seany1888's FFR replays

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Song Results (Perf-Good-Avg-Miss-Boo) Max Combo Score Date
TizAshura 450 - 58 - 11 - 1 - 3 344 607,685 9/30/12
Betrayal of Fate 1,083 - 88 - 13 - 6 - 12 726 1,344,465 9/30/12
Guitar Vs. Piano 948 - 49 - 10 - 3 - 12 987 1,521,255 9/30/12
The Entertainer 1,347 - 120 - 7 - 12 - 25 895 1,665,015 9/29/12
Guitar Vs. Piano 941 - 55 - 8 - 6 - 8 695 1,226,095 9/29/12
Resurrection In Progress 575 - 92 - 11 - 3 - 7 325 666,085 9/20/12
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