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About me:
Hi, im Renton and I am taken,hurray! Well, she knows who she is and i know who she is(we seem to have so much in common) but for all of you who don't, she Eurekagurl!
Anime,Eurekagurl,video games, and whatever Katelyn likes.
Fav Music:
Green Day, Gorillaz, Eurekagurl, Fall Out Buy,The Pillows,etc.
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R.O.D.(Read Or Die), Eurekagurl, Doom,etc.
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Random Thoughts
Posted on: December 2, 2007, at 08:47:17pm   [3 comments]
The reality is, love is hard. At first, its strong, its amazing, and it blooms like nothing else in this world, but in time, the couple begin to show their darker sides. You see your lover seem to change, and it hurts you. A relationship is a constant battle to rebuild eachother and adjust so you can be in tune with one another. In the end, only the strong willed actualy succeed. Even when the going gets tough and it seems that things have gotten too bad to forgive and forget, given time and effort (which neither is easy to give, since we always rush into things with a fist if we're mad)the relationship begins to repair. In the end, a good relationship isnt about how much in love you are with eachother. It's about how much you're willing to go through and forgive to truely be together as soul mates. I guess that is true love. Nobodies why would your lover be?

Comment wall
Agent_Tuna_Ghost writes...
at 2:12:11pm on 11/17/11
whats up :)
eurekagurl writes...
at 5:15:14pm on 9/8/11
eurekagurl writes...
at 5:10:09pm on 8/19/11
chirs you have changed so much!!! ext me if you can!! 1902 792 8383
failuv1 writes...
at 1:25:09pm on 8/5/11
Contact me with this email
Hello Greetings,
My name is Faith, I saw your profile today and became interested in you, i will also like to know you more, and i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am. Here is my email address ( believe we can move from here!I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.Remember the distance, color or language does not matter but love matters allot in life, Bye for now
Faith. (
Agent_Tuna_Ghost writes...
at 2:50:53pm on 6/12/09
Hey you. I'm sorry about you and Eureka... Everything will be ok. It always turns out! I'm getting married this fall. My fiancee is in jail right now, but he's getting out in a few months or so. Just know I still love the both of you and I'm always here for you two.... If you need anything let me know. Lots of love and peace -Agent_Tuna-
eurekagurl writes...
at 2:49:34pm on 3/18/09
ello i am suprised your still alive lol we never talk any more....and you think about me...and......i dont really talk to him so hes not really my bf any more...unless he smartens up but really i gave up.....*crys* everythings to dramatic now...blahhh but yeah lifes better im passing all my corses this year im in dance english science resource and keybording....oh my...i cant wait till grd 11 mwahahaha then i will have frees and can do anyhting i want but yeah message me to i love to hear from you
Ilymx13 writes...
at 6:24:11pm on 1/29/09
Hello. Do you have msn? :P
eurekagurl writes...
at 1:37:44pm on 1/10/09
hi again
whats 6the story about? wew nver get to talk face to face any more.....or like msn YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
but yeah i miss you sometimes...i still have your i found them when i moved ...^^
i love my new house.....hey...have you moved?
bet you havnt lol...-_-
so how are things going now?.....
ok well i gotta go ill be on msn all the time xoxoxox
eurekagurl writes...
at 2:46:10pm on 1/2/09
well chris im good im always on msn now cause i got a cell but theres no point in giving you my nimber cause its to expensive but yeah you should send me another letter except its 1045 scotch village B0N2T0 that where i live now so yeah send me one some time its way mroe private that way...and good that girl kissed you you needed it lol cause itwouldnt have happened if you were still with me cause of the distance you know...haha but anywyas go on msn im usually on and if not well just leave e a message or something lol ok have good days hun xoxoxo KAT
eurekagurl writes...
at 2:09:38pm on 7/16/08
you didnt seriously?...omg*hugs* ok sorry i havnt been on im really busy swimming and getting kicked in the nose.XD
im ok tho.....i still cant believe you (fell apart) cause of me?....
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