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Old 12-28-2008, 11:50 PM   #1
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Default Black Hole Theory

So, in the late 1970's George Lucas had the revelation of Star Wars. His beloved characters wielded deadly weapons made of light known as Lightsabers. Obviously, such a weapon is preposterous. But, after studying, in depth, black holes and photons, I've come to a bit of a theory. Perhaps the creation of Lightsabers isn't as far fetched as one may think. Furthermore, the ability to transport oneself to other positions iin the natural universe is also not too out of the realm of possibility.
To understand a black hole you must first be able to understand how it is formed. Typically, a black hole is formed when a star, larger than our sun, collapses. Or a body of matter at such size, as well. How does something larger than our sun, typically 7 times larger, collapse? Good question. At the center of all giant masses is where the gravitational pull is derived. The center of the star is, at all times, pulling the outer star in towards it at such a great force. Eventually, the star is pulled so far into itself by its own gravitational pull that it is so dense that it collapses. In fact, a simple tablespoon of this matter can way approximately 5.5 tons. This matter is now pulling all objects within its gravitational pull towards it, thus forming a black hole. A black hole can, in theory, evaporate, but that's much more complicated.

So, the question becomes how to destroy a black hole. Well, how do you cancel out the charge of an electron? Expose it to an equal, but opposite, charge of a proton. How do you eliminate a powerful acid? Expose it to a base of equal, but opposite, strength. So, to eliminate a black hole you must expose it to an equal, but opposite, amount of matter. What the heck is this called? A white hole. No, I'm not kidding you. Though black holes do exist in nature, white holes, to our knowledge, do not. However, they are a perfectly logical and arguable solution to a black hole. Now, what is a white hole? Well, in a black hole matter is swallowed, densened, and time is slowed down. Yes, time is literally slowed down inside of a black hole. So, in a white hole matter is spit out, expanded, and time is sped up. By now you're probably thinking to yourself that I'm rambling and this has nothing to do with my original statement. Well, keep reading.
Now, what is a wormhole? A wormhole is where a black hole and a white hole interact.

So, a black hole acts as a door. You go through the door, but not to the other side. So, you're in the first part of the door frame (this door has its own gravitational pull, haha). This is the part of the black hole. Now, the white hole, in essence, spits you back out – placing you on the other side of the door. So, basically, you go into the black hole and come out of the white hole due to events I already explained. Given that these holes are, as previously stated, 7 times larger than our sun, you could easily travel great distances in little to no time at all. The only problem with this is here:

As stated, a white hole is the exact opposite of a black hole. Well, what direction does time travel in a black hole? Forward. Meaning, in a white hole, time would travel backwards. Therefore, going through a wormhole would not only bring you to another part of the universe, but also backwards into time, given that you exit the time declining white hole. This begs the question, well, if you've gone backwards in time then you're back in a previous place, not a new one. So, how does this work? Well, just as some scientists theorize that time is slowed down in a black hole, some theorize is speeds up (this being the more logical solution to several factors, including the one I'm describing here). But, you'll next ask me how do I know this? Eh, as tiresome as it is explaining that to you, I'll have to in order for you to understand how to prove my hypothesis true.
There is a particular region outside of the black hole known as the 'horizon'. So, let's imagine you and your friend are sitting in a spaceship outside of the horizon. Well, luckily, you're outside of it because on or inside the horizon is the point of which the central gravitational pull is too strong for you to escape. Now, we'll imagine that you are so brave and noble that you have decided to venture inside the black hole, leaving your friend outside. Well, you're about to be ripped to shreds, too bad your friend will never be able to see this happening to you. See, the inside of the black hole is pulling everything towards it because of the gravitational pull. Nothing can travel faster that its pull. Nothing. Including light. This means that, even though light can travel into the black hole, it cannot travel out. So. You can see your friend sitting precariously perched outside the horizon, but they cannot see you. Now, you're not necessarily being pulled in at light speed. In fact, depending on the size of the black hole, it could be very slow. See, the gravity isn't so strong just yet to pull you right down, especially as a whole. The closer you get to the center, the more you will feel the gravity. But, remember how large I told you a black hole is? Imagine how long it takes to get to the center. Now, we'll imagine you're still falling into the black hole and you've just reached a certain gravitational force that you feel it. Well, regardless, you're not going to -completely- feel it. In fact, at first it'll only be your feet. Progressively, your legs and what-not will also feel the pull. They will, quite literally, bu pulled from your body. Like I said, torn to shreds. But, wait, what does all this have to do with time? Well, time is a concept of movement. How much time does it take for object A to reach location B (at which time event X occurs)? Or, how long does it take for event Y to happen? Well, any event can only occur with an object. The object is, theoretically, moving. Moving to location M. Object C takes Z (Z=time) to reach location M. Location M, also being another object. All of these variables are a concept of time. So, what happens in a black hole? Matter is moving exponentially quick (though it would feel slow to you if it were happening). So, with all these objects moving so quickly, time is sped up.
Back to the wormhole. So, we were asking how you could come out of a wormhole in a different place even though the exit of the wormhole involves time rolling backwards. Well, if the time in the black hole section of the wormhole is sped up, that means the exact opposite is happening in the white hole, therefore canceling each other out, causing you to arrive at the exact same moment that you entered the black hole.

Thus, assuming a white hole can be created, proving one can travel across space and time in near light speed, if not faster. But, wait. This doesn't completely prove my hypothesis true. Why not? Because there's no such thing as a white hole! So, given that we now know how to create a black hole, how do we create a white hole? Well, you'd most likely die in the process. But, really, let's create one. So, we know that a white hole is the exact opposite of a black hole, and we know you can create a black hole by a star dying out. Wouldn't that mean that by creating a star you would create a white hole? But, how do you create a star? You need enough concentrated energy and matter for the energy to become heat and engulf the matter. But, when you do that you create a star, not a white hole. So, what's the -real- opposite of a black hole creation? Well, the star doesn't technically “die out.” Its gravitational pull becomes so great that is sucks itself into a dense ball. So, the opposite of that would be to create an object with the exact opposite force as gravity itself. But, there is no such existent force in the natural universe. Unless you count magnetism, but that means you'd need something to attract it. However, let's assume this force, now being the fifth force in the universe, exists. This means we have now an object that pushes all matter away from it, in essence, spitting it out. But, is that not what a while hole does? So, in theory, we have now created a white hole. With our previously existing black holes and our newly formed white holes, we can now create a wormhole, allowing my theory of space and time travel to be true. But, wait. I never said anything about time travel. Well, this is another theory I'm working on. Since black holes can be any variation of size, this means so can a white hole. So, what would happen if we placed a white hole and black hole together, but of different sizes? Meaning, depending on which hole we allowed to be the larger, time would flow in that direction quicker. The problem with this is that if you enter a black hole (since you obviously can't enter the white hole as its pushing you away) that has a force greater than that of the white hole, how do you get out? You don't. Unless you can now travel faster than light, assuming whatever speed faster than light you achieve -can- actually escape the black hole, you are physically stuck in the black hole for all of eternity (or until the white hole gains more force that the black hole). Sadly, this means it is impossible for you to travel -forward- in time. However, this does not mean it is impossible to travel backwards in time. In fact, it is quite possible to do so. As long as the white hole has a greater force than the black hole. You will go into th black hole and time will speed up. You will then go into the white hole and time will reverse. However, since time is more powerfully reversing than going forward, you will now be back in time. So, there you go, you can now travel into the past. The problem is, you can't leave. So, let's find a way for you to leave. I'm going to use the equation 1b:2w to represent what I'm trying to describe. The numbers being a theoretical force measurement. B = black hole, w = white hole. So, the wormhole you're entering has a force of 2b:3w. We need a way to go past 3w. Well, 3w>2b, and light cannot pass 2b. So, we need to develop a way for you to travel faster that the speed of light. Well, good luck with that, I'm not even going to attempt getting into that. Anyway, assuming we have this capability, you can penetrate 3w. If you can travel faster that 3w, you can travel faster than 2b. We now have a way for you to go through the white hole side of a wormhole. So, we still need to be able to travel forward in time. Well, as it stands w>b. So, let's start anew where b<w. Using the reverse of the original equation we have 2b:1w. Meaning, now that we have a way to travel faster than 2b, we can penetrate the black hole and pass through the white hole with 1t, t being time measurement, remaining. T being the forward of time, you've now accelerated in time, thus proving time travel, in both directions, is possible.

But hey, we seem to have gotten a bit side tracked from our original light saber theory. This will actually take a lot less time to describe. Unless we're in a black hole, then it may take more. Haha, science joke. Anyway, how did I say a black hole is formed? By pulling its own mass into the center to a point where it is so dense that even light cannot escape it. So, if we can find a way to make light itself that dense we could use it to move things or even 'cut' them. The first task is too make light dense. Well, what is light comprised of? Photons. A simple particle, but lots of them. So, in theory, we take several photons. But, how do we make them dense. Well, I suppose we first need to create a black hole. So, we create our black hole and release our photons into it. How do we get them back out without getting ourselves trapped? Well, now we need to create a white hole with equal, but opposite, force of the black hole. Okay, we create it. This white hole now creates a worm hole, which brings our photons off to somewhere far off in the universe. Let's just pretend there's some little guy waiting for the photons at the other end of the worm hole to collect our newly densened photons. But, hold up, do you see the little problem we now have? The black hole may make the photons more dense, but the white hole will make them expand and cancel out the densening. So, how do we make our photons dense and get them back without them expanding or being lost in the black hole? We need our little mechanism that can travel faster than the speed of light to go into the black hole and retrieve them.

Finally, we take our dense photons and concentrate them into a specific direction. Not a problem. Being as dense as they now are, they can move objects as large, if not larger, than planets. But, that's just assuming there's no way to stop them from continuing on and on forever until they collide with and force an object out of, their way. So, we're faced with yet another little obstacle. How to stop the photons from continuing on forever. We need a way to cap them. Meaning, an object more dense than the photons themselves. So, we put our photons through a 1b and the cap through a 2b. Fair enough. There's just one issue here, and this one cannot be logically resolved. The photons weigh more than our sun. The cap weighs twice that. There's no possible way for us to hold or carry such a device. My hypothesis was indeed, false. However, after reflecting this much and putting so much time, effort, and thought into the theory, it was worth it.

Oh, and yes, I did draft this up all on my own. I want contradictions, agreements, and an edit would be nice.

Originally Posted by darkshark View Post
Everyone sucks at this game. The second you think you're good is the second you stop trying to get better.
Originally Posted by aperson View Post
i had a mri the other day it was the best song i heard in years

Originally Posted by Sprite-
More of a joke than the time I deleted all the credits on the site.
Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
yeah my goldfish think im a riot they do this thing where they turn upside down and float to the top of the tank

i guess their alcohol tolerance isnt as high as mine
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Old 12-29-2008, 12:27 AM   #2
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Default Re: Black Hole Theory

I didn't read the entire thing (I'm at work, I'll plow through it later), but this seems to be same idea that hinges on the existence of white holes.

Furthermore, I would say that a Black Hole is not necessarily a wormhole, and I'd even go as far as to say that I wouldn't think a wormhole would exist naturally. The differentiation I see is that a Black Hole is merely a large mass, while a wormhole is a bridge across the fourth dimension.

Look at this:

You're saying that a Black Hole will be a mouth to a wormhole, but I'm disagreeing. I'd think that a Black Hole is a massive 4th dimensional impression in space-time (like is represented here via a planet), BUT it does NOT punch through to another location somewhere in the Universe.

I'd love to be proved wrong though. Show me evidence of a white hole that is not merely conjecture.

ps i'd think the only way to pass safely through a wormhole would be to "float" in a "bubble" of space-time. A self-contained "mini-universe".
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Old 12-29-2008, 12:59 AM   #3
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Default Re: Black Hole Theory

A wormhole cannot exist without a white hole, though. So, if you believe in wormholes, you have to believe in white holes. Without the white hole, the black hole would simply swallow you up. The white whole is needed to spit you back out.

Originally Posted by darkshark View Post
Everyone sucks at this game. The second you think you're good is the second you stop trying to get better.
Originally Posted by aperson View Post
i had a mri the other day it was the best song i heard in years

Originally Posted by Sprite-
More of a joke than the time I deleted all the credits on the site.
Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
yeah my goldfish think im a riot they do this thing where they turn upside down and float to the top of the tank

i guess their alcohol tolerance isnt as high as mine
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Old 12-29-2008, 01:04 AM   #4
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Default Re: Black Hole Theory

EDITED VERSION OF RZR'S POST - After reading, I honestly don't agree with much of what was written. There is too much to assume, theorise and imagine. I'd like to elaborate on my disagreements, however I am running out of time.

This is a 90 minute edited version. Read this instead

In the late 1970's George Lucas had the revelation of Star Wars. His beloved characters wielded deadly weapons made of light, known as Lightsabers. As of now, such a weapon is preposterous. However, after in depth study of black holes and photons, I have come to a bit of a theory. Perhaps the creation of Lightsabers isn't as farfetched as one may think. Furthermore, the ability to transport one-self to other positions in the natural universe also may not be too far out of the realm of possibility.

To understand a black hole, you must first be able to understand how it is formed. Typically, a black hole is formed when a star much larger than our sun collapses. How does something typically 10 times larger than our own sun, collapse? At the center of all giant masses is where the gravitational pull is derived. When the star dies, a black hole can be formed. It collapses when all of its fuel is used through its life. A black hole is so dense, a simple teaspoon of this matter can sink through the core of this earth. This matter is now pulling all objects towards it within its range of gravitational pull. A black hole can, in theory, evaporate, but that's much more complicated.

So, the question becomes how to destroy a black hole. Well, how do you cancel out the charge of an electron? Expose it to an equal, but opposite, charge of a proton. How do you eliminate a powerful acid? Expose it to a base of equal, but opposite, strength. So, to eliminate a black hole you must expose it to an equal, but opposite, amount of matter. What the heck is this called? A white hole. No, I'm not kidding you. Though black holes do exist in nature, white holes, to our knowledge, do not. However, they are a perfectly logical and arguable solution to a black hole. Now, what is a white hole? Well, black holes crush matter under its high density, and also has the ability to slow down time. In contrary, a white hole 'spits out' matter, expands and speeds up time. By now you're probably thinking to yourself that I'm rambling and this has nothing to do with my original statement. Well, keep reading.
Now, what is a wormhole? A wormhole is where a black hole and a white hole interact.

A black hole acts as a door. You go through the door, but not to the other side. You're in the first part of the door frame (this door has its own gravitational pull). The white hole, in essence, spits you back out – placing you on the other side of the door. So, basically, you go into the black hole and come out of the white hole due to events I already explained. Given that these holes are, as previously stated, 7 times larger than our sun, you could easily travel great distances in little to no time at all. The only problem with this is here:

As stated, a white hole is the exact opposite of a black hole. Well, what direction does time travel in a black hole? Forward. Meaning, in a white hole, time would travel backwards. Therefore, going through a wormhole would not only bring you to another part of the universe, but also backwards into time. This brings us to ask, if you've gone backwards in time then you're back in a previous place, not a new one. So, how does this work? Well, just as some scientists theorise that time is slowed down in a black hole, some theorise is speeds up (this being the more logical solution to several factors, including the one I'm describing here). But, you'll next ask me how do I know this? Eh, as tiresome as it is explaining that to you, I'll have to, in order for you to understand how I can prove my hypothesis as true.

There is a particular region outside of the black hole known as the horizon. So, let's imagine you and your friend are sitting in a spaceship outside of the horizon. Luckily you're outside of it because the inside of the horizon is the point of which the central gravitational pull is too strong for you to escape. Now, we'll imagine that you are so brave and noble that you have decided to venture inside the black hole, leaving your friend outside. Well, you're about to be ripped to shreds, too bad your friend will never be able to see this happening to you. The inside of the black hole is pulling everything towards it because of the gravitational pull. Nothing can travel faster that its pull. Nothing, including light. This means that, even though light can travel into the black hole, it cannot travel out. You can see your friend sitting precariously perched outside the horizon, but they cannot see you. You're not necessarily being pulled in at light speed. In fact, depending on the size of the black hole, it could be very slow. The gravity isn't so strong just yet, to pull you right down, especially as a whole. The closer you get to the center, the more you will feel the gravity. However, remember how large I told you a black hole is? Imagine how long it takes to get to the center. Now, we'll imagine you're still falling into the black hole and you've just reached a certain gravitational force that you feel it. Well, regardless, you're not going to completely feel it. In fact, at first it'll only be your feet. Progressively, your legs and what-not will also feel the pull. They will, quite literally, bu pulled from your body. Like I said, torn to shreds. But, what does all this have to do with time? Well, time is a concept of movement. How much time does it take for object A to reach location B (at which time event X occurs)? Or, how long does it take for event Y to happen? Well, any event can only occur with an object. The object is, theoretically, moving to location M. Object C takes Z (Z=time) to reach location M also being another object'. All of these variables are a concept of time. So, what happens in a black hole? Matter is moving exponentially quick (though it would feel slow to you if it were happening). With all these objects moving so quickly, time is sped up.

Back to the wormhole. We were asking how you could come out of a wormhole in a different place even though the exit of the wormhole involves time rolling backwards. If the time in the black hole section of the wormhole is sped up, that means the exact opposite is happening in the white hole, therefore canceling each other out, causing you to arrive at the exact same moment that you entered the black hole, thus assuming a white hole can be created and one can travel across space in near light speed, if not faster. However, this does not completely prove my hypothesis. Why not? Since there is no such thing as a white hole! So, given that we now know how to create a black hole, how do we create a white hole? Well, you'd most likely die in the process. But, really, let's create one. So, we know that a white hole is the exact opposite of a black hole, and we know you can create a black hole by a star dying out. Wouldn't that mean that by creating a star you would create a white hole? But, how do you create a star? You need enough concentrated energy and matter for the energy to become heat and engulf the matter. However when you, you are creating a star, not a white hole. So, what's the real opposite of a black hole creation? Well, the star doesn't technically “die out". Its gravitational pull becomes so great that is sucks itself into a dense ball. Therefore, the opposite of that would be to create an object with the exact opposite force as gravity itself. Unfortunately, there is no such existent force in the natural universe. Thats if you count magnetism; you would need something to extract it. Let's assume this force, being the fifth force in the universe, exists. This means we now have an object that pushes all matter away from it, in other terms, 'spitting' it out. Is that not what a white hole does? So, in theory, we have now created a white hole. With our previously existing black holes and our newly formed white hole, we can now create a wormhole, allowing my theory of space and time travel to be true. That's not all; I never said anything about time travel. Well, this is another theory I'm working on. Since black holes can be any variation of size, this means a white hole can also vary in size. What would happen if we placed a white hole and black hole together, but of different sizes? Meaning, depending on which hole we allowed to be the larger, time would flow in that direction quicker. The problem with this is that if you enter a black hole that has a force greater than that of a white hole (since you obviously can't enter the white hole as its pushing you away), how do you get out? You don't. Unless you can now travel faster than light, assuming whatever speed faster than light you achieve, or you can actually escape the black hole, you are physically stuck in the black hole for all of eternity (or until the white hole gains more force that the black hole). Sadly, this means it is impossible for you to travel forward in time. However, this does not mean it is impossible to travel backwards in time. In fact, it is quite possible to do so. As long as the white hole has a greater force than the black hole, you will go into the black hole and time will speed up. You will then go into the white hole and time will reverse. Since time is more powerfully reversing than going forward, you will now be back in time. So, there you go, you can now travel into the past. The problem is, you can't leave. So, let's find a way for you to leave. I'm going to use the equation 1b:2w to represent what I'm trying to describe. The numbers being a theoretical force measurement. B = black hole, w = white hole. So, the wormhole you're entering has a force of 2b:3w. We need a way to go past 3w. Well, 3w>2b, and light cannot pass 2b. So, we need to develop a way for you to travel faster that the speed of light. Good luck with that, I'm not even going to attempt getting into that. Anyway, assuming we have this capability, you can penetrate 3w. If you can travel faster that 3w, you can travel faster than 2b. We now have a way for you to go through the white hole side of a wormhole. So, we still need to be able to travel forward in time. Well, as it stands w>b. So, let's start a clean slate, where b>w. Using the reverse of the original equation, we have 2b:1w. Meaning, now that we have a way to travel faster than 2b, we can penetrate the black hole and pass through the white hole with 1t, 't' being the time remaining. T being the forward motion of time, you've now accelerated in time, thus proving time travel, in both directions, is possible.

But hey, we seem to have gotten a bit side tracked from our original light saber theory. This will actually take a lot less time to describe. Unless we're in a black hole, then it may take more. Haha, science joke. Anyway, how did I say a black hole is formed? By pulling its own mass into the centre to a point where it is so dense that even light cannot escape it. So, if we can find a way to make light itself that dense, we could use it to move things or even 'cut' them. The first task is to make light dense. Well, what is light comprised of? Photons. A simple particle, but lots of them. So, in theory, we take several photons. But, how do we make them dense. Well, I suppose we first need to create a black hole. So, we create our black hole and release our photons into it. How do we get them back out without getting ourselves trapped? We need to create a white hole with equal, but opposite, force of the black hole. This white hole now creates a worm hole, which brings our photons off to somewhere far off in the universe. Let's just pretend there's some little guy waiting for the photons at the other end of the worm hole to collect our newly densened photons. But hold up, do you see the little problem we now have? The black hole may make the photons more dense, but the white hole will make them expand and cancel out the densening. So, how do we make our photons dense and get them back without them expanding or being lost in the black hole? We need our little mechanism that can travel faster than the speed of light to go into the black hole and retrieve them.

Finally, we take our dense photons and concentrate them into a specific direction. Not a problem. Being as dense as they now are, they can move objects as large, if not larger than planets. But, that's just assuming there's no way to stop them from continuing on and on forever until they collide, and force an object out of their way. We're faced with yet another little obstacle. How to stop the photons from continuing on forever. We need a way to cap them. Meaning, an object more dense than the photons themselves. We put our photons through a 1b and the cap through a 2b. Fair enough. There's just one issue here, and this one cannot be logically resolved. The photons weigh more than our sun. The cap weighs twice that. There's no possible way for us to hold or carry such a device. My hypothesis was indeed, false. However, after reflecting this much and putting so much time, effort, and thought into the theory, it was worth it.

Last edited by lxDestinyxl; 12-29-2008 at 01:18 AM..
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Old 12-29-2008, 01:14 AM   #5
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Default Re: Black Hole Theory

you seem to put blackhole as something like a real hole, thats sucking all the space into it. Blackhole exists, as you somewhat stated, when mass reaches schwarzchild's radius, and degeneracy begins. Gravity, as we know it, distorts space time, and blackhole is just a mass that continues to attain gravity, theres no displacement taking place. Teleportation to another place is forbidden for any kind of mass as far as I am aware of, don't quote me on this.

I didn't read the whole thing either, but it seems like you are trying to theorize a light saber with heavy mass to trap light within a certain region, and into a sword shape, disregarding the mass problem for waving it around.

I would say impossible, degeneracy will not care if it is light or your hand, it will suck it in. Darkhole saber for a few micro seconds of fun is possible but I dont think anything happens beyond that, at least not in our reality..
If whiteholes exist, and your theory works, it would be harder to put them to such efficient use, than just bending light , which we can already do.

and like you said, canceling out, why wouldnt a blackhole, and a white hole just cancel out if they are placed so close to each other.
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Old 12-29-2008, 02:19 AM   #6
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Default Re: Black Hole Theory

Originally Posted by rzr View Post
A wormhole cannot exist without a white hole, though. So, if you believe in wormholes, you have to believe in white holes. Without the white hole, the black hole would simply swallow you up. The white whole is needed to spit you back out.
I said that I did not believe they could exist naturally. A wormhole would need to be physically created somehow (but definitely not by the means OP explained). I'd think you'd need to "fold" spacetime over itself across the 4th dimension (assuming it's not structured in that way already, 4th dimensionally thinking), then punch through from both sides, then "stitch" the two punched holes together. Do you know how we might be able to 4th dimensionally manipulate spacetime?

Again notice that I do not believe a Black Hole is a punch in spacetime, but is instead just a heavy indentation in spacetime. In the same way that a planet or a sun is an indent in spacetime, I'm saying that a Black Hole is just a much bigger one.

Teleportation to another place is forbidden for any kind of mass as far as I am aware of, don't quote me on this.
Quoted. Many people believe that it is possible via the use of a theoretical wormhole for travel. Either way, others believe ideas behind "warp drive" travel or "hyperspace" are possible in theory and that would facilitate the same point of faster-than-light travel. I know scientists are hard at work on cracking teleportation without the use of black holes or any such things as well, but I'm not all that familiar with it at all.

ps i actually read the OP in the first post and it was a pretty absurd and roundabout way to get to a point that made no sense and was entirely unneeded. The only sensible solution to the lightsaber question is a physical means to end a high powered laser. Don't quote me on this, but I believe the video game No More Heroes has something like this. Also notice that fictionally speaking, lightsabers are light focused through crystals; they're not a dense collection of photons. Oh, and if you really wanted, you could have a ring of tiny high powered lasers around a telescopic rod with the laser-ending mechanism on the end. That would achieve the look of a beam of light that "just ends by itself" without overtly giving away the fact that it's just some lasers, while also maintaining the ability of the weapon to be just a handle when the blade is turned off.
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Old 01-15-2009, 12:54 AM   #7
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Default Re: Black Hole Theory

In a book I read it is actually called a quasar (which the opposite of a black hole). Really it will work, as simple as it sounds...
A black hole is a star the collapsed on itself from pressure and weight and solar fusion.
Teleportation of atoms is possible, but facts aren't always reliable and sometimes it is merely a rhetorical relationship to compare against entanglement.

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Old 01-15-2009, 01:56 AM   #8
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Default Re: Black Hole Theory

Originally Posted by Loverofstories View Post
In a book I read it is actually called a quasar (which the opposite of a black hole). Really it will work, as simple as it sounds...
A black hole is a star the collapsed on itself from pressure and weight and solar fusion.
Quasars are not white holes.

Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quasar

Furthermore, quasars are known for putting out "electromagnetic energy, including radio waves and visible light." NOT matter, particularly not matter which has been taken beyond the event horizon of a black hole. No, if you were to enter a Black Hole, you certainly would not come out of a quasar.
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Old 01-15-2009, 02:14 AM   #9
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Default Re: Black Hole Theory

Originally Posted by Afrobean View Post
Quasars are not white holes.

Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quasar

Furthermore, quasars are known for putting out "electromagnetic energy, including radio waves and visible light." NOT matter, particularly not matter which has been taken beyond the event horizon of a black hole. No, if you were to enter a Black Hole, you certainly would not come out of a quasar.
If you look at it like that it'll be hard to understand. We know they're actually polar opposites, we simply cannot explain the entirety of all physics, let alone include these sort of objects and their surroundings IMO, but what we do know remains solid.
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Old 01-15-2009, 04:12 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Sol_Solis View Post
If you look at it like that it'll be hard to understand. We know they're actually polar opposites, we simply cannot explain the entirety of all physics, let alone include these sort of objects and their surroundings IMO, but what we do know remains solid.
Ironic you'd use that wording, because even if quasars were the white holes of legend, anything coming out of them would not be "solid".

Anyway, how are they polar opposites? Quasars are things which are known for releasing energy, black holes are things which are known for pulling in EVERYTHING.
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Old 01-15-2009, 11:19 AM   #11
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Loverofstories and Sol Solis: Using two accounts in one thread so as to make your point seem as though it has more agreement does not constitute good argument. Please stop doing it.
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Old 01-15-2009, 01:23 PM   #12
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Default Re: Black Hole Theory

Originally Posted by devonin View Post
Loverofstories and Sol Solis: Using two accounts in one thread so as to make your point seem as though it has more agreement does not constitute good argument. Please stop doing it.
I didn't mean to, but I get it.
Anyway, how are they polar opposites? Quasars are things which are known for releasing energy, black holes are things which are known for pulling in EVERYTHING.
They also have different kinds of energy, a quasar can appear anywhere, but black holes can only appear in certain places which release different energies which lies beside the point. It remains solid b/c scientifically for one finds no debate over it. The scientific laws remain as a "constant" in the universe and at no time will they be disproven. The fact of the matter appears that some of it relies in chance, and the other pure luck.

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Old 01-15-2009, 04:00 PM   #13
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So once again, how does that suggest that they are opposites, especially in the sense that they are connected through their opposition?
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Old 01-15-2009, 04:17 PM   #14
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Putting out energy is not the opposite of pulling in things by gravity.

If it was, what about stars? They put out a lot of energy too, would you suggest that they're small white holes because of it?

In addition, if all that comes out of a quasar is energy, and a quasar truly was the white hole end of a black hole's wormhole, then that would mean that all matter entering the black hole was being converted into energy. I'm not entirely against the possibility of such a conversion being possible (especially when we get to talking the extreme cases of black holes and wormholes), but if such a thing did happen to all matter passing through a wormhole, they'd be ENTIRELY useless for travel, be it 4th dimensional or otherwise.
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Old 01-15-2009, 05:37 PM   #15
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Default Re: Black Hole Theory

Every day we look out upon the night sky, wondering and dreaming of what lies beyond our planet. The universe that we live in is so diverse and unique, and it interests us to learn about all the variance that lies beyond our grasp. Within this marvel of wonders, our universe holds a mystery that is very difficult to understand because of the complications that arise when trying to examine and explore the principles of space. That mystery happens to be that of the ever elusive, black hole.

A black hole essentially is an incredibly compact body which has warped space-time enough to make any escape from the force of gravity impossible. They are thought to be at the center of galaxies, including our own Milky Way. As the name implies, a black hole cannot emit or reflect any light; making them practically invisible. If enough mass is concentrated into a small enough region, the curvature of space-time becomes so harsh that nothing can continue to orbit stably; not even light. The ultimate fate of all incoming matter is to perish in a singularity, a region of infinite curvature. The interior of a black hole is poorly understood because no form of information can ever leave. A black hole's demarcation of no escape is called the horizon.

Currently our spaceships can not even reach mars in less than five years. Now, with modern theories of black holes, trips to other solar systems may be possible at nearly the speed of light. Black holes were only proven to exist within the last twenty-five years and were only really considered to exist for the last seventy-five years. Yet these recently discovered objects could be the energy revolution of the future, much like nuclear power was in the sixties.

Truth be told, theres still a lot to uncover about the wonders of the Black Hole.
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Old 01-15-2009, 10:56 PM   #16
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Old 01-16-2009, 10:12 AM   #17
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Classy GG_Guru, very classy.
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:09 AM   #18
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Default Re: Black Hole Theory

Originally Posted by Sol_Solis View Post
a quasar can appear anywhere, but black holes can only appear in certain places [/url]
From everything I have read (including the wikipedia article that AfroBean linked you too) I have heard that Quasars stem from supermassive black holes, and they exist because of the gravitational pull of the black hole itself. So the location of a Quasar is limited to only the locations of huge blackholes.... and it is the black holes that have more freedom of location.
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