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Life Update vFinal?
Posted on: February 22, 2024, at 10:05:15pm

It's been boring on this page, but it's been hectic on the IRL side. I went from having an entire 2 bedroom apartment to myself to having 3 roommates living in a small home, so playing prime-filled FFR will have to cease unless I can figure something out. Mechanical KB's are loud after all amirite?

I miss the good ol' teens and 20's life though. However, life only has one direction, and that's forward. It is nice for now to have some time to sit down and have some sort of interaction with everyone.

But yeah. That's all I got.

"Everyone is a famous storywriter, because you write your own story. Make it a good and positive one, and what you desire will be yours."

  1. tell ur roommates to deal with the noise, put up some soundproofing foam, and game hit some arrows

  2. I feel this. I went back to college and am almost done with my Bachelor's degree. I put aside my love of arrow smashing for making my future better. I get cravings every once in a while, satiate them, but I am far from playing regularly.