Good Profile! UnCool! 

FFR Rank:23,404
FFR Average Rank:7,632
FFR Grandtotal Rank:4,664
FFR Grandtotal:2,067,719,555
FFR Games Played:6,045
FFR Player
jennyboo's Details
About me:
So it's been about 2 years since I've actually updated my profile wow. Um well I'm a recent addition to the Dallas, TX area and LOVIN it with my soon to be hubby :)
Will be starting school in January, going for Biology or GeoScience (Earth sciences) *sigh* WHEEEEEE! Oh AND STARGATE FREAK let's not forget! I also have a strong love for football, growing up about 20 minutes away from Green Bay, WI there's really not a whole lot to do but drink beer and watch football. So even though the Favre era is complete, I will never give up on my cheesehead team. :) Especially now that I live in Dallas, effin Cowboys. HeeHee
Fav Music:
You name it I like it (minus most country with a few exceptions. Been seriously into latin music recently, I go through my phases. But I've been re-learning Spanish (I took it it for 5 years in school but it's amazing how quickly we forget) and the music just has a certain flair you know.
Fav Movies:
Kevin Smith flicks, Pirates, Harry Potter .... all the old goodies like Star Wars and LOTR and all those epic wonderments! I still have to say that my favorite movie of all time still remains at Fight Club. (Edward Norton will you marry me?????!!!!)
Member for: 20.73 years
Gaming Region:USA - Southwest
Location:Dallas, Texas, USA
Last Activity:02-04-2012
Forum Posts:26
Profile Views: 5,903
Profile Votes:63
jennyboo's Gameplay Stats Today
9 / 3337
111 / 3337
Tier Points
3 / 1500
Random Thoughts
Posted on: March 14, 2009, at 10:49:41pm   [1 comment]
Oh why is it the stores are always out of my size jeans ....

And for that matter my size shoe


It sucks to be common sometimes
Posted on: March 10, 2009, at 08:12:43pm   [0 comments]
I've decided something: Commercial things really do stink. As soon as it becomes commercial for a mass market it really stinks. -Andy Warhol-
Posted on: March 10, 2009, at 12:48:42pm   [1 comment]
If everybody walked around naked, would that make it okay?

Also if nobody ever wore clothing would we still consider the naked body sexy?
Posted on: March 9, 2009, at 09:17:46pm   [3 comments]
A life without video games would be a life without another happy thought and a life without another happy thought would be a bad life. . . . .

Comment wall
RawMeat786 writes at 5:36:17pm on 4/6/24
CammyGoesRawr writes at 1:30:41am on 3/28/21
thank for the voteee :P
yumi yumi XD
wow you're so handsome :P
CammyGoesRawr writes at 11:14:00pm on 12/22/11
Woah, you are the only person i've seen who joined 8 years ago and still plays FFR.
just woah.
p.s. Hi. :3
mattgamer15 writes at 4:21:17pm on 12/3/11
hello, ur cute ;)
NocturneAunamic writes at 12:23:01am on 11/27/11
holy shit 8 years here and counting thats crazy
iironiic writes at 12:34:07am on 11/26/11
Nice profile :)
BBABYBOI101 writes at 1:14:52pm on 3/17/09
hey how are ya?
MaRs03 writes at 9:29:57pm on 3/9/09
JelloBean writes at 7:43:59pm on 3/8/09
g'luck with your dreams. It's nice to see someone who aims high for a change. Pixar is amazing.
sciron37 writes at 5:47:17pm on 3/5/09
hey how have you been? It's been a while!