yingfa454's photos

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Uploaded on November 7, 2006 at 03:26:43pm

Picture Comments

  1. Smeeee X. xD

  2. its okay i figured it out.. ima make a chainreaction machine with the push of a button.. And its going to happen like this.. as soon as you push the button its going to leap out of your hand flash a bright giant light in its eyes before contact then opening up a humungo giant mouth and bear trap snap his head right off then resume back in your hand. Its really just like a Shot of Lemon Juice.it honestly just Makes your Brain go numb for about 30 seconds.. so hip hop out of there ;) WoO!

  3. Dark. Daresome Eat yourself.. If some random guy in a tux told you if you suck the blood from your wrist you can live forever ;) -.- Would you honestly go about sucking the blood from your wrist.. Oh.. And if you do.. let me record.. it.. well.. just because i want too and just to See Dark's TolErAnce`s-.-`

  4. dark if you eat yourself.. i want a camera to record it.. okay.. :) because thats some pretty impressive determination!
    -.-` And if your doing all that.. can you feed me a little bit.. like i mean cook me something at least.. so i can eat while your eating.. -.- it will be an interesting experience.. okay..
    DaRK OWnZoR-~-.`Uber sTylE ElITe makiNg money On the strEets--.-- eZ-4-DaRk -`

  5. you look cute too :D eat yourself X)

  6. Dark Ownz :)And yes I do BelEiVe I Have SeEn That ... arg... Your Too GooD - =.=
    (./) _ _ _._ _ _ _
    (-_-)_)_)~ (-(-(-.-)-)-)-)

  7. DarK wiTh Her UbEr <3 =.=!!!

  8. +YounG`n-AdOraBle*

  9. :) Dark darK :) You can see in the shadows =.=` :P

  10. ^^

  11. *Stare*