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Random Thoughts Posted on: July 2, 2023, at 01:02:04pm [1 comment] Ayyy my first time in an OT and I have been granted this chance to be put into D7!! I'm honestly a bit scared even though I've seen some people predict my win.. This div has a lot of good players. Anyway, during this next what? 8 weeks?? Somewhere around that, I'll be trying my hardest to at least put up somewhat of a competition in D7. Good luck to all my fellow D7:ers and everyone in other divs too!! Progress: R1 - The End of Dreams (cut ver) AAA | 0-0-0-0 Something to mention is how excited I got when seeing the file in previews, since this was also seen in the 4K MWC Qualifiers as Stage 8. Anyway very cool file and got the triple guh somewhat easily. R2 - Angel's Salad AAA | 0-0-0-0 I had no expectations for this file, but it ended up actually mentally tiring me out hard. Just not my type of file. Triple guh acquired though! R3 - A Battle I Absolutely Can't Lose ~ Kill the Nyanko AAA | 0-0-0-0 Cool cool just a chill dump file (ignoring the jacks midway), took me a while to get because of the jacks, but overall I feel like this was more fun than R2. Guh. R4 - Nhelv SDG | 2-0-0-0 This song is so good, sadly I can't be bothered to grind a file like this. Aaaaaaanyway I hope this is a good enough score to pass. R5 - Illegal Trap It's Joever. Comment wall