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Old 05-27-2013, 09:31 PM   #1
The Dominator
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Default ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

GLoVE figured it would be a good idear to have all the reviews in one place so post all your reviews here and I will do my best to update the OP with each user's comments.

AlexDest's Reviews
=====BEGIN PART 1=====

Aegis (rparty89 & bmah) - 7.5/10
The song is a bit monotonous to me. Both of you stepped it well with very flowy jumpstream that's for sure; but, that was just it, nothing memorable really. Decent starter for this pack though.

Apocynthion Drive (Kommisar) - 8/10
The build-up for the song was very balanced. I really despise how you pattern your streams and jumpstreams, especially the ending jumpstream which was extremely difficult to make out and hit properly. Index friendly patterns at high speeds are very awkward to hit for me, then again, sugar coating the file with easier stream patterns just for better scoring and playability would probably just let the intense energy of the song go to waste. Good boss simfile, the rolls you used were certainly intriguing as well.

asdfmovie6 song (AlexDest) - N/A
My file.

Autoprocess (Coolboyrulez) - 8.5/10
This is extremely brutal and very fun to play. I feel like some patterns could have been looked at more, like that anchor jack that happens on the left arrow near the middle.

Bambous (Wayward Vagabond) - 9/10
Loved the different approach you went with for this song, flowed extremely well. It was dragging on up until the tap dancing + drum solo in the middle, which was redeeming and gave the simfile another kick start. Wasn't disappointed after that. Great job Carlos.

Battle! Team Plasma (Patashu) - 8/10
This is one of those simfiles where I have to play repeatedly to get the full enjoyment. You always step so dense in your simfiles, and it still plays well. Although, some of those polyrhythms I'm still 'eh' about, it looks all randomly placed but that's probably just me.

Bit Howl (t-rogdor & Detrimentalist) - 7.5/10
I don't know about everyone else, but this got repetitive to me and the ending didn't feel like it was as intense as the song suggests in the first half. Flowed pretty well but I felt this needed more "juice" in the ending.

Blue Rose (stargroup) - 9.5/10
I still can't fathom how you can step so fluently to a song itself. In comparison to the FFR chart, this is almost perfect. I felt like you could have acknowledged the swing within the bass line that came in halfway. Although that would cause the minijack section to become underwhelmed. Speaking of, that minijack section felt pretty eh to me compared to everything else.

BSpower explosion (SonicX & GLoVE) - 9/10
Heavy and Oni are similar to each other so I'll just review the Oni chart. A high-energy song with very diverse patterns. The jacks gave it that satisfying 'oomph' that the song displays and every bit of the chart flowed very well. Great job you two.

Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor (Gundam-Dude) - 9/10
OH BOY THIS FILE AGAIN. Although, I would agree that this is your most memorable file. Heavy is basically your old chart which is probably fun to play on higher rates. Oni includes different patterns, jacks, and slightly more layering, which is done well and does the song justice.

Chaotic WHITE (moches) - 7.5/10
I don't know, the jack theory was certainly fun to hit, but it was mostly dragging on because it all feels the same. Nothing phenomenal but I certainly have to give you credit for stepping this very accurately.

Child Protective Services Theme Song v2 (t-rogdor) - 8/10
Only reviewing the Oni chart. The very beginning was hit or miss to me, the bursts felt too rolly for me to really get the feel. The ending probably could have had a little more layering too. Overall though, this was still fun to play through.

=====END PART 1=====

=====BEGIN PART 2=====

Chronos (Kommisar) - 7.5/10
You had such an opportunity to have great variation in this, and ended up wasting said opportunity. Copy and pasting the same rhythms just made it feel completely bland by the last half of the simfile. Flows very well but come on, this needed varied rhythms.

CirnoRHTL (Valor) - 8/10
Felt like the patterns weren't very balanced and made for some weird patterns to hit, which is different considering your symmetrical structure in your other simfiles. However, it still managed to have good flow for a dense song like this.

Clash (Zaghurim) - 9/10
Very fun to play, and the cut for the song was perfect. Glad that you didn't succumb to the artsy stepping theories or whatever.

Contact (YoshL) - 8/10
This could have been a really cool structured simfile if the bursts weren't awkwardly patterned. Pretty fun otherwise.

Crack in the Hourglass (GLoVE) - 8.5/10
Only played Oni. The guitar solos felt too overwhelming and made some muddy patterns. But, for a comeback in stepping, this is well done and still has your same stepping style from years ago. 8)

Cyberstorm (Nick Skyline) - 9/10
This is exactly what this pack needed. An old-schoolish styled chart with very basic BPM changes that correlate to the intensity of the song. Stepped well with challenging patterns that push the higher leveled players to FC/AAA. Very awesome song too.

Demonish Animal Appearance (dondon151) - 8.5/10
Nothing really too special to be honest, quite a casual chart in my opinion. Very fun to play.

Die Winnipeg Die Die Die Fuckers Die (AlexDest) - N/A
My file.

Dishevel (mi40) - 8/10
Eh, you had some parts that could have been stepped better, you had a couple muddy patterns and some that didn't fit too well (e.g. the rolls). Also bugged me that you missed a note at the very end lol, nice file to play regardless.

Do It This Way (Scintill) - 9/10
Very interesting song choice. It's probably just me but it seemed to drag on a bit for me. But this chart was stepped very well and it's fun to play through. Good job.

Don't Say Anything (Detrimentalist) - 8/10
I don't know, I felt it was overstepped and difficult to follow along with what was being stepped. Still a nice chart though.

Earthquake (mi40) - 6.5/10
This just feels like a dump to me. Your pitch relevancy in the minijack section wasn't excellent, the solo had unnecessary jacks, felt like there were a bunch of randomly placed jumps/hands in the rap sections, etc. Just... eh. This was pretty disappointing to say the least.

=====END PART 2=====

Arntonach's Reviews

Aegis - Kinda what I expect from this song; 16th streams with jumps. Sorta like Red Zone but hard. The part before the ending where the difficulty dropped and the gimmicks were a nice touch. Also I got a C wow I suck lol.

Apocynthion Drive (album subtitle to make the text cluttered as fuck) - Some of the jacks during the holds at the beginning were akward to hit, but I can tell this file was well done. Well, up to the point where I failed. :<

asdfmovie6 Song - lol the bpm is from 186 to 186 (i spi ddream). Anyways, the chart felt pretty solid until the difficulty spike, which felt more forced than necessary.

Autoprocess - The preview scares me oh shit. Yeah there should be a no x-mod sign up. Those speedups are brutal. Couldn't pass on cmod either, but the patterns were good, just faster than I could handle.

Bambous (more ddream bpm stuff, but Caravan Palace does that) - Those 24th bursts were brutal for a 10-footer. File was rather fun otherwise. Those darn polyrhythms throw me off every time...

Battle! Team Plasma - There's arrows everywhere oh my god @_@

Bit Howl - Just when I thought it was boring, you add 16ths. They didn't seem to go with the music though. Still, I failed right around the start of the 16ths, so yeah.

Blue Rose -extended mix- - That first part was sex but the second half somewhat difficult and tiresome. Kinda like sex. :/ And yes, I failed at it like I do with sex. Go figure.

BSpower explosion -
HEAVY - God I never thought I'd fail an 11-footer. The chart's kinda underwhelimg from what I saw. It felt a little too basic and generic. :/

ONI - More like Heavy+. I just quit out after I saw a measure long jack and thought "Fuck this shit I'm outta here." Also weird as hell song too.

Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor -
HEAVY - lol the fucked up speed up's still there. >:[ On cmod, it's actually fun. The mines were good too, even though they didn't feel dangerous. I still think you need to discover 192nds...

ONI - Some new jumps and jacks. Woopie? Also, that T connected to that U?Bugging the fuck out of me sdafsaasf

Chaotic WHITE - Starts off simple and has a smooth progression. Very enjoyable. Almost FC'ed it too. D:
On a personal note, those 64ths could do without the 4th. That's like the only thing that bugged me though so props to that.

Cihld Protective Services Theme Song v2 - ffffff- a Nero's Day @ Disneyland file.
STANDARD - Pretty basic. Good warm-up chart. For me, at least...

CirnoRHTL - The difficulty's all over the place. It really needs some consistency. :/

Fasion Queen - dat Outrun gfx 8). File's a bit too simple. Not even like an easier difficulty way, more like you held back.

ge4ce vFUR v 2 What the Fuck Are You Doing - Dear god it's crazy make it stop >_<

HAERETICUS - Jeez this is like a drunk file but when you're sober, so there's really not much reason. Also testers loved this but now everyone's like "Yeah this exists apparently >>;"
Piano part's all fucked up and the 16th bursts feel VERY akward.

I'M ON CRACK - Chart's kinda hard to read with the holds and the BGV in the way. Feels kinda bla really.

Laveran no Shokutaku -
HEAVY - Annoying triplets asdasfasd. Later parts felt like they dragged on too. Not cool. >

ONI- So Heavy was Oni minus some layering. Felt just as akward, but denser. :/

Mr. Lonely (why does this remind me of Snacher?) - Kinda like a slinky, one moment it's spread out and another it's clusterfucking my ass. Holdstreams made it a little harder to swallow. It's okay, but dear god step the vocals a little please?

Choofers' Reviews

aegis - gimmicks were cool, file flowed very well and I'm sure this is gonna be really fun on rates

apocynthion drive - I'm not sure what's happening but I'm really starting to not like your files. kinda felt like a chore to play this one.

asdfmovie6 song - pleasantly surprised, file was pretty fun. also should be cool on rates.

autoprocess - hands fit well during some parts, others not so much. nice short file though, tricky to score on if you're lacking control.

bambous - fuckin owns.

battle! team plasma - polyrhythms. was not a fan of this file, overstepped.

bit howl - most of the file was a bit underwhelming, the glitchy part rocks but that section of the file doesn't feel like it does justice. there were some pretty cool parts though.

blue rose - perfect

bspower explosion - sure, step the cows but not the chickens, goats, and horses. file was fun, jacks were easy to hit.

captain murasa's ass anchor - to be honest, I'm not a fan of your stepping style/song choice but man oh man is this a cool file.

chaotic white - jack theory was implemented pretty well, but I didn't like how you layered in the grace notes when the main beat started. a good file but one of your best.

child protective services theme song - I had to judge a file for this in the batch but the mp3 was at such a low bit rate I should sue for assault. this is surprisingly tame coming from you rog. fun file.

chronos - just because the guys who made this song used copy-paste doesn't mean you have to copy-paste your chart

cirnoRHTL - the intro flowed surprisingly well. too bad the rest of the file was decent. ps nice ending.

clash - AWESOME

contact - renard

crack in the hourglass - I feel so bad saying this but bitchin

cyberstorm - fuck the haters, this is one of my favorite files in the pack

demonish animal appearance - definitely a dondon file, wonderful.

die winnipeg die die die fuckers die - full version (get it)

dishevel - I'm happy for ya ji, and I'ma let you finish, but housekeeper had the best file for dishevel of all time (seriously though his file owns). this one is pretty fun though.

do it this way - I love your song choice, file's great and flows well

don't say anything - how long did it take for this song to get a restep? feels slightly overlayered, and as a result, plays a lot like patashu's oni chart for solo.

earth quake - terrible use of minijacks, wasn't a fan of this at all.

eater merry - really boring, this could have so much cooler with all the stuff going on in the song. seems like you "played it safe" while stepping and was afraid of experimenting. it's unfortunate, because this could have been a killer file.

echo of forever - thought this was a bmah file when I first played it on smo, which is a great thing. crazy fun.

ehhen doyadosu? tengujiman - LET'S KICK IT UP A NOTCH BAM BAM BAM. iirc I judged this file last batch (or was it the one before it...) and it doesn't feel any different, besides gratuitous use of freeze uses. seriously, calm your tits ossa

empty skydiving - quit out

endleSSStation - like eater merry, this could have been so much cooler had you experimented a little bit. but unlike eater merry, this would have made such a cool x-mod file. file was alright, the outro was fun.

eos - also quit out of this one (because of fl studio snares)

fallen world - had to quit out of this one too, what the hell

far east nightbird - there's so much attention to detail in this file that it almost becomes a chore to play. really well done, I think that once I play this file more and more, I'll like it more and more.

fashion queen - kinda torn between this file. I deliberately stepped this with a minimal approach, but now I kinda wish I went back and made it a bit more interesting. as it is, I love it, but I'm sure it's not gonna get as many plays as bridgeport run (which is unfortunate because they are two very very different files, and not just difficulty wise).

fatal tragedy - I think I finally realized why I never really liked your files: your sync. like glove, or yesssss, you step solos so well that it's insane. but unlike those two, you're not as tight on quantizing things outside of the guitar/keyboard solos. this makes some sections in your files very colorful without needing to be. now that I've realized that, I can just call it your style, and enjoy your files that much more. (can baq12 syndrome be a thing)
oh yeah and the file ruled

fffff - interesting take on the song, glad it's not as overlayered as it could be. fun on rates

five regrets - well that was over rather quickly. this was also an interesting take on the song, pretty fun.

ge4ce - I break a sweat playing this file. or rather, trying to pass it.

go! go! maniac - I really do love your song choice, fun file

gravestoned - some parts were really cool, some bursts were a total bitch to hit though. overall, a fun file but certain sections could have been toned down a bit, even in the heavy chart

guile of the rime king - I'm really hoping that the FFR file gets people to play this version because it's loads better, holy shit

haereticus - I see what you're doing but I don't think you did it quite right. you should definitely make a v2 of this

howling - song choice was definitely not my thing, but disregarding that, this turns out to be a pretty interesting file. intro felt like it dragged on for a tad too long, but once that was finished, it got better. may not play this again, however

i like trains - very fluent patterns that fit the song well, should be really fun on rates (those 24th streams are so much fun to hit)

I'll forget you, you'll never forget me (heavy) - a pretty solid file from someone whose files I've never played

I'll forget you, you'll never forget me (standard) - spots felt pretty similar to the heavy chart but it was fairly obvious that certain sections were layered different. as a whole, I'm not sure what chart I enjoyed more, both had stuff that stood out/didn't stand out. ps minijacks

i'm on crack - great song choice, the music video for this is hilarious too. file is fun, nothing that stood out too much though

in the name of god - I'm really not a fan of this particular solo, it drags on far too much and the file reflects that. fatal tragedy was a lot better.

innocent walls - this file is awesome, definitely a favorite so far in the pack (i'm weird)

insect digestion melancholy - just slightly underwhelming, experimenting with some sections would have paid off well, I think. file's pretty cool as is though.

jack-the-ripper - fantastic

jordan - glad you cut this, but I didn't find this to be very fun. a good file, just not my cup of tea.

kona-yta-mina-tangs be - I need to go into the editor and offset this a bit because obviously this file has a color scheme and, since I use a halved noteskin, it's completely off. great file, and the song is goofy as hell (sometimes i play this file just so i can hear konata whisper into my ears)

laste testament - KIL FILE

laveran no shokutaku - absolutely one of my favorite files in the pack, holy fuck. everything about this file is terribly attractive and i don't think i'll stop playing this until i quad... which'll never happen

lawn wake II - super fun, love this to bits.

light house - super cute file, only issue I had were the minequads. imo, they didn't fit with the song very well.

lockene - a lot of people are posting good scores on this and quite frankly, i don't understand how i can be this bad at it. patterns are relatively fluent, and those graphics are top lel material

Dynamo's Reviews

Aegis: (8/10)

Nice straightforward file. There was a sync issue near the beginning when I tested it so the whole song was off by a 4th or something but it had good flow and the mines were used well. Not extremely memorable though.

Apocynthion Drive: (8.25/10)

Most would rate this higher but it wasn't incredible imo. Freeze spam in the beginning was awkward as fuc. The 24th js at the end will ruin any good run you had going so I would've actually made this harder throughout believe it or not. There were some spots where constant js would work. If you're going to make a difficult file, make sure the difficulty is constant throughout unless you actually need to throw a break in lol
I'll probably say it somewhere later too but wtf are those blue freezes????? Probably not a good idea to put a long one of those while doing shit on the side...it's incredibly awkward lol

asdfmovie6 Song: (8.25/10)

Really didn't like the amount of holds in this. Aside from that the file is pretty basic but charted well. Although it's a little towards the easy js side, the pack needs files like these to make it more well-rounded

Autoprocess: (8.5/10)

Pretty tricky and heavy on the jumps/hands. I didn't feel too much connection here to the music since my focus was mainly on the patterns. Didn't really like the song, but the chart was aight.

Bambous: (8.75/10)

I really enjoyed this for the first half but it got a little stale by the end, although the little drum solo brought me back in for a bit. Great use of the freezes and mines early on, and add that to a pretty wacky sounding song and it makes the whole file very unique. This will be a great scoring file for MA players no doubt. Cool man gj

Battle! Team Plasma: (8.25/10)

Probably the lowest I've given to the harder files in the pack. It's not terrible at all and has replay/scoring value but there is really nothing too astonishing about the file other than it's overcharted on purpose . Patashu jump glut files ftw

Bit Howl: (8.5/10)

The beginning was great when the 16th js kicked in, nice build up to that. Not as strong in the ending and some patterns are a little awkward but I guess it is supposed to be difficult =)

Blue Rose: (8/10)

I think I still prefer Yesssss's chart only because it's the shorter version. The mini-jacks section is kinda neat but it's a really bland section leading up to it and doesn't make the file addicting...more of a "well lets try blue rose today and see if I don't eff up on a minijacks this time" file. The beginning was much better than the short version though!

BSpower explosion: (Heavy is basically oni with less jacks)

Oni (8.75/10)

This was really fun and is super good for scoring! The random animal noises are like lolwut tho, gj guys

Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor:

Heavy (9/10)

Holy shit that was fun! Mines were used really effectively and the patterns had great flow to them. Some little things that could be brought out stronger but I haven't tried oni yet so we'll see ^_^

Oni (9/10)

Just as fun and with some added mini-jacks and hands to spice it up. The part where the vocals are the focus has some neat bass drums going on that I think can be added but it might make that section too busy. Awesome jorb xD

Chaotic White: (8/10)

Pretty good file but on the boring side. The percussion is focused on a lot in the first half even though there is some piano going on that should prob be thrown in. Really nice when the synth comes in though.

Child Protective Services Theme Song: (Only reviewing highest diff)

Oni (8/10)

Was expecting a little more difficulty but it's still well done. Some of the pattern choices were a little funky but overall it was pretty fun.

Chronos: (8.75/10)

Whoa pretty trippy song, I liked it. The heavy part with the 32nd bits is really fun and although there are a lot of freezes, the patterns have a good flow to them and it isn't awkward for the most part. Fun! (Where are the difficult files tho?!)

CirnoRHTL: (8/10)

Well that certainly was trickier than most of the files so far. I liked the pace and the patterns were fun too! Would love to see an uber minefield oni chart though, this song would be perfect for that cuz of all the erratic changes and such.

Clash: (9/10)

This was a very solid swing file and great for scoring overall. The quick rolls are the make-or-break for a quad run so I took a little off for them but w.e it's a solid ass file and stepmania isn't just about scoring obviously

Contact: (9/10)

Probably shouldn't be giving this a 9 but I had a blast playing this! The 48th bursts aren't traditional patterns really either so that's neat. Right when the song started to get a little stale, the swing part came in and that was awesome lol. Well balanced imo, gj

Crack in The Hourglass:

Heavy (9.5/10)

Not much you can do to make this better unless of course you add an oni chart that uses some jack theory....oh wai

Oni (9.49/10)

I actually find heavy a better file only because it doesn't need to have added jacks to make it fun. Still an incredible file, Glove never disappoints!!

Cyberstorm (DJKurara Remix): (9/10)* Bonus star cuz I played it twice in a row 8)

I am a sucker for difficult files and all I can say is SPEEEEEEEDCOOOOOOOOOOOREEEEEE!!! As fun and intense as that was, I would've made the first 'climax' part jumpgluts instead of single notes just to add that intensity. The ending with the streams was outrageously fun, I think you should've ended the file at that climax though but that's just me. Thyraxic Mole

Demonish Animal Appearance:

Heavy (9.25/10)

Goddamn, this file is so clean pattern-wise it's silly. I'm always impressed by how don chooses his patterns; never awkward and fun as hell. This is a solid ass file guys...and there's another chart too?

Oni (9/10)

I prefer the heavy chart to this overall but the guitar solo was a little nicer in this chart than the heavy. Both very solid charts but heavy is a touch trickier.

Die Winnipeg Die Die Die Fuckers Die: (9/10)

Say what you want about this file being way too difficult but it's charted very accurately and having something this difficult makes sense when you listen to the song lol. If I was a little less skilled then I might not enjoy it at all but I can appreciate this simfile for what it's worth and the patterns are well put together. Awesome js challenge

Dishevel: (8.5/10)

Pretty tricky but overall it's not too eventful. I will likely play this more though for sure (rofl nice constructive review)

Do It This Way: (8.5/10)

Pretty fun cuz swing and great for scoring. The mini-jacks make this easy to mess up on if you're an MA player so it's not ideal for scoring but w/e it's good! Too bad the song is like 2:31 long cuz it might be underplayed now since it has that L beside it

Don't Say Anything: (7.5/10)

Really just eh to me. It's got the difficulty in there but not a lot going on other than chugging along to the rhythm (lacks some subtleties).

Earthquake: (7.5/10)

This was just way off in spots (the guitars leading into the solo? ?). The percussion is so hard to hear over the cacophony of instruments that it's hard to justify charting this for a 4-key chart and making it predominantly follow the percussion. It was fun cuz difficult but I don't think this song can be made interesting in 4-key while being charted accurately lol

Eater Merry: (8.5/10) minus 80 stars cuz I whiteflagged sightread ffffffffffff

Very fun and solid file. Not much else to say since it's pretty cut and dry a well-rounded file.

Echo of Forever: (8.75/10)

This song is very 'steppable' and lends itself to making an awesome simfile. kors k is prob my fav artist out of the beatmanier guys after listening to some of his newer stuff. Anyways well done with the patterning and flow of the file. Not much takes away from this but I seem to recall quite a bit of mine usage? could be wrong

Ehhen Doyadosu? Tengujiman:

Heavy/Oni (8/10)

This chart is well put together but I'm not a fan of the beginning stuff cuz it's a tad on the awkward pattern side. The really small mini-freezes were not necessary imo. The js is really fun though so nice job

Empty Skydiving: (5/10)
Generic js file that's super innaccurate....not sure how this got accepted tbh but meh =P

EndleSSStation: (9/10)

This was really cool! I'm in love with the song too! I normally dislike seeing even one mine but these were used in neat spots. I will be playing this more.

EOS: (7.5/10)

Nothing super interesting/incredible going on here. Some of the js doesn't match the breaks going on in the background sometimes. I will give this file a bonus cookie because it's quad-bait so gj for making a good scoring file :P

Fallen World: (8.75/10)

Pretty cool file, love love love dragonforce js files so +1 for that. Only 3 mins tho?

Far East Nightbird: (8.75/10)

This file is pretty much perfect and has those great nekomata master 24th flourishes perfectly patterned out. Some mine parts were a little iffy but we all know I suck at mines and thus hate them so overall it was one solid ass file, gj

Fashion Queen: (7/10)

Felt really boring to me but it's a good file, I'm just masochistic lol. Got better towards the end though

Fatal Tragedy: (7.75/10)

Really tough to critique when I've been playing IamMe's chart for years now. Lotsa colour notes but it didn't feel like I was playing the guitar parts rhythmically. There's a bunch of questionable stuff going on here that I will touch on in later files but it's a fun file either way so I can't complain =)

fffff: (7/10)

Eh, seems like you converted the solo chart to 4-key, watered down the polyrhythms and added a few jumpgluts where there was chordstream. I thought it was boring tbh

Five Regrets: (Not trying lower diffs)

Heavy (7/10)

Well, when he started charting this bmah said, "fuck it, we'll ruin any chance of a quad right at the beginning. *123412341234123412341234* muahahaha that'll piss them off" Naw but truthfully this file is a snoozefest and there's a couple parts where the instrument that is being followed suddenly stops (some 24th piano notes missing near the end). Anyway, it'll be a fun quad to get then never playing again =P

ge4ce: (lol/10)

Dumb file that really shouldn't even be in the pack lol...maybe heavy but w/e that's being generous

GO! GO! MANIAC: (7.5/10)

Is it bad that I got so bored of the melody and wanted the drums to rip into a nasty solo? (They sound pretty awesome throughout the song, would've loved more emphasis on them). Now that would've made a cool file. This is just bland imo.

Gravestoned: (Didn't try heavy)

Oni (5.5/10)

Great song choice cuz Orange Dust <3 but man the patterns are just bad. The 48th bursts were pretty well all extremely tedious to do and a bunch of poopy parts make this a disaster for scoring. Work on patterning cuz you nailed the rhythmic aspect of it without question. I'm sure heavy is much more fluent

Guile of the Rime King: (8/10)

Pretty clean file. Song is cool and gets even more interesting towards the end with some of the tom drums and stuff; would've been cool to see some variation in the steps here too

HAERETICUS: (6.5/10)

Uhh...what were those 24ths going to? I can appreciate this from a difficulty stand-point and you certainly know how to pattern properly but the file is overcharted to say the least.


Heavy/Edit (8.5/10)

This was pretty awesome. The minijacks were a nice touch and the colour notes going to the voice were great. This is an excellent file for scoring too, aside from being fun.

I Like Trains: (8.75/10)

Song made me lol. This was really fun and is as good as it gets when it comes to a scoring js file . Great patterns and consistency

I'll forget you, you'll never forget me: (8.5/10)

This surprised me, it was mega fun! The patterns are crisp and I like the jackiness (?) to it. Good difficulty for scoring too cuz quad-bait.

I'm on Crack: (8.5/10)

lmao trippy song and fun to play. Almost quadded sightread but derped some in the end cuz lost focus. This is a great MA file...got no bones to pick with it other than it's a little easy? Maybe make this 8.5/9 cuz song potential is lower idk rofl

In The Name of God: (7.5/10)

Following the guitar on 0.1x music in the editor and getting weirdly spaced colour notes for the entirety of the file doesn't necessarily make it a work of art. It was pretty boring and it felt like I was just focusing on MAing the awkwardly spaced notes instead of feeling like I was playing the song, pretty much the same story as Fatal Tragedy. mi40 had a similar approach in Beyond Abilities from FFRCP4 but the pattern choice was more appropriate and thus there was more connection between the chart and the music. DukAmok's chart on this song is 24ths for the first part of the solo and then 32nd running men for the ascending part towards the end of the solo. Even though it is far less technically correct than this file, it feels much more appropriate while you're playing it. I guess it's just a matter of preference too here cuz I'm sure a lot of ppl will really enjoy it, it still is a replayable file at that. /rant

Innocent Walls: (8.5/10)

Pretty cool file with tons of jacktacularness. I thought the cut was perfect and the patterns were appropriate as well. Nothing mindblowing but a solid file nonetheless.

Insect Digestion Melancholy: (8.5/10)

Another file that's been stepped by IamMe . Well once again the amount of detail you go into is just too much. Even with my headphones on I can barely hear some of the sounds that are being played towards the beginning of the file; BUT, it's still fun and there are no annoying patterns. This is probably the best version of this file I've seen to date so gj! I would just try taking a more simple approach though because leaving sounds out is fine but hitting notes to things you can hardly make out is a whole other story.

Jack-the-Ripper: (8/10)

Neat song/file. The start is a bit slow but once the song picks up it's a very fun file. Not sure how it would be for scoring though but meh

Jordan: (8/10)

All the technical accuracy in the world is nothing without great patterning. I felt like there was little if any PR in the solos and if there was, it just didn't work well in this case. The triplet part in the very end was the same (though I appreciate you used freezes to show PR.) However, I felt like I was just doing 24ths (which is correct) but the syncopation/rhythmic grouping and how the hands play those 24ths didn't coincide with the tones in the guitar. If you master patterning, you'll be an incredible note-charter.

kona-yta-mina-tangs be Altered Scale: (8/10)

Felt like Kil's 'acid rain' when you stepped the whole thing in pink/purple notes . This was pretty fun and probably deserves higher but I really don't care for the weird song lol

Laste Testamente of Twelfth Mother: (8/10)

Not sure who stepped this but it sounds like something Kil would step and the chart feels Kil-esque. If it is, then bro you're slippin' cuz this file isn't nearly as fun as your other stuff. If it was stepped by somebody else then gj cuz the file is pretty fun but a little on the boring side imo. Good for scoring and has replay value though

Laveran no Shokutaku: (8/10)

Dang, the first third or so of the file were awesome as fuck, and the rest of the file was charted great the only problem is that the song got pretty stale and repetitive towards the end. Had potential to be one of the best in the pack otherwise, gj!

Lawn Wake II: (Didn't try heavy)

Oni (8.5/10)

Goddamn man chart something that hasn't been done before! I've seen like 8 different files of LWII haha. That being said, this one is very fun and is the proper difficulty for scoring imo. Really good replay value, just a couple spots that are tedious to hit but other than that, really well done!

Light House: (8.5/10)

Awesome quad-bait file . Fun and relaxed js chart, the pack needs more of the easier files to play like this one!

Lockene: (9/10)

This file is pattern-perfect and is a great speed exercise that tests out a variety of pattern angles. Probably as good as someone will be able to chart this beast

Lost Not Forgotten: (9/10)

That was fun as shit!! Bit of a slow start but the guitar solos were bang on. Also like how you were ballsy enough to throw a pretty fast one-handed trill in there . I'm guessing 'NS' is Nick_Skyline so props to you dude, you've surprised the hell out of me with your files so far. Fun as fun gets, one of the best so far.

Mariostep: (6.5/10)

Eh, pretty tedious file to play. The 12th jack polyrhythm part is annoying but the 16th jack section a little later is pretty cool. The end is just stupid rofl xD

Mirage Garden (Long Version): (Didn't try heavy)

Oni (9.25/10)

This was epic as hell. The 24th poly runs are a little nerve-wracking but definitely reasonable. Excellent for scoring and patterns were next to flawless in design. Good show chaps. If heavy is just straight 24ths in those spots (which I'm positive it would be) then that chart will be uber fun as well. This is up there for best file in the pack so far.

Mr. Lonely: (8.25/10)

Not bad, but not a really great file either. I'm not even sure how you managed to stick 161 holds in this file but you did haha. The longer full-length freezes with 24ths in them are total ass and add nothing rhythmically (you can barely hear them in the song). It's too bad the freeze parts are the hardest over the entire file cuz otherwise I would be playing this more. (This same thing happened to me on a number of SMGpack 2 files that I never play anymore)

My So-Called Life: (8.5/10)

This was aight but I think there's a bit more potential in the song. Either way it was really fun and patterns flowed well. The couple small drum fills were awesome, it's a shame there wasn't more of that in the song.

Narcolepsy: (8.25/10)

Pretty fun but not as much oomph as I was hoping for from a prog metal song. The beginning was the best part for me; that being said the entire file is fun and replayable as well

New Decade: (8/10)

Wow, pretty high density simfile here! I really liked your choices of patterns for the 32nd bursts. They weren't necessarily straightforward right to left or left to right rolls, but they were still intuitive and natural. As fun and replayable and good for scoring as this is, I think it's a tad overcharted but it's in ODI 3 right?!
Lol just realized this was a roar file too. Well that makes a lot more sense now.

New Lights: (Only tried oni)

Oni (9.25/10)

Holy shit this was incredibly fun!! The beginning really set the tone and the difficulty was consistent throughout. The only thing I didn't particularly feel was necessary were the amount of freezes. The chart is interesting and dense enough that I think the freezes take away the focus from the rhythmic aspect. That's just personal preference though, bravo sir!

Nth Degree: (9/10)

Definitely an epic marathon stephen kay song, but stepped extremely well at that. The pattern choices were next to perfect and the only reason I'm not giving this a 9.25+ is because the song was a little bland at times and not as 'engaging' as planet karma was for me (but that's beside the point). Again, the chart itself is brilliant though and I will be playing this a shit-ton, GJ gentlemen!!

Oblivion: (8.25/10)

Short, simple file that is fun but nothing incredible going on here. It is somewhat good for scoring but I think we will see it only get to low SDP because the 'wow' factor isn't there and it won't be played too much, though it is quaddable.

Orbital: (8.25/10)

Pretty fun file and the jacks add a bias to it that make this highly replayable. I want to stress here that in my opinion, bombardment of holds and full-length freezes is okay if what you're going for is an annoyingly difficult file (or you use them like Aperson did in Psicicite). Unfortunately for me, the holds here didn't help the file at all but actually took away from it. It's a rhythm game after all and I shouldn't be focusing my efforts on holding keys down when the real focus is a complex rhythm. Anyway it's still fun and I'll likely play it some more.

Paradise Lost: (8/10)

Pretty generic js file that doesn't stand out to me. Good for scoring but that's all I can say really.

Parousia: (8.75/10)

This was pretty dope man, borderline 9/10 but it's not anything mindblowing imo. Your pattern choices are very 'friendly' and makes the file a good candidate for scoring despite the difficulty level. This would stack up well on music rates too, good jorb!!

Plasmatextor: (7.5/10)

Didn't like it tbh. If you're going to put 24th jacks in the beginning like that, at least make sure the difficulty is consistent with the rest of the file. Now I only want to play this if I manage to AAA past the beginning because the rest of the file is pretty boring -_-. Not sure what the point of some of the mine placements were (they weren't expressive, although the very last mine at the end was perfect and did it's job). The parts where you just follow the lead and the bass drum is incredibly boring and I feel like you should've upped the difficulty to match the hard beginning.

Polssia: (8/10)

This gets an 8 only because it's a good file for scoring and it's pretty fun. Otherwise it probably deserves a 7.5 because it's not charted too accurately. There were some parts too throughout that I would've put mines in, there really is more potential for this song but eh.

POP A PARADE: (8/10)

Pretty much the same explanation as above for this file too. The patterns should definitely have been trills of some sorts but obviously that would've made for a boring file so you went more free-form in this. Didn't work for me but it was fun and good for scoring so 8 it is.

Poppin' Shower: (8.5/10)

Pretty generic js file, however I think you did as good a job with this song as you could...not much room for improvement but it's a fairly cookie-cutter bemani song! Good for scoring and has replay value, gj

Red Nikita: (Didn't try heavy)

Oni (8/10)

Well...it's an okay file but a little TOO short for my liking. It's just an annoying quad file imo (quadded to the end and 2p in the end rolls, gg). Probably won't play it again after I quad it or w/e

Reefer Man: (Didn't try heavy)

Oni (8.75/10)

Although the chart itself isn't omfg good, the fact that you tackled a big band song is enough to give some extra credit. I'd LOVE to see more stuff like this get stepped, (Buddy Rich Big Band anyone?). Chart was fun but I'm not sure there is a whole lot of replay value cuz it is a little tedious to score on

Requien For a Team: (8.5/10)

This was really fun but got boring towards the end. I know the most intense part came after that break but I really think you should've cut the song at that break cuz my focus was starting to float away there haha. Really great patterns though and awesome scoring file.

Resurrected Replayer: (8/10)

Well at first I thought this was a Malice file cuz zts and there were full-length freezes. Anyway, zts is awesome but I'm not sure this song was a perfect choice, it's a little boring at times. The full-length freezes take away from this and I can't stress enough that you don't hold the freezes down for the whole length anyways!!. Pretty well done but not for me.

Rip Roar Power: (8.75/10)

This was intense and fun! Patterns were about as good as you could do given how you were charting it. The difficulty is consistent though it's too bad the hardest part is towards the first half of the file. If the song had more to offer I'm sure this would be in the 9+ area.

Salieri Strikes Back:

Heavy (7/10)

Weird colour note spacings and patterns don't feel right UNTIL the big run in the guitar solo which you really nailed; very nicely done in that section, some neat pattern choices that rhythmically made sense. The freeze trills for the vibrato in the guitar I wouldn't have done and they don't add anything to the file, and if anything they should have been one-handed trills. The other odd thing I kept seeing was that you were representing snare flams as one-handed gallops (34, 12 etc.). That's a no-no to me because a flam isn't played with one hand on the drums so why do that in a rhythm game? Anyway little things aside it was fun but we'll see what mi40's chart is like.

Oni (9.25/10)

WOW! That was super fun to play! The song wasn't charted using pin-point syncing precision but there is no need because it's the overall expression that makes the file fun and not the technical accuracy. The 8th note jacks going to the chugging guitar were done more consistently which wasn't seen in the heavy chart. The solos were all brilliant (although the heavy chart handled the ending section a little better imo). I will be playing this a LOT even though I managed a 16p AAA sightread and prob won't be beating it by much

Sane To More (Standard is good too)

Heavy (9.25/10)

I've got huge love for this file, I actually think it's my favourite in the whole pack so far even though I'm rating it 9.25. The only reason it loses some is because it's short and so the epic factor isn't quite as high (see Not Again from Red Fraction Pack). Really fucking fun though, I'm hooked on it

Seven (Only tried the oni)

Oni (9/10)

I can guarantee you this file will be one of the most played across the entire pack because of the difficulty factor alone. I can't do the 24th trill part at all so can't AAA

Sin: (8.75/10)

lol I play-tested this ages ago for you cetaka wtf. Probably the best version on this in terms of scoring but I actually find linus' version more fun rofl oops.

snow storm: (9/10)

Well this was very reminiscent of the 6-key chart but I was hoping it would be. The 24th hand jack was unexpected and made me laugh haha, the 24th run for the piano was good but I think was a little safe pattern-wise. Good job!

Space is Key: (8.5/10)

Holy hell that was a tad over-charted. Really good challenge-wise but damn this file is a real pain to score on for a number of reasons. The rolls sections dont really flow too well (it might've been me cuz bad tho i'
ll have to double check this) The mine part is really a score-killer tho so idk if i wanna play this 4+ times to get a good score. If I'm warmed up and willing to beast I don't go seeking out files with a mine section in them no matter how fast they may be. just my two cents

Speed Dial: (8.75/10)

This was a really fun file and I will likely play it multiple times (kind of a corny song tho but w/e). Only reason it isn't 9+ is because there wasn't a large degree of uniqueness to it (patterns were straightforward Icyworld patterns ). Also I don't think quad can be managed (I'd have to try again) so a bunch of ppl will be stuck at low SDP on this. It'll probably be played more on rates

Spin The Disc: (7.75/10)

Eh, the original was much better imo, this felt like a DJ_Ossa file almost (just less freeze wankery). The mines definitely were a good addition but dude that random burst really makes this file a scoring nightmare. Probably won't play this after I AAA it.

Sports! (Didn't try heavy)

Oni (8/10)

Fun file but nothing memorable other than "lol tim and eric". Probably will get low SDP/quad then not touch it again

St. Alphonzo's Breakfast and Father O'Blivion: (9.5/10)

Holy SHITTT that was hyper mega hardcore fun, and the syncing was pretty much bang on, especially in the beginning. I can't really find anything wrong with the file... props. +0.25 for Zappa song <3

Swing Set: (Didn't try heavy)

Edit: (8.75/10)

Super fun to play and score on. It's a little on the chill side so play this when you're warming up . Good job and nice to see a Yesssss file again

Synaptic Plasticity: (9.25/10)

Holy balls I'm happy this squeaked in at the deadline or close. This is an amazingly fun file with little to no errors. I'll be playing it a lot and recommend everyone else to as well

The Bridgeport Run: (9/10)

Flushblab goes dubstep? Got me worried for a bit there haha. This was really fun and I love how this is a climax theory file hehe..this will be a sought after AAA for sure. This is one of the last files I've reviewed out of the ~100 files in the pack so it probably deserves a 9.25 cuz I'm getting grumpy doing these now rofl (and to all the others who sent late, I've been under-rating a lot of your files too). Very nice job!

The Creator: (8.75/10)

This was really fun and interesting pattern-wise. The song was a tad long for how little variation there was but nothing's perfect right? Not sure why you halved the BPM in some parts either, not that it matters . Well done!

Time Out: (8.75/10)

Ah, this youtube sensation finds itself a chart . I don't know why but the chords that she plays while doing her big runs with the right hand are really annoying to me...anyways as downright fun and tricky the file is, the patterns are not picture perfect for the piano parts. The last 30-45 seconds or so were done really well tho, nice job

Toki: (8.75/10)

The first half was just so-so and it's not the charter's fault at all, the song just doesn't offer much. The 2nd half however, was incredibly fun to play. Lots of replay value and good for scoring, pattern choice was A+ too. GJ!!

Transparent World: (Didn't try other diffs)

Edit: (8.5/10)

High in intensity and consistent difficulty makes for a great scoring file. Also, the freezes were utilized really well here. Making use of one-handed trills is always nice here and there (thankfully haven't seen any big left-handers yet haha). This file will probably be played a lot on rates by Staiain and co.

Tranzport: (8.5/10)

This deserves a bit higher than 8.5 but it's really hard when one of your favourite files ever is Apersons version . There were a lot of things that were better than the original though, the 2nd half of the speed up was great (those freezes were a really nice effect to throw in). The cut of the song was more appropriate too. All-in-all, this is such an awesome song so there are a lot of opportunities to make fun charts for it. This is really fun and I personally recommend it!!

Tzuicha-cha: (7.5/10) <--- Updated to 8.5/10 You made a lot of changes from the version I first played. This is much more accurate and tight, nice job man!!

File is pretty fun but I didn't feel a lot of connection between notes and song. It's way off in some places but w/e i <3 u skorp

Ultraviolent Junglist: (9/10)

I'll admit, the file had a slow start and the patterns weren't the absolute best choice throughout, but holy SHIT that was fun! The file just kept getting more ridiculous and intense and that's awesome to see in a marathon file. Scoring-wise, it's a tough AAA so it's great for that!! Well fucking done

Unconnected.: (8.25/10)

This is pretty beefy file but thankfully less intense than the FFR version . I can't say that I like playing it for the song but the patterns are really well done and the challenge makes it replayable for me.

Uplift: (7/10)

This file isn't terrible by any means but compared to the high calibre of files in this pack, it's one of the weaker ones for sure. Generic js is fun but is not innovative and the song choice is very cookie-cutter too. The mini-jacks saved this from being a 6.5 btw.

V^3 (Hello World): (9.25/10)

Yes yes yes. This is what a difficult file should have, a ridiculous song that's all over the place rhythmically with accurate steps which is the easy part. The part that a lot of people mess up is the pattern choice and these were pretty much as good as it gets for something of this difficulty. I might've actually nade this a tad harder but who cares, it's fucking awesome!! gj, this will be played regularly

Waltz No. 17 in G Minor, "Waltz of the big dogs": (9/10)

Although I will be playing this a shit-ton to AAA it (Yay wristjack file), I think many people will rate this lower than me. It's accurately charted and the patterns are perfect for this difficulty level (no spikes except for the very end which is pretty damn tough). The file is definitely your best in the pack so far so it's no surprise why you love making difficult files

We Are Hi-Speed: (?/10)

-Review pending since I still need to play this one

Why Am I Here: (8.75/10)

This was really fun and the length was perfect for this type of file. The use of left jacks reminded me of Dark Eternal Night and was done near to perfection! There were a couple of sections that were on the weaker side but I'm sure you will tighten stuff like that up in future files (yeah a more detailed explanation would be helpful but I've played and reviewed so many files now lol sorry).

Wooly Mammoth Stomp: (8.75/10)

Damn man, I was really hoping for this file to take off but I had never heard the song before so didn't know it never intensified. The jacks were fun to hit and I can probably see this file being music rated for AAs since it's a very biased style of file. It was a tad on the easy side so I will probably rate this lower than a lot of others because the chart was about as good as it gets for the song. GJ!!

Zen: (?/10)

-Haven't played yet but I have huge love for Hr2's old somewhat dumpy chart. Lots of anticipation for this file

(i wanna give you) Devotion: (8.25/10)

As fun as this file was, I was laboured with focusing on freezes and other wankery. Nothing exciting rhythmically speaking and those 64th grace notes in the end were ass

=== KARMA-fied! ===: (8.75/10)

The beginning is just bad (those full length freezes dude wtf). The harp flourish part got me interested again though and I kept going, otherwise I might've wanted to quit out. Pretty much the entire first half was a planet karma wannabe (obviously) but it made the experience really corny to me. The song really started to get interesting towards the end and I have to give you mad props for your pattern choices; the 24th runs during the 2nd half and the 16th stream going to the synth in the rock song towards the end were 100% perfect for me. I just don't think the song lends itself to being an interesting simfile. Although Planet Karma was very similar in style, the structuring and progression stephen kay used was way more effective, whereas the ordering of genres in this song were just way off imo. Well done, but Nth Degree was the stronger Stephen Kay file for me

EzExZeRo7497's Reviews

*Arbitrary ratings, 7 or higher means that I liked the file. Will add more later.

Aegis (6.5/10) - Patterns could be a little better, the 32nd bursts are fine I guess. Not bad of a file overall, but not memorable.

Apocynthion Drive (8.5/10) - This fucking hurts cold, ow. A lot of patterns with rolls (the purple holds) included in them are kinda dumb to hit, 24th patterns are hard at that speed. The file isn't bad, but difficulty feels REALLY forced here. The jumpstream patterns are really nice though.

asdfmovie6 Song (8/10) - Very nice difficulty progression, haha. Some 32nd bursts are kinda awkward to hit, but it's fine I guess. File's pretty enjoyable to play, good job Alex!

Autoprocess (8.5/10) - A couple of iffy one handed spots, pretty good overall though.

Bambous (7/10) - What is that song lmao. Nice swingy/technical file, nothing too memorable about it though.

Battle! Team Plasma (6/10) - Some of the patterns in here are really really rigid (I don't know if it's intentional or not though). File overall is okay, it's just that some parts (such as the polyrhythms) ruin the flow of this file for me.

Bit Howl (8.5/10) - Very fun file, especially the intro. The ending isn't as good, but it's still pretty fun to hit.

Blue Rose (8.5/10) - Technical masterpiece, didn't enjoy it as much as I should though.

BSPower Explosion [Oni] (8/10) - Some of the grace notes are kinda awkward to hit, file's great to play though. Nice job Joel!

Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor [Oni] (7.5/10) Nice and easy file, felt that I should've enjoyed it a little less than I should though.

Chaotic WHITE (9/10)
- Grace notes towards the ending are a little excessive, really really fun file though holy shit.

Child Protective Services Theme Song v2 (7.5/10) - Some of the bursts are just rigid to hit, some are really fun to hit. File's fun, would play again.

Chronos (6/10) - Some parts are just really awkward to hit. File as a whole isn't bad, just didn't enjoy it though.

CirnoRHTL (9/10) - So fun. Holy shit. The first minijack is kinda iffy to hit but the file as a whole is super fun, wow.

Clash (8.5/10) - I had a blast playing this, even though it's easy haha. Great file Zag.

Contact (6/10) - This is probably fun on rates. On 1.0 though..

Crack In The Hourglass [Oni] (8.5/10) - Really fun. That's all.

Cyberstorm (8/10) - Really nice BPM gimmicks. 4th section is a fucking eyesore to read though, but that's probably part of the challenge. Pretty good file.

Demonish Beast Appearance [Oni] (9/10)
- I've always wanted to play a file like this. Really well done.

Die Winnipeg Die Fuckers Die (8.5/10) - Really fun on rates. Really fun on 1.0 too, nice file Alex.

Dishevel (9/10)
- I LOVE the patterns in this file. Almost exactly how I'd picture the file.

Do It This Way (7/10) - This was pretty good for the first half, then it got kinda boring towards the end. Good file though.

Don't Say Anything (8.5/10) - Such a simple file, yet so fun. Would definitely be playing this again.

Earth Quake (7.5/10) - I felt that some parts should've been messier/harder to match the intensity of the track, but the file's not bad as a whole. Could use a little more variation though haha.

Eater Messy (8/10) - Took a while to build up, but the file is awesome. Would've easily been a 9 if it weren't for that burst though.

Echo of Forever (8.5/10) - Whoa, this is really fun.

Ehhen Doyadosu? Tengujiman (8.5/10) - My ears are kinda bleeding, but in a good way. Amazing file, I feel that the 48ths in the first half are a little excessive though haha.

Empty Skydiving (5.5/10) - I like jumpstream a lot but... this is so boring, ugh.

EndleSSStation (8/10) - Felt very fluent overall, there are some rigid bursts though but it's minor.

Eos (7/10) - Nothing too interesting overall, patterns are fine though.

Fallen World (6.5/10) - Didn't find this interesting to be honest. Patterns are really awkward (Left arrow/right arrow anchors), solo is properly stepped but honestly I don't feel the intensity of the song with the steps in the solo. File's not bad objectively, I didn't enjoy it at all though. Don't get me wrong, I like Dragonforce files in general, but this just doesn't stand out for me.

Far East Nightbird (8.5/10) - I've played a couple of FEN files before, wasn't too fond of them overall. This one swept me off my feet though, wow. Great file.

Fashion Queen (6.5/10) - Kinda boring, gets better towards the end though.

Fatal Tragedy (7.5/10) - Better than iamme's file in my opinion. Second half is a little boring, but the first half is really fun.

fffff (7.5/10) - You did what you could with that piece lmao. The file isn't bad, but uninteresting. Song is kinda bleh to begin with though.

Five Regrets (8/10) - That 48th wall made me cry (0p 1g'd it sightread LOL OOPS). Really good file otherwise.

Go! Go! Maniac! (7/10) - I was expecting some solo. Good file, but pretty bland.

Gravestoned (6/10) - Patterns are really weird, to say the least. Some bursts are just awkward to hit, but the file structure is pretty good.

Guile of the Rime King (9/10) - I absolutely love your simplistic stepping approach Matt. I had high expectations for this file, and I'm not disappointed.

Lockene (8.5/10) - Good job making a file as mindblockable as Scarhand or Moulin Rouge Edit. I love this file though.

Sports! (7/10) - Honestly felt the intro and outro should've been layered more (perhaps to the background instruments?), the middle is such a spike compared to the rest of the file haha. decent file otherwise though.

ge4ce [Heavy] (3/10) - The first half is the only enjoyable part of the file, the second half is just... dumb.
[Edit] (1/10) -

Innocent Walls (8.5/10) - Great jacking file. Only part I didn't like is the 32nd roll, but it's bias haha.

Mirage Garden [Oni] (8.5/10) - Really fun stuff, especially on rates.

Salieri Strikes Back [Oni] (9/10)* - Fucking solid file.

The Bridgeport Run (9/10) - I love this file. Too bad the file doesn't like me.

The Creator (6/10) - I like Yousei Teikoku's music a lot, this doesn't really seem to do justice though. I expected something much harder to be honest, but it's a pretty decent attempt at least. I honestly think if it's harder (perhaps more jacks?), it'd be much better.

Transparent World [Edit] (6/10) - Rigid patterns in the jumpstream, the file gets better in the second half but doesn't really appeal to me overall.

Waltz of the Big Dogs (8.5/10) - Really fun file actually. There are a couple of spots that are kinda gay to hit, but for songs like this, you can't really make it hard without making a couple of spots awkward to hit. My favourite Roar file currently. (o:

intensez's Reviews

chronos - why did you ignore the solo near the middle that had interesting pr but whatevs just a personal choice, jacks are kinda annoying in the middle 7.5/10
clash - pretty cool file but a little bland. still pretty cool 8.5/10
i like trains remix - this is really cool.. both of the asdf song files in here are awesome lol p much scoring technical file 8/10
jordan - sweet file but the middle part felt off to me.. the entire solos but its still really fun 8.5/10
laste testament of twelfth mother - soooo bland i was hoping more out of this :< still really good for the song choice 7/10
oblivion - its awesome im glad someone finally stepped this :') 8/10
parousia - great scoring file, nice technicality idk i love this 9/10
sin - GOOD SONG CHOICE 11/10
sports - dis is sick too i like the simplicity in the chart and the song choice itself lol 8/10

thats all the random reviews i have for right now ;')

mi40's Reviews

-No particular order

=== KARMA-fied! === (stargroup) (9.5/10) - what many people might not notice is the intricate color usage that you
utilized in order to fit the mood of the song, and the mines are perfectly placed, kept me on my toes at all times
and REALLY made me feel like, the song was 3 minutes long instead of 8 minutes, epitome of marathon files, will
definitely be playing dozens of times later on in the upcoming future

(i wanna give you) Devotion (antronach) (7/10) - the concept is good but some of the patterns were sort of unfriendly
BUT regardless the steps were really on point,, one pet peeve would be the white notes near the end, just didnt feel
right when i hit them otherwise this woulda been 8 to me :P

zen (mrbob) (7.5/10) - nothing MEGAspecial, but thats what i love about the file,, really solid patterns and
layering, had a ton of fun playing the file - also GREAT on rates, will be playing more i hope

wooly mammoth stomp (spitfire) (7.5/10) - great fun, perfect speed of jacks that's not too hard but not too easy,,
also really great usage of color as well, good quadbait too - will play again

why am i here? (fission) (8.5/10) - some of the hold+note patterns were a bit abrasive to me (holds on down or up
while notes are going on in the 3 other receptors are kinda hard to hit for most people) but otherwise, really great
pattern choice and choice of instruments to step,, wish the file was a bit harder but this will do, great on rates as well

we are hi-speed (mi40) - N/A

waltz of the big dogs (roar) (8.5/10) - Who Let Da Dogs Out?? really great hard file, will definitely be trying for
AAA many many times in the future, the only thing about the file i didnt rly rly love was some of the patterns but
that makes sense cause this is meant to be a rly hard file, gj roar

v^3 hello world (mi40) - N/A

uplift (leone510) (6/10) - not a big fan of the hold+stream parts, and i think the difficulty spikes might be too
much for some people, i think the jack+bursty parts could've been handled better (or the rest of the file could've
been scaled up to be harder) but idk, not too memorable for me

unconnected (nick skyline) (6/10) - difficulty feels really forced and i feel like theres a big problem with
having lots of really easy parts and lots of forced hard parts,, it's not really your fault because the song in
itself imo is structured like that, but i kinda dont like the file sorry

ultraviolent junglist (valor) (9/10) - really fun marathon file, almost on the level of stargroup's but the only
problem would be some of the patterns but other than that everything else is flawless, really really great job,, will
definitely be playing dozens of times in the future

tzuicha-cha (skor) (8.5/10) - wow this was really fun haha, didnt expect this,, really great hold usage - this is
how holds should be used!! also the pattern choice was simply amazing, really great job utilizing the patterns to
make the song what it is,, song could've become a repetitive snoozefest but you made it interesting good job

tranzport (valor) (7.5/10) - eh i liked aperson's better BUT disregarding his file, your file was good but some of
the patterns i did not like and overall i feel like the difficulty in some parts were mishandled, nice job
regardless, this will be fun on rates

transparent world (midnight) (6/10) - really abrasive 1 handed patterns and i feel like you didnt separate the
instruments into different layers well enough, i feel like some parts could've used less instruments layered (ex.
drums only guitars only, more pronounced snares etc) but nice attempt at a file, maybe less miku

toki (moches) (9.5/10) - excellent mine usage, and amazing pattern choice,, coupled with EXCELLENT layering and
really great hold usage as well.. AND color theory as well to fit the mellow mood of the song in certain points,,
accurately depicts your knowledge of stepping and usually i dont like songs+easy files but this file is definitely
worth playing again and again, great job

time out (carlos) (9.5/10) - what can i say? it's hiromi's time out solo made by carlos,, really amazing highlights
of instruments and very good usage of bursts and jacks as well, the only reason why this isnt a 10 is because the
doublejacks near the end felt (kind of) abrasive but i know that's how you meant it to be (climax of solo) so, this
is almost flawless to me,, sick job

the creator (midnight) (6/10) - okay so i think it would've been better if you made this file harder instead of your
other file (transparent world) because i feel like some instruments here were not accented enough, and deserved a
harder difficulty,, also some of the patterns were not that friendly,, and i didnt really feel the holds here but
nice try regardless, if you made the harder this could've been a 7.5 or something easily

the bridgeport run (choofers) (9.5/10) - godlike

synaptic plasticity (fission) (8.5/10) - really fun file, my only pet peeve is wish this was harder :P

swing set (yesssss) (9/10) - you step swing so fine baby

st alphonzo's pancake (scintill) (7.5/10) - i could imagine u wearin a fedora and trench coat while stepping this
song,, not a big fan of those long jacks kinda fun regardless

sports! (ilikexd) (8.5/10) - quick and fun file, did not like the 1234 1234 based patterns in the first 250 notes but
then it got really good towards the middle nice job

spin the disc (mi40) - N/A

speed dial (icyworld) (8.5/10) - it's got icyworld written all over it haha, really fun to play,, only problem i feel
like some of the parts were too easy based on the other parts of the file

space is key (idk ur name) (8/10) - good job with making some repeating sections of the song different by changing it
up, nice color usage as well but some of the 1handed patterns & bursts were too unfriendly to me

snow storm (ilikexd) (8/10) - pretty good and is probably really fun on rates but felt too easy to me,, only pet
peeve is that i wish it strayed a bit more away from jumpstream all the time

sin (cetaka) (8.75/10) - probably the best sin file out there but some of the patterns were bleh to me, otherwise
this would be like a 9 to me ?? idk

seven (glove) (9/10) - those jumpjacks L0L otherwise than that really aweesome file, just kinda wish (some) of the
patterns were handled differently (one handed trills)

sane to more (glove) (9.75/10) - wow. i dont know what to say lmfao,, dis not a 10 cause u didnt step the whole song!!

salieri strikes back (baq12 - heavy - 9/10) - the hold usage was really, really awesome and the solos were really
awesome as well, just wish the ending was a bit harder wish some different patterns

rip roar power (mrtea) (4/10) - first file i quit out of, really unenjoyable for some reason, idk the patterns were a
bit too abrasive and blegh,, sorry man maybe others will like this file more than me

resurrected replayer (kommisar) (7.5/10) - felt too textbook to me idk, the file technically has no flaws but
nothing clicked with me

requiem for a team (8.5/10) - i wasnt expecting much from the song but it turned out to be really fun, only real prob
is i wish the file was hard overall (instead of hard parts with some easy parts scattered about) good job man

reefer man (scintill & glove) (8.5/10) - really great file, just felt like it kinda dragged on to me :P

red nikita (charu) (7.5/10) - wish you went a little easier on the jacks for oni and i feel like some parts could've
used different patterns (esp the jumpjacks), nice job overall though

poppin shower (plopadop) (8/10) - nice mine usage but it felt a little too easy at certain partsmpared to how upbeat
the song was,, still pretty fun!!

pop a parade (antronach) (8/10) - i feel like the file was too easy in the beginning and then.. got kinda hard for
some ppl lol, some of the burst patterns were nasty

contact (yoshl) (8/10) - dis is p. fun but i didnt like the 48th burste near the end, otherwise fun file but maybe
some of the patterns were a bit abrasive.

moches' Reviews

*bolded files are probably a 9/10 or above

captain murasa ass anchor - original was fun as fuck and so is this. what a great scoring file
chaotic white - my file
die winnipeg - way too hard for me to enjoy, but very very well-made
far east nightbird - one of the best files I've made imo
fashion queen - i like the rhythms a lot, but maybe the file's just a little too sparse. there's an imbalance between the long freezy bits and the notes around them that's a bit awkward. should be a blast for intermediate players, though!
fffff - pretty nifty. lots of very well thought-out details. a little polishing would have made this splendid
five regrets - you continue to be one of my favorite stepauthors bmah. super snazzy file. song itself is a little sparse and that makes for a tough job but I think your approach works well
guile of the rime king - i can tell a lot of love went into this file. should be a staple in the brag boards. your handling of freezes could have been a touch more graceful (particularly in the parts where there's nothing but freezes going to the melody), but your mine usage was absolutely profound
i'm on crack - so you are. i got a lot of kicks from this file
innocent walls - barely scooted by with an AA on sightread. as somebody who's an absolute whore for jacks, I fucking loved this.
insect digestion melancholy - hmmm. i really should dislike this file on principle, but the song is so insane that it just kind of works. that said, there's definitely some waffling going on in the very beginning with the freezes going to alternating instruments
light house - impeccably constructed and sosososomuchfun
mariostep - surprisingly clean polyrhythms, good job with that section. very fun file overall, though there are some very blatant PR issues with the jacks in some sections and the file drags on just a touch. great overall, very very impressive.
poppin' shower - comparisons to smoooooooooch will be impossible to avoid. this throws in plenty of fun tricks but sacrifices polish/readability (particularly when it comes to the freezes at the end). whether that is good or bad will depend on the player, i suspect.
red nikita - what a wonderful little file. simple but incredibly effective, reminds me of how much i loved MrBob's oratio back in the day (check out Xoon 3, kids!) solid all-around
reefer man - i love the variation on GLoVE's cdtitle. the fact that people are actually making stepfiles to songs like these fills me with joy, but the file is excellent too, if a bit overcrowded in Oni/simplified in Heavy.
resurrected replayer - sturdy as always from a Kommisar file, but a few parts just aren't as streamlined as they should be. that said, the quad followed by MINES literally shook me out of my seat. well-done with that.
sane to more - i literally fistpumped when i finished this file. i am so glad you are back.
snow storm - felt a little empty in the beginning and the streams were a little too...streamy? i dunno, this whole file just felt a little wonky to me. the teal stream thing was the best thing anybody has ever done with teal notes
speed dial - high energy file as always from IcyWorld. i just wish it had some more swing to it, because the song has so many pretty flourishes that deserve notice. on a side note, the graphics for these are just fantastic. i love the pastel tones.
spin the disc - supa dupa fun but maybe a little overfreezy?
swing set - holy fock Yesssss
toki - my file
tranzport - again with the freeze quad fuckery! you are just the best at that, you know? this is like the platonic ideal of a hardcore file
i wanna give u devotion - in the words of Randy, not feeling it, dawg. reserved when it should be cRaZy, unfocused when it needs to be smooooth.
don't say anything - sliiiiick. i woulda cleaned up those freezes a little, though
earthquake - when I saw the mines at the end I literally clapped. this is really cool, feels like something Yesssss would have done but has your identity stamped all over it.
echo of forever - quite possibly the best file you've ever made, Marco.
fallen world - how dare a Dragonforce file be this good. had quite a few parts I enjoyed
mr. lonely - like a cross between a Red Fraction-era file and Fantazindy. that's a really really good thing. easily one of my favorite Ossa files, I'm so glad you made a file for this.
oblivion - the handful of complaints I have (choppy flow, OVERLY LONG FREEZES) are outweighted by my happiness that there is finally a singles chart for this song
pop a parade - simple and sweet. love the way the song just builds and builds
aegis - despite disagreeing with a fair number of stepping choices, I still ended up really enjoying this
asdfmoviesong - i'm really impressed by how well this manages to flow despite being freezetastic. simple but energetic and bombastic
autoprocess - suitably brutal and oddly elegant. even graceful. i didn't know you had this in you, man.
bambous - the freezes here are super-dense but they bring the file a rich texture i'm very fond of. a few patterns throw off the balance between right and left but all in all this is a sexy piece of work
clash - stunned me off of my feet. zagh hasn't changed his style at all, and yet this feels effortlessly modern even as it hearkens back to the days of ODI and SMG. a real showstopper, this file.
eater merry - the softer/easier parts are flawless, nothing to touch. i do love the half-bpm and how it almost slows down the time spent playing this, but the faster parts should have been doubled in my view--half bpm is great for bringing out a richer, fuller effect in sparse sections, but get too dense and it can become overwhelming. guitar layering at the veeery end could have been a touch more integrated. fantastic overall though.
eos - reminded me of Niko's Captain Murasa file in some parts. very cute file, has some great rhythms. i'm not a fan of double freezes (especially not going to snare hits) but they're not too glaring here. ending climax should have been a bit more subtle, it just goes from too easy to WHOA huge jumpdumpstream in literally the space of one repetition
laste testament of ur 12th mom - pretty neat, has its moments. much like Battle of Saruin this is a file i will admire more than enjoy
orbital - B on sightread rofl. incredible, incredible file, though. when the dubstep came in i creamed myself
paradise lost - my biggest miff with this is the patterns, which i really do not follow. also, 24ths/32nds often look awkward when mixed...i wasn't sure if it was technically accurate or not, but with better organization/patterns that wouldn't have been too big of an issue. decent as a scoring file, though.
plasmatextor - i know everybody hates the 24th jacks but i actually loved the challenge. this file is intense but somehow it all flows beautifully. really nice.
transparent world - played Oni. somewhat simple approach, but it's executed cleanly and for the most part effectively. the only thing i'd really tweak are the freezes, which are just a bit too pervasive, particularly in one section near the end.
battle! team plasma - SO HARD. i quit out neat the halfway mark because i already played so much stepmaniers and my arms were giving out. i'm sure scoreboard fanatics will enjoy it...
chronos - idk man this was pretty upbeat and i liked that, but some parts were a bit rough. maybe cutting down the freezes and rearranging a few patterns was in order.
contact - pretty nice! the rolls are a bit uncomfortable, but at that speed i can forgive a little awkwardness.
crack in the hourglass - played Oni. marvelous file, plays seamlessly even though it's hard as balls. layering choices are just as excellent.
demonish animal appearance - played Oni. if it had ended just a bit earlier it would have been perfect. a good SSH file is never unwelcome, though, and honestly just the fact that we have a new dondon file is exciting
enhen dousen whatever - HOLY SHIT this was fun to play. maybe a little heavy on the minifreezes, but that's more a style quirk than anything
go go maniac - holy fuck sexy song have my kids. simple file, very easy to follow with nice patterns. i do wish that more of the percussion had been stepped and that some of the bursts had been toned down some. a little overlong but the variety and song make up for it
howling - 11/10 i fucking love you bmah. this is basically tabibito rerun deluxe mix.
i like trains - this is a carlos file through and through. simple but oh-so-clean and fun.
i'll forget you - standard: really straightforward for a GLoVE file but so pleasant that it doesn't even matter. jacks felt too intense at first but i eased into them (though some of them are still fairly hard for the song)
heavy: this is actually closer to how i would have stepped it, lol. most of my comments for standard apply here. both charts are fun and fit the song well, gj!
in the name of god - basicaly half of this file is epic guitar solos and i love it. i could follow this up with some throwaway remark about freeze usage or whatever, but i won't because i really like this file and for once i just want to offer unqualified praise
kona-yta altered scale - color scheme is very very cute. i like how soft this file feels to hit, even the longer jacks are smooth as silk. played heavy, haven't played edit yet
lawn wake ii - for the most part quite fluid. not a fan of Baq's freeze usage honestly but there were parts in this where his dense approach worked really really well with the song, so props.
laveran no shokutaku - one of my fave files. feels wonderful to hit throughout. pattern usage could have been more varied, I suppose.
lost not forgotten - really incredible file, man. only complaint i can muster is some random uncomfortable freezes in the guitar solos. the rest is incredibly fun...well thought-out patterns and tons of challenge.
my so-called life - you have some of the most crisp patterns i've ever seen. awesome file.
narcolepsy - stunning. absolutely stunning. perfect song and perfect patterns. even the few things i would usually nitpick somehow add to the file's atmosphere (those notes right after freezes kept me right on my toes, which i usually hate, but in this file they were oddly hypnotic)
new decade - i enjoyed the varied 16th rhythms in this song far more than i did the bursty sections (which i presume would be the scoring factors in this file). i dunno, song doesn't do a lot for me but i can't say i had a bad time playing this
new lights - played Heavy. song itself has a lot of unbalanced elements, so i can't blame you for the file feeling weird in some sections. at the very least it's pretty unique and very well-made (great patterns and color theory!)...it just all felt a bit cramped. maybe Standard will be better in that regard.
nth degree - didn't play this when it first came out, so this was a sightread. splendid, splendid, splendid. made me tear a little, even.
parousia - reminds me quite a bit of Dolize. not quite an elegant file (which i was kind of disappointed about), but it's as richly layered as it is busy. solid.
polssia - got way too hard for me at the end, so i quit out. what i played was nice, though. wasn't structured as well as it could have been, but had plenty of variety and the patterns were good
seven - played Heavy. super intense file mang! the 24th stream is ballzzzzz
sin - it's nice. i appreciate that it's a bit more open than other sin files, gives the patterns a lot of space to breathe.
space is key - quit out, didn't seem like my cup of tea
sports - very fun! the drum solo is aces, maybe i would have used jumps with a bit more discretion but your approach is perfectly fine too
the creator - the rhythms are great and the file plays smoothly...i am just completely confounded at your pattern choice. not that it's too much of an issue with playability, they just seem really arbitrary to be honest.
tzuicha-cha - there's this beautiful simplicity to this file that really speaks to me, but the freezes and the bursts break the illusion a bit. this is actually a case where it may have been helpful to strip back a little. still a super energetic file and one i'll be revisiting.
uplift - didn't like this one much. patterns were completely arbitrary and awkward in spots, song was nothing special. quit out, sorry.
v3 - really fast file, almost too fast for me to enjoy. can't deny that it's well-made, though
wooly mammoth stomp - WOULD HAVE AAA'd this if I didn't peel my eyes from the computer for one second oh well. siiiick file, minimalist approach that feels surprisingly detailed and true-to-life. understated but powerful.
apocynthion drive - file crashed on me for w/e reason lol. solid from what I played, though! I thought it'd be too hard for me but the patterns are quality
bit howl - neat! not usually a fan of dev/null stuff, but this has a lot of variety. the quieter parts are overdone, though...there needs to be a reprieve from all of the intensity in this
blue rose - 9.9999/10. a few minor gripes with polyrhythms/overintense bursts, but otherwise masterful
bspower explosion - played Heavy because shit my hands are tired. simple chart but plenty to enjoy. i really like the main chorus. i do wish the polyrhythms were a bit cleaner (for that matter, a lot of the patterns)
child protective services theme - played Heavy. it's a little repetitive (and has way too many freezes), but it's straightforward and provides a nice MA challenge. great patterns.
cirnoRTHL - a little too high-octane for me but I can't deny it's well-made
clash - just giving this file another shoutout because fuck it's good
cyberstorm - much well-crafted than I expected. even if it's too hard for me to enjoy, props for that. those bursts are still ass, though
dishevel - how to make a hard file 101. innovative and tricky patterns, great balance between playability and difficulty. nicely done.
do it this way - maybe i'm just tired or maybe it really is the file, but this just exhausted me. it's a really nice song, but the steps are sooo flourishy that they barely have any room to breathe. i still enjoyed it to some degree, just not as much as i had anticipated.
fatal tragedy - freeze usage is really messy in some parts, and the layers of the song don't always blend well together. that said, you handle the song's difficult sections with grace and the pattern choice is strong throughout. not a personal favorite, but a very sturdy file nonetheless.
ge4ce v2 - way too hard for me to enjoy, refraining from judgment
haereticus - really really dumpy, but to be fair so is the song. honestly, I did not enjoy this at all.
jack-the-ripper - song offers plenty to express, and the steps capture the tension of the rhythms and the dissonance in the melody very well. if there's one thing I wish, it's that the freezes/mines had been expressed with some more elegance...the file can get a bit too crowded at times. nonetheless, this is my favorite file from Yosh in this pack.
lockene - failed out. i'm not good enough to enjoy this. why are these so many of these ridiculously hard files in this pack, though?
rip roar power - i failed but i still kind of...enjoyed it? whoa. gave a much needed jolt of energy to the system
st. alphonso's pancake breakfast - this is a really great file, man. super groovy, great song, clean but challenging steps
bridgeport run - really intense file but it's clear you put a lot of thought into this and the steps always match the song well. beautiful song, too.
time out (piano solo) - um YES
unconnected - usually files like these aren't my cup of tea but i ended up rather enjoying this. good patterns.
waltz of the big dogs - really really hard but I still enjoyed it. really nice job bringing out all of the different layers to the piano. ending is absurdly hard but the climax works
we are high speed - another mi40 file : D not as classic as some of your other work in this pack but still very very enjoyable. flows beautifully, i can tell a lot of thought went into these patterns. you really might be one of my favorite stepartists at this point
why am i here - you are knocking it out of the park with your files this go around, Fission. this was phenomenal. snare hits layered in during guitar solos can get very messy (and did in this case), and there were a few mild inconsistencies with the percussive minifreezes, but otherwise this was flawlessly executed. i'm really excited to see where you go from here.
zen - Mr. BOB! this is pretty great, really brutal file with some tricky patterns. maybe a bit too few jumps to justify all of those hands but that's more of the song than anything else, great to see you back.
empty skydiving - decent. jumpstream files like this one are a dime a dozen, and the pattern choice here never rises above passable, but the dubstep part still made me sit up in my chair a bit. you show promise, but I think you should practice thinking about detailed patterns that'll really bring out the song. and work on blending your 24ths/32nds, because that entire part was awkwaaaard.
endlessstation - there has to be a better way to pattern those little 32nd minitrills. the really amazing thing about this is how light it feels, even though it's really tough. I think you've developed a very nice aesthetic and it shows in every file you make.
gravestoned - I think the biggest word that came to mind with this file was "rigid". It's very well-made, no doubt, but style and flow are sacrificed for technical accuracy (always layering big hits as hands, having double freezes cluttering the file). The gimmicks were fine, though nothing outstanding.
jordan - whoa, awesome file! freezes got a little crowded/long, but this was still great to hit.
mirage garden - played Oni. good file, some parts are realllly uncomfortable to hit/look at but for some reason it still felt natural to me when i was hitting it. Heavy might be more my cup of tea, is it different?
requien for a team - for such a heavy file, this is really, surprisingly graceful. the ending's a tad abrupt, but I find very little to complain about and a lot to praise.
salieri strikes back - heavy: so many color notes, omg. great file, though!
oni: virtually flawless. flow s0 g0od, color notes handled with great care, and climax is insane.
synaptic plasticity - yes yes yes. impeccable file. so much fun.
ultraviolent junglist - it takes a lot to keep somebody's interest for over five minutes, but damned if this isn't captivating throughout. exquisite file.
karma-fied - i saved this for last. and for good reason. i am astounded at the level of creativity and detail and work you have poured into this file. in fact, i'm just going to shut up right now and go play it again. the fact that something like this exists is the reason why Stepmania will always be special.

Mollocephalus/Necros' Reviews

starting from bottom to top because fuck you thats why

=== Planet Karma === 9/10
This is a file of great epicness. I love the variation, i love the layering choices, the arrow coloring, the difficulty, and the fact it always throws something at you that never makes you bored. A wonderful journey in the land of stepen manias. Score: 95.97%

[i wanna give you] devotion some retarded ****** mix 5/10 - 6.5/10
This song sounds like cancer, but as the stepfile goes it's alright. The easier chart simplifies too much in my opinion, and becomes very boring with the melody that keeps repeating over and over. The harder chart starts out way better but becomes boring through the song, with some questionable pattern choices. I may be biased because i really don't like this song but i would not play again. Score: 99.39% - 98.14%

Zen 9/10
This file. This fucking file, is perfect. Patterns, rhythms, difficulty. It's a great challenge and it's real.fucking.fun. Good job. Score: 95.95%

Wooly Mammoth Stomp 8/10
Fantastic overall, very well balanced file. Accurately represents the song's musical structure while being pretty fun and challenging. The ending was a bit sudden, i wish it went on for a little more. Score: 96.39%

Why am i here 10/10
Absolutely stunning work, perfectly on sync and really fun to play throughout the song. Layering and patterns were dayum. Score: 98.29%

Waltz no 17 some virkato japanese piano dump 9/10
This file is really hard, but still manages to make sense and be fun from beginning to end. The climax is terrific. When i'll be a grown up stepmamio i'll be all over this shit. Score: 79.65%

Uplift (affected edit) 7/10
This was SO fun until the supergay ending with holds. That seriously ruins the flow. Or i'm just really bad at it. Anyway the song and chart is really solid. Score: 98.01%

Unconnected 8/10
Really hard and really fun. The mines throw you offguard :P Score: 90.85%

Ultraviolent Junglist 7/10
Feels like maybe it drags for too long? There's so many places where you can screw up, scoring on this will be ridiculous. Had an unreal 1400 combo at the beginning, but this file is the first file in the pack that seriously made me sweat. Stepping wise it's awesome and very polished. Score: 92.71%

Tzuicha-cha 4/10 - 6/10
And after the first real stamina-drainer, here's the first disappointment. What is this? The notes are almost never straight 16ths, and some sounds are not accented as they should be. The harder chart somewhat masks this with some more aggressive jumpstream and layering, making it for a decent scoring file, but still. Score: 97.57% - 97.86%

Tranzport 9/10
Perfect. Nothing else to add. The freeze part was actually the only CB spot for me, lol. I love it though. Score: 97.36%

Transparent World 5/10 5/10 6/10 4/10 5/10 can't play edits/10
Beginner could use some vocal layering instead of endless blue notes, light has the uber annoying blue notes but as jumps, and some other sections which are pretty cheap. Standard has the really cheap on handed triplets and has the same boring jump parts exactly as light, but this time there's 8ths in between, making it a little smoother. Heavy doesn't really gives that feeling of simulation even though the arrows are on sync. Pattern choices are very questionable. What's your problem with these freeform streams? Oni is no much better than heavy, but at least adds a tad bit of difficulty... Can't play edit on this stepmania but i expect no better than jumps in the streams and all i have to say is no thanks. Score: quit out (on all of them...)

Toki 10/10
Beautiful song, always interesting to follow, perfect climax, perfect patterns. Score: 98.73%

Time out 9/10
Honestly, i had a body hair boner playing this. Fucking yes. Score: 95.19%

The creator 5/10
This file drags on for too long without anything really memorable happening, and also has poor pattering choices. Score: 96.29%

The bridgeport run 10/10
I came. Score: 90.01%

Synaptic Plasticity 8/10
Besides a couple section this chart is amazing. Great scoring file and very energetic. Score: 96.08%

Swing Set 9/10
Marvelous approach and great execution! Very fun to play and never boring. Score: 99.24%

St alphonzo etc etc 11/10
You sir, you are a genius. Bit i think moustache franks gets part of the merit for making such a kickass song. Score: 98.10%

Sports! 8/10 - 9/10
Very cool file and song Score: 98.92% - 98.00%

Speed Dial 11/10
Easily the best file in the pack. Score: 97.52%

Space is key 10/10
This file FUCKING owns. I love the song, i love the steps, and i love to get wasted playing it. Score: 82.54%

Snow Storm 5/10 - 6/10
Why would you ever make a keyboard chart with absolutely no jumps? The bpm changes are all nice except the awful speedup during the piano 48ths. That was uncalled for and really stupid. The heavy chart is decent except still kind of boring and empty (partially cause of the song) but it could also have used some better layering choices. Score: 99.25% - 98.92%

Sin 8/10
Very well done, but i personally think it could have been more complex (accenting some other sounds) without ruining its flow. A middle ground between puppet's and this would be perfect but PLEASE don't restep this anyone Score: 96.74%

Seven 7/10 - 9/10 - 9/10
Really awesome energetic metal file. Oni is very accurately stepped, heavy still remains really awesome even with the reduced difficulty. Standard simplifies the melody too much, but it's still a great file for low-intermediate players. Only complaint is the 24ths are still there and are a pretty bad diff spike in here… Overall great work though! Heavy is definitely at least 12, not 11. Scores: 96.43% - 96,47% - 88.49%

Sane to More 7/10 - 9/10
What can i say? awesome solos~ Standard has the same "issue" as the above one, and has a pretty bad difficulty spike with all the 16th jumps, but it's not so important. Score: 98.00% - 97.15%

Salieri Strikes Back 10/10 - 11/10
Easily one of the most intense and well stepped files of the whole pack. Played heavy but it's a watered down version of oni and i prefer stepen 4 real men~ Score: 96.76% - 96.65%

Rip Roar Power 8/10
Tru painsteps. Can't accurately judge shit like this but it's well done and never TOO retarded. Score: 80.48%

Resurrected Replayer 6/10
This is definitely a nice chart, but for the whole time it feels it's not representing the song very well, whether it be a problem of patterns or layering choices. That jumpstream at the beginning detracts from the musical richness of the song, and during the quiet part i think the piano should have definitely been followed, feels very off without it. Score: 97.55%

Requiem for A Team 7/10
Really nice to play, but during the sped up 4ths jump section it's not TATATATATATA it's actually more complex than that and making it all jumps feels really shitty. The grace notes that aren't actually grace notes and are made like that just to have a different color are gayer than shit. I would appreciated it a lot more without these things. Score: 98.16%

Refeer Man 9/10 - 11/10
This is a masterpiece. There is so much to say and yet nothing encompasses it more than acknowledging this is a true work of art. Whoever made this, i think it's in the top 10 files i have ever played. Heavy is still pretty good with the mine usage and less jumps, but not as good as oni! Score: Quit out - 97.77%

Red Nikita 8/10 - 9/10
Another really high quality file. Oni is obviously better with its full layering. Enjoyed it a lot. Score: 97.46% - 98.36%

Poppin' Shower 9/10
Awesome file, awesome patterns even in the bursts. Great for scoring and chillin'. Score: 98.29%

Pop a Parade 8/10
This file is absolutely retarded, and i love it. Beginning is very sloppy but it takes off in the second half. Ending is gay. On average it's pretty good tho. The gfx makes me cry period blood. Not a 12 imo. Score: 95.40%

Polssia! 8/10
WHoa *****… Score: 94.65%

Plasmatextor 8/10
Beautiful, but the 48ths jacks really detract from it. They're much harder than anything else in the file. But they only come up so often. The rest is incredibly fun and very beautiful to play. Score: 95.77%

Parousia 9/10
Really beautiful file, intense buildup and climax towards the end. Hard but reasonably done even in the hardest burtsts. Had the AAA until 3/4 of the song… dang. Score: 94.96%

Paradise lost 8/10 - 8/10
Lol that is not a 10. Pretty good scoring file, song is pretty straightforward. Oni is datum. Score: 98.13% - 97.99%

Orbital 9/10
Gimmiks!!!! Really love how the chart is structured and the bpm junk is awesome. Score: 97.79%

Oblivion 9/10
This song and chart pretty much delivers. Not a fan of the freeze part but that was done fairly well and the song didn't give many stepping choices anyway. Score: 98.89%

Nth degree 11/10
OH GOD THIS FILE OH GOD THIS FILE. Fucking expressivemanias man. Speechless. Score: 97.85%

New Lights 8/10 - 9/10 - 6/10
Standard is def not a 9 ;p Heavy rules, oni i have just one word for it: overdone. But i think it might grow on me after a few plays. Score: 98.03% - 97.83% - 91.13%

New Decade 7/10
This is pretty much a carbon copy of the above review for oni but it's the only chart and it's pretty good at following the song, it's just the song that it's pretty gay. Whenever that "boing" sample plays… ugh. Score: 94.62%

Narcolepsy 9/10
Very well structured file, really well done both technically and stylistically. Score: 98.58%

Mr. Lonely 9/10
While some of the patterns are a bit forced, it's a very enjoyable and fun file. It was awesome to get one more file from you, Juan. Score: 98.27%

Mirage Garden 9/10 10/10
Really, really awesome chart, always interesting throughout and very challenging and diverse. One of the best in the pack for sure. Score: 98.77% - 97.22%

MarioSTEP 6/10
It's somewhat accurately stepped, except the pitch relevancy on the 12th wubwub is off and becomes very annoying throughout the song. The ending jacky stream is so dumb, it could have used at least a bit more of variation. Nice file overall but these aspects really detract from it. Score: 91.44%

Lost not Forgotten 8/10
Awesome solos and stuff. Ending is a bit annoying with the jumps but i guess it's just how the song goes. Score: 97.75%

Lockene 0/10
Now i understand that bg… Will never play again until i turn super sayan! Score: 76.43%

Light house 9/10
Very fun file! Gets a bit repetitive but that's just the song. Score: 99.08%

Lawn Wake II 8/10 - 8/10
This file is as good as it can be given the song. Oni gets pretty painstep during the end. Score: 96.68% - 93.40%

Laveran no Shokutaku 8/10 - 8/10 - 9/10 - 8/10 - 7/10
Finally some well done easy charts! I love them! They make complete sense and are done tastefully, so a beginner can learn on them without having some dumb difficulty spikes here and there. Actually, the easy charts are even better than the hard charts. Considering how the song plays, the heavy and oni chart are both pretty irksome… maybe a better pattern choice on the triplets could have helped? Score: 97.97% - 99.39% - 99.48% - 97.63% - 95.00%

Laste testament of twelfth mother 9/10
Kilsteps much? Really well done and interesting throughout file. Score: 97.92%

kona-yla-mina and a lot of other bullshit 7/10
If i wanted to play with flat, i would pick that modifier myself. File is pretty nice but that purple note syndrome really detracts from it instead of being an useful feature. Score: 98.04%

Jordan 8/10
The solos are pretty fun but i think it could have been synced with slight bpm changes instead of all these color notes? Solid file overall although some bursts are kind of annoying. Score: 94.01%

Jack-the-ripper 9/10
Really well done file with good usage of all chart elements, such as mines, holds and hands. Every segment accurately gives the feeling of playing the instruments of that specific part of the song without being redundant. Score: 96.32%

Insect Digestion Melancholy 10/10
This is a stepping masterpiece. Everything fit in perfectly even though the file has very abrupt streams and weird swings. Really, really awesome. Score: 97.84%

Innocent Walls 8/10
This is max a 14 :P and It's fairly well stepped considering the song! The jacks rape me but they are all reasonable and well placed. Score: 92.83%

In the name of Gosh 7/10
Can solos ever become boring? On this file, they can. There's two giant solos and they sound very alike throughout. I do realize syncing them must have been hell but as for the gameplay goes i'm not too happy with this file, as it drags on for a lot and most patterns are very awkward to hit because of the irregular guitar notes. Score: 96.14%

I'm on crack 0/10
Interesting… song choice? Can't take seriously any song with "******" in the lyrics, man. negative points for including that video. I hate background videos. Actually i think this rates eight out of ten Score: 99.12%

I'll rape you, you'll never rape me 8/10 - 9/10
I don't really undersand the need to have two charts that have slight stepping differences but oh well they're both good. My fav is the heavy chart. Score: 98.15% - 97.51%

I like trains 9/10
Oh man, this is so fun, makes me want to sing along! also very nicely stepped Score: 98.29%

Howling 7/10 - 8/10 - 9/10 - N/10
Light is not a 6 :P at least an 8, and has some pretty bad difficulty spikes for a beginner player, although correctly stepped. Standard is pretty good and much more balanced! heavy rules and makes the song much more interesting to play although the instruments aren't very complex here. Edit is probably some gay shit and this ITG/stepmania abomination i created cant play them, so pce out. Score: 99.48% - 99.24% - 98.01% - N%

Haereticus 7/10
I don't know if i'm too bad to play this file or this has some really gay patterns but i don't find it any fun. Good for scoring for sure and probably more double after a few tries, so i won't downvote it too much. Score: 92.13%

Guile of the rime king 8/10
Pretty tricky mines, but well placed and done very effectively. I wish the song was shorter, it sounds all the same and after a while gets a bit boring. Would be a 9 otherwise. Score: 98.71%

Gravestoned 7/10 - 5/10
This song seriously needed a fucking cut. It drags for too goddamn long. While the heavy difficulty is somewhat balanced out, Oni is just… UGH. No. had to quit out of both charts. Also what moches said about this is perfectly true, the stepping style is way too rigid and creates a really unfun chart. But you have potential and i'm sure you can make better shit naxt time man! Drop the bottle, pick up the music!

Go! Go! maniac 10/10
Had lots of fun playing this! It's very well represented through the arrows and it overall rules (this incudes the song) Score: 98.47%

ge4ce 0/10 -10/10
Heavy, oh well, good for u stepmania monsters i guess…………. Edit… don't even wanna see it. Get the fuck out. Score: LOL did you expect me to pass this shit

Five Regrets 9/10 - 9/10 - 9/10 - 10/10
You are starting to become one of my favorite step authors, mr. brenton mah. Flawless file, all the charts make perfect sense and are done very well. Heavy gets the best rating cause it's complete with full layering and very pleasant to play. Score: 99.44% - 99.82% - 99.68% - 98.37%

The song isn't very interesting per se, but after halfway it gets much jazzier and becomes more fun to play, too. Maybe a long jumpstream isn't exactly the best choice to accent the sounds, especially the broken jumpstreams in the second half of the song, but still a really nice file. Score: 96.05%

Fatal Tragedy 9/10
At first i was like "wtf? another restep?" but turns out this is the best fatal tragedy of them all. At least i think it is, the others all have some very gay patterns in and out of the solo. Score: 97.36%

Fashion Queen 7/10
I'm not really sure about this. It's well stepped and has some cool funky moments but for the most part the song (it's not a stepping mistakes though) feels very empty and uninspired. The length did not help, either. If it was cut it could have easily been a 9. Score: 98.67%

Far East Nightbird 9/10
Don't think you can ever do better given this song. Some of the mines are really awful and i don't like how difficult it is to read the arrows there, but overall this file is really amazing. Score: 95.36%

Fallen World 9/10 - 10/10
Holy BALLS this file is dope! And it kicks (my) ass. Really wonderful take, extremely well crafted patterns for these melodies and speeds. Fantastic! Score: 95.61% - 91.65%

EOS 11/10
Maybe this file isn't all that special but i really fucking love anything about it, from the song to the steps. And for my level it's perfect as a scoring file. Score: 99.20% (after a few tries)

EndleSSStation 8/10
Does not seem like it is a 13, i would say a 12. Nicely put file but a bit repetitive considering the length. Challenging to the right degree and great patterns. Score: 98.73%

Empty Skydiving 2/10
No. What the hell? I haven't even counted how many minutes this is, but for sure it's TOO many. Ok the steps are good and all but goddamn i never want to play this file again. Wanted to quit at least 5 times and finished just for the sake of reviews. With a decent cut this would easily be around 8 /10, like this it's just endless dumpstream shit for god knows how many minutes. Score: 93.47%

Ehhen Doya Doya Doya brb reading hentai 8/10
The beginning with the jacks and trills is pretty homo but gets better later on. Score: 95.70%

Echo of Forever my file
First file i made in a fucking long time, and really happy with it. I feel there are still minor mistakes but it's too late now.

Eater Merry 9/10
Great climax and great usage of mines! Solid file Score: 98.83%

Earthquak 9/10
h4h4 the mines at the end, pretty great file, only thing i dislike is the minijacks section around 40% where there is clearly a melody going on that doesn't sound like that. That part would have felt more natural that way. Also who needs NVLM when you have mi40? Score: 95.54%

Don't Say Anything 8/10
Definitely a good file but i am biased because i played zanthro's file from back then and i think his captured the light feeling of the melody better. Maybe a mix between the two would have been optimal? I don't know. But this is for sure more accurate and still very well done. Maybe i'll just get used to it… Score: 95.79%

Do it this way 11/10
HOLY HSIT YES i'm really a sucker for these kind of songs. Score: 97.55%

Die Winnipeg Die Die Die Fuckers Die 9/10
Really well done hard file! After a while my fingers stopped working and i couldn't finish playing it properly, but this was amazing. Score: 54.33% (F)

Demonish Animal Appearance 8/10 - 8/10
Hey i made these gfx a thousand years ago! and i think dondon let me test this file, but i didn't have it around anymore… Pretty good file. Heavy flows pretty well even though the structure is a bit rigid, same with oni but with a lot more jumps. Like this file a lot! Score: 98.17% - 96.98%

Cyberstorm 8/10
Well this file is fucking hell, and also fucking fun! Has got a lot of replay value and everything was done incredibly well for a file this hard. My respect goes to whoever made this chart. Score: 86.26%

Crack in the Hourglass 8/10 - 9/10
Really good file despite some pretty gay patterns here and there in the solos. Oni is overall harder and even the bad patterns feel they belong more. Well crafted file which is a real pleasure to play. Score: 98.37% - 97.20%

Contact 7/10
Well done overall but the bursts are ver gay and there's nothing we can do about it. I don't think this is a very fun file even for advanced players? Score: 94.05%

Clash 10/10
Zago, you still have it in you! I love this file and i love the song too! It very well executed and plays wonderfully. Score: 99.24%

CirnoRHTL 9/10
Very very good file, balanced although challenging. Song is wat but i think it gives some interesting stops in which mines and hold were used fantastically. Score: 96.28%

Chronos 9/10
Love this one I'm gay 4 gimmix (get it lol) and i love these broken sounds. Had lots of fun playing this song and the patterns were exactly what i pictured for it. Score: 98.03%

Child Abuse shit 9/10 - 9/10 - 9/10
Standard is a pretty good chart, heavy could actually be the best of the three in terms of playability, but of course oni is much more accurate. They all excel in something. Oni is also BURRRRSSSSTSS. Score: 99.58% - 98.38% - 96.99%

Chaotic White 8/10
This was… beautiful. Very awesome jack theory and song. Maybe some section would have played better if they also followed the piano melody a bit instead of keep jacking. Also i realize the song sounds like this but i hate grace notes placed around a perfectly regular melody. Score: 98.81%

Captin Musasa Ass Clitoris 10/10 - 10/10
MAD. FUN. Nothing to add, other than the color theory on the vocals was an exquisite touch. Score: 99.18% - 97.36%

BSpower Explosion 7/10 - 7/10
What's up with the horses and sheeps and dogs? Anyway cool file, both charts are a bit retarded with these jacks and i think the different instruments could have been arranged better, but still… Score: 96.09% - 94.06%

Blue Rose 11/10
Holy fucking balls. Holy fucking balls. My jaw dropped at this, so bootiful. It will be a pleasure and try and score on this one. My mind drifted away while i was smashing my keys to beautiful pianos <3 Score: 95.83%

Bit Howl 7/10
It drags for a bit too long in my opinion, but it' still well done and has a pretty good climax buildup towards the end. Solid advanced file. Score: 94.41%

Battle! team Plasma 6/10
The song sounds like crap and gives no much room for expressivity, on top of that it repeats itself twice and becomes a bit annoying. Not my favorite file in the pack. Score: 91.77%

Bambous 10/10
Why am i such a sucker for these files? Score: 98.65%

Autoprocess 8/10
Great hard file which totally raped me! But it's done very effectively. Score: 86.70%

Asdfmovie6 Song 11/10
Another keeper of this pack…. as if this pack as a whole wasn't already da bomb…… But i really dig this song and file. Score: 98.05%

Apocynthion Drive 6/10
This took so goddamn long. I feel like some sections were kind of unnecessary and make the file too long and painful to play. Nothing really 79.10 (F)

Aegis 8/10
Song is very boring and sounds pretty bad, but steps were placed in a very sleek way which makes it really fun (for the most part) Score: 97.90%

Mr. Bob's Reviews

number ratings are arbitrary but pretty much refer to how much i enjoyed the file as a whole

BAMBOUS - i thought this file was getting redundant at first, but over time i really grew to enjoy it. the freezes were effective: 8.5/10

BLUE ROSE - technically, this file is probably perfect. as far as my hands go, i was overwhelmed; i'm not really good enough to enjoy this file to its fullest, so anything else i would say here would seem unwarranted. this is another one of those files i will have to come back to in the future, sooo: 8/10

CLASH - pretty much a perfect swing/shuffle/whatever file. nothing else to say, other than that it's fun and has replay value: 9/10

FAR EAST NIGHTBIRD - i had to quit out like three times due to external distractions, but once i was fortunate enough to finish the file i enjoyed it. i thought the mines did well to provide tension: 8.5/10

FIVE REGRETS - somewhat typical if that means anything, but still nice: 8/10

GO! GO! MANIAC - i was really getting into this file until it began to grow monotonous; i felt it meandered on and on, but for what it was it was still solid. maybe if the track was cut in half i would have enjoyed it more: 7.5/10

I'LL FORGET YOU, YOU'LL NEVER FORGET ME - glove: this file never became very engaging, but for what it was i enjoyed the use of jacks: 8/10 - 137: i feel about this file just as i do glove's chart really: 8/10

INSECT DIGESTION MELANCHOLY - this file could have been sooo much more subtle; rather, it felt simultaneously overwhelming and kind of boring: 7/10

KONA-YTA-MINA-TANGS BE ALTERED SCALE - all i can really say about this file is that it was fun and that the color scheme did make things more interesting: 8/10

LASTE TESTAMENTE OF TWELFTH MOTHER - a file by one of the very few artists whose files i can actually recognize by style alone!! pretty enjoyable, nothing else to say: 8/10

LAVERAN NO SHOKUTAKU - oni: i really hated this file at first (maybe because at one point on sightread i hit like fifty perfects in a row) but then stockholm syndrome set in and i grew to love those weird triplet rolls. somehow i think this has become one of my favorite files in the pack so far hmmmmm: 9/10

LOST NOT FORGOTTEN - another great dream theater file with really enjoyable solo patterns!! my two major complaints would be the jumps at the end (probably just because i'm terrible at hitting them really) and the fact that labrie's vocals become audible after the file is over, but the latter is the song's fault and couldn't really have been avoided provided the cut, so w/e: 9/10. by the way the tree in the photo i used for the graphics comes from my aunt's backyard *fun fact*

NTH DEGREE - definitely a file i will come back to. i generally don't care so much for mines, but mine usage and pattern usage were my two favorite things about this file: 9/10

SANE TO MORE - regardless of its diminutive length, this file is perfect. those guitar solos are so much fun ahhhh: 9.5/10

SPORTS - this is pretty much one of the few files in this pack i've even come close to aaaing omg; i really enjoyed how the keytar solo was rendered, or whatever it was: 8/10

ST. ALPHONZO'S PANCAKE BREAKFAST/FATHER O'BLIVION - i remember trying to step st. alphonzo like three years ago and it was a nightmare, so the fact alone you successfully synced both it and father o'blivion is commendable. this file plays just as i hoped it would; it's really great: 9.5/10

SWING SET - again pretty much exactly what i was hoping it to be?? the tapping segment in particular is just great: 10/10

ZEN - i should have made the mp3 louder: myfile/10

===KARMA-FIED!=== - as fun and vivid and creative as this file is, in this case the marathon length was a bit much and it didn't leave enough of an impression on me to have me flocking back instantly for more. regardless, the file itself is great and the patterns seem excellent; maybe another day!: 7.5/10

i'll try to review some others later on. favorites presently include Laveran no Shokutaku, Sane To More, St. Alphonzo and Swing Set

even though half of this pack is too much for someone at my arrowsmashing ability (pretty crummy), it is one i will be sure to come back to often. this pack is wonderful, seriously, so kudos to everyone involved

MrPopadopalis25's Reviews

Aegis - Solid file where everything flows nicely. The whole shebang stayed interesting despite having lots and lots of basic jumpstream. My only real nitpicks, such as that the mines that go to the crash swells are too short and don't have the "effect: that I think they should, are mostly personal probs. bmah's "Refined Bemani" style really matches well with rparty's "High Class Amateur" style. 6.5/10

Apocynthion Drive - Probably shouldn't have played this in 3.9, oops. Very very well done, the solos are boss. Biggest complaints are that the opening jumpstream had a few cool sounds that could've been accentuated, one of the longer streams that ignores the melody could've done something like freezes or colors to make it known, and your hand usage in the latter half could've been incorporated into certain parts in the earlier half for ~good fun~. 8/10

asdfmovie 6 song - Isn't asdf those really shitty "xd so random i have spork chicken go boom O_O" flash cartoons? The song kinda sounds like renard dubstep but a tad better? Steps are very nice though and fit well. Didn't care for the jumpjacks at the end and the 32nds during the jumpstream for 8-bitish noises felt kinda weird even though they were right...maybe freeze notes or something would've been cool? 7/10

Autoprocess - Very awesome song (like, I'm grabbing some albums if this dude/chick has any good) and the steps match with the song very well. Feels sleek and refined, almost AlexDest-ish mixed with a bit of Detri for good measure. Love it. 8/10

*Bambous - Awesome song choice, and fantastic steps to boot. Very very very rad. 9/10

Battle! Team Plasma - lol, look at those outfits. I'm not really sure how to feel about this file...there's a lot going on and I'm not sure if I comprehend it all. The file feels like a mix between a DCP and VGMP file, which is pretty neato. An easier chart or two might've been a good idea though. Overall I liked it. 7/10

Bit Howl - This song is so intimidating, as if a shirtless Turkish man is chasing you across rooftops. At first I wanted to say that you fellas should've avoided some of the minijacks (not the descending scale ones near the start, the ones later on) but upon giving it more thought I suppose that they fit the abrasiveness of the song quite well. I also think that you guys should've used arrows instead of mines in the slowdown part; I know what you were going for, but I think that having the melody in there would've been nicer. Gr8 file. 7.5/10

*Blue Rose - A masterpiece for sure. I'm so happy that this exists, lmao. Minor complaints include using 444333222 or whatever for the slower tom roll at the start of the drum solo (since a drummer would probably use RLR or LRL to hit it, not RRR or LLL), ignoring the cool stuff goin' on with the ride symbol during the 8th right jack before the bass/snare part, and having the final piano slams as [234][234] instead of quads. Still love it though. 9.5/10

BSpower explosion -
Are those goat and cow noises in the background? Nice song eitehr way; very steppable. Oni's first splurt of jumpstream should've used the melody instead of just straight 4ths IMO, and the second splurt's jumpjacks seemed a bit overkill to me (although I'm sure that if I could hit them that they'd be very fun, lmao). Heavy was kinda inconsistent in toning down certain parts but keeping others from the Oni...was it a 1 person to 1 chart deal or was the collab on both heavy and oni? If it was the former then ignore the inconsistency complaint. 7/10 for both charts.

Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor - Oni: The beginning would've been cooler if you had stepped the vocals instead of just the synth/mines IMO. Rad color tricks. 8/10
Heavy: Just as great as the Oni. 8/10

Chaotic White - DM Ashura and classic-looking graphics set...very nostalgic. Overall this is stepped with a high degree of proficincy and it really shows. I'm not too crazy about the grace notes/flams for the piano near the end...maybe mini freezes would've suited them better? I dunno, it just makes everything seem cluttered when it doesn't really need to be. 7.5/10

Child Protective Services Theme Song - This plays a fair bit smoother than the WIP I started making forever ago. There's a lot of stuff you noticed and accentuated that I didn't, which is pretty neato. Can't think of anything that I disliked, except that the one drum roll that's followed by "LA!" or whatever vocal sound it is near the end could've been stepped differently to make it more drummish? 7.5/10

Chronos - Neato. Not too much to say...everything worked and you kept it interesting even when the song repeated itself. 6.5/10

*CirnoRHTL - Fucking awesome song and graphics set. The steps really match the eclectic style while still remaining comfortable and fun to play. I think you could've followed the vocal sounds a bit more during the part near the middle where you have 4th hands and single 8ths in between, and near the end you should've accentuated the cool backwards swell sound (maybe with a trail of mines instead of just one?) since it's neat. Really liked this though, def going to be replaying it for a while. 9/10

Clash - Solid as hell mang. For the part with the 8th note left jacks with the occasional jump, I kinda feel like the pitches are changing so it's not all 111111, but I could be wrong since I'm the one sightreading and you're the one stepping, lmao. Very nice file. 7.5/10

Contact - Noice. A few of the DnB parts felt very iironic-esque with the [12] and [34] and [14] jumps interspliced with quick bursts. The bursts are pretty tricky but the patterns are comfy enough that they're managable. 7/10

Crack in the Hourglass - This was kinda like if Universal Mind has a "I'm going to go slay a dragon while wearing a cape" feel instead of "Holy crap I'm high as hell" feel. Very nicely stepped, and despite the length it didn't have the "ugh when is it over" feel. 7.5/10

Cyberstorm - Those jumpjacks at the start carry too much oompf, especially when the gabber kicks are reduced to singles immediately after. The slowdown part with the long [3] freeze also felt empty...there was a cool guitar or whatever in the background that could've had some stuff going on. Not too crazy about having the stream be 4ths a la NeoMAX but that's more of a personal gripe. Biggest complaint though is that the stream patterns during the huge speedup/inverted background part are p bad, especially when they're at that speed. Overall the song itself feels kinda dumpy and unpolished, like an amateur DJ remixing Max 300 in FL Studio, and the steps reflect that. 5/10

Demonish Animal Appearance - Legend of Heroes 3 sounds like a generic video game title that they use in movies/games when they want to avoid copywrites, lmao. I liked this one a lot though. That purple and red solo 3/4's of the way through is delightful. I almost want to say that a cut right after that would've been ideal, but at the same time I don't. Oh well. 8/10

Die Winnipeg... - Oww, my hands hurt. :c A way to break up the constant jumpstream more often would've been neat, but overall a very enjoyable and painful experience. 7/10

Dishevel - [train noise] Anaru, have you ever thought about stepping all of, like, M3 or Kirlian Selections or something? Your style melds with the big B. Jordan's faster stuff really well. Great work. 8/10

ReikonKeiri's Reviews

I played only heavy charts

Aegis - 6/10 jumpstreammmmmmmmm. got bored, failed out.
asdfmovie6 song - well made, but some really annoying patterns. 7/10
autoprocess - ouch 7/10
battle! team plasma 8/10 annoyingly hard
bit howl 8/10. ending too hard qq
bspower explosion 9/10 yay fun. fk those jacks
captain murasa ass anchor 9/10. sightread AAA so fun. really close to the FFR chart which is a good thing
chaotic white 9/10. those stuttered jumps at the end ughhhhh
child protective services 8/10 meh
chronos 9/10. really fun patterns. good song
cirnorhtl 7/10. insanely hard. dunno how I AAd, ty based holds
clash 9/10 cant wait to spam rates on this
contact was gonna give a 9/10, but those rolls made it a 7/10. fuck you
crack in the hourglass 11/10. i came
demonish animal appearance 7/10 call me old fashioned but i like the ffr chart more
dishevel 8/10 kinda hard but fun bursts
do it this way 10/10 omfg so good
don't say anything 8/10 like zanthros more sry
earthquake 7/10 two meeny jax
eater merry 10/10 so fucking fun
echo of forever 10/10 so fucking fun v2
ehhen doyadosu? tengujiman 6/10 just annyoing
endlessstation 9/10 probably wont replay cause it was long but that was really fun
eos 9/10 awesome patterns for MA
fallen world dragonforce/10 good stream practice
far east nightbird 8/10 not feelin the patterns
fashion queen 8/10 got kinda bored.
fatal tragedy 10/10 the non solos made this not an 11
fffff 7/10. nothing noteworthy and a gay 1h trill
five regrets 8/10 kinda boring
go! go! maniac 8/10 repetitive with not very many interesting patterns for a scintill file
gravestoned 7/10 impossible to score on. annoying
guile of the rime king 8/10 not bad. nice mines
howling 8/10 some fun patterns, a few gay mines
i like trains 9/10 i like those 24th bursts
i'll forget you 8/10 too jacky
i'm on crack 8/10 pretty fun. freeze section a bit awkward though
in the name of god 10/10 every time i see dream theater i prepare to taste the rainbow
insect digestion melancholy 10/10 glorious. erotic patterns and colors. its actually insane how much this differs from the old ass chart of this song
jordan 9/10 patterns in the solo were just toooooo gay to give this one a 10 rofl
laste testamente of twelfth mother 8/10 pretty boring
laveran no shokutaku 10/10. beautiful
lawn wake II 7/10 best lawn wake file ive ever played
light house 8/10 pretty good. nothing special.
lost not forgotten 9/10 fuck the ending. i am disappoint
mariostep 9/10 good song, hard chart
mirage garden 10/10 would've given 11 if I AAAd. almost did :[
mr lonely 9/10 great song. some awk patterns
my so called life 10/10 the fact that ji made a long venetian snares file without making gay patterns is a shining example of this pack's greatness
narcolepsy 9/10 wow those jumpgluts at the beginning are gay. only reason i dont give this a 10
new decade iidx 6/10. quit out. not for me.
new lights 7/10 well made, but i dont like a lot of the pattern choices
nth degree 10/10 godlike, would play over and over
oblivion 8/10 nah....
orbital 9/10 fun jacks. i like the bpm tricks too
paradise lost 8/10 jumpstream
parousia 9/10 fun but that ending...
pop a parade 7/10 slow part was awkward, fast part was too layered. two extremes
poppin shower 9/10 great patterns
red nikita 8/10 too safe
reefer man 9/10 super fun swing but ugh those mines
requien for a team 9/10 great song.
resurrected replayer 8/10 meh
sane to more 11/10 perfection
seven 7/10 those trills were anti fun :[
sin 7/10 yuck
snow storm 9/10 i liked that speed up stream
speed dial 8/10 very cb rushable
spin the disc 8/10 the burst was aids ji
sports 9/10 that mid section was a blast to play
st alphonzo not as good as i was expecting honestly
swing set 10/10 super fun to MA
toki 9/10 pretty boring until the end, which was awesome
transparent world 6/10 quit out. sry middie this file is gay :\
tzuichi-cha 7/10 inconsistent. didnt like it
uplift 7/10 that ending ruined a great file
why am i here 9/10 the other circus maximus song set my hopes too high for this one. i blame the song not the chart
wooly mammoth stomp 9/10 fun. jacks actually made sense surprisingly
zen 8/10 fun for most of it but that 32nd nonsense near the end was just a pain
i wanna give you devotion 9/10 good shit
karma-fied 9/10 really fun, but too long so probably wouldnt replay

roundbox's Reviews
Aegis - better than I expected, honestly. patterns are pretty entertaining. 8.5
Apocynthion Drive - 24th parts were pretty dumb, everything else was decent. however, not really memorable for a marathon length file. 7
ASDFMOVIE6 Song - Was okay. wubs are wubs, I guess. jumpstreams had nice patterns. 8
Autoprocess - well handled for drumz n BURsTz. Could be a good warmup file. 8.25
Bambous - SWINGGGG. pretty fun. would play again, easily. 9
Battle! Team Plasma - I wish reading this was possible but some of this shit is just bonkers 7.5
Bit Howl - nothing really memorable here. 7.5
Blue Rose - fuck yes this file. I like this version over the cut one Yesssss stepped, way less constricting on SM than the FFR counterpart. 9.5
BSpower Explosion (ONI) - Minijacks used correctly. Really fun. 9
BSpower Explosion (HEAVY) - I slightly prefer the ONI version, but this is a solid chart as well. 8.5
Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor (ONI) - A pleasant surprise. Jumpstream patterns are pretty fun, spoken word part is slightly awkward but it was honestly the best thing to step at that part. Really digging the mines in this file too. 9
Chaotic WHITE - Fun. Might see some people do rates on this file? 8.5
Child Protective Services Theme Song (ONI) - decent. not really memorable. 7.5
Chronos - another super solid Kommisar file. you somehow turned that song into something very playable. 9
CirnoRHTL - thought this was gonna be another stupid overstepped hardfile but the patterns in this go together well 8.5
Clash - what I expected from zagh, solid all around. 9.25
Contact - the rolls in this are much easier to hit than I thought, felt really nice with everything else in the file. 9
Crack in the Hourglass - glovestep. 9
Cyberstorm - eh. 8
Deomnish Animal Appearance - Everything but the beginning is really good. fuck those left handed jacks 8.5
DIE WINNIPEG blabhablhab - the longer this went on, the more I wish I hadn't started it. would it be more fun if I was better? maybe, but this is kind of a dump, no offense. 6
Dishevel - pretty good. Rolls aren't retarded either 8.5
Do it This Way - fucking shit this file is awesome 9.5
Don't Say Anything - kinda boring 7
Earthquake - is it bad that I kinda prefer the dump version over this 7
Eater Merry - pretty fun, good for MA fiends 8.5
Echo of Forever - solid 9
Ehhen japanese words etc. - more fun than I thought it was gonna be, but I must say mosaic.wav/10 (8.5)
Empty Skydiving - some fun parts here and there, but there wasn't anything that really stood out aside from the annoying as fuck one-handed jumpstreams toward the end. 6.5
endlesssssssSSSSsssssssssssStation - pretty cool layering tricks. will probably be playing a couple times in the future. 8.5
EOS - good for MA, otherwise a little on the forgettable side 8
Fallen World - dragonforce. ugh. Well, it wasn't... bad? guitar parts were good but I'm probably just hating on this file for the song itself. sorry. 8
Far East Nightbird - loooove the mines in this file. Pretty fun too. 8.75
Fashion Queen - never thought I'd see a Torrent file that I liked. fantastic for rates. (I liked, My Half is pretty fun) 9
Fatal Tragedy - really fun 9
fffffffffffffff - couldn't stop thinking about the solo chart when I was playing this. decent transition into 4-key 8
Five Regrets - pretty cool, the buildup was nicely done 8.5
ge4ce - as the sub-title suggests, what the fuck are you doing?/10
GO! GO! MANIAC - where are you coming from with all these awesome files wtf 9.5
Gravestoned - forgettable 7.5
Guile of the Rime King - fun 8.75
HAERETICUS - what is up with these stupid rolls and shit 6.5
Howling - boring 7
i like trains - i like this file 9
I'll forget You (STANDARD) - nifty, rates on rates for this file incoming 8.5
I'll forget You (HEAVY) - same as above I guess 8.5
I'm On Crack! - neat, but kinda boring for me 8
In the Name of God - accurate and well stepped, just felt that fatal tragedy was better 8.5
Innocent Walls - this new jack theory stuff is definitely not my thing, although the souce material doesn't really give you much else to do 7
Insect Digestion Melancholy - I really like the holds in this file, nothing else really stands out though 8
Jack-the-Ripper - That was a pretty weird song, but you had some nice patterns here and there 8.5
Jordan - same as In the Name of God (8.5)
kona words words words ALTERED SCALE - it's like a slower version of Usatei but more colorful 9
Laste Testament of Twelfth Mother - at first I thought this was gonna do some boring loop shit like some files in the VGMP collection but this turned into something pretty fun, really. 9
Laveran no Shokutaku - nifty 9
Lawn Wake II - lawn wake songs everywhere 8.5
Light House - pretty gud, good for MA/rates 8.75
Lockene - if this wasn't like 20 seconds long I would hate it 8
MarioSTEP - dubstep? really? I mean, the patterns weren't bad (except for that shit at the end) but dubstep. gross. 7.5
Mirage Garden - will definitely be playing this many times, fun as hell 9.55555
Mr. Lonely - Interesting 8.75 (+.25 for Kyle Hyde GFX)
My So-Called Life - this is fun as hell 9
Narcolepsy - ending made up for the beginning 8.5
New Decade - hands and silly jacks 8
New Lights - some parts were weird, some parts were really fun, not sure what to think of this one 8.5
Nth Degree - STEPHEN KAY OH MAN that was actually the first solid marathon file of this pack, gj 9
oblivion - fun, but forgettable 8.5
orbital - would probably be super cool after practice. xmod/10
Paradise Lost - bretty cool 9
Parousia - it was a file 8.5
Plasmatextor - song's catchy, nothing else really memorable though 8
Polssia - everything was good until you vomited in the middle of a decent stream with 32nds and 24ths like 70% into the song 8.5
Pop a Parade - better than HARAEUTiwhatever but those clusters of whatever were pretty annoying to read 8
Poppin' Shower - fun patterns, although really repetetive 8.5
Red Nikita - neat. can't really say much more about it though. 8.5
Reefer Man (HEAVY) - cool swingin', but... 8.5
Reefer Man (ONI) - prefer the ONI over the HEAVY version 9
Requin For a Team - cool stuff here and there, AAA bait 8.5
Resurrected Replayer - holy fuck this file is awesome. amazing use of holds/mines. 9.5
Rip Roar Power - accurate I guess but this shit isn't for me 5
Salieri Strikes Back (ONI) - only doing oni because marathon and people are going nuts over this version: you definitely took some risks here and followed more shit than the DukAmok version from LONG AGO, and at least you didn't make the big solo section runningmen. still choked from bad memories. 9
Sane to More - SHORT (and sweet) 9.25
Seven - I actually like the one handed stuff in this file, idk why. The chorus/first verse or whatever it was when the lyrics come in is kinda weak, everything else is fun as fuc 8.75
SIN - pretty textbook cetaka file, got some coul jumpstreams and stuff like that 8.75
Snow Storm - interesting I guess, cyan notes everywhere. decently fun 8.5
Space is Key - it started off pretty cool but as it went on I just wanted it to be over. 8
Speed Dial - minijacks were ??? but everything else was decent. might play some time int he future 8.5
Spin the Disc - definitely prefer this over IAmMe's version, but was never really a fan of the song myself 8.5
Sports! - that was actually pretty sick 9
St. Alphonzo's - this file is so light and fluffy white 9.5
Swing Set - will probably be grinding the shit out of this for MA (AAA sightread whoa) 9
Synaptic Plasticity - that bass line is so funky delicious 9.5
The Bridgeport Run - was alright, prefer your other file in this pack tho 8.5
The Creator - good patterns, nothing really hooks me on this file though 8.5
Time Out - not for me, sorry 8
Toki - gr9 file 9
Transparent World - first and foremost: OH GOD THAT VOICE. not really into the hatsune miku thing. also, same kind of thing with DIE WINNIPEG on the hardness factor but you at least tone it down with other difficulties. I still played edit, and it was pretty coul, it'll just take me awhile to handle. 8.5
Tranzport - I like the restep, but I prefer the original (aperson's is bretty good) 8.75
Tzuicha-cha - welcome back to stepmans. really fun file, actually. 9
Ultraviolent Junglist - awesome work on this file, seriously. difficulty ramps up nicely and is consistent throughout. 9.5
Unconnected - alright, most of the patterns weren't really bullshit 8
Uplift - kinda generic 7.5
v3 - thighs sufficiently clapped 9.5
Waltz No. 17 - nah/10
We Are Hi-Speed - decent patterns here and there, nothing too crazy 8.5
Why Am I Here? - definitely a little more tame than your other two files. nothing here really grabbed my attention though 8.5
Wooly Mammoth Stomp - AAA bait 8
Zen - Not bad, not superb either 8
(I wanna give you) Devotion - 64ths and slightly awkward holds 8
==KARMA-fied!== - solid use of just about everything, however the amount of movements in the song was a little off-putting to me. solid steps though 9

all in all, pack is pretty solid. Some really strong files here and there, most simfile artists are really newcomers to me since I've been in and out of SM for awhile now. My opinion may not be the coolest or most relevant, but I'm pretty sure everyone wants to hear more opinions about their file. Maybe not. Special awards go to Glove and Scintill for strong file contribution to this pack.
gg wp

ScylaX's Reviews

Aegis (rparty & bmah) Kinda stange at the beginning but fun nonetheless because of these quick notes. And the music is nice.

Apocynthion Drive (kommi) what the hell did I just play. The music must be one of the best piece of chiptune I ever heard and the file lived up to it. Even though 4 steps is very limited to express all the power of the music it was a great attempt and I'll replay it for sure (even though it's super damn long)

asdfmovie6 Song (alexdest) My favorite part must be the 16th streams... not really my cup of tea but definitely not a bad file. Too much freezes for my taste.

Autoprocess (cbr) I love neat and quick files like that. The high difficulty is definitely not a barrier to my enjoyment of this.

Bambous (wayward vagabon) The lack of variety added to the length of the music make it hard to enjoy for me.

Battle! Team Plasma (patashu) Hot damn I usually like your file but I found the intro terribly strange to play. This file is super weird overall, there are some parts I liked a lot but the rest was very very strange...
Maybe the music in itself may be hard to really step...

Bit Howl (rogdor detrimentalist) I like the smell of this file. It may be too hard to my taste. I think the middle part is the best. I guess it's okay!!

Blue Rose (stargroup) EXCELLENT!!!!!!! At first I was like "oh it's a modification of Yessss" but eventually I understood where you went with that and it was pretty nice to play (these SUPERFASTZ trills were really annoying though)

BSpower explosion (sonick & Glove) 9/10 file I enjoyed hitting these notes a whole lot. The jacks were like a stab of pain in the ocean of fun though but I didn't prevent me to like it.

captain murasa's ass anchor (gd) Fun. Strong file. Homogeneous structure.

Chaotic White (moches) As expected of moches, you can make a great file on a boring song. To be honest the excerpt didn't really appeal to me but I was greatly surprised by the quality of your chart.

Child Protective Services (rogdor) You managed to create a solide file over an average NDAD music. Very fun to play. It was a pleasant experience.

Chronos (kommisar) The thing I like the most about this file is the recurrence of 32nd bursts.

CirnoRHTL (valor) That shit makes my arms SORE. Also kool gfx. I'm not really a fan of superdumps like that sorry

Clash (ZAGHURIM) Very very fun to MA (as expected of ZAGHURIM!!!), not too long and not too short. It may be too simple for me to find it perfect but it's definitely a solid file.

Contact (Yosh) Oh my god I don't know who you are but what you made is REALLY REALLY good. I'll replay it for sure, I really like it a lot. You led that song to its full potential let me give you a medal.

Crack in Hourglass (Glove) That's the kind of file I like to play. This is neat and solid. The solos are as fun as the rest of the chart. Global thumb up.

CyberStorm (Nick Skyline) OH DOG YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING DIDN'T YOU This is intense without being ridiculously hard, the difficulty is completely legit. This is probably the most awesome file of the pack till now. it's a perfect harmony between the music and the notes. It was 100% fun till the end, I LOVE it. 200/10
ps i love u

Demonish Animal Appearance (dondon151) Very nice. Nothing special but nothing wrong either.

die winnipeg (alexdest) SUPER STAMINA TRAINING the file is really cool even though the extreme difficulty makes my arm super sore in no-time. 7/10

Dishevel (mi40) Haha it's been a long time since I stepped that. Your file is quite similar to mine so I guess it's GOOD!!!!

Do it this way (idk) When I heard the preview I feared the file would be all but something I'd like but I guess you managed to make it very VERY enjoyable despite the genre of the song GOOD JOB

don't say anything (detrimentalist) Very nice too. May be a fun file to MA on.

Earth Quake (mi40) About time that music got a good file to go with it. Not really my thing, I found it to be average but I don't think it could be any better.

Eater Merry (Kaneh) Well that was unexpectedly good. If I had to emit a critic however I'd say your use of hands/jumps may be a bit too intense for the music you're laying them on. It's very good however, but it could be even more enjoyable to me.

Echo of Forever (mollochepalus) The last freezes were very cool. I love that kind of gimmick where you have to release the hold on a particular moment. The file's solid too, very nice to play.

Ehhen Doyasu? (plopadop) Strong chart! Kind of hard too... makes me want to try a full AAA on it.

Empty Skydiving (leone510) This isn't really my thing. Your style lacks impact to me, there are too much freezes over the chart, it's soft where it needs to be impactful.

endleSSStation (valor) I don't really like it. The song is very cool but it just doesn't do it to me. I'll just pass for this one.

EOS (ilikexd) Average??

Fallen World (NickSkyline) It felt like an IcyWorld file at first haha still cool. Not really my cup of tea though

Far East Nightbird (moches) I still prefer my file over yours your chart is another vision and you did a good thing to restep it, it has a fresh feels to it.

Fashion Queen (Torrent) Cool combination of good song + good chart. Pleasant MA File.

Fatal Tragedy (Baq12) You already know my opinion on your file, however I think I like it more than the first time, either I got used to your style or I just changed my global opinions for a bit idk.

fffff (valor) Woah it feels just like an enhanced version of the chart I played back in 2009. Still a great attempt.

Five Regrets (bmah) Osamu Kubota <3 I found your chart to be quite heterogeneous, there are parts I really liked (first part) and other I didn't felt a lot (most of the silent part). Anyway it's still a file of quality but I guess the song is to blame for the weaknesses of your chart.

ge4ce (Yosh) Heavy's difficulty is so retarded I can't even imagine how ridiculous the edit version must be. The notes variations in the intro are really really fun to tap... but seriously you're ridiculous making a file like that. I want to hate the whole stupidity of this but I CAN'T because even though the file is shit it's so good at the same time and I know your way to step it was fucking perfect

GO! GO! MANIAC! (scintill) n1c3

Gravestoned (shadowgod) Not bad. I guess if you keep making files you'll eventually get better and spawn awesome charts!

Guile of the Rhyme King (fission) Averagely good.

HAERETICUS (Arntonach) Y'know since the first time I played a file of yours I still didn't figured how to understand your view on notecharting.

I'll forget you (137 & glove) Only played 137's chart. I liked the jacks a lot, as for the rest of the file... I thought it to be too much intense for the music they're on. Even though the jacks are a very nice touch because they go really smoothly with the vibes of the music.

I'm on crack (iRanch) Can't see what's special in it. It kinda bored me, even approaching it as an MA file. Not my cup of tea at all.

Insection Digestion Melancholy (Baq12) Hey!! That's a super good chart you made. I really liked it, I see you're getting better and better. You should step more IDM, I want to see you step a whole diversity of genres.

Laste Testament (Kil) The file was cool but I really disliked these jacks. Stepping that bass guitar wasn't really a good idea I think.

Laveran no Shokutaku (Scintill) That harpsischord is pure fucking love. I love that file. Your chart fits perfectly with the song and the way you stepped the harspischord is perfectly perfect. Replay value = 99999999

Lawn Wake II (Baq12) I worship that music. I'm a bit disappointed that you didn't step the whole song. I don't agree with how you stepped some of the breaks but the least I can say is that you definitely grasped how to step another genre than metal.

MarioStep (Blind) Ok so first : Making a long jack pattern to emphasize the addition of snare drums is a bad way to reflect that idea. You can sure make a whole streams made entirely of jumps however I think it's way better to merely put minijacks instead of long jacks in the whole pattern because it raises a LOT the difficulty factor.
Second : Try not to step anything but the wub while the drop, it disrupts me a LOT when I try to follow the rhythm of the wub and I end up having the impression of hitting random notes instead of taping a clear section of the song.
And third : The pattern of the final part is godlike and I liked the file overall. Love.

Mirage Garden (ilikexd & Glove) Played oni : The music is fantastic and the chart was pretty good actually it must be one of my favorite file from the whole pack. Perfect execution. Nothing to add. <3

Mr. Lonely (DJ Ossa) Well that was certainly okay. I don't hate it but I don't love it either.

New Desire (Roar) TYPICAL ROAR FILE. Still love it.

New Lights (bmah) Very enjoyable, the 24th notes parts were my favorite.

Nth Degree If this doesn't differ from the secret pack's version then my feels for this are intact : The best marathon file I ever played. <3

Orbital (Kommi and MacGravel) Tricky file. I liked the solo version a lot and this standard adaptation's very neat to my mind.

My So-Called Life (mi40) Ok so the charting of the intro/outro is really good and that mine work has the benefit to be SIMPLE and EFFICIENT at the same time. Your drum layering is flawless, the only "bad" notice I have is how you chose to layer that weird synth in the middle instead of focusing on the bass. It could have been a nice touch to layer the bass in the middle portion with some subtle freezes but it's still a gr8t file.

Light House (Valor) I found the second half to be funnier than the first one. If I had to make a file over this song I'm sure it would be 80% different from what you did ; the simplicity of your approach seemed a bit weak to me at first, but I enjoyed tapping these notes toward the end so......

Paradise Lost (Nick Skyline) Hey these final freezes didn't needed to be that long I think hahaha anyway very good file for scoring will replay for sure. The layering is great, the only part that confused me was the dramatic come-back in the middle with these strange trills but it was still very enjoyable.

Plasmatextor (Stargroup) Frustrating jacks overall typical stargroup file I guess?????

Polssia (Leone510) WERE ALL THESE JUMPS AND TRIPS REALLY NEEDED ? Anyway the file is quite fun and I loved the bursts but I think even though the song is intense, abusing of doubles/trips was really drowning your chart into chaos.

Red Nikita (Charu) osamu kubota <33 There are small portions in this that are really intense despite the song being quite... elegant and smooth??? There are patterns that didn't reflected that smoothness and felt hard and brutal comparatively to what the song conveyed. I think you should have tried to put more freezes. Adopting a more tactical layering would have been nice too.

Requiem for a Team (spitfire) Very good and fun. Your style mixes very well with that kind of music. I'll replay it for sure.

Resurrected Replayer (Kommi) Clearly not your best file but still cool nonetheless. What's cool with you is that even your bad files are nice to play.

Rip Roar Power (MrTea) Nice for scoring ; putting that aside I didn't really like it. this is like the little brother of Cyberstorm : it shares the same identity but I just find Cyberstorm cooler and funnier to play. I felt there was a problem with how you grasped the intensity of the music. Can't say how though.
I really liked Szycag though

Sin (cetaka) Yeah well it's been a long time now since the first time I played this file and my opinion didn't change : still not as good as puppet's (also it better be the last Sin file before a long moment.)

snew sturm (ilikexd) That long 48th stream was a very very good idea to express the coldness and all that. I don't really like the music (the instrument are as cheesy as they can get) but you managed to pull out a good file from that.

Space is Key (SPACE) PAINFULLLL file. overall the file is nice and solid but.....

SpeedDial (IcyWorld) I like how your style allies simplicity and pure jolts of fun. Legit difficulty and perfect layering, the solos are kickass
10/10 file
(icy as good as ever)

St. Alphonzo (Scintill) You have the capacity to spawn super great files with songs I would have considered to be UNSTEPPABLE otherwise. Genius job.

Swing Set (Yesssss) I guess it's okay..... don't think I'll replay it or anything but I didn't hated it... just not my kind of thing.

Synaptic Plasticity (Fission) Good for a mathcore file. I'm not a fan of that sort of music but you managed to make it likeable.

The bridgeport run (Torrent) I love your way to layer IDM like that.

Transparent World (midnight) played oni ; the layering was kinda bad to me ; the streams were okay, that what made the file fun to me...
And the final part was HAAAARRD. Everything else could be fine but... I don't know if you fixed that in your easier difficulties, however making a 16th running man + jumps on 8th notes was ABSOLUTELY NOT NECESSARY and very unpleasant to tap at that. If you wanted to emphasize the brutality of the snare drums then laying trips would have done the thing. I can't see the use of 16th note for that part. Plus it appears at the end of the file so your arms are meant to be tired at the moment, and you have that jolt of difficulty that suddenly makes all the whole thing WAY HARDER.
(I can't imagine how difficult it must be on edit)

tranzport (valor) Ok so the jumpstream at the end wasn't necessary I think, you could have ended the file with simple 8th jumps and trips to emphasize the beat. That aside, the file is very VERY good, you had a lots of great ideas and executed them very well (the rolls in the first part that followed the pitch bending of the looong saw + the freeze monopoly in the middle). Of course it's not as innovative as the version we all played (aperson's file is crazy on that point) but at the same time it felt like you corrected all of the STRANGENESS that were present in ap's file and that annoyed me.
I wondered how one could step it without plagiarizing aperson's file while being as good as ap's and you succeeded to pull out a very enjoyable file. A++ will play again

tzuicha-cha (skorpionx9) Definitely a fun file. I'll maybe replay it someday. I found your layering to be very violent sometimes but I guess it was necessary somehow.

Unconnected (Nick Skyline) The problem I had when I tried to step that song is that the breaks may sound very fun and cool to step, but they reveal to be... quite the opposite in fact. Still a good attempt, I think that's one of the worse file I played from you and I think the song is to blame. (also it doesn't mean the file's bad!!!!! just that it's clearly not as great as the other files you made for that pack peace)

V^3 (mi40) Perfect execution of the chaos that crawls in this song. And by that I mean that's the kind of file with a legit difficulty that is still pleasant to play putting aside the fact it kills your arms.

ZEN (Mr Bob) Simple but powerful. I love your files man, I hope you'll make more in the future.

== KARMA-field== (Stargroup & Don) The final part was my favourite, the rest of the file is very fun too. It lives up to the overall quality of the pack. Good job.

also top 7 of my favorites files !!
1. Laveran no Shokutaku
2. Mirage Garden
3. Cyberstorm
4. Nth Degree
5. tranzport
6. Speed Dial
7. Apocynthion Drive

honourable mention : MarioStep ; YoshL's files (all of them!!)

Shadow_God_10's Reviews

Aegis: Umm...I dunno if anyone had this issue but some parts were WAAAYYYY offsync. I had to go in and fix it for 3.95 Lowered a few stops and stuff and now it's good. will edit this post when I play it

EDIT: Holy shit those streams were fun as fuck, You balanced out hand stream and jumpstream very well, the 32nds were fucking AWESOME too. The offsync of the file was probably something you couldn't have known so I won't hold that against you 8/10

Apocynthion Drive: This file raped my fingers...those 24th bursts ate me alive lmfao. Quite a song though, the steps flowed beautifully even though they raped me! good job dude! 8/10
asdfmovie6 song- I. LOVE. the way you did this file. I couldn't see any issues except...well..nothing. Nice file Alex. this is definitely on my replay list 10/10

Autoprocess- JACKS but this file was good, I can't speak for the song itself but you did it a fair amount of justice, some patterns flow a little awkwardly for me though 6/10

Bambous- Why does this song remind me of Ewoks trying to have sex? I LOOOVED the tapdancing shoes section, that was especially VERY well done. and the rest of the file flowed beautifully! you get -1 for the sexual ewoks xD 9/10

Battle! Team Plasma- This file was a little awkward for me, I could see the directions in which you wanted to go with it but then it's like you decided to go with something else, The patterns are great but somewhat scattered though. But I'll give you a bonus for a welcome back to SM 7/10

Bit Howl- Woah this file was intense, It's like Hajnal on ROIDS lmfao. good work man! 8/10

Blue Rose: This was a beast of a file to play, The drum solo was stepped awesomely...everything else kinda reminded me of Yesssss' version (which is a good thing) 9.5/10

BSpower explosion-Pretty fun file, I like the barn animals there were a ALOT of weird patterns for me though. especially those 16th jumps everywhere near the end. 7.5/10

Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor- The fucking title gives you insta +1 Holy shit this file rocks! I love all the pretty colourful parts, the minijack chorus is well done too! 10/10

Chaotic WHITE- Awesome file! very well layered and has a large amount of replay value! 8/10

Child Protective Services Theme Song- This is the song that Pewdiepie used for his intro . It's very well stepped, very fun and simplistic. not much else to say 9/10

Chronos- Very tricky to MA for me, but it's an awesome and interesting file. Nice job Kommi 9/10

CirnoRHTL- First of all...the GFX scare me. this file started out retardedly hard but then got more awesome as the file went on. I'm starting to like your files Valor! 8/10

Clash- This file is awesome! I love shuffle files, the steps transitioned very neatly, there was no overall awkwardness for me. Nice job Zagh 10/10

Contact- This file was a doozy! I personally felt there were a LOT of bursts that distracted the overall flow of the file which was very neat, but the bursts killed it for me sorry man. 5/10

Crack in the Hourglass Heavy- This song is awesome, I love how well you appropriately decided not to stick freezes in the final portion where you followed the piano, the guitar solo was a little crazy for me though. 8/10

Crack in the Hourglass Oni- Oh. THERE'S THE FREEZES LOL. Very well done Glove 8/10

Demonish Devilish Appearance- I love the song! the steps are great too! Oni was a bit outta my league for playing though but I still managed to get through it 8.5/10

Die Winnipeg Die Die Die Fuckers Die- Umm....What the hell was that dude Don't get me wrong. I wanted to enjoy the file but to me it seemed a bit overwhelming. Also the GFX needed more mosquitoes LOL. 6.5/10

Dishevel- This song made my soul hurt! But the steps were fuckin' with the song good job brah! 7.5/10

Do It This Way- EARTHWORM JIM *ahem* The song was...certainly unique. I loved the Saxophone, Trombone and Trumpet section, and those right hand trills were awesome too! I'll be playing this one again for shizzle 8.5/10

Earthquake: Minijacks? I honestly couldn't tell where you were going with those. But I really enjoyed the rest of the file 7/10

Eater Merry- I personally think some of this file should have been 180bpm. it seemed all cluttered for me to read what you were trying to make with the sounds, Some of the file was great but it just seems very cluttered. 6.5/10

Echo of Forever- Some patterns were a bit wonky for me to see, you have the sounds and everything stepped perfectly it's just a matter of placement. Still a very good file all around 7.5/10

Ehhen Doyadosu? Tengujiman- This file made my brain hurt the first time...but then I played it again and I realized where you were headed with this file. It was AWESOME! The jumpstream was a bit too hard for me but it I love it! 8/10

Empty Skydiving- Well this file certainly WASN'T EMPTY (sorry bad joke) OW....MY ARMS! To everyone that says this file sucks. I would disagree, It takes a lot of effort to make a song like this to be fun and not repetitive and boring. As painful as it was for me to play, kudos to you my man. I'll be playing this a lot, it gives newer players who want to improve on jumpstream a chance to develop their skills. The only issue I had was that part with thee 24'ths though, I didn't really understand that at all. 8.5/10

Far East Nightbird- Wow, this a great file! I love how well balanced it is, it's very easy to follow and tricky to FC. I couldn't ask for anything more out of this. 9.5/10

Fashion Queen- Holy fahk. A file by Torrent that ISN'T Venetian Snares LOL. K but in all seriousness this file is wicked for the song. Every section stands out on their own and no part seems to be dragging down the other. Sick file 9/10

Fatal Tragedy- I'll admit that I'm a little surprised. I don't think many can outdo IamMe's version of this. Some parts were ehh.. there was a part that should've been a trill in the keyboard solo but you made a roll. The end part was wicked sick though, overall this file is awesome to play and score on for me 7/10

fffff- This file is fucking FUN. AS. HELL. I love how well the jumps flow to the ignorantly LOUD piano portions, the trills were done beautifully, and I loved the ending as well. Awesome work! 10/10

Five Regrets- WHY DOES THIS SONG END I was having SO much fun playing it! This file is easily one of the best I've played in this pack so far...I can't think of anything else to say 10/10

Ge4ce vFUR v2- WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT D: This is ridiculously hard! Some parts were fun until the 48TH AND 32ND RAPE D: please do not do that to my poor fingers again 6/10

GO! GO! MANIAC- I thought this file was pretty fun because shuffle. But it felt like it was too repetitive in some areas, Other than that awesome job on a cool tune 7/10

Gravestoned- Meh. I personally think I overdid the bursts a LOT D: The patterns were good in some parts, retarded in others. I'm speaking for the Oni chart. Heavy is way better imo 6/10

Guile of the Rime King- AWWWWW THAT CD TITLE IS SOOOO ADORABLE!!! *ahem* Really nice song choice, I like how you used the half-tempo in the correct parts if the song, buuuut you should've made it double time for the last part of the song except for the last synthy section. 8.5/10

Haereticus- What the hell did I just play?! I'll give you an even 5 for getting a file in but...I just... dunno

Howling- an interesting song. The steps are very accurate in most parts, bravo 7.5/10

I like Trains- ROFL those graphics! I really REEALLLY liked those 24th bursts and the part where it goes "I like trains" 9/10

I'll Forget You, You'll Never Forget Me- I certainly won't forget this file! It's fun, creative and it's different than most songs that I've heard in this pack! great job guiez, 9.5/10

I'M ON CRACK- what an odd song o.O" umm... I like the way everything was put together buuuut some parts were a little awkward for me to time and hit. nice effort though 7/10

In The Name Of God- I....Fucking...Love this! It's fun, it's colourful and you really stamped out the solos. Nice work on this one bro! 10/10

Innocent Walls- JACKS But I loved everything else xD 7/10

Insect Digestion Melancholy- FINALLY! A GOOD VERSION OF THIS SONG! I applaud you for stepping this, I HATED moogy's xD. I love all the pretty colours and stuff too, very well stepped 10/10

Jack-the-Ripper- This song was cool, had really neat steps to go with it as well 7/10

Jordan- Holy fucking colourful solo batman! You did a good job stepping this accurately man! it's very well done except for the part near the end I think it was a little weird for me. 7/10

kona-ita-mina-tangs be Altered Scale- Umm...I love the file but I'm curious as to why you didn't make it Red yellow and blue notes? It's an awesome interesting file and I enjoyed the minijacks portion 8/10

Last Testament of Twelfth Mother- VERY repetitive, I didn't like the direction it went sometimes, some sections felt a little TOO overdone while some felt too simplistic and boring. Good effort though, 4/10

Laveran no Shokutaku- I liked it a lot. It's neat, it's unique for sure and everything flows nicely! 8/10

Lawn Wake II- Ow that hurt. A lot. It was very fun! but some parts felt a little recycled and re-used dude. I couldn't get a good variety on the steps either. But it was still cool to play a new lawnwake II 6.5/10

Light House- Mikey likey this one! It has a variety of sections and from what I could tell no patterns were ever used twice throughout the file! I loved the 12'th sections. 10/10

Lockene- Umm...that was relatively short xD THE END RAPED ME. but it's fun to play 8/10

Lost Not Forgotten- This is a fucking masterpiece. You nailed EVERYTHING! holy shit. Good job! 10/10

MarioStep- JACKS D: but this file was fun as fuck! Holy crap. I could whore this for days 9/10

Mirage Garden- FUN AS FUCK ERRMAHGERRD ! I love the ending drum part too 10/10

Mr. Lonely- OSSA! YOU'RE BACK! AND YOU STEPPED A FUCKIN' GUITAR SOLO. This file is sweet shit. I love how well the Ossa's- I mean freezes are placed! 9/10

My So-Called Life- This was awesome! I really liked how you didn't throw everything everywhere. it looked like everything was good. Just try to avoid using the same patterns over and over. 7.5/10

Narcolepsy- THE ADORABLE PONY STRIKES AGAIN ^_^ and gets another good mark in my books. This file is SEXY as fuck<3 I love all the parts...except for the 24th jumpjacks those were kinda random to me. 8/10

New Decade IIDX Edition- I didn't really like where this was going at all to be honest. Some parts were done nicely but some parts were just an utter mess to me. It's a decent file, but it seems too cluttered and overlayered 6/10

New Lights- That Beginning...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT D: but other than that the rest of the file was pretty well done. I liked the random BPM changes dude 7/10

Nth Degree- This file is flawless. I'm ITCHING to play it again! it just blew me away. 10/10

Oblivion- FUN AS HELL. I love the way you stepped everything and layered it so it was one part into the other, nothing was too overwhelming or understepped. just perfect. 10/10

OrBiTal- Awesome file, I loved all the tricks and stuff but some parts and patterns felt overused, a little more variety would've helped this file be more enjoyable for me 7.5/10

Paradise Lost- Umm...Some of the parts were REAAALLLY cool...but some felt reallly overstepped and ruined the overall flow of the song. I'll play it again for sure though. 7/10

Parousia- Some parts were VERY well done...others felt too overdone. I could see where you were trying to go with the flow in most parts though, just try to tone down the intensity for when it isn't needed sometimes. 7/10

Plasmatextor- I loved the overall flow of the file, the 24th jacks fit in beautifully, I dunno what you're all whining about xD. Great job Stargroup. 9/10

Polssia- I loved the beginning of this file....then it turned into a massive clusterfuck of destruction...then it got awesome at the end.. How did you pull that one off? O.o 6.5/10

Pop A Parade- I think this file needs a look at.. Some parts were way off sync for me...there were steps that needed to be placed where others were... I dunno. Song's funky as hell though 6/10

Poppin' Shower- Omg that voice. is stuck in my head! Reaally good file! nothing too bad to speak of that I noticed. except for that random part with the 48ths. 7.5/10

Red Nikita- If this is your first file....That's outstanding! Holy shit this is one of the best files in this pack, hands down. Everything fits perfectly, you spread everything out beautifully. Good job! 10/10

Reefer Man

Scintill's Chart- This file is EPIC! I can tell you spent a LOT of time syncing this beast. I loved the whole damn thing!

GLoVE's Chart- This file is GREAT! It's completely different from Scintill's which is great, you managed to keep the overall flow of the song


Requiem For A Team- Urggh.. the graphics grossed me out big time D:. But the file is wicked fun, probably the best DnB file in this pack so far! good job dude! 9/10

Resurrected Replayer- Awesome file Kommi, I wasn't sure why the 16'th jumps where everywhere though but I played it again and noticed it. I'd play this all the time 10/10

Rip Roar Power- MY..HANDS this song nearly blew out my eardrums not to mention the file is balls hard...in a fun...masochistic way T_T 7/10

Salieri Strikes Back- Oh god...I have the play this twice T_T YOU CRUEL BASTARDS

Baq12's Chart- The half tempo part seemed VERY off for some reason may be just me. But holy fuck that hurt my arms...I can't believe I have to do Mi40's next T_T 8/10

Mi40's Chart-Ow....If I get carpel tunnel it's YOUR fault. Urgh...that 240 16'th jumpstream... You're sadistic T_T 7/10

OVERALL: You two are fucking evil bastards who have made me suffer for 12 minutes just to fairly review this song 7.5/10

Sane To More- WHY DIDN'T YOU STEP THE WHOLE SONG But this is another flawless file by you. 10/10

Seven- My soul hurts playing Oni. But still... another flawless file 10/10

Sin- FUCKING BIGASS CD TITLE/10 in all seriousness this is one of the best versions of Sin I've ever played. 9/10

Snow Storm- I love how you used the 48ths to make the piano blend into the background so it looked like you couldn't see anything! that was awesome. The rest of the file is awesome too . Save for a few confusing parts 9/10

Space is Key Theme Song- that...was a massive dump. I BARELY passed lmao. But seriously...I did not like the chart at all to be honest. I can tell a small amount of effort went into it but it's just scatterbrained all over 3/10

Speed Dial- That fuckin' Piano solo was orgasmic! and the Drum solo was sick too! Holy shit I love the way you stepped that part. Other than that nothing really jumped at me 8/10

Spin the Disc- yay a file of yours that didn't rape me. I enjoyed it a lot. it could've used bpm tricks though D: but still well done 7/10

Sports!- That drum solo was the key to this file's success! it was very well done and I can see myself whoring this file for a AAA 9/10

St. Alphonzo's Pancake Breakfast and Father Oblivion- The song title itself and the song are insta-win. The file does it justice, it's awesome. 10/10

Swing Set- This file. Is GOLDEN. I love the tap dancing part the most! 10/10

Synaptic Plasticity- ADORABLE PONY RETURNS with another gem! there are a few annoying parts but I really like your files 8/10

The Bridgeport Run- This file is REALLY fun..my fingers are just so braindead to get a good score, you layered everything very well and the freezes were used in a fun manner. the only thing I didn't like was the annoying jumpstream burst part of doom 7.5/10

The Creator- Okay I'm confused....The song seems like a straightforward constant BPM. Why cut it in half and speed it up? o.O other than that it's a fun different song 8/10

Time Out- Awesome file, sickass song too! I love how well you stepped this and how accurate you made it 10/10

Toki- Easily one of the best files you've ever made, that 12'th part to finish the song is amazing 9/10

Transparent World- This is like... Cry of the Brave...Japanase Edition...The solo wasn't really well thought out... Umm...The only good parts were the chorus and the ending imo 6/10

Tranzport- Valor...Umm.. This file is a REAALLLY good re-step for the song, I LOOOVED the quad freeze section. But ugh. that end reminded me of Quadrasphinx D:. 7/10

Tzuicha-cha- You creatively used the sounds that were made available to this song, thus making it challenging and enjoyable at the same time. It's awesome. but some patterns felt really awkward 8.5/10

Ultraviolent Jungalist- This file is AWESOME! It's like Epedermis on steroids. I love how you dedicated certain jumps/hands/freezes to certain sounds on the chart. I'll be whoring this file for a LOOONG time. 10/10

Unconnected- THANK THE LORD THIS ISN'T A LONG SONG otherwise I would have murdered you. This is a gem in it's own way. It's accurately stepped and provides that stamina draining challenge that people want when they feel they need to work on speed and stamina. Some patterns and sections felt weird to me though, but it was pretty fun 7.5/10

Uplift- The freeze section and the minijacks were AWESOME at the beginning but near the end it was just a clusterfuck of freezes and jumpstreams! I would've enjoyed this A LOT more if you had tried to utilize the sounds in the song instead of cramming them into one near the end 7/10

V^3 (Hello World)- Modernized Data Drain. I LIKE IT It's fun and challenging, makes you wanna have a seizure somtimes but STILL well done 8/10

Waltz No.17 in G Minor "Waltz of the big dogs"- Okay so I'm not fast enough to remotely pass this. But this is reviews. not bragging rights. You took the time to sync and properly step a rather difficult piano song that most would have said "Fuck it" halfway through. Each part seems to be carefully done and well stepped to provide a challenge but remain fun at the same time. Too bad I'm not fast enough to pass it 9/10

We Are Hi-Speed [Nurrbody In This Bitch Get Chipsy Remix]- What a lengthy title -_-" I think you focused a little too much on making this song hard than making it enjoyable, the breaks of the intense DnB sections were kinda zoomed through as if you just wanted to get to the next intense portion of the song. You had a lot of potential with this song to make it fun and challenging and I hope you make a new version 6/10

Why Am I Here- ADORABLE PONY JOINS THE CIRCUS aannnnd falls to his death on the tightrope. Unfortunately you made this way harder than it should be, especially the dual solo portion which shouldn't have been jumps imo. other parts were very confusing such as the starting portion...what are the jumps going to? you should have let the snare command the jumps and let the synth/guitar take care of the rest. The end was awesome I can't lie it was beautifully done. 6/10

Wooly Mammoth Stomp- This file is awesome, as much as I HAAATE jacks. you used them in a timely and rational manner which made the file flow properly. The freezes and syncing were very well done as well. I enjoyed this one a lot 9/10

Zen-now THAT'S how you do a file bro. the 24'th drum parts and 32nd gallops were awesome, I love how you used the jacks to emphasize on the guitar going higher and lower notes. Fuckin' sick job on this one 10/10

(I wanna give you devotion- It was okay. the 24'th part was sick and how you layered it in was cool too. unfortunately nothing else really stood out for me 7/10

===Karma-Fied===- ...I'm speechless 10/10

Overall I'd give this pack a SOLID 8.75/10 for the massive amount of entertaining and enjoyable files! Thanks to all of you who contributed to this pack and made it a HUUUUGE success!

shenjoku's Reviews

In The Name of God - Holy hell this song is FUN. I haven't played this since DukAmok's chart way back when I still played ITG and I rather like this rendition. The cut is really nice. It has a good intro/outro and doesn't just dump you in the middle of the insanity, which I rather like.

Howling [Medium]- I've only seriously played Medium since that's the only one I can really do. Really solid chart. Simple yet enjoyable. Been using this one as a warmup :P

I'll forget you, you'll never forget me [Medium]- I'm a little biased on this one since I used to play the BMS of this song ALL THE DAMN TIME. The IIDX chart was amazing and I think this one definitely does the song justice. I really like how you used freezes where all the scratches are and that you ended the chart at the same time the original BMS does.

I'm On Crack - I still laugh every time I hear this song XD Sadly the song doesn't really lend much to a good SM chart so I think this came out kind of boring. I've only played it once and don't really feel like I want to play it again.

Altered Scale [Hard]- wtf long title O.o This song is very...unique to say the least. I thinks it's rather interesting that you managed to get every single note to be purple (12ths?) and the use of other colors to emphasize certain parts was a nice touch. I've been playing this one quite a lot, really enjoyable

Laveran no Shokutaku [Hard] - Without a doubt this is one of my absolute favorite songs. The song is not only awesome to listen to but even more fun to play. Not much to say here other then I fucking love this one <3

Orbital - Originally I played this with cmods and haven't gotten to xmod it yet so this is going off of that: AWESOME. I could listen to this song all day and the chart is super fun too. There's quite an overabundance of jacks but they fit the song really well so I think it's fine for this one, unlike other stuff I've seen that has jacks all over the place for stupid shit :P I think I've played this song the most next to Laveran.

Reefer Man [Hard] - I must say I would have never thought about making this song into a chart but holy hell am I glad someone did! I've always loved this song and it lends rather well to an SM chart that is super fun to just bounce with while playing it. Some parts are kind of empty, which I noticed were filled in the expert chart but it gets way too nuts for me to really enjoy it (so many jumps x.x).

Sane to More [Hard] - I've never heard of Circus Maximus before this pack and I rather like them. That said, this one is pretty damn fun. Really difficult for me but fun enough to make me want to get better at it, so that's always good :P

Sports! [Hard] - Extremely fun to play. Not much else to say :P SPORTS!

Toki - I want to like this song but the ending gets really dense and I can't read it very well so it's hard to say if it's any good =/ Maybe when I stop sucking I'll let you know lol.

Tzuicha-cha [Medium] - This is one of the stranger songs in the pack but I rather like it. It's simple but really enjoyable.

Everything else I either can't play because it's too fucking hard or I haven't gotten to yet...because it's too fucking hard XD But that's good! Means there's stuff to work towards. Overall this is definitely one of the most enjoyable packs I've played through

stargroup100's Reviews

Overall review of pack as a whole:

we've come a long way, we really have. it's pretty clear now that almost everyone in the community has potential to make some really sweet charts. on top of that, we've also made progress in the direction that I had hoped: stronger fundamentals and less mines. the results show and the reception confirms it.
so now the question is, where do we go from here? I think one of the unfortunate consequences of being in the community for this long is that a lot of players need hard charts, and varied and interesting hard charts are a little bit limited in genres and styles atm. now that the community understands the basics and has a solid grasp on it, here's where we need to start getting creative. we need to start picking better songs to chart (let's face it, song choices in a lot of the pack were significantly worse than the charts themselves), and we need to find more creative ways to make charts more difficult. on top of that, easier charts every once in a while doesn't hurt. I'm sure there's a significant audience that would love playing something like that, myself included
keep it up guys, I'm proud of you all <3

Requien for a Team - fun and solid. song gets grating after a while but that's just personal opinion 8/10
Wooly Mammoth Stomp - I saw nero's day etc and I thought I would kill myself, but it turned out to be really fun. 7.5/10
Space is Key - really hard what the hell lol. patterns are just, uh, patterns I guess 7/10
asdfmovie6 Song - super fun actually, didn't expect that. patterns are super solid 8.5/10
Die Winnipeg Die Die Die Fuckers Die - nothing too special, patterns flow ok. 7.5/10
(i wanna give you) Devotion - not a fan of the polyrhythms here but otherwise kinda fun 7.5/10
HAERETICUS - what the heck this is hard. I don't find the rhythms in this song particularly fun to play, but there are fun sections 7/10
Salieri Strikes Back - really fun ride all the way through to the coda, with extended solo sections <3 8.5/10
Fatal Tragedy - solos everywhere ahhhhhhhh 8.5/10
In the Name of God - the only critique that I can really say apart from it being frickin awesome is that I would've liked to see more dissonant patterns to compliment dissonant melodies, which would made the whole thing come to life 9/10
Insect Digestion Melancholy - done really well, but song is weird as hell 8/10
Jordan - really insane chart to go with a pretty cool song, but once again dissonant patterns would've made some sections a lot more vivid 8.5/10
Lawn Wake II - fun, took advantage of a lot of the things in this song 8/10
MarioStep - not too sure about the polyrhythms but overall not too bad 7/10
Five Regrets - almost flawless 8.5/10
Howling - solid. got a few cool tricks in here 8/10
Innocent Walls - flows well, jacks are fun, chart follows the percussion very clearly 8/10
New Lights - really beautiful implementation of the effects into the chart, though the end feels a bit empty 8/10
Red Nikita - unfortunately disagreed with a lot of stuff in this chart 7/10
Autoprocess - short and sweet 8/10
karmafied, blue rose, kona-yta, plasmatextor - all mine
Don't Say Anything - punchy jack theory meshed with this really nice smooth groove. sexy 8.5/10
Oblivion - wonderful. guitars followed very nicely 8/10
Mr. Lonely - beautiful direction control with really nice transitions in the solos 8/10
Demonish Animal Appearance - I got lost in its smooth flow. solid 8/10
Guile of the Rime King - odd song, but it's got a lot of fairly unique rhythms and patterns, making this a nice fresh change of pace. solid chart 8/10
Narcolepsy - sweet. 8/10
Synaptic Plasticity - solid patterns 8.5/10
Why Am I Here - crafted nicely 8/10
Crack in the Hourglass - a classic. the solos were absolutely insane 9/10
Sane to More - short and sweet 8/10
Seven - those patterns seem like they would be awkward as hell on paper but they were actually smooth as butter 8/10
Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor - solid 8/10
Speed Dial - I liked the directional play, was clever. felt hold usage was a little bit off and that some of the dissonant chords on the piano could have warranted some heavier chords 7.5/10
Mirage Garden - definitely a fun ride all the way through. while some polyrhythms were amazingly smooth, others were questionable 8/10
EOS - not quite sure what the chordstream was following but it didn't seem off, the interpretation was an interesting one, while still being consistent. definitely something new 8/10
Lockene - wtf na/10
Snow Storm - fun, solidly done. though I'm pretty sure the cyan note section could've been done more efficiently with a lower bpm lol 8/10
Sports! - Sports! 8/10
I'M ON CRACK - lol this song. liked the strong pattern choices 8/10
Eater Merry - not only do the fat chords make everything pop out, but somehow they're very fluid in feel. feels like a mix of oldschool and newschool 8/10
OrBiTaL - was okay to play cmod, but xmod is a nightmare. it's like making beautiful food that's totally inedible. grading this on cmod because xmod would've gotten an awful score 7.5/10
Chronos - fun. glad that the jacks were chosen over the melodic line, makes a more interesting chart 8/10
Resurrected Replayer - patterns seem a little bit on the safe side, but otherwise the buildup to the climax was intense 8/10
I'll forget you, you'll never forget me - cute 7.5/10
Empty Skydiving - really long with nothing noteworthy. a lot of the patterns don't flow as well as they should and sometimes I feel like what the notes are following is a bit ambiguous, making the chart feel a bit dirty and unorganized. 6/10
Polssia - the patterns are nothing memorable and a lot of sections feel inaccurately charted or at least inconsistent. definitely doesn't bring out the full potential of the music 6.5/10
Uplift - I'm not sure whether you're trying to be way too fancy with pitch relevance or you just don't know what you're doing, but it's one or the other. starts off okay, but gets gradually worse as the patterns start to inconsistently follow/completely disregard pitch and patterns become more and more bland 6/10
Laste Testamente of Twelfth Mother - the polyrhythm section was weird. patterns in this chart are really fun, and the choice of layering was interesting a nice change of pace. effects are executed beautifully. 8/10
Dishevel - glitchy with lots of fun varied rhythms and patterns 8.5/10
Earthquake - pretty damn cool 7.5/10
My So-Called Life - technically almost flawless. lots of fun stuff in here 8/10
Spin the Disc - solid patterns. lots of fun effects and textures highlighted in the chart 8/10
V^3 (Hello World) - not diggin the song and it's hella difficult na/10
We Are Hi-Speed - song is not my taste and there's no major criticism I can really give about the notes 7.5/10
Chaotic WHITE - grace notes add a really interesting flourish to the chart, and patterns are pretty tight overall 8/10
Far East Nightbird - beautiful overall, and really cool mine usage (except for that one part with the 8th note doubles) 8.5/10
Toki - beautiful manipulation of textures, simple and effective, generally superb. only complaint is that the difficulty spikes at the end, making it difficult for less skilled players to enjoy this 8.5/10
Echo of Forever - sweet and funky, though a few patterns here and there are hilarious 8/10
Zen - I think the most noteworthy trait of this chart is probably flow. patterns are nothing special but the flow is incredible 8/10
Rip Roar Power - holy shit ow my ears im not playing this na/10
Cyberstorm - actually sorta intense, especially with the background change 7.5/10
Fallen World - first dragonforce chart I enjoyed. only complaint is the pretty significant difficulty inconsistency of the beginning and end 8/10
Lost Not Forgotten - really cool pattern choices. ending might be a bit much, not sure 8/10
PARADISE LOST - shit song. nothing wrong with the chart I guess 7/10
Unconncted. - I thought the music would be annoying as hell but it's actually tolerable. nothing wrong with the chart I suppose, but again, I personally dislike mapping buzzes to rolls 7.5/10
Battle! Team Plasma - jesus this is polyrhythm-heavy. since I have a particular aversion to polyrhythm abuse I'm probably rating this lower than I should, as there is a certain appeal to this chart that I do like 7.5/10
Ehhen Doyadosu? Tengujiman - pretty sweet chart 8/10
Poppin' Shower - I liked the treatment of the modulation 8/10
Apocynthion Drive - bland. nothing fun sticks out, and it's long as hell 7/10
New Decade IIDX Edition - mostly done well, although the 16ths in one particular section really detracted from the strong isolated drum hits 7.5/10
Parousia - not sure if I agree with a lot of the stuff in this chart 7/10
Waltz No. 17 in G minor, "Waltz of the Big Dogs" - holy balls this is hard. fun though 8/10
Bit Howl - solid 8/10
Child Protective Services Theme Song - played hard chart. overall it was okay but there were quite a few patterns I disagreed with 7.5/10
Aegis - super fun, solidly done. only complaint is that I wish the xmod gimmicks were a bit more fair 8/10
Reefer Man - what a refreshing song choice. I feel like some of those chords could be thicker, but otherwise really well done 8/10
Do It This Way - absolutely fantastic 8.5/10
GO! GO! MANIAC - it's unfortunate that the most fun parts of this chart are hard difficulty spikes. otherwise really well done 8/10
Laveran no Shokutaku - almost perfect ps nice 9th notes 8/10
St. Alphonzo's Pancake Breakfast and Father O'Blivion - odd but groovy as fuck 8.5/10
Gravestoned - super long and I think the rolls and trills are overdoing it. not a fan of the xmod gimmicks either 6/10
Tzuicha-cha - I feel like a couple parts in the hard chart are just slightly overlayered. aside from that, really tight and fun 7.5/10
BSpower explosion - judging the hard chart because it's more sensible. solidly done for the most part 7.5/10
The Bridgeport Run - intense as hell 8.5/10
CirnoRHTL - i dont even know how to feel about this. quite frankly the gfx alone freak me out 8?/10
endleSSStation - solid and fun 8/10
fffff - some technical quirks, but otherwise a fun chart 7/10
Light House - it's okay. done well for the most part 7.5/10
Tranzport - interesting alternative 7.5/10
Ultraviolent Junglist - intense all the way through 8.5/10
Bambous - it's got quite a lot of special tricks which fit the textures of the song really well, and while the swing naturally makes it groovy, it's made even more so by the patterns 8.5/10
I Like Trains - song is awful. chart's nothing spectacular either. 7.5/10
Time Out - smooth as hell and an absolute blast to play 9/10
The Creator - disagreed with some of the pattern themes and I really didn't get the bpm changes 7/10
Transparent World - nothing wrong with the chart I guess, but not digging the song at all 7.5/10
Swing Set - absolutely beautiful. from the pattern choices to the color theory, everything about this was done right and done well 9/10
Contact - very strong grasp on the percussion focus, and somehow it works well throughout the entire song 8/10
ge4ce - what. the. hell. na/10
Jack the Ripper - funky and pretty fun. only issue is some of the hold usage in the middle 8/10
Clash - groovy 8/10
Fashion Queen - I'm grading this one a bit harshly because honestly I can see this being amazing, but this chart is just mediocre 7.5/10
Nth degree - welp karma-fied just got knocked out of the water 9.5/10
POP A PARADE - patterns just seemed all over the place 7/10
SIN - interesting take. much more percussion-focused than other versions that I've played, but I think towards the end it might be a bit overdone 7.5/10

Xiz's Top Picks

5) ilikexd - Snow Storm
I've always been a fan of piano-related files, and the streams in this are quite fun. I really enjoyed this ^^

4) Fissionmailed1 - Narcolepsy
Ever since I first played this file I have been struggling to pass it. The music fits my mood for this song. I'm going to pass this fucking song. But really dude, this is so much fun to play. My fingers are given quite the workout haha

3) Bmah - New Lights
I'm quite a fan of this file. Its a fun song, and something I can see myself skillboosting on. Also this song gets stuck in my head a lot. lol.

2) Scintill - Laveran no Shokutaku
Specifically the lvl 10, I am in love with this chart. I think it flows really nicely, and is quite the challenge for me. Can't stop playing this, regardless of how many times I fail it lol. Great job.

1) Wayward Vagabond - Bambous
Like damn son, you took my favorite song this year and did one hell of a step to it. Major props to you dude, I have perhaps played this around 50-60 times so far, and am working hard into being able to get a decent PA on it. I know I'll be coming back to this chart for a long time. <3

Zaghurim's Reviews

aegis: quit out of it 'cause it seemed like a bunch of boring jumpstream drivel that's just too hard for me right now 5/10

apocynthion drive: it seems like a seriously fucking fun file, but I can't play it at all. failed it hehe 8/10

asdfmovie6 song: pretty fun file 7/10

autoprocess: way too hard for me. I really don't agree with using triple-arrow jumps for the basskick but other than that it seems like a decent generic drum file 6/10

Bambous: really fun, excellent use of freezes. it feels like some of them are a bit redundant tho but whatever. 8/10

battle team derp: overenergetic file with a buncha gay minijack jumps I quit out of it 4/10

bit howl: lol what the fuck. super gay retarded minijacks and then a bunch of jumpstream. I quit immediately 1/10

blue rose: should've been a solo file imo and those minijacks are kinda gay but it's pretty fun. 7/10

bullshitpower explosion: a little overenergetic, too much jumpstream 5.5/10

captain murasas ass anchor: tried heavy, aside from the mines this chart almost looks like something I'd make hah. guessing oni is gay, not gonna try 8/10

chaotic white: the beginning is excellent, but the rest of the file isn't all that interesting. what are all those minijacks going to? 6/10

child protective services theme song: heavy difficulty. pretty nice freeze usage in this, I had fun. 8/10

chronos: nice freeze usage. some parts feel way too overenergetic. why the fuck not follow the awesome lead? you made the chart harder but less interesting as a result. it's still a pretty good chart but i am sad 7/10 (ps this song is really cool heh)

cirnorhtl: lol.

clash: ignoring since it's my own file. (but it's kinda unfocused and bad.)

contact: never really saw the appeal for bursty files like these

oh boy a glove file. trying oni. okay yeah that seems like a really good file but is not fun at all so let's try heavy.


crack in the hourglass: really good file. only complaint is the jumpstream at the end gets really tedious when you could've easily done something more interesting by following the lead. also definitely should've been a solo file. 8.5/10

cyberstorm: are you blurk? /10

demonish anima appearance: overstepped imo. too many minijacks, not enough emphasis on pitch relevant patterns, should've been a solo file. I love songs like this, but they're generally really hard to make into good charts. :I 5/10

winnipeg: i quit out almost immediately 2/10

disheveled (oh boy more flahsblub): you do some really interesting stuff here and there. only problem is this is another derpy bursty drum chart and they all end up being way too similar. 6/10

do it this way: wow, that's interesting! it's a little overdone though, you sacrifice playability over technicality way too much but it's still definitely a cool file... just wish I had more fun playing it. 8/10

don't say anything: should have been 6-key and is a little overdone. not a huge fan of all those jacks, though some definitely fit. 6/10

urfquake: holy fuck those minijacks are dumb as shit also overdone as hell 4/10

eater merry: was pretty good until you chose to follow the drums instead of the lead towards the end. you can make freeze sections like that really interesting really easily, and even if you're lazy enough to not put any effort I'd honestly rather hit single freezes than that tired amen break shit. 7/10

ech of forever: pretty cool chart, but some of the design choices you do still boggle my brain. could've been a bit better and is ever so slightly overstepped imo, but is definitely a good chart. 8/10

ehen doyadosu derp denpa shit: i quit out pretty damn quickly. take some of that energy you put into your charts and become a doctor. 1/10

empty skydiving: jumpstream into dubstep burst overdrive then tab+esc equals 3/10

endlessssssssssssssstation: the drum parts are alright 'cause of great patterns. rest of the file is way more interesting, although that calm part towards the end has the backing note freeze length all wrong which bugged me. 6/10

eos: rhythmically pretty interesting chart. honestly I liked this a lot more than I thought I would, and the song doesn't really give you all that much to work with. this is probably about as good as it gets. 7/10

fallen world: looks like a really fun and actually decently good dumpstream file but I can't play it at all. ?/10

far east night-turd: placing mines like a 64th distance from other notes is gay and those random-ass minijacks all over the place are dumb. otherwise drums with bursts/10

fashion queen: why aren't you following the bass when it's like the most interesting and prominent thing in the song? score reduced for that leaving you with a measly 9.5/10 best file in the pack so far gg

fatal tragedy: you know we have solo mode for stuff like this right? 8/10

ffffffffffffff: guess you did what you could with the source material, but it's a pretty shitty chart. 4/10

five regrets: pretty interesting despite being really dumpstream-heavy somehow? i dunno. 7/10

ge4ce vfur v2: no way I can accurately judge this lmfao PAINSTEP/10

GO! GO! MANIAC: some of those jacks feel a little random and unnecessary so this would've been better as a solo file but gg second best file in the pack 9/10

gravestoned: another super overdone drum chart jesus christ do we seriously not have enough of these yet 1/10

guile of the rime king: apparently we don't. this is a lot better though and is the best drum file in the pack probably. seriously tho you have like triple jumps and crazy 16ths during the absolute calmest part of the song what the fuck 7/10

haereticus: not fun, piano part did not seem accurate at all then I quit 3/10

howling: first I was all yeah you're the third dude in this pack to know how to make 16th jumps fun and then you start forcing in the random minijacks for no reason what the hell. the later minijacks make sense tho and following the sampled voice is pretty amusing but the polyrhythms get a little too erratic and retarded for me. 5.5/10

i like trains: 8/10. this is one of the few files in the pack without any retarded shit put in just to make it arbitrarily harder for no reason other than to make it harder. nothing particularly special, but nothing bad about it either. good file.

I'll forget you, you'll never forget me: mostly good, except that one place where the melody's turned into minijacks for absolutely no reason. I don't care how easy they are to hit, they make absolutely no sense. 5.5/10

I'm on crack: everything makes sense in this one! the only real complaint is how you made the snare a triple jump for some reason. gay song tho. 8/10

in the name of god: prepared myself for a "should have been a solo file" complaint but whoever made this knows how to fucking chart. PROBABLY still would've been better as a solo file but whatever heh 9.5/10

took a look at the cdtitle to find out who made it and what the fuck kinda name is baq12 and who are u..........

innocent walls: good chart, aside from like 2-3 jacks I didn't really understand why they were there - I'm guessing 'cause you're using triples and you ran out of charting space 'cause 4-key charts are for babies. the secret to avoiding this is to not use triples even when you're layering more than 2 things at the same time. either way, not a bad file. 7/10

oh snap another baq12 chart this might be cool

insect digestion melancholy: dang. not nearly as good as in the name of god. given the source material it probably can't be much better tho. the one thing that sets this apart from the other bursty derp files is that it's not just LOL64THS LET'S GO all the time, making it a bit more interesting. 6.5/10

jack the raper: excellent file, both interesting and fun to play. DEFINITELY would've been better as a solo chart though, it gets noticeably cramped in a few places, particularly ones with lots of 8th note jumps. 9.5/10

michael jordan: yeah this one is also good, though it seemed at a few points like it was a little inaccurate? like there should've been a few more longer jack sections and stuff. I'm too lazy to open it up in the editor though so whatever it's probably all great 8/10

konya-yta-mina-tangs whatever: not quite how I would've done it. there's a lot of shit you can use in this song to make a really confusing and/or interesting chart which you don't really take advantage of. I guess that's good since everyone hates confusing charts.................except me. also noticed some errors probably but they're all minor shit that doesn't really matter and I'm too lazy to open the editor to dissect shit so 6.5/10

laste testamente of twelfth mother: the crazy freeze spam+polyrhythm section is pretty annoying to read. I can tell what you're doing there, but it's the only part of this file that I don't find very fun to play. also it would've been much more interesting rhythmically if you went easier on the jumps and instead included the snare hits and/or bass in the section before that. also most or all of your tiny 24th note bursts are actually 32nd note bursts which felt a bit odd to play. you also have a lot of those completely random minijacks, often leading into a jump. you know it was actually satan who invented those? also I'm sure most of those longer bursts were completely manufactured in your illegal stepmania lab but that's okay because FUCK STEPMANIA THIEORY. I also think it would've been more interesting if you included the snare hits in the ending. anyway, despite all its strange errors and weird shit, this still manages to be one of the few files in the pack that I had a lot of fun playing. also definitely should've been a solo file bye 8/10

Last edited by Dynam0; 06-10-2013 at 08:08 PM..
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Old 05-27-2013, 09:45 PM   #2
i wanna be ur pop star
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

repost of my reviews

I played only heavy charts

Aegis - 6/10 jumpstreammmmmmmmm. got bored, failed out.
asdfmovie6 song - well made, but some really annoying patterns. 7/10
autoprocess - ouch 7/10
battle! team plasma 8/10 annoyingly hard
bit howl 8/10. ending too hard qq
bspower explosion 9/10 yay fun. fk those jacks
captain murasa ass anchor 9/10. sightread AAA so fun. really close to the FFR chart which is a good thing
chaotic white 9/10. those stuttered jumps at the end ughhhhh
child protective services 8/10 meh
chronos 9/10. really fun patterns. good song
cirnorhtl 7/10. insanely hard. dunno how I AAd, ty based holds
clash 9/10 cant wait to spam rates on this
contact was gonna give a 9/10, but those rolls made it a 7/10. fuck you
crack in the hourglass 11/10. i came
demonish animal appearance 7/10 call me old fashioned but i like the ffr chart more
dishevel 8/10 kinda hard but fun bursts
do it this way 10/10 omfg so good
don't say anything 8/10 like zanthros more sry
earthquake 7/10 two meeny jax
eater merry 10/10 so fucking fun
echo of forever 10/10 so fucking fun v2
ehhen doyadosu? tengujiman 6/10 just annyoing
endlessstation 9/10 probably wont replay cause it was long but that was really fun
eos 9/10 awesome patterns for MA
fallen world dragonforce/10 good stream practice
far east nightbird 8/10 not feelin the patterns
fashion queen 8/10 got kinda bored.
fatal tragedy 10/10 the non solos made this not an 11
fffff 7/10. nothing noteworthy and a gay 1h trill
five regrets 8/10 kinda boring
go! go! maniac 8/10 repetitive with not very many interesting patterns for a scintill file
gravestoned 7/10 impossible to score on. annoying
guile of the rime king 8/10 not bad. nice mines
howling 8/10 some fun patterns, a few gay mines
i like trains 9/10 i like those 24th bursts
i'll forget you 8/10 too jacky
i'm on crack 8/10 pretty fun. freeze section a bit awkward though
in the name of god 10/10 every time i see dream theater i prepare to taste the rainbow
insect digestion melancholy 10/10 glorious. erotic patterns and colors. its actually insane how much this differs from the old ass chart of this song
jordan 9/10 patterns in the solo were just toooooo gay to give this one a 10 rofl
laste testamente of twelfth mother 8/10 pretty boring
laveran no shokutaku 10/10. beautiful
lawn wake II 7/10 best lawn wake file ive ever played
light house 8/10 pretty good. nothing special.
lost not forgotten 9/10 fuck the ending. i am disappoint
mariostep 9/10 good song, hard chart
mirage garden 10/10 would've given 11 if I AAAd. almost did :[
mr lonely 9/10 great song. some awk patterns
my so called life 10/10 the fact that ji made a long venetian snares file without making gay patterns is a shining example of this pack's greatness
narcolepsy 9/10 wow those jumpgluts at the beginning are gay. only reason i dont give this a 10
new decade iidx 6/10. quit out. not for me.
new lights 7/10 well made, but i dont like a lot of the pattern choices
nth degree 10/10 godlike, would play over and over
oblivion 8/10 nah....
orbital 9/10 fun jacks. i like the bpm tricks too
paradise lost 8/10 jumpstream
parousia 9/10 fun but that ending...
pop a parade 7/10 slow part was awkward, fast part was too layered. two extremes
poppin shower 9/10 great patterns
red nikita 8/10 too safe
reefer man 9/10 super fun swing but ugh those mines
requien for a team 9/10 great song.
resurrected replayer 8/10 meh
sane to more 11/10 perfection
seven 7/10 those trills were anti fun :[
sin 7/10 yuck
snow storm 9/10 i liked that speed up stream
speed dial 8/10 very cb rushable
spin the disc 8/10 the burst was aids ji
sports 9/10 that mid section was a blast to play
st alphonzo not as good as i was expecting honestly
swing set 10/10 super fun to MA
toki 9/10 pretty boring until the end, which was awesome
transparent world 6/10 quit out. sry middie this file is gay :\
tzuichi-cha 7/10 inconsistent. didnt like it
uplift 7/10 that ending ruined a great file
why am i here 9/10 the other circus maximus song set my hopes too high for this one. i blame the song not the chart
wooly mammoth stomp 9/10 fun. jacks actually made sense surprisingly
zen 8/10 fun for most of it but that 32nd nonsense near the end was just a pain
i wanna give you devotion 9/10 good shit
karma-fied 9/10 really fun, but too long so probably wouldnt replay

FMO AAAs (3): Heavenly Spores (68), Fast Asleep (67)!, 0 (piano version) (66)! VC AAAs: 76
Best VCs: Finders Keepers (64), Purple (64), Travel Demon (63), Final Step (63), A World of Piano (63), Balloon Fever (63), The Fusion (63)

It's Only Natural BF
Southern Cross BF
Minute Waltz v2 BF
Novo Mundo BF
Stark Raving Mad BF
Midnight Dragon 1-0-0-1
Choprite 2 clean
Rottel 2 clean
J&C 2 clean
Chronograph 2-1-0-1
BB Evo 3 clean
Staring at my Spaceship 3 clean
Epilogue 3-0-0-1
Banned Forever 3-0-0-1
World Tour 2004 3-0-1-4
Demon Beast Appearance 4 clean
Gacha Gacha Figu Atto Radio 4 clean
Gravity Blast 4 clean
Just Why 4 clean
Eternal Drain [Heavy] 4 clean
300 4-0-0-1
Pure Ruby 5 clean
Destination of the Heart 5 clean
Plasmatextor 5-0-0-4
Oni 6 clean
Yorukumoryuu Yamikaze 6 clean
Ambient Angels 6 clean
Colorful Course 6 clean
Hajnal 6 clean
Arsonist 7-0-0-1
Setsujou! Hyakka Ryouran 7-1-0-1
Face in the Gutter 8 clean
Kanon Medley 8 clean
Colibri 8 clean
Summer Time Perfume 8 clean
Blindfolds Aside 8-0-0-1
Bubble Bath Aftermath 8-0-0-1
Bloody Tears 8-0-0-2
Ochitsukeruwakenaiwayo! [Heavy] 9 clean

Originally Posted by Moogle-master View Post
To be fair, having all the BlazBlue's isn't good taste more then it is common sense.
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Old 05-27-2013, 09:53 PM   #3
good hot
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

=====BEGIN PART 1=====

Aegis (rparty89 & bmah) - 7.5/10
The song is a bit monotonous to me. Both of you stepped it well with very flowy jumpstream that's for sure; but, that was just it, nothing memorable really. Decent starter for this pack though.

Apocynthion Drive (Kommisar) - 8/10
The build-up for the song was very balanced. I really despise how you pattern your streams and jumpstreams, especially the ending jumpstream which was extremely difficult to make out and hit properly. Index friendly patterns at high speeds are very awkward to hit for me, then again, sugar coating the file with easier stream patterns just for better scoring and playability would probably just let the intense energy of the song go to waste. Good boss simfile, the rolls you used were certainly intriguing as well.

asdfmovie6 song (AlexDest) - N/A
My file.

Autoprocess (Coolboyrulez) - 8.5/10
This is extremely brutal and very fun to play. I feel like some patterns could have been looked at more, like that anchor jack that happens on the left arrow near the middle.

Bambous (Wayward Vagabond) - 9/10
Loved the different approach you went with for this song, flowed extremely well. It was dragging on up until the tap dancing + drum solo in the middle, which was redeeming and gave the simfile another kick start. Wasn't disappointed after that. Great job Carlos.

Battle! Team Plasma (Patashu) - 8/10
This is one of those simfiles where I have to play repeatedly to get the full enjoyment. You always step so dense in your simfiles, and it still plays well. Although, some of those polyrhythms I'm still 'eh' about, it looks all randomly placed but that's probably just me.

Bit Howl (t-rogdor & Detrimentalist) - 7.5/10
I don't know about everyone else, but this got repetitive to me and the ending didn't feel like it was as intense as the song suggests in the first half. Flowed pretty well but I felt this needed more "juice" in the ending.

Blue Rose (stargroup) - 9.5/10
I still can't fathom how you can step so fluently to a song itself. In comparison to the FFR chart, this is almost perfect. I felt like you could have acknowledged the swing within the bass line that came in halfway. Although that would cause the minijack section to become underwhelmed. Speaking of, that minijack section felt pretty eh to me compared to everything else.

BSpower explosion (SonicX & GLoVE) - 9/10
Heavy and Oni are similar to each other so I'll just review the Oni chart. A high-energy song with very diverse patterns. The jacks gave it that satisfying 'oomph' that the song displays and every bit of the chart flowed very well. Great job you two.

Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor (Gundam-Dude) - 9/10
OH BOY THIS FILE AGAIN. Although, I would agree that this is your most memorable file. Heavy is basically your old chart which is probably fun to play on higher rates. Oni includes different patterns, jacks, and slightly more layering, which is done well and does the song justice.

Chaotic WHITE (moches) - 7.5/10
I don't know, the jack theory was certainly fun to hit, but it was mostly dragging on because it all feels the same. Nothing phenomenal but I certainly have to give you credit for stepping this very accurately.

Child Protective Services Theme Song v2 (t-rogdor) - 8/10
Only reviewing the Oni chart. The very beginning was hit or miss to me, the bursts felt too rolly for me to really get the feel. The ending probably could have had a little more layering too. Overall though, this was still fun to play through.

=====END PART 1=====

Last edited by AlexDest; 05-28-2013 at 05:59 AM..
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Old 05-28-2013, 01:07 AM   #4
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

Mirage Garden, Blue Rose, v^3, and St. Alphonso's are my current favorites from this pack atm. Still playing through a shitload of these files, 108 is a ridiculous amount
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Old 05-28-2013, 01:59 AM   #5
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

only at P at the moment (working backwards)
the numbers are kinda arbitrary so there is no BIG difference between say, 7 and 8s, but 9s signify that i rly rly rly enjoyed them, like rly rly, the jump from 8 to 9 is HuGe

work in progreSs

=== KARMA-fied! === (stargroup) (9.5/10) - what many people might not notice is the intricate color usage that you
utilized in order to fit the mood of the song, and the mines are perfectly placed, kept me on my toes at all times
and REALLY made me feel like, the song was 3 minutes long instead of 8 minutes, epitome of marathon files, will
definitely be playing dozens of times later on in the upcoming future

(i wanna give you) Devotion (antronach) (7/10) - the concept is good but some of the patterns were sort of unfriendly
BUT regardless the steps were really on point,, one pet peeve would be the white notes near the end, just didnt feel
right when i hit them otherwise this woulda been 8 to me :P

zen (mrbob) (7.5/10) - nothing MEGAspecial, but thats what i love about the file,, really solid patterns and
layering, had a ton of fun playing the file - also GREAT on rates, will be playing more i hope

wooly mammoth stomp (spitfire) (7.5/10) - great fun, perfect speed of jacks that's not too hard but not too easy,,
also really great usage of color as well, good quadbait too - will play again

why am i here? (fission) (8.5/10) - some of the hold+note patterns were a bit abrasive to me (holds on down or up
while notes are going on in the 3 other receptors are kinda hard to hit for most people) but otherwise, really great
pattern choice and choice of instruments to step,, wish the file was a bit harder but this will do, great on rates as well

we are hi-speed (mi40) - N/A

waltz of the big dogs (roar) (8.5/10) - Who Let Da Dogs Out?? really great hard file, will definitely be trying for
AAA many many times in the future, the only thing about the file i didnt rly rly love was some of the patterns but
that makes sense cause this is meant to be a rly hard file, gj roar

v^3 hello world (mi40) - N/A

uplift (leone510) (6/10) - not a big fan of the hold+stream parts, and i think the difficulty spikes might be too
much for some people, i think the jack+bursty parts could've been handled better (or the rest of the file could've
been scaled up to be harder) but idk, not too memorable for me

unconnected (nick skyline) (6/10) - difficulty feels really forced and i feel like theres a big problem with
having lots of really easy parts and lots of forced hard parts,, it's not really your fault because the song in
itself imo is structured like that, but i kinda dont like the file sorry

ultraviolent junglist (valor) (9/10) - really fun marathon file, almost on the level of stargroup's but the only
problem would be some of the patterns but other than that everything else is flawless, really really great job,, will
definitely be playing dozens of times in the future

tzuicha-cha (skor) (8.5/10) - wow this was really fun haha, didnt expect this,, really great hold usage - this is
how holds should be used!! also the pattern choice was simply amazing, really great job utilizing the patterns to
make the song what it is,, song could've become a repetitive snoozefest but you made it interesting good job

tranzport (valor) (7.5/10) - eh i liked aperson's better BUT disregarding his file, your file was good but some of
the patterns i did not like and overall i feel like the difficulty in some parts were mishandled, nice job
regardless, this will be fun on rates

transparent world (midnight) (6/10) - really abrasive 1 handed patterns and i feel like you didnt separate the
instruments into different layers well enough, i feel like some parts could've used less instruments layered (ex.
drums only guitars only, more pronounced snares etc) but nice attempt at a file, maybe less miku

toki (moches) (9.5/10) - excellent mine usage, and amazing pattern choice,, coupled with EXCELLENT layering and
really great hold usage as well.. AND color theory as well to fit the mellow mood of the song in certain points,,
accurately depicts your knowledge of stepping and usually i dont like songs+easy files but this file is definitely
worth playing again and again, great job

time out (carlos) (9.5/10) - what can i say? it's hiromi's time out solo made by carlos,, really amazing highlights
of instruments and very good usage of bursts and jacks as well, the only reason why this isnt a 10 is because the
doublejacks near the end felt (kind of) abrasive but i know that's how you meant it to be (climax of solo) so, this
is almost flawless to me,, sick job

the creator (midnight) (6/10) - okay so i think it would've been better if you made this file harder instead of your
other file (transparent world) because i feel like some instruments here were not accented enough, and deserved a
harder difficulty,, also some of the patterns were not that friendly,, and i didnt really feel the holds here but
nice try regardless, if you made the harder this could've been a 7.5 or something easily

the bridgeport run (choofers) (9.5/10) - godlike

synaptic plasticity (fission) (8.5/10) - really fun file, my only pet peeve is wish this was harder :P

swing set (yesssss) (9/10) - you step swing so fine baby

st alphonzo's pancake (scintill) (7.5/10) - i could imagine u wearin a fedora and trench coat while stepping this
song,, not a big fan of those long jacks kinda fun regardless

sports! (ilikexd) (8.5/10) - quick and fun file, did not like the 1234 1234 based patterns in the first 250 notes but
then it got really good towards the middle nice job

spin the disc (mi40) - N/A

speed dial (icyworld) (8.5/10) - it's got icyworld written all over it haha, really fun to play,, only problem i feel
like some of the parts were too easy based on the other parts of the file

space is key (idk ur name) (8/10) - good job with making some repeating sections of the song different by changing it
up, nice color usage as well but some of the 1handed patterns & bursts were too unfriendly to me

snow storm (ilikexd) (8/10) - pretty good and is probably really fun on rates but felt too easy to me,, only pet
peeve is that i wish it strayed a bit more away from jumpstream all the time

sin (cetaka) (8.75/10) - probably the best sin file out there but some of the patterns were bleh to me, otherwise
this would be like a 9 to me ?? idk

seven (glove) (9/10) - those jumpjacks L0L otherwise than that really aweesome file, just kinda wish (some) of the
patterns were handled differently (one handed trills)

sane to more (glove) (9.75/10) - wow. i dont know what to say lmfao,, dis not a 10 cause u didnt step the whole song!!

salieri strikes back (baq12 - heavy - 9/10) - the hold usage was really, really awesome and the solos were really
awesome as well, just wish the ending was a bit harder wish some different patterns

rip roar power (mrtea) (4/10) - first file i quit out of, really unenjoyable for some reason, idk the patterns were a
bit too abrasive and blegh,, sorry man maybe others will like this file more than me

resurrected replayer (kommisar) (7.5/10) - felt too textbook to me idk, the file technically has no flaws but
nothing clicked with me

requiem for a team (8.5/10) - i wasnt expecting much from the song but it turned out to be really fun, only real prob
is i wish the file was hard overall (instead of hard parts with some easy parts scattered about) good job man

reefer man (scintill & glove) (8.5/10) - really great file, just felt like it kinda dragged on to me :P

red nikita (charu) (7.5/10) - wish you went a little easier on the jacks for oni and i feel like some parts could've
used different patterns (esp the jumpjacks), nice job overall though

poppin shower (plopadop) (8/10) - nice mine usage but it felt a little too easy at certain partsmpared to how upbeat
the song was,, still pretty fun!!

pop a parade (antronach) (8/10) - i feel like the file was too easy in the beginning and then.. got kinda hard for
some ppl lol, some of the burst patterns were nasty

contact (yoshl) (8/10) - dis is p. fun but i didnt like the 48th burste near the end, otherwise fun file but maybe
some of the patterns were a bit abrasive.

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Old 05-28-2013, 02:14 AM   #6
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Simply, I cannot play all these charts due to my skill level. BUT for the ones I have played I have narrowed it down to a top 5 that deserve an honorable mention from me:

Oh, also these are not really reviews... but still I feel like its appropriate to place this here.

5) ilikexd - Snow Storm
I've always been a fan of piano-related files, and the streams in this are quite fun. I really enjoyed this ^^

4) Fissionmailed1 - Narcolepsy
Ever since I first played this file I have been struggling to pass it. The music fits my mood for this song. I'm going to pass this fucking song. But really dude, this is so much fun to play. My fingers are given quite the workout haha

3) Bmah - New Lights
I'm quite a fan of this file. Its a fun song, and something I can see myself skillboosting on. Also this song gets stuck in my head a lot. lol.

2) Scintill - Laveran no Shokutaku
Specifically the lvl 10, I am in love with this chart. I think it flows really nicely, and is quite the challenge for me. Can't stop playing this, regardless of how many times I fail it lol. Great job.

1) Wayward Vagabond - Bambous
Like damn son, you took my favorite song this year and did one hell of a step to it. Major props to you dude, I have perhaps played this around 50-60 times so far, and am working hard into being able to get a decent PA on it. I know I'll be coming back to this chart for a long time. <3

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Old 05-28-2013, 03:04 AM   #7
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

updated with full pack review!
I didn't give ratings because they usually take away from what I want to say but everything bolded is probably a 9/10 or above

captain murasa ass anchor - original was fun as fuck and so is this. what a great scoring file
chaotic white - my file
die winnipeg - way too hard for me to enjoy, but very very well-made
far east nightbird - one of the best files I've made imo
fashion queen - i like the rhythms a lot, but maybe the file's just a little too sparse. there's an imbalance between the long freezy bits and the notes around them that's a bit awkward. should be a blast for intermediate players, though!
fffff - pretty nifty. lots of very well thought-out details. a little polishing would have made this splendid
five regrets - you continue to be one of my favorite stepauthors bmah. super snazzy file. song itself is a little sparse and that makes for a tough job but I think your approach works well
guile of the rime king - i can tell a lot of love went into this file. should be a staple in the brag boards. your handling of freezes could have been a touch more graceful (particularly in the parts where there's nothing but freezes going to the melody), but your mine usage was absolutely profound
i'm on crack - so you are. i got a lot of kicks from this file
innocent walls - barely scooted by with an AA on sightread. as somebody who's an absolute whore for jacks, I fucking loved this.
insect digestion melancholy - hmmm. i really should dislike this file on principle, but the song is so insane that it just kind of works. that said, there's definitely some waffling going on in the very beginning with the freezes going to alternating instruments
light house - impeccably constructed and sosososomuchfun
mariostep - surprisingly clean polyrhythms, good job with that section. very fun file overall, though there are some very blatant PR issues with the jacks in some sections and the file drags on just a touch. great overall, very very impressive.
poppin' shower - comparisons to smoooooooooch will be impossible to avoid. this throws in plenty of fun tricks but sacrifices polish/readability (particularly when it comes to the freezes at the end). whether that is good or bad will depend on the player, i suspect.
red nikita - what a wonderful little file. simple but incredibly effective, reminds me of how much i loved MrBob's oratio back in the day (check out Xoon 3, kids!) solid all-around
reefer man - i love the variation on GLoVE's cdtitle. the fact that people are actually making stepfiles to songs like these fills me with joy, but the file is excellent too, if a bit overcrowded in Oni/simplified in Heavy.
resurrected replayer - sturdy as always from a Kommisar file, but a few parts just aren't as streamlined as they should be. that said, the quad followed by MINES literally shook me out of my seat. well-done with that.
sane to more - i literally fistpumped when i finished this file. i am so glad you are back.
snow storm - felt a little empty in the beginning and the streams were a little too...streamy? i dunno, this whole file just felt a little wonky to me. the teal stream thing was the best thing anybody has ever done with teal notes
speed dial - high energy file as always from IcyWorld. i just wish it had some more swing to it, because the song has so many pretty flourishes that deserve notice. on a side note, the graphics for these are just fantastic. i love the pastel tones.
spin the disc - supa dupa fun but maybe a little overfreezy?
swing set - holy fock Yesssss
toki - my file
tranzport - again with the freeze quad fuckery! you are just the best at that, you know? this is like the platonic ideal of a hardcore file
i wanna give u devotion - in the words of Randy, not feeling it, dawg. reserved when it should be cRaZy, unfocused when it needs to be smooooth.

don't say anything - sliiiiick. i woulda cleaned up those freezes a little, though
earthquake - when I saw the mines at the end I literally clapped. this is really cool, feels like something Yesssss would have done but has your identity stamped all over it.
echo of forever - quite possibly the best file you've ever made, Marco.
fallen world - how dare a Dragonforce file be this good. had quite a few parts I enjoyed
mr. lonely - like a cross between a Red Fraction-era file and Fantazindy. that's a really really good thing. easily one of my favorite Ossa files, I'm so glad you made a file for this.
oblivion - the handful of complaints I have (choppy flow, OVERLY LONG FREEZES) are outweighted by my happiness that there is finally a singles chart for this song
pop a parade - simple and sweet. love the way the song just builds and builds
aegis - despite disagreeing with a fair number of stepping choices, I still ended up really enjoying this
asdfmoviesong - i'm really impressed by how well this manages to flow despite being freezetastic. simple but energetic and bombastic
autoprocess - suitably brutal and oddly elegant. even graceful. i didn't know you had this in you, man.
bambous - the freezes here are super-dense but they bring the file a rich texture i'm very fond of. a few patterns throw off the balance between right and left but all in all this is a sexy piece of work
clash - stunned me off of my feet. zagh hasn't changed his style at all, and yet this feels effortlessly modern even as it hearkens back to the days of ODI and SMG. a real showstopper, this file.
eater merry - the softer/easier parts are flawless, nothing to touch. i do love the half-bpm and how it almost slows down the time spent playing this, but the faster parts should have been doubled in my view--half bpm is great for bringing out a richer, fuller effect in sparse sections, but get too dense and it can become overwhelming. guitar layering at the veeery end could have been a touch more integrated. fantastic overall though.
eos - reminded me of Niko's Captain Murasa file in some parts. very cute file, has some great rhythms. i'm not a fan of double freezes (especially not going to snare hits) but they're not too glaring here. ending climax should have been a bit more subtle, it just goes from too easy to WHOA huge jumpdumpstream in literally the space of one repetition
laste testament of ur 12th mom - pretty neat, has its moments. much like Battle of Saruin this is a file i will admire more than enjoy
orbital - B on sightread rofl. incredible, incredible file, though. when the dubstep came in i creamed myself
paradise lost - my biggest miff with this is the patterns, which i really do not follow. also, 24ths/32nds often look awkward when mixed...i wasn't sure if it was technically accurate or not, but with better organization/patterns that wouldn't have been too big of an issue. decent as a scoring file, though.
plasmatextor - i know everybody hates the 24th jacks but i actually loved the challenge. this file is intense but somehow it all flows beautifully. really nice.
transparent world - played Oni. somewhat simple approach, but it's executed cleanly and for the most part effectively. the only thing i'd really tweak are the freezes, which are just a bit too pervasive, particularly in one section near the end.

battle! team plasma - SO HARD. i quit out neat the halfway mark because i already played so much stepmaniers and my arms were giving out. i'm sure scoreboard fanatics will enjoy it...
chronos - idk man this was pretty upbeat and i liked that, but some parts were a bit rough. maybe cutting down the freezes and rearranging a few patterns was in order.
contact - pretty nice! the rolls are a bit uncomfortable, but at that speed i can forgive a little awkwardness.
crack in the hourglass - played Oni. marvelous file, plays seamlessly even though it's hard as balls. layering choices are just as excellent.
demonish animal appearance - played Oni. if it had ended just a bit earlier it would have been perfect. a good SSH file is never unwelcome, though, and honestly just the fact that we have a new dondon file is exciting
enhen dousen whatever - HOLY SHIT this was fun to play. maybe a little heavy on the minifreezes, but that's more a style quirk than anything
go go maniac - holy fuck sexy song have my kids. simple file, very easy to follow with nice patterns. i do wish that more of the percussion had been stepped and that some of the bursts had been toned down some. a little overlong but the variety and song make up for it
howling - 11/10 i fucking love you bmah. this is basically tabibito rerun deluxe mix.
i like trains - this is a carlos file through and through. simple but oh-so-clean and fun.
i'll forget you - standard: really straightforward for a GLoVE file but so pleasant that it doesn't even matter. jacks felt too intense at first but i eased into them (though some of them are still fairly hard for the song)
heavy: this is actually closer to how i would have stepped it, lol. most of my comments for standard apply here. both charts are fun and fit the song well, gj!
in the name of god - basicaly half of this file is epic guitar solos and i love it. i could follow this up with some throwaway remark about freeze usage or whatever, but i won't because i really like this file and for once i just want to offer unqualified praise
kona-yta altered scale - color scheme is very very cute. i like how soft this file feels to hit, even the longer jacks are smooth as silk. played heavy, haven't played edit yet
lawn wake ii - for the most part quite fluid. not a fan of Baq's freeze usage honestly but there were parts in this where his dense approach worked really really well with the song, so props.
laveran no shokutaku - one of my fave files. feels wonderful to hit throughout. pattern usage could have been more varied, I suppose.
lost not forgotten - really incredible file, man. only complaint i can muster is some random uncomfortable freezes in the guitar solos. the rest is incredibly fun...well thought-out patterns and tons of challenge.
my so-called life - you have some of the most crisp patterns i've ever seen. awesome file.
narcolepsy - stunning. absolutely stunning. perfect song and perfect patterns. even the few things i would usually nitpick somehow add to the file's atmosphere (those notes right after freezes kept me right on my toes, which i usually hate, but in this file they were oddly hypnotic)
new decade - i enjoyed the varied 16th rhythms in this song far more than i did the bursty sections (which i presume would be the scoring factors in this file). i dunno, song doesn't do a lot for me but i can't say i had a bad time playing this
new lights - played Heavy. song itself has a lot of unbalanced elements, so i can't blame you for the file feeling weird in some sections. at the very least it's pretty unique and very well-made (great patterns and color theory!)...it just all felt a bit cramped. maybe Standard will be better in that regard.
nth degree - didn't play this when it first came out, so this was a sightread. splendid, splendid, splendid. made me tear a little, even.
parousia - reminds me quite a bit of Dolize. not quite an elegant file (which i was kind of disappointed about), but it's as richly layered as it is busy. solid.
polssia - got way too hard for me at the end, so i quit out. what i played was nice, though. wasn't structured as well as it could have been, but had plenty of variety and the patterns were good
seven - played Heavy. super intense file mang! the 24th stream is ballzzzzz
sin - it's nice. i appreciate that it's a bit more open than other sin files, gives the patterns a lot of space to breathe.
space is key - quit out, didn't seem like my cup of tea
sports - very fun! the drum solo is aces, maybe i would have used jumps with a bit more discretion but your approach is perfectly fine too
the creator - the rhythms are great and the file plays smoothly...i am just completely confounded at your pattern choice. not that it's too much of an issue with playability, they just seem really arbitrary to be honest.
tzuicha-cha - there's this beautiful simplicity to this file that really speaks to me, but the freezes and the bursts break the illusion a bit. this is actually a case where it may have been helpful to strip back a little. still a super energetic file and one i'll be revisiting.
uplift - didn't like this one much. patterns were completely arbitrary and awkward in spots, song was nothing special. quit out, sorry.
v3 - really fast file, almost too fast for me to enjoy. can't deny that it's well-made, though
wooly mammoth stomp - WOULD HAVE AAA'd this if I didn't peel my eyes from the computer for one second oh well. siiiick file, minimalist approach that feels surprisingly detailed and true-to-life. understated but powerful.

apocynthion drive - file crashed on me for w/e reason lol. solid from what I played, though! I thought it'd be too hard for me but the patterns are quality
bit howl - neat! not usually a fan of dev/null stuff, but this has a lot of variety. the quieter parts are overdone, though...there needs to be a reprieve from all of the intensity in this
blue rose - 9.9999/10. a few minor gripes with polyrhythms/overintense bursts, but otherwise masterful
bspower explosion - played Heavy because shit my hands are tired. simple chart but plenty to enjoy. i really like the main chorus. i do wish the polyrhythms were a bit cleaner (for that matter, a lot of the patterns)
child protective services theme - played Heavy. it's a little repetitive (and has way too many freezes), but it's straightforward and provides a nice MA challenge. great patterns.
cirnoRTHL - a little too high-octane for me but I can't deny it's well-made
clash - just giving this file another shoutout because fuck it's good
cyberstorm - much well-crafted than I expected. even if it's too hard for me to enjoy, props for that. those bursts are still ass, though
dishevel - how to make a hard file 101. innovative and tricky patterns, great balance between playability and difficulty. nicely done.
do it this way - maybe i'm just tired or maybe it really is the file, but this just exhausted me. it's a really nice song, but the steps are sooo flourishy that they barely have any room to breathe. i still enjoyed it to some degree, just not as much as i had anticipated.
fatal tragedy - freeze usage is really messy in some parts, and the layers of the song don't always blend well together. that said, you handle the song's difficult sections with grace and the pattern choice is strong throughout. not a personal favorite, but a very sturdy file nonetheless.
ge4ce v2 - way too hard for me to enjoy, refraining from judgment
haereticus - really really dumpy, but to be fair so is the song. honestly, I did not enjoy this at all.
jack-the-ripper - song offers plenty to express, and the steps capture the tension of the rhythms and the dissonance in the melody very well. if there's one thing I wish, it's that the freezes/mines had been expressed with some more elegance...the file can get a bit too crowded at times. nonetheless, this is my favorite file from Yosh in this pack.
lockene - failed out. i'm not good enough to enjoy this. why are these so many of these ridiculously hard files in this pack, though?
rip roar power - i failed but i still kind of...enjoyed it? whoa. gave a much needed jolt of energy to the system
st. alphonso's pancake breakfast - this is a really great file, man. super groovy, great song, clean but challenging steps
bridgeport run - really intense file but it's clear you put a lot of thought into this and the steps always match the song well. beautiful song, too.
time out (piano solo) - um YES
unconnected - usually files like these aren't my cup of tea but i ended up rather enjoying this. good patterns.
waltz of the big dogs - really really hard but I still enjoyed it. really nice job bringing out all of the different layers to the piano. ending is absurdly hard but the climax works
we are high speed - another mi40 file : D not as classic as some of your other work in this pack but still very very enjoyable. flows beautifully, i can tell a lot of thought went into these patterns. you really might be one of my favorite stepartists at this point
why am i here - you are knocking it out of the park with your files this go around, Fission. this was phenomenal. snare hits layered in during guitar solos can get very messy (and did in this case), and there were a few mild inconsistencies with the percussive minifreezes, but otherwise this was flawlessly executed. i'm really excited to see where you go from here.
zen - Mr. BOB! this is pretty great, really brutal file with some tricky patterns. maybe a bit too few jumps to justify all of those hands but that's more of the song than anything else, great to see you back.[/spoiler]

empty skydiving - decent. jumpstream files like this one are a dime a dozen, and the pattern choice here never rises above passable, but the dubstep part still made me sit up in my chair a bit. you show promise, but I think you should practice thinking about detailed patterns that'll really bring out the song. and work on blending your 24ths/32nds, because that entire part was awkwaaaard.
endlessstation - there has to be a better way to pattern those little 32nd minitrills. the really amazing thing about this is how light it feels, even though it's really tough. I think you've developed a very nice aesthetic and it shows in every file you make.
gravestoned - I think the biggest word that came to mind with this file was "rigid". It's very well-made, no doubt, but style and flow are sacrificed for technical accuracy (always layering big hits as hands, having double freezes cluttering the file). The gimmicks were fine, though nothing outstanding.
jordan - whoa, awesome file! freezes got a little crowded/long, but this was still great to hit.
mirage garden - played Oni. good file, some parts are realllly uncomfortable to hit/look at but for some reason it still felt natural to me when i was hitting it. Heavy might be more my cup of tea, is it different?
requien for a team - for such a heavy file, this is really, surprisingly graceful. the ending's a tad abrupt, but I find very little to complain about and a lot to praise.
salieri strikes back - heavy: so many color notes, omg. great file, though!
oni: virtually flawless. flow s0 g0od, color notes handled with great care, and climax is insane.
synaptic plasticity - yes yes yes. impeccable file. so much fun.
ultraviolent junglist - it takes a lot to keep somebody's interest for over five minutes, but damned if this isn't captivating throughout. exquisite file.
karma-fied - i saved this for last. and for good reason. i am astounded at the level of creativity and detail and work you have poured into this file. in fact, i'm just going to shut up right now and go play it again. the fact that something like this exists is the reason why Stepmania will always be special.

Last edited by moches; 05-29-2013 at 08:11 AM..
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Old 05-28-2013, 04:09 AM   #8
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews


Aegis: Umm...I dunno if anyone had this issue but some parts were WAAAYYYY offsync. I had to go in and fix it for 3.95 Lowered a few stops and stuff and now it's good. will edit this post when I play it

EDIT: Holy shit those streams were fun as fuck, You balanced out hand stream and jumpstream very well, the 32nds were fucking AWESOME too. The offsync of the file was probably something you couldn't have known so I won't hold that against you 8/10

Apocynthion Drive: This file raped my fingers...those 24th bursts ate me alive lmfao. Quite a song though, the steps flowed beautifully even though they raped me! good job dude! 8/10
asdfmovie6 song- I. LOVE. the way you did this file. I couldn't see any issues except...well..nothing. Nice file Alex. this is definitely on my replay list 10/10

Autoprocess- JACKS but this file was good, I can't speak for the song itself but you did it a fair amount of justice, some patterns flow a little awkwardly for me though 6/10

Bambous- Why does this song remind me of Ewoks trying to have sex? I LOOOVED the tapdancing shoes section, that was especially VERY well done. and the rest of the file flowed beautifully! you get -1 for the sexual ewoks xD 9/10

Battle! Team Plasma- This file was a little awkward for me, I could see the directions in which you wanted to go with it but then it's like you decided to go with something else, The patterns are great but somewhat scattered though. But I'll give you a bonus for a welcome back to SM 7/10

Bit Howl- Woah this file was intense, It's like Hajnal on ROIDS lmfao. good work man! 8/10

Blue Rose: This was a beast of a file to play, The drum solo was stepped awesomely...everything else kinda reminded me of Yesssss' version (which is a good thing) 9.5/10

BSpower explosion-Pretty fun file, I like the barn animals there were a ALOT of weird patterns for me though. especially those 16th jumps everywhere near the end. 7.5/10

Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor- The fucking title gives you insta +1 Holy shit this file rocks! I love all the pretty colourful parts, the minijack chorus is well done too! 10/10

Chaotic WHITE- Awesome file! very well layered and has a large amount of replay value! 8/10

Child Protective Services Theme Song- This is the song that Pewdiepie used for his intro . It's very well stepped, very fun and simplistic. not much else to say 9/10

Chronos- Very tricky to MA for me, but it's an awesome and interesting file. Nice job Kommi 9/10

CirnoRHTL- First of all...the GFX scare me. this file started out retardedly hard but then got more awesome as the file went on. I'm starting to like your files Valor! 8/10

Clash- This file is awesome! I love shuffle files, the steps transitioned very neatly, there was no overall awkwardness for me. Nice job Zagh 10/10

Contact- This file was a doozy! I personally felt there were a LOT of bursts that distracted the overall flow of the file which was very neat, but the bursts killed it for me sorry man. 5/10

Crack in the Hourglass Heavy- This song is awesome, I love how well you appropriately decided not to stick freezes in the final portion where you followed the piano, the guitar solo was a little crazy for me though. 8/10

Crack in the Hourglass Oni- Oh. THERE'S THE FREEZES LOL. Very well done Glove 8/10

Demonish Devilish Appearance- I love the song! the steps are great too! Oni was a bit outta my league for playing though but I still managed to get through it 8.5/10

Die Winnipeg Die Die Die Fuckers Die- Umm....What the hell was that dude Don't get me wrong. I wanted to enjoy the file but to me it seemed a bit overwhelming. Also the GFX needed more mosquitoes LOL. 6.5/10

Dishevel- This song made my soul hurt! But the steps were fuckin' with the song good job brah! 7.5/10

Do It This Way- EARTHWORM JIM *ahem* The song was...certainly unique. I loved the Saxophone, Trombone and Trumpet section, and those right hand trills were awesome too! I'll be playing this one again for shizzle 8.5/10

Earthquake: Minijacks? I honestly couldn't tell where you were going with those. But I really enjoyed the rest of the file 7/10

Eater Merry- I personally think some of this file should have been 180bpm. it seemed all cluttered for me to read what you were trying to make with the sounds, Some of the file was great but it just seems very cluttered. 6.5/10

Echo of Forever- Some patterns were a bit wonky for me to see, you have the sounds and everything stepped perfectly it's just a matter of placement. Still a very good file all around 7.5/10

Ehhen Doyadosu? Tengujiman- This file made my brain hurt the first time...but then I played it again and I realized where you were headed with this file. It was AWESOME! The jumpstream was a bit too hard for me but it I love it! 8/10

Empty Skydiving- Well this file certainly WASN'T EMPTY (sorry bad joke) OW....MY ARMS! To everyone that says this file sucks. I would disagree, It takes a lot of effort to make a song like this to be fun and not repetitive and boring. As painful as it was for me to play, kudos to you my man. I'll be playing this a lot, it gives newer players who want to improve on jumpstream a chance to develop their skills. The only issue I had was that part with thee 24'ths though, I didn't really understand that at all. 8.5/10

Far East Nightbird- Wow, this a great file! I love how well balanced it is, it's very easy to follow and tricky to FC. I couldn't ask for anything more out of this. 9.5/10

Fashion Queen- Holy fahk. A file by Torrent that ISN'T Venetian Snares LOL. K but in all seriousness this file is wicked for the song. Every section stands out on their own and no part seems to be dragging down the other. Sick file 9/10

Fatal Tragedy- I'll admit that I'm a little surprised. I don't think many can outdo IamMe's version of this. Some parts were ehh.. there was a part that should've been a trill in the keyboard solo but you made a roll. The end part was wicked sick though, overall this file is awesome to play and score on for me 7/10

fffff- This file is fucking FUN. AS. HELL. I love how well the jumps flow to the ignorantly LOUD piano portions, the trills were done beautifully, and I loved the ending as well. Awesome work! 10/10

Five Regrets- WHY DOES THIS SONG END I was having SO much fun playing it! This file is easily one of the best I've played in this pack so far...I can't think of anything else to say 10/10

Ge4ce vFUR v2- WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT D: This is ridiculously hard! Some parts were fun until the 48TH AND 32ND RAPE D: please do not do that to my poor fingers again 6/10

GO! GO! MANIAC- I thought this file was pretty fun because shuffle. But it felt like it was too repetitive in some areas, Other than that awesome job on a cool tune 7/10

Gravestoned- Meh. I personally think I overdid the bursts a LOT D: The patterns were good in some parts, retarded in others. I'm speaking for the Oni chart. Heavy is way better imo 6/10

Guile of the Rime King- AWWWWW THAT CD TITLE IS SOOOO ADORABLE!!! *ahem* Really nice song choice, I like how you used the half-tempo in the correct parts if the song, buuuut you should've made it double time for the last part of the song except for the last synthy section. 8.5/10

Haereticus- What the hell did I just play?! I'll give you an even 5 for getting a file in but...I just... dunno

Howling- an interesting song. The steps are very accurate in most parts, bravo 7.5/10

I like Trains- ROFL those graphics! I really REEALLLY liked those 24th bursts and the part where it goes "I like trains" 9/10

I'll Forget You, You'll Never Forget Me- I certainly won't forget this file! It's fun, creative and it's different than most songs that I've heard in this pack! great job guiez, 9.5/10

I'M ON CRACK- what an odd song o.O" umm... I like the way everything was put together buuuut some parts were a little awkward for me to time and hit. nice effort though 7/10

In The Name Of God- I....Fucking...Love this! It's fun, it's colourful and you really stamped out the solos. Nice work on this one bro! 10/10

Innocent Walls- JACKS But I loved everything else xD 7/10

Insect Digestion Melancholy- FINALLY! A GOOD VERSION OF THIS SONG! I applaud you for stepping this, I HATED moogy's xD. I love all the pretty colours and stuff too, very well stepped 10/10

Jack-the-Ripper- This song was cool, had really neat steps to go with it as well 7/10

Jordan- Holy fucking colourful solo batman! You did a good job stepping this accurately man! it's very well done except for the part near the end I think it was a little weird for me. 7/10

kona-ita-mina-tangs be Altered Scale- Umm...I love the file but I'm curious as to why you didn't make it Red yellow and blue notes? It's an awesome interesting file and I enjoyed the minijacks portion 8/10

Last Testament of Twelfth Mother- VERY repetitive, I didn't like the direction it went sometimes, some sections felt a little TOO overdone while some felt too simplistic and boring. Good effort though, 4/10

Laveran no Shokutaku- I liked it a lot. It's neat, it's unique for sure and everything flows nicely! 8/10

Lawn Wake II- Ow that hurt. A lot. It was very fun! but some parts felt a little recycled and re-used dude. I couldn't get a good variety on the steps either. But it was still cool to play a new lawnwake II 6.5/10

Light House- Mikey likey this one! It has a variety of sections and from what I could tell no patterns were ever used twice throughout the file! I loved the 12'th sections. 10/10

Lockene- Umm...that was relatively short xD THE END RAPED ME. but it's fun to play 8/10

Lost Not Forgotten- This is a fucking masterpiece. You nailed EVERYTHING! holy shit. Good job! 10/10

MarioStep- JACKS D: but this file was fun as fuck! Holy crap. I could whore this for days 9/10

Mirage Garden- FUN AS FUCK ERRMAHGERRD ! I love the ending drum part too 10/10

Mr. Lonely- OSSA! YOU'RE BACK! AND YOU STEPPED A FUCKIN' GUITAR SOLO. This file is sweet shit. I love how well the Ossa's- I mean freezes are placed! 9/10

My So-Called Life- This was awesome! I really liked how you didn't throw everything everywhere. it looked like everything was good. Just try to avoid using the same patterns over and over. 7.5/10

Narcolepsy- THE ADORABLE PONY STRIKES AGAIN ^_^ and gets another good mark in my books. This file is SEXY as fuck<3 I love all the parts...except for the 24th jumpjacks those were kinda random to me. 8/10

New Decade IIDX Edition- I didn't really like where this was going at all to be honest. Some parts were done nicely but some parts were just an utter mess to me. It's a decent file, but it seems too cluttered and overlayered 6/10

New Lights- That Beginning...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT D: but other than that the rest of the file was pretty well done. I liked the random BPM changes dude 7/10

Nth Degree- This file is flawless. I'm ITCHING to play it again! it just blew me away. 10/10

Oblivion- FUN AS HELL. I love the way you stepped everything and layered it so it was one part into the other, nothing was too overwhelming or understepped. just perfect. 10/10

OrBiTal- Awesome file, I loved all the tricks and stuff but some parts and patterns felt overused, a little more variety would've helped this file be more enjoyable for me 7.5/10

Paradise Lost- Umm...Some of the parts were REAAALLLY cool...but some felt reallly overstepped and ruined the overall flow of the song. I'll play it again for sure though. 7/10

Parousia- Some parts were VERY well done...others felt too overdone. I could see where you were trying to go with the flow in most parts though, just try to tone down the intensity for when it isn't needed sometimes. 7/10

Plasmatextor- I loved the overall flow of the file, the 24th jacks fit in beautifully, I dunno what you're all whining about xD. Great job Stargroup. 9/10

Polssia- I loved the beginning of this file....then it turned into a massive clusterfuck of destruction...then it got awesome at the end.. How did you pull that one off? O.o 6.5/10

Pop A Parade- I think this file needs a look at.. Some parts were way off sync for me...there were steps that needed to be placed where others were... I dunno. Song's funky as hell though 6/10

Poppin' Shower- Omg that voice. is stuck in my head! Reaally good file! nothing too bad to speak of that I noticed. except for that random part with the 48ths. 7.5/10

Red Nikita- If this is your first file....That's outstanding! Holy shit this is one of the best files in this pack, hands down. Everything fits perfectly, you spread everything out beautifully. Good job! 10/10

Reefer Man

Scintill's Chart- This file is EPIC! I can tell you spent a LOT of time syncing this beast. I loved the whole damn thing!

GLoVE's Chart- This file is GREAT! It's completely different from Scintill's which is great, you managed to keep the overall flow of the song


Requiem For A Team- Urggh.. the graphics grossed me out big time D:. But the file is wicked fun, probably the best DnB file in this pack so far! good job dude! 9/10

Resurrected Replayer- Awesome file Kommi, I wasn't sure why the 16'th jumps where everywhere though but I played it again and noticed it. I'd play this all the time 10/10

Rip Roar Power- MY..HANDS this song nearly blew out my eardrums not to mention the file is balls hard...in a fun...masochistic way T_T 7/10

Salieri Strikes Back- Oh god...I have the play this twice T_T YOU CRUEL BASTARDS

Baq12's Chart- The half tempo part seemed VERY off for some reason may be just me. But holy fuck that hurt my arms...I can't believe I have to do Mi40's next T_T 8/10

Mi40's Chart-Ow....If I get carpel tunnel it's YOUR fault. Urgh...that 240 16'th jumpstream... You're sadistic T_T 7/10

OVERALL: You two are fucking evil bastards who have made me suffer for 12 minutes just to fairly review this song 7.5/10

Sane To More- WHY DIDN'T YOU STEP THE WHOLE SONG But this is another flawless file by you. 10/10

Seven- My soul hurts playing Oni. But still... another flawless file 10/10

Sin- FUCKING BIGASS CD TITLE/10 in all seriousness this is one of the best versions of Sin I've ever played. 9/10

Snow Storm- I love how you used the 48ths to make the piano blend into the background so it looked like you couldn't see anything! that was awesome. The rest of the file is awesome too . Save for a few confusing parts 9/10

Space is Key Theme Song- that...was a massive dump. I BARELY passed lmao. But seriously...I did not like the chart at all to be honest. I can tell a small amount of effort went into it but it's just scatterbrained all over 3/10

Speed Dial- That fuckin' Piano solo was orgasmic! and the Drum solo was sick too! Holy shit I love the way you stepped that part. Other than that nothing really jumped at me 8/10

Spin the Disc- yay a file of yours that didn't rape me. I enjoyed it a lot. it could've used bpm tricks though D: but still well done 7/10

Sports!- That drum solo was the key to this file's success! it was very well done and I can see myself whoring this file for a AAA 9/10

St. Alphonzo's Pancake Breakfast and Father Oblivion- The song title itself and the song are insta-win. The file does it justice, it's awesome. 10/10

Swing Set- This file. Is GOLDEN. I love the tap dancing part the most! 10/10

Synaptic Plasticity- ADORABLE PONY RETURNS with another gem! there are a few annoying parts but I really like your files 8/10

The Bridgeport Run- This file is REALLY fun..my fingers are just so braindead to get a good score, you layered everything very well and the freezes were used in a fun manner. the only thing I didn't like was the annoying jumpstream burst part of doom 7.5/10

The Creator- Okay I'm confused....The song seems like a straightforward constant BPM. Why cut it in half and speed it up? o.O other than that it's a fun different song 8/10

Time Out- Awesome file, sickass song too! I love how well you stepped this and how accurate you made it 10/10

Toki- Easily one of the best files you've ever made, that 12'th part to finish the song is amazing 9/10

Transparent World- This is like... Cry of the Brave...Japanase Edition...The solo wasn't really well thought out... Umm...The only good parts were the chorus and the ending imo 6/10

Tranzport- Valor...Umm.. This file is a REAALLLY good re-step for the song, I LOOOVED the quad freeze section. But ugh. that end reminded me of Quadrasphinx D:. 7/10

Tzuicha-cha- You creatively used the sounds that were made available to this song, thus making it challenging and enjoyable at the same time. It's awesome. but some patterns felt really awkward 8.5/10

Ultraviolent Jungalist- This file is AWESOME! It's like Epedermis on steroids. I love how you dedicated certain jumps/hands/freezes to certain sounds on the chart. I'll be whoring this file for a LOOONG time. 10/10

Unconnected- THANK THE LORD THIS ISN'T A LONG SONG otherwise I would have murdered you. This is a gem in it's own way. It's accurately stepped and provides that stamina draining challenge that people want when they feel they need to work on speed and stamina. Some patterns and sections felt weird to me though, but it was pretty fun 7.5/10

Uplift- The freeze section and the minijacks were AWESOME at the beginning but near the end it was just a clusterfuck of freezes and jumpstreams! I would've enjoyed this A LOT more if you had tried to utilize the sounds in the song instead of cramming them into one near the end 7/10

V^3 (Hello World)- Modernized Data Drain. I LIKE IT It's fun and challenging, makes you wanna have a seizure somtimes but STILL well done 8/10

Waltz No.17 in G Minor "Waltz of the big dogs"- Okay so I'm not fast enough to remotely pass this. But this is reviews. not bragging rights. You took the time to sync and properly step a rather difficult piano song that most would have said "Fuck it" halfway through. Each part seems to be carefully done and well stepped to provide a challenge but remain fun at the same time. Too bad I'm not fast enough to pass it 9/10

We Are Hi-Speed [Nurrbody In This Bitch Get Chipsy Remix]- What a lengthy title -_-" I think you focused a little too much on making this song hard than making it enjoyable, the breaks of the intense DnB sections were kinda zoomed through as if you just wanted to get to the next intense portion of the song. You had a lot of potential with this song to make it fun and challenging and I hope you make a new version 6/10

Why Am I Here- ADORABLE PONY JOINS THE CIRCUS aannnnd falls to his death on the tightrope. Unfortunately you made this way harder than it should be, especially the dual solo portion which shouldn't have been jumps imo. other parts were very confusing such as the starting portion...what are the jumps going to? you should have let the snare command the jumps and let the synth/guitar take care of the rest. The end was awesome I can't lie it was beautifully done. 6/10

Wooly Mammoth Stomp- This file is awesome, as much as I HAAATE jacks. you used them in a timely and rational manner which made the file flow properly. The freezes and syncing were very well done as well. I enjoyed this one a lot 9/10

Zen-now THAT'S how you do a file bro. the 24'th drum parts and 32nd gallops were awesome, I love how you used the jacks to emphasize on the guitar going higher and lower notes. Fuckin' sick job on this one 10/10

(I wanna give you devotion- It was okay. the 24'th part was sick and how you layered it in was cool too. unfortunately nothing else really stood out for me 7/10

===Karma-Fied===- ...I'm speechless 10/10

Overall I'd give this pack a SOLID 8.75/10 for the massive amount of entertaining and enjoyable files! Thanks to all of you who contributed to this pack and made it a HUUUUGE success!
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i can't vote shadow god because his profile picture gives me motivation to check on the thread regularly
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more like Shad-hoe God am I right haha
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TIL women have breasts because of horniness
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sunfan I fucked up
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Xel claiming that I am incapable of making mistakes and using that logic to paint me as scum does things to my body that I thought only Lewdy's stash could do

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your hentai collection is commendable. i am both in awe and afraid of you
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Old 05-28-2013, 06:30 AM   #9
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Arbitrary ratings, 7 or higher means that I liked the file. Will add more later.

Aegis (6.5/10) - Patterns could be a little better, the 32nd bursts are fine I guess. Not bad of a file overall, but not memorable.

Apocynthion Drive (7.5/10) - This fucking hurts cold, ow. A lot of patterns with rolls (the purple holds) included in them are kinda dumb to hit, 24th patterns are hard at that speed. The file isn't bad, but difficulty feels REALLY forced here. The jumpstream patterns are really nice though.

asdfmovie6 Song (8/10) - Very nice difficulty progression, haha. Some 32nd bursts are kinda awkward to hit, but it's fine I guess. File's pretty enjoyable to play, good job Alex!

Autoprocess (8.5/10) - A couple of iffy one handed spots, pretty good overall though.

Bambous (7/10) - What is that song lmao. Nice swingy/technical file, nothing too memorable about it though.

Battle! Team Plasma (6/10) - Some of the patterns in here are really really rigid (I don't know if it's intentional or not though). File overall is okay, it's just that some parts (such as the polyrhythms) ruin the flow of this file for me.

Bit Howl (8.5/10) - Very fun file, especially the intro. The ending isn't as good, but it's still pretty fun to hit.

Blue Rose (8.5/10) - Technical masterpiece, didn't enjoy it as much as I should though.

BSPower Explosion [Oni] (8/10) - Some of the grace notes are kinda awkward to hit, file's great to play though. Nice job Joel!

Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor [Oni] (7.5/10) Nice and easy file, felt that I should've enjoyed it a little less than I should though.

Chaotic WHITE (9/10)
- Grace notes towards the ending are a little excessive, really really fun file though holy shit.

Child Protective Services Theme Song v2 (7.5/10) - Some of the bursts are just rigid to hit, some are really fun to hit. File's fun, would play again.

Chronos (6/10) - Some parts are just really awkward to hit. File as a whole isn't bad, just didn't enjoy it though.

CirnoRHTL (9/10) - So fun. Holy shit. The first minijack is kinda iffy to hit but the file as a whole is super fun, wow.

Clash (8.5/10) - I had a blast playing this, even though it's easy haha. Great file Zag.

Contact (6/10) - This is probably fun on rates. On 1.0 though..

Crack In The Hourglass [Oni] (8.5/10) - Really fun. That's all.

Cyberstorm (8/10) - Really nice BPM gimmicks. 4th section is a fucking eyesore to read though, but that's probably part of the challenge. Pretty good file.

Demonish Beast Appearance [Oni] (9/10)
- I've always wanted to play a file like this. Really well done.

Die Winnipeg Die Fuckers Die (8.5/10) - Really fun on rates. Really fun on 1.0 too, nice file Alex.

Dishevel (9/10)
- I LOVE the patterns in this file. Almost exactly how I'd picture the file.

ge4ce [Heavy] (3/10) - The first half is the only enjoyable part of the file, the second half is just... dumb.
[Edit] (1/10) -

Innocent Walls (8.5/10) - Great jacking file. Only part I didn't like is the 32nd roll, but it's bias haha.

Mirage Garden [Oni] (8.5/10) - Really fun stuff, especially on rates.

Salieri Strikes Back [Oni] (9/10)* - Fucking solid file.

The Bridgeport Run (9/10) - I love this file. Too bad the file doesn't like me.

The Creator (6/10) - I like Yousei Teikoku's music a lot, this doesn't really seem to do justice though. I expected something much harder to be honest, but it's a pretty decent attempt at least. I honestly think if it's harder (perhaps more jacks?), it'd be much better.

Transparent World [Edit] (6/10) - Rigid patterns in the jumpstream, the file gets better in the second half but doesn't really appeal to me overall.

Waltz of the Big Dogs (8.5/10) - Really fun file actually. There are a couple of spots that are kinda gay to hit, but for songs like this, you can't really make it hard without making a couple of spots awkward to hit. My favourite Roar file currently. (o:

Last edited by EzExZeRo7497; 05-28-2013 at 09:42 AM..
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Old 05-28-2013, 09:31 AM   #10
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

aegis: quit out of it 'cause it seemed like a bunch of boring jumpstream drivel that's just too hard for me right now 5/10

apocynthion drive: it seems like a seriously fucking fun file, but I can't play it at all. failed it hehe 8/10

asdfmovie6 song: pretty fun file 7/10

autoprocess: way too hard for me. I really don't agree with using triple-arrow jumps for the basskick but other than that it seems like a decent generic drum file 6/10

Bambous: really fun, excellent use of freezes. it feels like some of them are a bit redundant tho but whatever. 8/10

battle team derp: overenergetic file with a buncha gay minijack jumps I quit out of it 4/10

bit howl: lol what the fuck. super gay retarded minijacks and then a bunch of jumpstream. I quit immediately 1/10

blue rose: should've been a solo file imo and those minijacks are kinda gay but it's pretty fun. 7/10

bullshitpower explosion: a little overenergetic, too much jumpstream 5.5/10

captain murasas ass anchor: tried heavy, aside from the mines this chart almost looks like something I'd make hah. guessing oni is gay, not gonna try 8/10

chaotic white: the beginning is excellent, but the rest of the file isn't all that interesting. what are all those minijacks going to? 6/10

child protective services theme song: heavy difficulty. pretty nice freeze usage in this, I had fun. 8/10

chronos: nice freeze usage. some parts feel way too overenergetic. why the fuck not follow the awesome lead? you made the chart harder but less interesting as a result. it's still a pretty good chart but i am sad 7/10 (ps this song is really cool heh)

cirnorhtl: lol.

clash: ignoring since it's my own file. (but it's kinda unfocused and bad.)

contact: never really saw the appeal for bursty files like these

oh boy a glove file. trying oni. okay yeah that seems like a really good file but is not fun at all so let's try heavy.


crack in the hourglass: really good file. only complaint is the jumpstream at the end gets really tedious when you could've easily done something more interesting by following the lead. also definitely should've been a solo file. 8.5/10

cyberstorm: are you blurk? /10

demonish anima appearance: overstepped imo. too many minijacks, not enough emphasis on pitch relevant patterns, should've been a solo file. I love songs like this, but they're generally really hard to make into good charts. :I 5/10

winnipeg: i quit out almost immediately 2/10

disheveled (oh boy more flahsblub): you do some really interesting stuff here and there. only problem is this is another derpy bursty drum chart and they all end up being way too similar. 6/10

do it this way: wow, that's interesting! it's a little overdone though, you sacrifice playability over technicality way too much but it's still definitely a cool file... just wish I had more fun playing it. 8/10

don't say anything: should have been 6-key and is a little overdone. not a huge fan of all those jacks, though some definitely fit. 6/10

urfquake: holy fuck those minijacks are dumb as shit also overdone as hell 4/10

eater merry: was pretty good until you chose to follow the drums instead of the lead towards the end. you can make freeze sections like that really interesting really easily, and even if you're lazy enough to not put any effort I'd honestly rather hit single freezes than that tired amen break shit. 7/10

ech of forever: pretty cool chart, but some of the design choices you do still boggle my brain. could've been a bit better and is ever so slightly overstepped imo, but is definitely a good chart. 8/10

ehen doyadosu derp denpa shit: i quit out pretty damn quickly. take some of that energy you put into your charts and become a doctor. 1/10

empty skydiving: jumpstream into dubstep burst overdrive then tab+esc equals 3/10

endlessssssssssssssstation: the drum parts are alright 'cause of great patterns. rest of the file is way more interesting, although that calm part towards the end has the backing note freeze length all wrong which bugged me. 6/10

eos: rhythmically pretty interesting chart. honestly I liked this a lot more than I thought I would, and the song doesn't really give you all that much to work with. this is probably about as good as it gets. 7/10

store time, I'm out

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Old 05-28-2013, 11:04 AM   #11
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damn i feel i did pretty well with a 6 from zagh haha. overall really happy with your guys feedback of autoprocess, I'll work on reduction of anchors (although they were at the climax of the song) and perhaps just try some more easy songs to present another side of me.
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Old 05-28-2013, 11:41 AM   #12
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

mixed revus for eq but im O.K wit dat
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Old 05-28-2013, 12:24 PM   #13
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Zaggu-sama... thx for the 8/10 <3

dw anaru eartquak is pretty gud fiel respect +1000 you're one of my fav sim artists now
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Old 05-28-2013, 12:46 PM   #14
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

reviews continuation:

fallen world: looks like a really fun and actually decently good dumpstream file but I can't play it at all. ?/10

far east night-turd: placing mines like a 64th distance from other notes is gay and those random-ass minijacks all over the place are dumb. otherwise drums with bursts/10

fashion queen: why aren't you following the bass when it's like the most interesting and prominent thing in the song? score reduced for that leaving you with a measly 9.5/10 best file in the pack so far gg

fatal tragedy: you know we have solo mode for stuff like this right? 8/10

ffffffffffffff: guess you did what you could with the source material, but it's a pretty shitty chart. 4/10

five regrets: pretty interesting despite being really dumpstream-heavy somehow? i dunno. 7/10

ge4ce vfur v2: no way I can accurately judge this lmfao PAINSTEP/10

GO! GO! MANIAC: some of those jacks feel a little random and unnecessary so this would've been better as a solo file but gg second best file in the pack 9/10

gravestoned: another super overdone drum chart jesus christ do we seriously not have enough of these yet 1/10

guile of the rime king: apparently we don't. this is a lot better though and is the best drum file in the pack probably. seriously tho you have like triple jumps and crazy 16ths during the absolute calmest part of the song what the fuck 7/10

haereticus: not fun, piano part did not seem accurate at all then I quit 3/10

howling: first I was all yeah you're the third dude in this pack to know how to make 16th jumps fun and then you start forcing in the random minijacks for no reason what the hell. the later minijacks make sense tho and following the sampled voice is pretty amusing but the polyrhythms get a little too erratic and retarded for me. 5.5/10

i like trains: 8/10. this is one of the few files in the pack without any retarded shit put in just to make it arbitrarily harder for no reason other than to make it harder. nothing particularly special, but nothing bad about it either. good file.

i'll continue later maybe i don't like this game very much heh

Last edited by StoneMcKnuckle; 05-28-2013 at 12:52 PM..
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Old 05-28-2013, 01:46 PM   #15
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Zagh it looks like you might not have much of a taste for the general difficulty of a lot of files these days. However, I and several others made easier difficulties as well, so why not try those? They're made for a reason you know.
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Old 05-28-2013, 02:32 PM   #16
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

mfw zagh says minijacks are too much
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Old 05-28-2013, 02:55 PM   #17
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

jacks S

earthquake jacks are 150bpm 16ths which are rly slow
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Old 05-28-2013, 03:08 PM   #18
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

Originally Posted by cedolad View Post
mfw zagh says minijacks are too much
brb digging up a zagh post from 2006 saying 'why does everyone think fots is so hard? it's basically just a bunch of mini-jacks'

looks like someone is in a slope

ps. i will update the OP shortly, good stuff so far guys

Last edited by Dynam0; 05-28-2013 at 03:11 PM..
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Old 05-28-2013, 03:25 PM   #19
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

not all files with minijacks were downrated because of minijacks. putting them in everywhere for no real reason is pretty weird and is almost exclusively done to increase the difficulty of the file for no good reason. it makes the files worse imo. this is what me and blurk used to call "index syndrome" where you'd minijack into a jump to make it easier for index players but it felt weird as hell to play and was generally never a good idea.

but yeah a lot of stupidly hard files probably got a bit worse scores from me 'cause I had no fun 'cause I was failing l0l. tho I did give apocynthion drive an 8 even though I failed so I dunno.

either way these are just personal opinions, there's no LAW OF THE STEPS that simfiles have to follow even though some people seem to think so.

Last edited by StoneMcKnuckle; 05-28-2013 at 03:27 PM..
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Old 05-28-2013, 03:32 PM   #20
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

Try the easier difficulty for Howling. Tell me if it's any better or worse. I'm told by a lot of people that making easier difficulties along with harder ones makes the pack more accessible. If people complain about the harder difficulties and not play the easier ones, why am I bothering? :/
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