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The rock genre
Posted on: October 12, 2008, at 06:14:35pm

is the most humongous fucking pile of failure I've ever seen.

  1. Truth.

  2. Truer words have never been said.

  3. i dunno.
    some of the songs are actually pretty good.
    The funk genre on the other hand...

  4. The funk genre has better songs if your a subscriber, and even if not the genre isn't even comparable to the horrifyingly bad rock genre. All the rock genre has is Southern Cross. That's it. And Southern Cross isn't even that good, it's just some whacked out Japanese guy yelping to a decent beat.

  5. The Rise Against songs are awesome.

  6. The stepcharts are full of fail.

  7. LOL i read this
    i almost cried
    because you are so right

  8. This is not's beyond true. Rock is very much full of fail, and it's compounded by the fact that each song is fucking long and full of fail. I wouldn't bat an eye if the genre was removed; in fact, I would praise the one who did it.

    I hate the Rock genre with a passion.
    They should get rid of it, pronto.

  10. The fact of having rock music in the game is good, only problem is they need to get rid of all that bubblegum crap music. All these softie, emo bands need to go. They have no fun rhythm to them and are based off of vocals and what not. Actual rock songs with real guitar and drum playing need to be implemented in order to make the rock genre worth it.

  11. Emo shit needs to be erased bring in the grind with those glorious blast beats e.g the brezerker or bring in some metalcore like the human abstract and fuck all those dumbasses sayong that we need F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X gth is full of fail its all about F.C.P.S.I.T.S.G.E.P.G.E.P.G.E.P

  12. hybrid is a cool song, we need more like that