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Old 01-22-2006, 12:22 PM   #1
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Default My philosophy on life.

So I just got into a huge arguement with another person that doens't understand the way I look at the world. I figured that instead of losing any more friends over it, I'd try and explain as best I could how I go about my life.

I believe first and foremost in honesty. I figure this should be apparent to people that know me because I can't keep a secret and I can't keep my opinions to myself. Dishonest people offend my sense of morals.

Secondly, I think it's best to go through life with a sense of humor. Nothing is ever really that serious. For example, flipping the eyeball button on AIM (makes you go visible and invisible, making the window pop up for everyone on your list that you sign in and off really quick like a hundred times) is silly fun. It's annoying, so you give whoever is doing it a playful punch to the arm, laugh about it, and go on your way. What you DON'T do is ask the person why they're doing it, and then when they respond "To piss people off!" while they've got a shit-eating grin on their face, that they are being a hypocrite because they can't handle being pissed off.

For those of you paying attention, this is what happened to me just a moment ago and is why I am upset.

Another thing is that it's utterly stupid to think that what you say won't be taken another way by someone. Going back to my example, this person didn't directly use the word hypocrite. So she never called me a hypocrite because she didn't use that word! She just stated that I shouldn't go and "piss people off" because I can't handle it when people do it to me.


Oh yes, it is. Okay. So I took it as her calling me a hypocrite.

And instead of apologizing, she called ME childish for reading into what she said as meaning she thinks I'm a hypocrite.

*ahem* Back on topic. What I'm getting at with the above is that if you offend someone unintentionally, instead of asking them why they are offended, just apologize! ESPECIALLY if you consider them a friend. I define friend as someone who doesn't care anymore what your personality flaws are, but still treat you with respect regardless of when you fall or not.

I probably have a million more things I can add, but my anger is sated now and I'm beat. I'm going to go cheer for the Steelers now. I might write more in later.

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Old 01-22-2006, 01:21 PM   #2
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Default RE: My philosophy on life.

I would define a friend as that casey. However, I would expect the exact same from my "friends" and if I DIDN'T get exactly that, I would pay attention to their personality flaws and exploit them until they realized that they need to work their shit out and apologize. Call me a dick if you will, but that's me.

EDIT: Also, If I accidently offend someone, I ALWAYS ask them how and why they're offended. This is extremely relevant in preventing any such occurance from happening again. I've met people who will calmly explain what I said or did wrong and give me suggestions on what I should do in future cases. I have also met people who get even more offended that I haven't figured out what i've said/done to offend them in the first place. The people who usually do this are people who I've known for a short amount of time and apparently expect me to know them well enough after a few hours/days that I should NEVER offend them, and if I do, I'm pure dag-nasty evil. I get quite annoyed with these people and usually stop talking to them.

I don't like apologizing for offending someone if the offended person can't even explain why they're offended. If it's against their religion to explain why, or it's just that they have a ridiculous set of morals and are too stubborn to explain why, I say fuck them. They aren't getting an apologize until they lighten the fuck up.
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Old 01-22-2006, 02:28 PM   #3
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Default RE: My philosophy on life.

in my opinion i think you have too much time on your hands to come on an internet website and bitch about your philosophy on life to people. You arent even really explaining it, more like ranting about it. people on here never cease to surprise me with how little they do with their lives..

that and FFR has made the 'moron' evolve into some kind of super moron, just like when you think the music industry has hit a new low, they find some new teenie-bopper with pimple tits to parade around on MTV and exploit the public with, Feeding off the mindless and stupid people who cherish the next big thug/gangsta/pop bitch

same concept, different setting. idiots come here and become dumber with every post. each moron feeding the next with their stupid rhetoric.

you are being a hypocrite yourself laharl.. can you not see that?

you are getting all bent out of shape over some stupid intraweb person and coming on here and whining about it. grow up. thanks.
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Old 01-22-2006, 02:59 PM   #4
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My friends and I don't get into arguments. I've said some dumb things to my friends that pissed them off, like accidentally dissing their mom(don't ask), but we don't hold grudges.

I am certainly not going to say that you're right and you friend is wrong because I don't really know what her feelings were.

Maybe your friend was having a bad day(or maybe you're having a bad day). I don't see this as some sort of friendship-breaking argument.

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Old 01-22-2006, 03:19 PM   #5
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I don't think you should try to define what a friend is, and what a friend is not. Friends just happen. Or un-happen.


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Old 01-22-2006, 04:22 PM   #6
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First off, to Jello:

With people responding like you do, it's no wonder that the Critical Thinking forum is entirely dead.

Just as you're occusing me of having too much time on my hands, you're the one responding to what I have to say. Which, btw, has very little to do with what I actually said and is more an attack on me as a person. At least Observer was able to disagree with me and BRING UP A VALID POINT IN RELATION TO THE TOPIC.

It's a known fact I don't like you, and that you don't like me. Please don't bother talking to me ever again because I will never take you seriously, especially when you're going to attack me instead of anything I have to say.

"Espuin said:"
My friends and I don't get into arguments. I've said some dumb things to my friends that pissed them off, like accidentally dissing their mom(don't ask), but we don't hold grudges.

I am certainly not going to say that you're right and you friend is wrong because I don't really know what her feelings were.

Maybe your friend was having a bad day(or maybe you're having a bad day). I don't see this as some sort of friendship-breaking argument.
This has been going on for awhile, though. The entire past week, she's done something very similar. Once, she asked to critique a paper I had just finished writing for my creative writing class. Her responses were not actually anything that bad, but she turned it over to a friend of hers who I have never met that apparently had a field day destroying my paper. I was very offended. I told her friend at the outset I was not concerned with grammar at this stage of my paper. I was looking for conceptual ideas to help make the story better. She ignored that and continued to berate me on how awfully I write, without having a thing to say in relation to the actual story. When I blocked her, my original friend started accusing me of being a child. I basically said "Whatever. We'll talk later" and closed the window.

The next few days, she would start a conversation with me that basically went something to the extent of "How are you?" I would respond with something to the extent of "Not very good. I'm having some relationship issues with a couple of my friends at college." And then she'd say something to the extent of "It's because you're a child."

Today set me off.

I don't see what the big problem is with being a nice guy and wanting to avoid stupid fights.

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Old 01-22-2006, 05:42 PM   #7
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You simply can't get along with everyone, it's a fact. There are some people I just don't like. I never have gotten along with them and never will. I accept that sometimes and yet other times, I, like you, get frustrated about it.

Also, you're sometimes at fault. You can't always blame others for making you offended. Sometimes being offended may mean that you're actually the one quite different and that maybe you should change your way of looking at something or thinking about something, not others. I don't like to do this myself, but I have been known to do it quite often.

I just got lost in those two thoughts and forgot the rest of what I was going to say. I'll remember it and add an edit later.
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Old 01-22-2006, 05:50 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Laharl
I don't see what the big problem is with being a nice guy and wanting to avoid stupid fights.
I think Natural Selection is at fault here. The "nice guy" gene is a recessive gene making it a rare trait amongst men. "Nice guys" are usually too nice and shy making their breed unfit for survival and reproduction and they have difficulty functioning in the real world where they are surrounded by jerks.

Friendships can be formed between "nice guys" and your everyday jackass, yet the friendships rarely ever last. This is due to the fact that their jerk friends are too hot headed and ignorrant to listen to what the "nice guy" has to say and the "nice guy" is too much of a wuss do speak up for himself. The problem itself lies in miscommunication and a lack of understanding by the opposing side.
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Old 01-22-2006, 09:01 PM   #9
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You have to find a happy medium between being assertive and receptive.
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Old 01-22-2006, 09:09 PM   #10
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Hahaha, I saw that specforces replied to this thread and was dreading seeing his response because I figured he'd be reaming all over me.

*wipes sweat from forehead*

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Old 01-22-2006, 09:15 PM   #11
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You're cheering for the Bus baby, there is no animosity during football season between comrades.
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Old 01-24-2006, 07:46 AM   #12
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Dude, seriously, clicking the invis button really fast is super annoying if you have the popups turned on. Just don't do it.
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Old 01-24-2006, 10:03 PM   #13
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yeah... right.
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Old 01-25-2006, 04:32 PM   #14
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I have a few ideas on life, that are not my own, but they basically sum it up pretty good.

1) Treat others as you'd like to be treated
2) If it harms nobody (including yourself), it's harmless.

Now, I think Laharl in this situation is a victim of not following #1. Laharl, I'm sure that if you hadn't thought of clicking the button really fast, and somebody else had done it, you'd be kinda pissed off at them and not exactly be happy. It'd annoy you. It'd bother you. And why is it fun? I never understood why people do these things.

Basically I think your reasoning here is flawed. But you're still a super cool guy, Laharl. My last "way of life" is, just try to get along with everybody. Life's too short to bother getting pissed off, because no, the world is not just full of idiots and you happen to be one of the exceptions, like everybody seems to think - WE ARE ALL IDIOTS and we all do stupid things. To forgive is divine.

Seriously, it bothers me that the general opinion in the world seems to be "The world is full of idiots - but hey, I'm not one of them!" Of course you fucking are, or the world would not be full of idiots. You think 99% of the people around you are idiots and you just HAPPEN to be a special one? Yeeeeahhh.. then how come 80% of the population, at LEAST, has this idea, that everyone ELSE is an idiot and not them? Doesn't mesh. We are all idiots. Not everyone but you.
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Old 01-25-2006, 05:35 PM   #15
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oh shit, Life just got pwned.
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Old 01-25-2006, 06:05 PM   #16
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I have a few ideas on life, that are not my own, but they basically sum it up pretty good.

1) Treat others as you'd like to be treated
2) If it harms nobody (including yourself), it's harmless.

Now, I think Laharl in this situation is a victim of not following #1. Laharl, I'm sure that if you hadn't thought of clicking the button really fast, and somebody else had done it, you'd be kinda pissed off at them and not exactly be happy. It'd annoy you. It'd bother you. And why is it fun? I never understood why people do these things.
This is not the same kind of thing, I think. It's a minor annoyance, really, at the best. AND the reason I did it was because of an inside joke with my little brother, who did the same thing a second before. We were laughing a lot. The person who started talking to me thought I was just having connection problems, so it apparently didn't bother them that bad.

There's a difference between annoying someone in a jovial way and hurting someone's feelings. I mean, if someone was all "OOH YOU MAKE ME ANGRY" and shook their fists over something so stupid, they'd be dumb to hold a grudge. If I had said something like "CATHOLICS ARE FUCKING DUMB LOL!" and it offended a Catholic friend of mine, then I could understand them being genuinely offended.

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Old 01-25-2006, 07:32 PM   #17
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Life isn't short. What's longer than your life? In terms of days/hours/minutes, etc. Nothing.

Just wanted to point that out. But I agree with the whole trying-to-stay-out-of-drama-not-get-pissed-off philosophy. Whenever something's going on with my friends, i'm always like "I'M NEUTRAL", and if they get pissed at me for that, they can go fuck themselves.
Originally Posted by Arch0wl
I'd better be considering I own roughly six textbooks on logic and have taken courses involving its extensive use

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Originally Posted by JurseyRider734
the fact that you're resorting to threatening physical violence says a lot anyway.
Just that you're a piece of shit who can't see reason and instead deserves a fucking beating.
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Old 01-25-2006, 08:46 PM   #18
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this thread is fucking emo.
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