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Location:New York, USA
Last Activity:03-22-2016
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Member for: 16.14 years
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Begonia_and_Yew's Details
About me:
How about this: I LOOOOOVE CUTE KITTENS!!! :D Hmm... Anime is cool... Okay, I'm done here. People usually find out things about me, as I do about them, when I talk to them. XD
Oh, lots of things.... the Military (they are SO cool for what they do for us!!), talking to all my internet and rl friends, hanging with family, playing games, having fun in general, TRYING to make jokes, walking outside at night (poor Mom, or poor me, she usually makes me get a ride from Dad at night and I love the night air... actually, I like the crisp, fresh, early morning in fall-winter when there's grass but it goes crunch and looks crystallized and from a short distance it looks like white grass air best. XD), anime, ninjas, Ask A Ninja, Spider-Man, teen events in my community, books, TV, milk, cream, pizza, ice-cream, burgers, fries, spaghetti, tomatoes, cats, dragons, dolphins, horses, fire, water, music, etc. etc.
Fav Music:
Waaaaaaaay too many to list! But usually I crave listening to one of the following: Live Free or Let Me Die {Skillet} Frontline {Pillar} Duel of the Fates (techno remix) What If {Creed} Hero {Nickelback} Clowns (can you see me now?) {t.A.t.U.} The Game {Disturbed} Guarded {Disturbed} Torn {Disturbed} The Curse {Disturbed} Fade {Disturbed} Invincible {Past Benetar} Another Brick In The Wall (Parts I & II) {KoRn} Personal Jesus {Marilyn Manson} the Beautiful People {Marilyn Manson} Bottom of a Bottle {Smile Empty Soul} Adjustments {Smile Empty Soul} Open Wounds {Skillet} All About Us {t.A.t.U.}
Fav Movies:
Soldier Rambo I, II, & III Tears of the Sun Curse of the Golden Flower Millennium Actress Nadia of the Valley of the Wind Steamboy The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi (Note: Not the new one, and in fact I haven't been able to find again the one I watched, but it was REALLY good.) Blind Fury Thrill Seekers (Note: Also known as The time Shifters) Danger Beneath The Sea The Forbidden Planet Fantastic Voyage ...and more... XP
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Random Thoughts
The Virtue of Freedom, Part 1 (rewritten) (science
Posted on: September 21, 2013, at 01:16:31pm   [0 comments]
She yawned, her white cryobed waking her and hissing open to yet another standard morning in her blue-lit room. As on most mornings, her first thought was that at least she liked the government standard color for single middle-aged adults' rooms. She stepped out, waited a moment to make sure her balance was regained, and stepped to the Holovice just by the graphic windowpad located across the room from her cryobed.
They may consider her crazy for not leaving the Holovice completely on automatic, but she liked having a small activity before the placidness of everyday work life; she felt it was a good way to make sure she was awake and alert. She activated the SenseNet first, then the window for the day's pleasant view; as she took a moment to stare at the peaceful scene of calm water flowing down a natural stone sculpture, her mind wandered towards the status of her life. There were no outcasts in this utopian society, a tradition stemming from finally realizing the need for teams and companionship during the end of the Final Wars, but she came close.
She shuddered as a thought suddenly raced across her mind; no, a small manual activity was a very strange concept here, but at least it was not nearly as bad as the history she studied and taught in an Older Edifice of Block 6 -- that wild approach to life the Twenty-First Centurions had; it had once fascinated her, when she'd known so little about how they really lived. The romantic vids didn't include a lot of reality, and oh, how dispelled she'd come to be not even a day into her job. But a job was a job, and once one had chosen it, it was permanent. But oh, how could anyone have survived in such barbaric times? How could women have enjoyed -- and in some cases even encouraged!! -- such lewd attention from such beasts as the men of those times were?!
She shivered again as she stepped inside the cleansing device which stood in the remaining corner of her room, but her morbid musings were melted away as if by the warmth caused by the sanipod's steaming.
As her morale improved, she took comfort in the predictability of a well-controlled life.

The Virtue Of Freedom, part 1
Posted on: February 18, 2013, at 04:11:35pm   [0 comments]
She yawned and awoke to yet another standardly lit morning in her ocean blue-tinted room. At least she liked the color even if it was the government standard for single middle-aged adults, a fact she mused on as she did most mornings on her way to the Holovice she'd installed long ago by the graphic windowpad directly across the room from the side of her personal chryobed. They may consider her crazy for not leaving the Holovice solely on automatic, but she liked having a small activity before the placidness of everyday work life. She activated the SenseNet first, then the window for the day's pleasant view; as she stared at the peaceful scene of calm water flowing down a natural stone sculpture, her mind wandered towards how her life was. There were no outcasts in this utopian society, a tradition stemming from finally realized need for teams and companionship during the end of the Final Wars, but she came close.
Then shuddered as a thought ran across her mind; no, a small manual activity was a very strange concept here, but at least it was not nearly as bad as the history she studied and taught in Older Edufice Block 6 -- that wild approach to life the Twenty-First Centurions had; it had once fascinated her, when she'd known so little about how they really lived. The romantic vids didn't include a lot of reality, and oh, how dispelled she'd come to be not even a day into her job. But a job was a job, and once one had chosen it was permanent. But oh, how could anyone have survived in such barbaric times? How could women have enjoyed -- and in some cases even encouraged!! -- such lewd attention from such beasts as the men of those times were? She shivered again as she stepped inside the cleansing device which stood in the remaining corner of her flatspace, but her morbid musings were melted away as if by the warmth as the sanipod steamed.
As her morale improved, she took comfort in the predictability of a well-controlled life.

Posted on: February 18, 2013, at 12:36:03pm   [0 comments]
I am so so so so so sorry I haven't been online in a while. I promise I'll be better about it now. :)

And if I'm not, you can always yell at me/bug me on one of my Skypes:


P.S. I won't be on a WHOLE lot though, because I have college and Minecraft, but I should at least be on weekly; and I'll be on a lot today because I'm way behind in MS Access and I'm trying to catch up but it wants to make my brain fry over things like "press tab" EVEN THOUGH ENTER DOES THE SAME THING AND SHOULD WORK AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

On another note, apparently I'm ADHD. Yay! I'm fun. :D
Though it means I'll struggle with depression. And I'm too compulsive. :(
But hey, that just means I need to work on it so I can recognize when it's happening and try to counteract it. ^^

Yes, I'm that good at talking about myself. Lol.

Well anyway, hi again! :D
Please don't hate me. x.x

An Apology To All My Friends (which is everyone in
Posted on: September 12, 2009, at 06:09:38am   [1 comment]
I have to post and run, but just so all my friends (which, to me, are everyone I was talking to and everyone in my friends list) know, because I can't PM all of you this, because I have to go for now:

Sorry to all my friends, because I haven't been on FFR in forever. I'm not ignoring you, it's just that SL was so fun... it took over my computer time... but, if I have to, I will find a sticky note pad and stick sticky-notes reminding me to return to FFR and GaiaOnline and DA regularly all over myself and walk around town like that. Again, I am really, really, really super sorry!! I hope you can forgive me for forgetting you. I'm especially sorry for forgetting you for so long. It wasn't right. And I am really, really, really super-duper sorry!!!

I forgot how to edit my profile!
Posted on: April 3, 2009, at 01:26:52pm   [2 comments]
Am I lame or what!? I leave the site for a while to escape this really annoying kid... I find out I succeed, I'm happy again that I can return to the site without worrying about him... and I've totally forgotten how to edit my profile on THIS site. Gah! Right now my mental image of mysself is this chibi character, that's white and still like a stone, mouth hanging wide open, eyes just large circles, a sweat drop on the forehead, in TOTAL embarrassed shock about myself. Man, I'm so dumb. Heheh. Lol.


Oh yeah and I went back to the Army Recruitment building to make an appointment to talk to them, or whatever, and there were a bunch of guys in there... so I just grabbed the last buisness card in the holder (it was by the window), and scrammed out of there real fast. I hope no one saw me - I'm sure they were too busy with that they were doing. Besides, it would have been embarassing... *GASP* And the name on the card was different from the one I got from the high school several months ago! :O

Oh yeah and the time before that that I walked in there, there was a guy and a squahsed-headed Army Recruiter and they got up real fast to see who came in, right? I figure they were probably whispering words of love or something.... either that or maybe the health inspector was supposed to arrive that day. I think. Oh well, not like it's messy or anything. But seriously! I'm sticking to my "words of love" opinion about them. Ha ha. :P

Comment wall
ShadowMist writes...
at 11:13:03am on 4/28/13
Oh heyyyyy. And yep I do have skype. It's yh.bellini
if you wanna add me that is? XD
Wartime writes...
at 2:37:31pm on 2/18/13
wooow long time its been eh? ;)
omg a 4 year old post by me O.o i have no clue* what we was even talking about xD i feel like i stept back in time lmao
Kongfish writes...
at 1:20:36pm on 2/18/13
ShadowMist writes...
at 7:36:25am on 9/12/09
Oh ok. It's
ShadowMist writes...
at 6:19:19am on 9/12/09
I only have msn though. ;_;
And yeshhh you should read it!! :DDD
It's hilarious. :P
ShadowMist writes...
at 6:13:46am on 9/12/09
Woahhhh, looks like you've been busy doing a lot of things! XDDDD
congratssssss!!! On winning the competition! ^__________^
And sooo cool!!! :DDD
And yeah, I've been reading mangas there too.
OHHHH you should try reading '1/2 prince' there!!! If you haven't read it yetttt.
It's about 'second life'. Ahahahahs! XD
Nah, it's only a concidental name. XD
But it's about an rpg game anyways... similar to .hack. if you read that. ^^;;
ShadowMist writes...
at 3:49:18am on 4/28/09
Oh hahas, nothing much really. Just replying messages... and gonna read a bit of manga later, hahas! ^^;;; about you? :)
ShadowMist writes...
at 3:57:22am on 4/20/09
Lol, yeah. I'm too hot to be avoided.
LOL!! Just kidding! :PP
Soooooo....what have you been up to? :))
Wartime writes...
at 7:00:55pm on 4/18/09
Hahahaha. Ya it is funny xD that was my cuz that did that
Wartime writes...
at 12:33:02pm on 4/11/09
wow i said that a long time ago :D and thanks
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