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7th Official Tournament Log: D3
Posted on: July 10, 2012, at 09:02:02pm

I was placed into D3 for the 7th official tournament! This is my first official tourney since the 3rd official, where I'm pretty sure I got out in round 1 of D1. So this official thing is pretty uncharted territory for me. With just one level 11 AAA (new scale) and only a few SDGs on old scale 10s, I am certainly at the very bottom of the D3 heap. This is the first time I've ever been placed D3 for a tourney. But it's all good, I'm still gonna do all that I can do place well!

The goal: At this point, I will be so incredibly proud of myself if I make it to round 4. Would I love to place? Absolutely. We'll see if it can happen. 8)

~Round 1~
Song: Infinity | Score: BF | Position: 33/81
That BF was my sightread score. Thank goodness, because every single time I've played the song since, my score has gotten worse. I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm seriously blocked on the free-flowing eighths section in the final quarter of the song. I AAA until that point, and then I miss like a champ. I've been lucky to get a FC for the past day. So I'm praying, praying, praying that that BF will put me through to R2. If anyone's got ideas on how to combat this, lemme know. It really is the weirdest thing ever. I'm leavin' town for a week on Thursday, so if I don't get it by then, I'll just have to see what happens!

~Round 2~
Song: CS Custom Gun Sounds | Score: 17-1-0-4 | Position: 53/63
Oh boy. Back from vacation with two days to play this round's song, and owwww EN, you're killing me! Story time: come back from vacation and my laptop screen dies. Womp womp. So I've been playing on my father's laptop, which lags horrendously. Lately my laptop screen has been staying on for small increments of time, so I've been trying to play through the song while I can. But I've only got 6 people to beat at the moment, so bring it. :) Those 16th jacks are roughhh though. I'm ready to put in the plays on this one. I can definitely improve through whoring. 33 hours and counting to SDG this thing!!!
Edit: 10.5 hours and 4 people to beat! Let's do thissss~
Edit2: Well, unfortunately I couldn't improve. I'm really really sad. But atleast nobody can say I didn't try. 180 plays in the past 48 hours, haha. Best of luck to the rest of D3 <3

  1. Try playing it on mirror. If that doesn't work, turn off the music for FFR and play with your own music. If THAT doesn't work, try playing without any music at all. It might break the mindblock, even if it doesn't improve your score right away.
    Also, good luck in D3 ;D You've got me to contend with. >:]

  2. Good job on the score! If a black flag doesn't get you through the first round I'll be shocked XD
    Good luck! I'm sure you're gonna do well :D

  3. I think your blackflag will easily be enough to move as well :) I have mindblocks on some crazy songs too like Max Forever and {firestorm} where I can barely FC the songs that are well below others in level that I have AAA'd. See you in round 2!

  4. Same here silly. my 3 goods was my first time playing and I do terrible every time after now lol. you will move on with a bf I'm sure. and yeah turning the sound off helps me sometimes too but not with this song. its probably just the fact that its a tourney song lol. and good luck with the rest of your rounds :D

  5. Keep whoring Silly!!! Don't let a few counter strike guns knock you out :O

  6. Just wanted to say nice try on Round 2, haha. That crazy amount of plays shows real commitment...and that's something more admirable than making it to whatever round imo (: