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Arrow Theory™
FFR Rank:3,720
FFR Average Rank:919
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FFR Games Played:14,139
Location:Mahajana, Madagascar
Last Activity:03-27-2011
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Member for: 15.35 years
Gaming Region:Africa
Profile Views: 7,033
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About me:
I’m driven by passion, but act according to logic. I’m blissfully ignorant and overwhelmingly conscious. I’m a son and a brother, a student and a philosopher. I’m a conformist and a rebel as well as a thinker, a gamer, a friend, a closet nerd, and perhaps the most interesting person you'll ever meet.
I want to visit a coffee shop in Amsterdam, backpack across Europe, Australia, and Asia. I want to become a collector, grow a garden of bonsai trees, be a part of a broadway performance, go bungee jumping, camp for month straight in the wilderness, discover my relatives from over 10 generations ago, find my true love, have my portrait painted, help aid in assisting children in impoverished countries, host at least one cocktail party, take up photography, join a protest, join the mile high club, learn as many languages as possible, master origami, win a mud wrestling championship, compose and sell a sketch book, own an exotic fish, parasail the Atlantic ocean, join the peace corps, publish a book, ride a gondola in Venice, rock climb, scuba dive, skinny dip, jam out with a group of strangers.. in public, sky dive, watch a sunrise and witness a sunset, swim with dolphins, master archery, test drive a street illegal sports car, tour every major city under the sun, complete not a marathon, but a triathlon, learn to surf, learn how to interpret art, move to India for a year, visit Africa (again), make a habit of volunteering at homeless shelters, wakeboard, visit a rain forest amongst many, many other things that I CBF to think about. In all seriousness, I'm a pretty active person. I spent a good 7 years of my life (seriously) skateboarding and about 9 years altogether. In High School I played on teams for basketball, football, baseball, soccer, hockey, and volleyball. I also enjoy swimming, hiking, biking, running, weightlifting, ice-skating, fencing, skiing, surfing, snowboarding, bowling, wrestling, Karate, and UFC, shooting pool etc.
Fav Music:
Quite literally anything (yes, even country music). If it sounds good, and I'm in the right mood for it, why shouldn't I listen to it? Not enough space for specific musicians, so I'll list genres: acoustic, alternative, ambient, avantgarde, blues, breakbeat, classic rock, classical, country, dance, electronic, electronica, indie, experimental, folk, gabba, industrial, gospel, grindcore, hardcore, hip hop (rap), intelligent dance music, indie pop, japanese, jcore, jazz, lo-fi, melodic, metal, new rave, pop, punk, post rock, psychedelic rock, reggae, ska, speedcore, techno, dubstep, trip hop, world music, etc. Books: I won't lie, I enjoy reading a lot. I used to read as a chore, but eventually took up reading as a pastime, and as a tool to gain insight on the different aspects of life. Asides from all of the shit (see: American Classics) we're all forced to read throughout High School, Ulysses, A Portrait of the Artist as a young man, Lolita, Catch-22, Darkness at Noon, 1984, An American Tragedy, I Claudius, Invisible Man, Slaughterhouse Five, Henderson the Rain King, As I Lay Dying, A Clockwork Orange, The Catcher in the Rye, Of Human Bondage, A High Wind in Jamaica, The Day of the Locust, A Farewell to Arms, A Bend in the River, A View of a Room, A Ginger Man, A Sheltering Sky, To Kill a Mockingbird, 1984, The Great Gatsby, Brave New World, Lord of the Flies, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Blood Meridian, On the Beach, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Naked Lunch, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Perks of being a Wallflower, The Hunt for Red October,
Fav Movies:
I try my best to limit the amount of exposure I receive from television (mainly news media) Although I still do enjoy watching TV, including shows like Man vs. Wild, everything on Adult Swim, Top Gear, The Office, Curb your Enthusiasm, Minute to win it, That 70's Show, Greek, Jersey Shore (GTL!), Late Night shows (Leno, Fallon, Kimmel, Letterman), SNL, the Daily Show, the Colbert Report, sporting events (NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB, UFC), House, and Family Guy. Favorite movies include (in no specific order): Inglorious Bastards, Passion of the Christ, Children of Men, Slumdog Millionaire, The Departed, Titanic, Schindler's List, Shawshank Redemption, Jurassic Park, 101 Dalmatians, Forrest Gump, Black Beauty, Braveheart, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Godfather, West Side Story, Wall-E, Pirates of the Caribbean, Spiderman, A Bug's Life, Hercules, Toy Story, Jumanji, Aladdin, Babe, honey I shrunk the Kids, The Mighty Ducks, Antz, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Fox and the Hound, hunchback of Notre Dame, Space Jam, Indian in the Cupboard, Free Willy, Men in Black, Bambi, 21, Inception, the 40 Year Old Virgin, Fight Club, A Clockwork Orange, The Hangover, The Dark Knight, Sin City, Star Wars, Dukes of Hazzard, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, Dodgeball, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Garden State, Butterfly Effect, Saw series, Old School, Transporter series, Donnie Darko, Blow, Snatch, Boondock Saints, the Matrix, Pulp Fiction, Happy Gilmore, Trainspotting, Scarface, Godfather, Animal House, The Wizard of Oz, October Sky, American History X, Good Will Hunting, Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, the Darjeeling Limited, etc., etc., etc.
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NixXSkate writes...
at 11:41:28pm on 3/29/11
i love the sound of animals fighting
DossarLX ODI writes...
at 9:14:11pm on 3/21/11
I just gotta ask - what's that face you paste over the faces of the people in your avatar?
vro writes...
at 12:26:06pm on 3/21/11
Your constant avatar changes with this character make me smile :D
Mans0n writes...
at 12:24:55am on 3/21/11
i think it's more like you have bad judgment. because your the only one that's been bitching. so grow up and deal with it. there are flat out retards that post here, i don't see you bitching about them do i? no. this is an online forum bud, so deal with it
Mans0n writes...
at 12:18:23am on 3/21/11
dont mention it
thanks for the bitchy remark that was also, a +1 post. which makes you a hypocrite
mattgamer15 writes...
at 11:18:39am on 3/20/11
kinda, it's getting a little bit better:)
YOSHl writes...
at 11:57:17am on 3/19/11
lol, thanks anyways :3
m3t4kn1ght writes...
at 1:04:58am on 3/18/11
thx for the vote
-silver- writes...
at 12:30:48am on 3/18/11
Thanks for the vote
Unreal143 writes...
at 7:31:35pm on 3/14/11
Yeah, I know :) It's good practice for the brain making it go either way on command ^^
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