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Old 03-14-2012, 02:16 AM   #21
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?
Rock and Metal are my top faves, but I find enjoyment in things ranging from electronic music to folk and alt-country.

1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?
I like music that tells a story, the kind that unfold like the pages of a great book. This is what first hooked me on power metal when I was about 15 years old. Songs from bands like Sonata Arctica are among my all time favorites.
1b. How about bad music?
Aside from music with annoying beat patterns, the stuff I hate falls along the type of music that tries to "bash" other groups of people (most modern country) or that sounds like propaganda. I also really dislike newer music that tries to directly copy the vinyl greats of the 60s and 70s and make it sound "retro and hip"

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?
Yeah, you can probably guess by now I don't like hipsters. Bands like The Black Keys piss me off because of this reason.

3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?
I try not to.
3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?
A lot of people seem to think that Skrillex fans are 'childish'.
3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?
A lot of people think power metal fans are fat-asses that sit in their basement and play D&D, and while I'm actually starting to pick up the basics of D&D from a friend, I still don't appreciate the stereotype, but oh well.

4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/hir/it?
Pretty much zero, recently at least. Up until a couple of years ago I only listened to the mainstream giants of my favorite genres, but I've been trying to branch out and follow smaller bands such as Oceans Divide, Signum AD, Daybreak Embrace (all of which hard rock fans should listen to, oh my god they're amazing)

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?
Yes, I do.

6. How objective do you think you are when you judge music?
I don't know... a lot of those lesser known bands I found just by typing a well-known artist into last.fm radio and just letting it play for a few hours. The ones that I find myself reaching for the volume control are the ones I end up liking on facebook later, heheh.

7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?
Definitely on a song-by-song basis. There's a lot of older bands out there that sound way different now than they did in 1995 or 1985, Metallica being a very good example (St. Anger, anyone? ugh.)

8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?
Yes, absolutely.

9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)
No way, jose.

10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?
Annoyed. I know I'm going to get bashed for this, but I don't like when people seem to hate on Nickelback because it seems to be popular to do so. I'm not ashamed to admit that I have four Nickelback CDs in my library.
10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?
Aside from the Nickelback example above, I really only get annoyed if someone seems to belittle me for every single band I like and then they try to hook me up on hipster crap (it's happened before).

11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)
A little bit. I played snare drum 6th through 8th grade, and I tried to pick up a guitar for a while in my junior and senior years of high school.

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?
Most of my music I find on my own via the internet, but my friends and my brother have shown me a lot of good songs too that I didn't know about.

13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?
Indeed they have. I listened to nothing but country until I was about 10, because that's what my parents listened to. From then until I was about 14 it was nothing but hip-hop / typical top40 radio because that's what was popular (oh if I could take those years back...). At age 15 I started listening to rock and metal, but only the mainstream stuff mostly. At 18 years old I started discovering a lot of good underground bands that now fill up my Zune. (Yeah, I have a Zune, don't hate.)
13b. If not, why not?
13c. If yes, in what way?
See above.

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?
Nope. Cool thread.
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Old 03-14-2012, 07:47 AM   #22
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?
8bit remix
drum n bass
1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?
Predictable climax, clean.

If I link anymore I'd be posting my whole fav list.

1b. How about bad music?
Random emphasis, noisy, messy beats.

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?
3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?
3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?
Justin beiber worshippers and haters are annoying as hell
3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?
otaku, blamed for listening to 'fake music', lack of objectives, druggy, uneducated and not artistic.
4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/hir/it?
None at all

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?
6. How objective do you think you are when you judge music?
Not particularly, sounds good = good. If it doesn't sound good then it doesnt. Though I could list reason of why it isn't good to me if someone asks why.
7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?
8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?
No, but it effects my mood, workflow, decision on a personal level when I do emerge myself. It usually does not have much to do with my image or public persona since I do not display my preferences in public, simply no occasion nor need to express.
9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)
10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?
If he can make a point about it, I will think about it from my stand point, if I do not agree, move on, others can put their own values on music, as can I. Reach conclusion, change topic.
10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?
Ask him to try it, if does not work, put on my headphones
11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)
No, casual music listener.

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?
Music never come alone for me, it's always with some kind of scene in movie, advertisement with a message, video with background. Then I derive my own meaning to music or a specific mood to each song and I listen to specific song/music to have each specific mood again when and where I want to.
13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?
13b. If not, why not?
13c. If yes, in what way?
As I grew over the past few years so did my values and that changed how I read, interpret. I've also came across dubstep somewhat recently so that is an added preference.

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?

Reminder for self to make new sig.
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Old 03-14-2012, 08:23 AM   #23
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

0. I'm bad at genres. Incidental music, electronica, orchestral.

1a. Elicits emotions, makes me want to listen to it, feels catchy, has lots of different parts to listen to, I dunno

1b. Music that makes me feel unemotional. Music that creates ennui. Repetitive music that's annoying is the worst, however, repetitive music that's personally emotional can be the best thing ever.

2. I dunno.

3a. Definitely
3b. Kids with glowsticks, hip hop in da hood, hicks from the country, smart people like classical, I could go on
3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?
I honestly don't know but the demographics for most of the songs in my youtube playlist are for males 16-19 or something like that.

4. I'm often an iconoclast even though I don't want to be. I tend to dislike things that are locally popular. I suppose the music that's played locally (like on the radio) is just played too much though, and so I'll start to dislike it even if I started off liking it.

5. yes

6. Not objective at all, experiencing art isn't an objective thing. The only other way to look at this question is basically asked in #9.

7. I rarely find an artist where I like most of their work. I guess that means song-by-song basis.

8. Image, no, public persona, no, identity, maybe.

9. No, I'm a loner. But even when I had lots of friends I didn't either. Music wasn't usually a topic of conversation, and when it was, it was just clear we all liked different stuff largely anyways.

10a. Like we're wired differently.

10b. Like we're wired differently.

11. yes

12. Media, (I like incidental music afterall). I'm bad at finding new music. Random youtube searching/suggestions, the occasional opinion of someone else.

13a. Yes and no. Overall taste, no, not really. Individual songs? Most definitely.
13b. When I listen to the same thing too much, it often loses its flair. This is a known psychological phenomenon for music, at least for catchy music. I probably don't listen to music often enough for my overall tastes to have changed much. (Overdoing music is like overeating to me, too much and it's just not good anymore.)
13c. I get sick of the same melody lines with same underlying chords. There's a lot of overlap in stuff like that for music I like, or so it seems.

14. Who has found a piece of music that they just keep liking more and more, rather than having it get old? Why do you think this is? Will your enjoyment of it 'peak' anytime soon? Did you initially like the music?
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Old 03-14-2012, 08:44 AM   #24
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

Some interesting posts in here. Dubstep occured 8 times on the first page (mostly in vro's post xd). Dossar still listens to ambient music but, iirc, he mentioned stepmania/FFR less than he did when I first posted this topic. And there seems to be a bit of a negative stigma towards popular/mainstream artists. Playing the devil's advocate here, if your favorite artist went mainstream, would you still like them?

But anyways, here we go.

0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?
Drone, ambient, some shoegaze, down-tempo, IDM, left-field.

1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?
Anything that sounds interesting. If a song contains sounds that I enjoy listening to, then it's a good song to me. If it seems like a song is evolving, then it's a great song. If you can stand to listen to it completely, listen to the song I linked as "left-field." You can tell when the song changes directions (2:35, 3:23, 4:56).

1b. How about bad music?
Anything that bores me. That might sound weird though, since I listed drone and ambient as two of my favorite genres. Drone and ambient, for the most part, are composed of sounds you won't hear in any other genres (if you do, it's just a small part of the song).

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?
Not really. Maybe you could say I'm biased against religious music, since I'm not religious myself lol.

3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?

3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?
Classical metal, hip-hop/rap, metal, EDM, etc. I lurk on a couple other sites, as well as /mu/ sometimes.

3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?
We must do a ton of drugs.

4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/hir/it?
Not much.

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?
I enjoy the music I listen to, doesn't matter if my taste in music is "good." If someone likes the music I listen to as well, that's awesome. Maybe they can point me to some new artists.

6. How objective do you think you are when you judge music?
Not objective at all. I either like something or I don't. Even if it's a highly-acclaimed artist or something.

7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?
I cannot stand listening to artists/bands on a song to song basis. I'm like aldentron, I generally have to listen to an album completely.

8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?
Probably not.

9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)
Nope. Hell, I've blasted this song in my brother's truck (mostly so I could see what it sounded like with his system (the ending is wtf lol)).

10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?
Whatever. I respect other people's taste in music. If they don't respect mine, then they suck.

10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?
10a, woop woop.

11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?
last.fm, pandora (although I haven't used it in a while...), a couple of other websites, as well as FFR (not da gaym)

13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?
I'd say they became more centralized.

13b. If not, why not?

13c. If yes, in what way?
I listen to better music than I did last year.

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?
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Old 03-14-2012, 09:01 AM   #25
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pretty much exactly what jamz said, except for the part about playing the violin and what genres we like xd

even the part about having stepmania hipster vibes

(and yes jamz i read all that xd)

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Old 03-14-2012, 09:15 AM   #26
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

Sure why not.

0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?
Any kind of electronic music (More specifically breakcore and ambient though), any kind of metal, some classical, classic rock, 80s pop and probably a lot more that I can't list out from the top of my head.

1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?
I consider good based on technical ability, how much meaning or emotion are there in the lyrics or if basically if it sounds good.

1b. How about bad music?
Almost no technical ability (Singing similar to talking), cliche lyrics or the instrumentals just sound bad overall.

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?
Not all the time.

3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?

3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?
Pop fanboys/fangirls have bad grammar, people who like K-Pop are koreaboos, people who like J-Pop are weeaboos, people who like metal is emo, a lot more.

3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?
Nerds, emos, old***s

4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/hir/it?

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?
No idea.

6. How objective do you think you are when you judge music?
Quite objective, I'm fine with any genre in general. I just like it or I just have a neutral for it.

7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?
I don't really like judge any band by just ONE song. I just listen to an album first.

8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?

9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)

10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?
Don't give a shit, it's his own opinion anyways, unless it's pretty close minded.

10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?
See above

11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?
Stepmania, last.fm, friends and a lot more.

13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?
It kind of got a little larger.

13b. If not, why not?

13c. If yes, in what way?
I wouldn't really mind listening to any kind of song now, unlike last year which I would really go mad whenever I heard a song I don't like.

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?
Stop at Nothing for Kanye West's new album
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Old 03-14-2012, 09:27 AM   #27
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

Originally Posted by Choofers View Post
Playing the devil's advocate here, if your favorite artist went mainstream, would you still like them?
Only if the fame changed who they were drastically. Other than that, I don't think that "popularity" should have any affect on a band's music.
Originally Posted by Choofers View Post
2/10 smoke weed every other day, what up den
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Old 03-14-2012, 11:16 AM   #28
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?
Classic Heavy Metal (Iron Maiden, Megadeth, etc.), '90s Gangster Rap, Trance, and Classical.

1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?
A good song has its structure based on a good novel, with a beginning, rising action, climax, and falling point. Not every song has to follow this structure but it's a good point. Also if the lyrics truly have meaning to them. More on this below

1b. How about bad music?
Repetitive music and beats. you know A MILLI A MILLI A MILLI A MILLI A MILLI etc. is terrible.

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?
I'm a bit biased against country, and yes, it's mainly because usually low-class southerners listen to that shit.

3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?
Absolutely! I don't think they're really terrible, and I certainly don't give a complete judgement of a person just based on their music tastes, but it gives a good idea of what their personality may be like.

3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?
Pop: 12-14 year olds
Punk, Metal: People who aren't afraid to express themselves (usually with a slight obsession with tattoos, piercings, etc.)
Rock: Normal, "Chill" people
Rap: GhEtTo AzZ FugGgGk. By that I mean people who blast rap constantly come off as hard-asses, whether they are or not remains to be determined.
Country: *hic*
Classical: Older, Higher-class, sometimes "pompous" people.
Techno/Club music: WOAH DUDE IM ROLLING O_O (aka mostly clubbers, drug users [users not addicts mind you], etc.)
Dubstep: lol

3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?
See above

4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/he/she/it?

No difference. It's all in the music

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?

I would say so, yes.

6. How objective do you think you are when you judge music?
Somewhat objective. In one of my previous answers, I said that bad lyrics could kill a song, but there are some exceptions. For example, Ludacris' lyrics aren't really the best, but the song/beat that goes with it makes it kinda good to listen to.

7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?

Entire body.

8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?


9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)
No. Most of my friends have a wide range of music tastes, so why hide it? If they don't like what I listen to, that's on them.

10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?

I don't pay it any mind usually...although statements like "OMG Beatles is kid shit" when your favorite artist is Justin Bieber is laughable.

10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?
Even less so.

11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)
I took 2 years of high school piano and I have a gold medal at a recital to show for it.

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?
My former neighbor that I was cool with introduced me to a lot of good artists back in high school, and she has real good taste. I find new music through friends usually.

13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?
Yeah, somewhat.

13b. If not, why not?

13c. If yes, in what way?
I went through different phases of my life. I actually couldn't stand any music except for VGM when I really young (kind of embarrassing, but hey, you asked.). Then when I hit 11 I went though this whole rap phase, blasting Eminem, Tupac, Cypress Hill, etc. Finally when I was 15 my music tastes started to really form.

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?
Music is subjective. It's a great aspect of our lives, but that the same time, I wish people wouldn't take it as seriously as they do. You don't have to revolve your entire life on music, especially when there's so much more to existence out there.

Last edited by A2P; 03-14-2012 at 11:21 AM..
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Old 03-14-2012, 12:35 PM   #29
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?
Ambient, drone, dub techno (you know what I mean, nun of the wubbin); anything textural, captivating, atmospheric.

1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?
It's entirely subjective, but for me personally, it's anything that conveys a mood or atmosphere that is unique and vivid. Something that offers an escape from the everyday things around us. Was not carelessly made, and was made with the intent of being creative and inspiring rather than to make profit or to be popular or generic.

1b. How about bad music?
Music that tries too hard to be music that's already been recognized as popular and top of the list. So much I hear these days that's "new" music just sounds like the same old stuff I could have heard a decade ago, the same formula for the bands (sometimes this is good, in this particular case no, because it's just playing the exact same thing over again with maybe one different arrangement and different lyrics), lyrics that are carelessly written (gah especially when a naive crowd listens and feels INSPIRED by them and makes it into a fukken facebook status "~~ur love is like a candy and my tongue is like us bein 2gether ahaha (idk but it's that type of thing))

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?
I try not to be. Sometimes I plain old don't like how it sounds, but it's also hard these days when OTHER people judge on a fanbase and see you listening to a certain type of music, it's hard to be on the fence.

3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?
Sometime's it's pretty damn obvious but yes I tend to do this. Obviously to the individual it will be different than trying to generalize, so to each their own. But when I see someone with hipster glasses and a backwards hat and a popped collar shirt and ripped jeans with "I <3 dubstep" branded on their sleeve or something its hard to not make a judgement.

3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?
(not that I personally point these out but just ones I recognize as stereotypes): ganstas are black or if they are white, they want to be black; country fans are rednecks; dubstep fans are guidos and douchebags that drink a lot; classical music fans smell like old books and like to sip expensive liquors; techno fans do drugs; yeah idk, there's a lot.

3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?
I'm not really sure about ambient fans. I guess people might think they're some sort of space hippies. Or maybe that they're always introverts that think too much or are depressed.

4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/hir/it?

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?
I really like what I like, and I enjoy music that deserves to be liked. So I guess yeah.

6. How objective do you think you are when you judge music?
Not very much at all. The subtleties in each individual song set them apart.

7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?
FIRSTLY on a song-by-song basis. Sometimes after I've heard enough of the individual songs I can judge the entire body of work based on that, but I don't make a judgement unless I'm pretty confident of how their whole portfolio of sounds is.

8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?
Somewhat. I'm pretty modest in the way I present myself, quite neutral, but I probably have some sort of creative-type person vibe. It's not a huge part of it that I'm aware of though.

9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)
Never. I've been introduced to good music by friends but never would I force myself to like something.

10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?
I feel indifferent. Clearly what I like is working for me, because it makes me feel good. It doesn't have to be what makes them feel good. It's subjective. They're pretty thick if they think what they like is the ONLY good music for EVERYone. So I pity them, too.

10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?
See above.

11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?
I influence my choice of music the most. Sometimes I'll see what artists I already like are listening to themselves, last.fm is a great tool, as well as just researching genres specific for something I'm in the mood for.

13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?
Yes. It's been a subtle maturation but it has changed pretty dramatically comparing the then-and-now.

13c. If yes, in what way?
I think it's the same thing with flavours that one may have hated as a kid but grew to like them when they grew older, just an expanded palette that let me enjoy more of what was around me. And, with the same analogy, some flavours I used to enjoy are far too sweet or sour for my liking now.

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?
Music is good stuff. Don't go around pretending you're the shit just because you like a certain genre of music then you're just a douche. And chicks may dig you, but they're custy chicks, so you can have them ALL.

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Old 03-14-2012, 12:58 PM   #30
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

A continuation of this post.

0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?

Mainly classical music. I can really listen to anything though and enjoy most music. Certainly appreciate it.

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?

Partially. The fans describe the music by their overall personality more than the music describing who the fans are.

3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?
3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?
3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?

I try not to, but it certainly leave first impressions. Stereotypes include mainly what everyone else mentioned.

4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/hir/it?

Popularity play hardly any significance in my choices for music. It is great to appreciate a popular artist, but sometimes there are better music sung/performed by someone else unheard of. I give everyone a chance to impress me musically whether they are popular or not.

7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?

Honestly, I would say both. On a song-to-song basis, I try to relate to the song regardless of who performs it. If it manages to persuade me to appreciate their work, I acknowledge that artist/band. If they have a repertoire of music that I enjoy listening to while being able to relate with it, that is what makes me like them and essentially, become a "fan" of them. Same goes for artists who I don't like.

8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?

Of course. I always viewed music as a versatile mean to understanding who you are versus math seen as a versatile mean to understanding how the world functions. This is why music is the art and math is the science that I highly appreciate. They make the world open to so much interpretation based on a personal standpoint, which makes life worth living. Appreciate what you are given.

9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)

Of course not. No peer determines who I am. That's unfair.

10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?
10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, so it is completely understandable. It just shows that they view music differently. No one has the correct view of music. Similarly with artists/genres.

11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)

I have played the violin for eight years, sung for a long time, and self taught myself to play piano by ear occasionally. I plan on taking singing lessons in the future when I have the time. I also plan on picking up acoustic guitar.

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?

Long answer short, the people who I love. This includes myself.

EDIT: Oops, forgot to answer the second question. Basically through any form of advertisement or through the people I love.

13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?
13b. If not, why not?
13c. If yes, in what way?

We all change. I'm sure my tastes and preferences have changed. Seems too minuscule to notice though.

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?

Overall, to me, music can describe essentially anything words cannot describe. Not only does it serves this purpose, but it does it so elegantly that one should appreciate the work of the composer. This is why music is beautiful in my opinion.

Music also does a good job expressing who I am.

Seems like you've addressed all of the very interesting questions that I can think of. I'll let you know if I come up with anything. Maybe ask a question related to music and one's emotions?

Last edited by iironiic; 03-14-2012 at 01:04 PM..
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Old 03-14-2012, 03:11 PM   #31
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?


1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?

something that people enjoy themselves is good music

1b. How about bad music?

horribly written/no musical skill involved/ and not catchy enough to be a simple pop song.

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?


3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?

who wouldnt

3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?

justin bieber fans being justin bieber fans

3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?

that all they do is yell

4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/hir/it?

yes i used to enjoy skrillex back from when he was in FFTL and now he's everywhere and his fanbase is annoying

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?

i have amazing taste

6. How objective do you think you are when you judge music?

very. i can pick out and appreciate the talent in genres i don't listen to (like country)

7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?

song by song

8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?

no im not in high school bro

9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)

lol no

10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?

depends on how knowlegeable they are about their subject. from an elevated point of view, you can always distinguish a specific reason between liking something and not liking something

10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?

i'll defend artists i like because they are good musicians

11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)

guitar - 8 years
mandolin- 2 years
ukulele- 2 years
piano- 5 years

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?

friends and youtube

13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?

a little bit

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?

am i on myspace again wtf choofers
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Old 03-14-2012, 03:23 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Choofers View Post
0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?
IDM, Experimental Electronic, Chillax Beats, Ambient, Classical, VGM, Hardcore, Jazz, Breakbeat, D'n'B

1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?
Any music that makes me forget everything that goes on in my life for as long as the music is playing

For reference, Terminal 11 and TOKiMONSTA are my favourite artists of all time...

1b. How about bad music?
I'd listen to everything tbh, but some songs/genres are just a no go for me (e.g. everything that's mainstream ...)

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?
I'm 95% percent sure my music taste is extremely unique, but not bad at all

8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?
Yes, I think my music taste has a connection to my inner feelings, for example

9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)
No, I didn't, but I gotta have to add that I try not to show anyone my music player

10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?
I'd just tell him/her that everyone has their own individual music taste and that no one can influence me with his/her opinions about music. If the person doesn't understand, he/she will be forever stupid in my eyes

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?
http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSnaaf <- pretty much where I get most of my music and get to know artists

As for the past: FFR, Stepmania and DDR

13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?
...ever since I started playing FFR it changed from your usual mainstream music taste to what I listen to now

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?
In my eyes, you can use music to interprete someone's feelings and to get rid of stress, worries, etc. for a few moments

Last edited by Xayphon; 03-14-2012 at 03:29 PM..
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Old 03-14-2012, 03:55 PM   #33
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?
-Classical (piano or violin)
I also like mixtures of all 3.

1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?
-Something that has a melody to it, that feels like effort and emotion was put into the song. I also typically like music with variety in it, and for that reason Melodic Death Metal is my favourite subgenre of Metal.

1b. How about bad music?
-I do not like supporting music that sounds like it was half assed, bland, or unoriginal. Unfortunately most mainstream songs fall into this category, and for that reason I don't like listening to a lot of the mainstream music out there. Covers may or may not fall into this category, but in my opinion, a cover is one's own rendition of a song - therefore it shouldn't sound exactly the same as the original!

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?
-Yes. But there is nothing anyone can do about it, humans have to classify certain stereotypes to certain cultures. I like metal, so people before they get to know me could think I'm someone loud, rebellious and hostile.

3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?
-In my head, and in anyone's head, we can make assumptions of anything. Whether we act upon them or not is a different story. I do not act upon any assumptions until proven true.

3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?
-Back in my early days of high school, at the end of first year, someone asked me if I wanted a My Chemical Romance CD for my birthday, because they assumed by my appearance back then I was into them. I immediately changed my look the following school year.

3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?
-Probably extreme hair styles, smoking, drugs, army pants, tattoos and piercings.

4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/hir/it?
-Usually nothing. I like effort, not popularity. But I do like to promote lesser known bands to friends from time to time, especially if I recently discover they're in to a certain genre that I love.

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?

6. How objective do you think you are when you judge music?
-Quite. If I disagree with the lyrics of a song, It could ruin the whole song for me. For this reason, a lot of the songs I listen to are instrumental, and is probably a significant reason why I listen to a lot of trance. A lot of trance is instrumental, and if I can get into a certain beat then there are no lyrics to ruin it for me.

7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?
-I'd say I do a mix of both. Metallica is a popular case study for this. People who tend to say they suck usually single out the St. Anger, Load, Reload album. People who say they're amazing will single out songs from the Black, And Justice for All, Kill 'Em All albums. Someone who looks at the entire body of work will agree that Metallica is one of the most influential bands out there today, and many of today's metal / rock bands would not be where they were if it wasn't for Metallica.

8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?
-If this is referring to do I fit stereotypes, I have none of the stereotypes that I mentioned associated with my genre of choice.

9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)
-Usually no. I am the judge of the music that I like, so I decide if I will listen to it or not.

10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?
-It's their opinion. They're entitled to something that I may not see in a song.

10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?
-If someone bashes my favourite song of the day, good on them. If someone praises my favourite song of the day, good on them.

11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)
-I played violin for 2 years in elementary school, which is probably why I'm so fond of violin songs. I can also play virtual piano, and while that may not be formal musical training, I thought i'd throw it in there.

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?
-I find most things on my own through youtube and word of mouth from friends.

13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?
13b. If not, why not?
13c. If yes, in what way?
-I'm only saying yes because the amount of music I've been exposed to has increased over time. Before I would say I'm in to Linkin Park because I only knew of Linkin Park's In the End album, Blink 182 and Green Day's American Idiot album. Now I would say i'm in to Equilibrium, Element One, In Flames, Vika Yermolyeva, Artch, etc.

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?
-Perhaps the question "How do you support your artist?" could be a good future addition to the survey.
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Old 03-14-2012, 04:09 PM   #34
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?
I equally enjoy... country, metal, most all techno/electronic/dance styles (dubstep, dnb, 8 bit, trance, etc.), rock, solo piano, some rap. There are probably other genres I haven't listed, but I am into a lot of music these days. Just anything that isn't jazz, blues, really oldies, and crazy pop shit (i.e. Justin Bieber).

1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?
Skrillex. Nightwish. Philip Wesley. There's too much for me to put here.

1b. How about bad music?
Trashy pop.

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?
Pop... just too popular.

3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?

3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?
Bieber=Screaming girls

3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?

4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/hir/it?
I sometimes dislike some of the "mainstream" artists. But that's usually due to the music they play. Most people like trashy pop I guess.

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?

6. How objective do you think you are when you judge music?

7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?

8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?
All of the above.

9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)

10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?
I try and explain my side, but they sometimes don't see it. I don't usually feel too bad.

10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?
Ehh it depends.

11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)
Piano, viola.

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?
I influence my choices in music most. I find new music everywhere.

13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?

13b. If not, why not?

13c. If yes, in what way?
I like country now.

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?

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Old 03-14-2012, 04:36 PM   #35
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this thread reminded me why i don't pay any attention to the music you guys post on this forum. way too hip for all of this...
Originally Posted by top View Post
what the hell happened to alden
i remember a time when he wuz kewl

like... wut
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Old 03-14-2012, 04:40 PM   #36
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

Originally Posted by DARKFLOW
0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?
Chiptune, especially.
My tastes wander pretty much through any genre, it just has to sound good, you know?
Not country or hip hop.

1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?
I consider this the same as question 0.

1b. How about bad music?
Music that's just boring, technically and otherwise.

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?
Not really. I'm biased against most mainstream music, like Katy Perry/Black eyed peas/etc because of its history of being incredibly bad in my opinion/my experience.

3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?

3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?

3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?
I don't think enough people know about my preferred genres to have formed stereotypes about them

4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/hir/it?
None, if they're good they're good, if they're bad they're bad. If it gets incredibly popular I might steer a little clear of it due to reasons stated above. Generally, the masses have poor taste in music, but that doesn't mean good music can't be mainstream.

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?
In my opinion, but that's a pretty subjective thing.

6. How objective do you think you are when you judge music?
Moderately, but not completely.

7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?
On whatever I've heard from them. I'm not going to listen to every song by every artist I've ever heard.

8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?
Not particularly.

9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)
Not even a little bit.

10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?
That's fine. I get a little confrontational when someone tries to defend an artist like The Black-eyed Peas though.

10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?
Same thing as above.

11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)
Played the saxophone for five years, Euphonium for three, Ocarina for four, flute for one. Played the (Alto) saxophone in concert band for four years.

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?
I used to find music through loads of blogs, but now I don't really look for new music. If someone recommends an artist to me I might check them out.

13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?
I used to like Nickelback when I was really little.
13b. If not, why not?
13c. If yes, in what way?
My musical tastes have completely changed.
14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?
Originally Posted by Jewpinthethird
"Hey Keywii" Said Foil in a raspy voice.
"Hey Foil. What's that you got there?" inquired Keywii.
"Oh, just my cock." Replied Foil.
"That just will not do." was keywii's response as she lunged for the scissors, pulled the blades apart, and clamped them down on the base of foil's shaft. Blood start gushing out of the wound where his penis used to be.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Yelled Foil in horror.
"Don't worry. I'm a wizard" uttered Keywii. And with that, Foil's penis grew back.

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