 2006, at 09:30:30pm   [0 comments]
Pfft. I'm trying to get AAA on that beginner song in Dance. You know, "Trip to the Moon (Club Remix)" or something like that. Already can get full combo and I only get 15 Goods out of the 130-something keys. Hmmm.. I wonder what I'll do after I get the AAA. Prolly I'll move on to the next easiest song and try to get AAA on that one. XD

Anywayz, my dance went ok. I slow danced with my friend Nick once and I dance regularly for 2 1/2 out of the 3 hours it was. But OMG. Somebody had the same style dress as me. Different color, different sparkley pattern, but definetly the same kind of dress as I had from DEB. So it was cool. Plus she was in my class. Even so, I was feeling a little self-consicous the rest of the night.

Oh well. Back to working on that AAA. ;D

Duh... I'm such a ditz XD
Posted on: December 8, 2006, at 02:30:27pm   [0 comments]
Wouldn't you know it, a link to create the new FFR sig image right in my profile. In everyone's profile actually, yet I manged to miss it.

Anywayz, my school's Winter Ball is tonight. I'll have to wear a dress, heels, makeup and ugghhhh... nylons. And my mom bought me a shawl(sp?) to go with it. It's beautiful and all, but I don't see the use of it. It'll be around 20 degrees outside the school and I'm sure as hell not going to wear just a shawl over my dress. But... yeah. A act of kindness on her part. Everyone's going. Except my best friend, Hillary. Argh. She never comes to dances. Oh well. Her loss.

In Other News:
I tried to do Alpha Helix last night. I wasn't really planning to.. but a person in MP selected it and I decided to give it a go. And it wasn't as hard as I expect. Granted, it was still difficult (hence the Difficult rating) and I can't complete the whole thing, but I'm getting better and better at it. I've tried other Difficult songs since then and some aren't that bad. Who knows? Maybe I'll be really good at FFR. XD

My FFR siggy isn't updating... DX
Posted on: December 7, 2006, at 06:38:46pm   [0 comments]
Duuuude. I just broke the 100k ranking and I'm now around 97k, but the FFR sig image says my rank is, like, 140k. DX

I've also played around 215 games, but it says I only played 162 (or something). I hope I can get this fixed soon.

Comment wall
KidInDenile writes...
at 8:26:00pm on 8/22/06
oh i guess that explains it i think
KidInDenile writes...
at 4:51:08pm on 8/22/06
if ur going to talk to some one comment on some one elses wall. u can get to my profile by clicking on my user name above.
kikilo writes...
at 8:41:18pm on 8/21/06
But... my random thoughts scare people. Dx
KidInDenile writes...
at 7:54:08pm on 8/21/06
look how empty it is in hear. U should try adding random thoughts.
Synthlight writes...
at 9:13:26pm on 8/20/06
First person to post on your wall.
