Andiana's photos

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Uploaded on November 2, 2008 at 02:46:16pm

Picture Comments

  1. rofl nothing without the bra... >.> right...?

  2. D: pancake butt, like momma used to make

  3. haha my ass can destroy your ass in an ass fight, anyway
    i like this pic cuz its tummy time all the time, and im gonna bite there also as well as your face for now

  4. HaHA thats where me and you wrestled and you beat my ass right after >:[ then i fell asleep you Poked my faysh You noobylube

  5. oh how i feel your pain </3

  6. lol becca. i'm black. automatically, i have enough to spare. so have some of mine, in trade for bub. yeh ;)

  7. I can has?

  8. Becca wants to get naughty. ;D

  9. Take some boobs and put in butt.
    Your butt is quite nice, dont be changing it!

  10. I see that paper towel stuffed in there.
    I SEE IT.
    <3 You have a very nice butt.

  11. your boobs are out of proportion x__x;

  12. I can has butt? ]=