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FFR Games Played:340
Location:Iowa, USA
Last Activity:05-20-2008
Forum Posts:22
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Member for: 17.92 years
Gaming Region:USA - Northwest
Profile Views: 1,645
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wynterdancer4eva's Details
About me:
I'm a dancer...I love music...I have an amazing boyfriend! I have 3 jobs... My brother is going to get married soonish...yep....
Music, dance, working at the camp. hanging out at the pit with kev...driving fast
Fav Music:
anything that sounds good with A LOT of bass....and songs that I can dance to or have really good meanings behind them. or good lyrics...i just love music in general. Storm by Lifehouse is should definatly listen to it...
Fav Movies:
Across the Universe and A Knight's Tale are my absolute favorites...I love the movie I am Legend....
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Random Thoughts
May 21, 2008
Posted on: May 21, 2008, at 10:14:34am   [0 comments] is my....birthday....yay...... I have my last day of school, and then dance at 5 until 6...after that at around 10 o' brother and his friends are taking me to Sioux City so that we can go to the Indiana Jones premier... yep. I'm so excited cuz I get to stay out until 4 or 5 in the morning and then at 8:30 I have to take a semester test. YAY!

Random Thought For Jake
Posted on: May 1, 2008, at 10:44:37am   [0 comments]
Hey Jake, remember last Saturday when you woke me up around 2 PM and told me to get up so we could hang out? Remember how you did that because I was depressed and wasn't supposed to sleep all day? Remember when you started the joke about Kevin going to see another girl to have sex with because I wouldn't put out? Remember how you lied and told him you didn't say that? Remember how you wouldn't let us get back together? Remember how much I hate you now? Remember why I hate you? Remember how I don't talk to you anymore? Well, I remember, and I hate you. So stop f-ing trying to make it up to me and go get a new f-ing life.

Thespian Initiation.
Posted on: April 24, 2008, at 10:09:19am   [0 comments]
So today I got my invitation as a Thespian Initiate. Yea, not so excited. But hopefully I don't have to do anything too stupid and maybe the day will go by fast and we might even have a bomb threat like every year. Wow. Great fun. Oh well. Wish me luck. It's May 13th. C ya.

Posted on: April 9, 2008, at 10:12:02am   [0 comments]
So today i was searching for people to help me tonight at the set crew meeting. Being an Assistant Stage Manager this is one of my many jobs. As I was going around to some different classrooms where people weren't doing anything I found that one of my friends has detention tonight during the meeting. Well, our set is not finished yet and our performance is TOMORROW night. So I went and talked to the assistant principal who loves me very much =) and he said he would think about letting the people who have detention serve it by working on our set. If he says yes, this may be a very amazing day for those that are in detention.

Comment wall
Zeoc713 writes...
at 10:02:24am on 6/18/08
Feels like it's been forever since I've been on here. o.o
How are you doing? :D
Cody_038 writes...
at 1:24:34pm on 5/21/08
wynterdancer4eva writes...
at 10:44:27am on 4/14/08
Bored: Cont. it kinda sucked....but today we promised no fighting and you picked me up for school and we made funny faces at eachother all morning like nothing happened.....yea.....i miss having fun.
wynterdancer4eva writes...
at 10:43:26am on 4/14/08
Bored again: Hey Jake remember yesterday when we went to sioux city and you said my phone was cooler missing two pieces cuz it was all "neh i like boys" and i was like "i do like boys..." and then you said "well duh thats why i said it." and then you were trying to get home fast and we were going 80 mph and only got down to 65 when you passed that cop going the opposite direction as us on the back roads back to town and he almost had his drug dog search your car that had illegal weapons in it and he only wrote you up for 6 over....yea 6 freaking miles over when you were actually going 30 over? YEA! you suck. and then you were in his car and i was in yours and i called kevin cuz i was scared and kevin cussed you out for "putting me in danger" and then said to drop me with him....and then we got back in town and he ignored me....and i ended up crying on his kitchen floor and then i went home where it was awkward cuz my mom was all crying and it kinda sucked....but today we promised no fi
wynterdancer4eva writes...
at 10:41:52am on 4/2/08
I've spent time with someone fading toward death--held his hand, inhaled the scent of living flesh as it rots away. An old folks' home must smell the same; and no air freshener could disguise that odor. It chokes you, gags you, but you have to pretend that you're doing just fine. Not trembeling with fear becaus ethe end is close. You can feel death hovering. Waiting fo rhis very last breath, his final shudder...Anticipating taking him away.
wynterdancer4eva writes...
at 10:09:36am on 4/1/08
ewww i just noticed my right eye looks puffy in that pic!!!!!!! thats gross.....eww....gonna have to photoshop that a little bit.....will remember to work on that when i get home...
wynterdancer4eva writes...
at 10:48:57am on 3/19/08
bored at school....bored at bored at school...yea yea wow new song hannah and i made much fun!
Zeoc713 writes...
at 2:45:28pm on 3/16/08
Hey, how have you been?
Hope all is well. =^.^=
RawMeat786 writes...
at 12:04:45pm on 3/16/08
Hey this is Cool!
I like FFR.
wynterdancer4eva writes...
at 10:20:11am on 3/13/08
Sometimes your traveling down a road, the only road you've ever known....and WHAM!! a semi runs right over you.
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