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Old 11-4-2008, 07:07 AM   #1
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Age: 35
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Default Flash Flash Resistance

Okay, so me and passivegirl thought of the most amazing idea. A story that's actually FFR-based. So we got to thinking, and we have a pretty solid start. Anyways, i'll be updating this when each chapter is finished. This will be a pretty short story, since i'm pretty low on ideas, and you really couldn't go too far with a story like this :P

Anyways, I'll start you off with a little prologue:

"Good evening friends and foes alike. I would like to dare you to venture with me into a world, where not all is as it seems. Where speed and dexterity means survival, and blinking means death. Imagine, if you will, a world where man and finger fight side by side, against numerous hordes of arrows and the BPMs that accompany them. Where the god Shashakiro and his Angels of the Finger fight endlessly against Death Piano and his fiends of flash."

And now for the characters:

Warriors of Light:

Seth – A 17 year-old, hot-headed Index with a thirst for the female phalanges. He's the hero of our story, and the twin brother of Eileen. Both him and Eileen are without parents, for they died in a tragic boating accident the year the war started. He specializes in the ways of the sword, and utilizes his hack n' slash tactics and courage to get the job done. Loud-mouthed and very the leap-before-you-look type.

Eileen – A slender 17-year-old Middle who, though mostly quiet, could easily own you with her witty and often borderline caustic remarks. She spends most of her time by herself, reading books on space-time dimensions and quantum physics, or simply teaching herself programming languages (mostly for the sake of exploiting and hacking). Using precise archery skills, she takes down her foes using her sharp thinking and accuracy.

Brad – The strategist of the group, Brad is Eileen's boyfriend and Seth's fingerhood friend. He is level-headed Ring and very calculating. Always looks out for the group's well-being. Heavily armored and uses a spear and his immense strength to take enemies down.

The Horde:

Storms: The foot soldiers and most basic of DP's army. Very weak, but usually comes in streams at the resistance.

Jumstex: The cavalry of the horde, always works in pairs to fight against the resistance. Relatively weak, but can become a handful when under the influence of higher BPMs. They have been occasionally seen with Storms to confuse and encumber their enemy.

Handyl and Quyde: These two are rarely seen separated from each other. The tanks of the army, they are usually slow, but take a lot of force to take out. Attacks 3-4 times at once.

Jackals: Gruesome things to behold. Usually has 3-5 arms and attacks in quick succession.

Running Men: The assassins of the horde. Uses whips to attack multiple targets from different ranges.

Steercases: Minotaur-looking beasts. Dual-wields axes and attacks from left to right and right to left in quick succession.

Trolls: Titans of the underworld, these massive beasts can leave even the most skilled of opponents in tears. Attacks are always frontal and direct and can only attack forwards and backwards.

Trillians: The most fearsome of all the underworld's wonders. A lither version of a Troll, but still retaining all it's predecessors power and has increased maneuverability. Uses magic and sword to force opponents to fight in twos, and requires perfect timing and execution.

The Commanders (Hardest "songs" of each division):

1st: Moontrip (Trip to the Moon)
2nd: Comduream (Computer Dreams)
3rd: ???
4th: ???
5th: ???
6th: Infiniblu (Infinite Blue)
7th: ???
8th: ???
9th: ???
10th: ???
11th: ???
12th: ???

And now, let the story begin!

Intro: The Beginning

{Our story starts with Seth, Eileen, and Brad, a One-Hand team housed in their vessel Qrr, already engaged in a fight for their very lives}

"Come on Eileen!" Seth shouted as he, Brad, and Eileen were engaged in a battle with the a particularly tough Jumstex.

"I can't take much more of this brother, they're coming up way too fast, and you know I'm still weak from that encounter with that level 6 Commander" she desperately puffed, as the Jumstex sailed towards her. She needed to take this head on if she was going to survive this, her and her party already having 15 boos and 20 misses worth of damage inflicted upon them.

Brad had been pondering that last battle they had with Infiblu. He had been particularly shocked when the 6th Commander of DP's legion came to pay them a visit. Why us? Why now? he recollected. How can this raggedy team be considered a threat? I mean, we're in the lowest tier of his excellencies' army, and he chooses us?


Brad had been having quite strange dreams as of late, quite strange indeed. In these dreams he sees four of the most beautiful angels, accompanied with a shining figure with "FFR" blazing brilliantly on his forehead, fighting Death Piano himself. They struggle, though, and before the final blow is delivered, Brad wakes up in a sweat.

"Brad, snap out of it broskey! We need to focus on what's at hand!" Seth quickly blurted, just in time for Brad to dodge a lethal blow from a pair of Jackals.

"Tch, amateurs." He scoffed. "We need to mash our way through this, or there'll be no way we can escape this horde."

Slowly, but surely, the three friends regrettably finished their foes off, with but 4 credits to show for the spoils.

Chapter 1: Trippy Trip from Moon to Earth

The world wasn't always a life and death struggle between the forces of light and darkness. Exactly one year ago, Brad, Seth and Eileen were just three regular teens, a ragtag bunch of friends, living in the simple town of Synthlight, who would rather curl up with a nice glove at the fire than fight the hordes of the underworld. In fact, most of the world was like this at the time. Death Piano was nothing more than a child's story to frighten them at a campfire, while the existence of Shashakiro was debatable. There was no need to recruit teenagers in a fight that would decide the fate of the finger race.

They all went to Carlos High. CH was founded after one the town's heroes, Carlos, gave his life defending against invading Thumbs from Gaussia. He himself was a Thumb, but had learned to love and be loved by everyone around him. It was senior year at CH, and life couldn't be better for the trio. Brad and Eileen had been together for about 2 years now and were known around school as high school sweethearts. Seth was captain of the lacrosse, baseball, basketball, and football team, and had a rockin' hot Pinky as his girl. The school itself was very diverse, with all different races of fingers. Indexes talking with Middles, Even Pinkies talking with Thumbs, and so on and so forth.

It was your typical Wednesday afternoon; the sun was brightly shining, the school was noisy with talk of who likes who and what happened where at last night's party. Seth was giving a particularly.... detailed explanation to Brad and Eileen of what he did with his Pinky at that party when the earth beneath their base began to shake.

"WTF?!" Seth exclaimed, as he fell into a compromising position in front of Brad.
"I don't know man," Brad offered, "I don't think I've ever heard of an earthquake in this part of the country...." As if his ominous observation itself summoned the beginning of the end, a fissure opened CH from the bottom up, almost like a reverse can opener. Whole classrooms began disappearing into the void. Half-finished lunches were quickly abandoned as widespread panic ensnared the entire school.

Quick-witted Eileen instinctively grabbed her brother and love and hastily rushed away from the void that was quickly growing in the center of the school.

"Once we get a safe distance away we can assess the situation and form a plan later." she proposed. "Right now, Plan: GTFO is our number one priority."

Once safely outside the archway of the school, as if the situation couldn't get worse, vague shapes began teeming out of the center of destruction. As they dispersed, these visions of terror began to magnify the already hectic atmosphere.

"Wha-what ARE those things?" even the level-headed Brad stuttered.

"It's like something out of a horror movie, but believable!" Dan, their classmate, chimed. He quickly grabbed several pieces of shrapnel lying about and tossed them at the feet of his three friends, whom quickly picked them up. "I don't like the look of these guys, so we should be prepared for the worst." And the worst did come. It came hard, fast, strong, and made everyone's jaws open.

A particularly "beautiful" vision of disgust came crawling out of the hole.

"PREPARE FOR THE END, FOR LORD DEATH PIANO WILL BRING TOTAL AND UTTER DESTRUCTION INTO THIS PITIFUL EXISTENCE THAT IS PHALANGEA!" the being bellowed. "I am his 1st Commander, Moontrip, and you will not survive this day! Go straight to hell! Do not pass GO, do not collect 200$!" With that he sent what they later found out were Stroms, and the four friends fought desperately to survive their surprise encounter. Though they were fearsome to behold, they were awfully slow, almost like zombies, and with their combined efforts managed to fend off their foes.

"Must I do everything myself!?" Moontrip sputtered, enraged, and began barraging the band of brethren with a sudden ferocity that startled the team.

"GWAH!" Dan squawked as he took a deep wound to the crotch. "I haven't had this many boos since I got into that tragic boating accident!"

Seth, riddled with boos, some so deep to be classified as misses, made a final last stand.

"You come into OUR world, destroy OUR friends, and expect to just waltz out of here unscathed? We fingers of Phalangea will never let anyone destroy this peace we have so long strived for! OUR HOPE WILL BE YOUR DOWNFALL!" With that, a strange symbol began shining on his forehead. First it was dim, then crescendoed until it was so bright that Moontrip was temporarily blinded. And with that, the team yelled "THIS IS PHALANGEA!" and delivered a killing blow that brought the fearsome Moontrip to his knees.

"Kahahahahaakekekekee." Moontrip cackled, "This is but the beginning you fools! I am but the weakest of the denizens of hell! You can't possibly hope to resist destiny! We will prevail *cough cough cough*.....I will......prevail....."

Chapter 2: Birth of the Resistance

"Last we saw our four heroes, they experienced a frightful and surprising encounter by Moontrip. He identified himself as a commander from Death Piano, a being that up until now had been a fairy tale. Unlike the story, the group received no rescue, leaving them with nothing but their wits and own strength to barter their lives with."

"Where do we go from here?" Seth questioned, still shaken from the hellish encounter. Bits of memories and classrooms lay scattered about his feet. Peaceful time, seemingly nothing but an echo now.

"Where CAN we go?" Dan cynically retorted. "I did some scouting ahead, and it's like this everywhere I went. It seems like this was a full-scale attack."

While the rest of the team stared into space, set to autopilot by the horrifying turn of events, Eileen was racking her intellect, forming a plan.

"Well, DP seems cocky enough to just send his weakest troops, so I'm guessing there should be more survivors." She deduced. "Our first priority should be finding those survivors and combining our efforts until we figure out the 'why' of this equation." Brad brimmed with pride seeing his girl take action.

"Agreed," Seth concurred, "we should start heading north, and from there...."

"I won't be continuing on with you guys..." Dan interrupted. "I.....I need to return to my home town and make sure my folks are okay." The anguish was apparent on his face. He had left home when he was just 16. His parents had wanted him to quit school and start into the family bubble wrap business. "Look at all this boy, all of this glorious bubble wrap will be yours someday." his father lectured. He remembered the sorrow in his own heart seeing the pride and joy in his father's eyes, as Dan knew he could never follow in those lollerskates.

"Go." Brad allowed, compassion in his eyes. "Don't be a stranger though, we'll need you if we're going to survive this.... well whatever this is!"

"Oh don't you worry," Dan boomed heartily, "I'll come back serving bowls of ass-kick 24/7." And with that, Dan began moonwalking the long trek home.

"Alright, let's move." Seth ordered. The team traveled north, seeing similar destruction sites all over Synthlight. They helped who they could, and questioned those well enough to stand. They deduced that the town was only hit by Moontrip, judging from the descriptions the other survivors gave.

As the inquired about a group of middle school student's trauma, a massive shadow passed over the group's heads. Instinctively, they grabbed what makeshift weapons were available to them and looked up. Just as quickly as they were picked up, the weapons clattered to the ground out of the trembling hands that held them. What the group saw sent their emotions into a clusterf*ck.

"I am He who is He. I am Shashakiro and you have been chosen." the god boomed. His voice gave them a feeling akin to the mixture of please and loss of bladder control they got riding a roller coaster. The sight of his body made them reverent and horny at the same time, sending them even deeper into confusion.

"These are troubling times. Death Piano has risen once again, and he's totally butthurt about being vanquished those many years ago. As a result, he's taking it out on you, my creations. You fingers must stand together or all will be lost. This won't be easy. Hell, you'll most likely all perish trying..." Shash quickly caught himself as he saw the widespread looks of despair he was creating. "I mean...uh....I have bitchin' weapons for you three!" The chosen, like kids at a candy store, quickly forgot everything else around them with the mention of "weapons for you".

"Seth, you shall be my warrior. Reflexes of a puma, strength of a walrus, you will toss your foes into a blender of oblivion with your hack n' slash sword work." Shash bestowed a Sword of Slashing unto Seth, giving him +5 to his Kickass.

"Eileen, you shall be my archer. Filling enemies to the brim with arrows, the battlefield will look like a cracked-out voodoo priest went a-wall on his dolls." He then bestowed unto Eileen the Bow of AOD, giving her near perfect accuracy.

"And Brad, you will be my tank. A shield of meat, you take ridiculous amounts of damage, but deliver it tenfold back unto the enemy." And with that, the last weapon was given to Brad. The Spearmint Spear was imbued with the power of frost, slowing down the enemy while keeping Brad feeling minty fresh.

"I must return to the heavens now, I forgot to TiVo Pokemon Johto. I will visit you again once you have proven yourselves worthy. 'Til then, be well, and never let all our base belong to enemy! Err......the enemy. Later guys." The ground shook once more with Shash's departure.

"Well, now that that's over," Seth said, a little glint in his eye, "it's time to kick ass and chew bubble-gum, and I'm all out of gum."

Chapter 3: "Will I dream Dave?"

It had been one full month since the heroes met Shash and obtained the means to survive… at least for now. The Resistance was firmly established, comprised of the survivors of Synthlight and its neighboring towns and cities. Although they were small, they posed a growing threat to DP and his dastardly deeds.

"Alright, what do we have today?" Seth inquired, wondering about new enemy movement. It was routine to check for any and all danger holes that had breached from the underworld. Nothing new, enemy-wise, had sprung up within the last month. Seth was both worried and grateful for that.

"We have an unusually large amount of holes opening up,” stated Brad. “I don't know if DP is strengthening his attack or if this is some new part of his plan."

Brad had taken on the role of a strategist at the Resistance, giving orders for food retrieval, weapons and so on. He left the military action to Seth, however, as he thought Seth was a natural-born leader.

Brad examined the area around him. “Either way…” he continued. “We should have enough troops to cover all of these holes while keeping our front and rear protected."

"Agreed," stated Eileen firmly. "Where is the most seismic activity reported?"

"Hmmm,” Brad said, slightly furrowing his brow. “It looks like it centers around Frictional, Nevada. It would be about a three-hour drive before we would get there."

Frictional was another town that was hit hard by the first wave of attacks. They were the nearest Resistance HQ to Frictional, with a grand total of 3 HQ spread across Phalangea. Brad, Eileen and Seth were the leaders of Synth HQ. Brian and Dan were the leaders of Nuon HQ, and Steve was leader of Tera HQ.

"Alright, everyone. I want two groups sent north, two sent east, one sent west, and we will be going south to Frictional." Seth ordered. "Report once all signs of hostile persons are eliminated. Mount up and let's move!"

With that, Seth, Eileen and Brad mounted their rocket-powered Segways and headed towards the fight at Frictional.

As Brad had predicted, they arrived there three hours later, and were horrified at the scene in front of them. The destruction was double what they were normally used to. The enemies looked almost the same, though they were slightly larger, and looked a hell of a lot more pissed off than usual.

"I thought you would come, pitiful fingers!" A voice said from atop a roof, the building itself cleaved in half. As the team looked up, their weapons drawn, they saw something even more ferocious than Moontrip, and that was saying something.

"Who are you?!" Seth demanded, teeth gritting with both fear and preparation for the upcoming battle.

The entity shone down on them with superiority. "Why, that's simple! I am Comduream, Death Piano's 2nd and finest Commander!" Comduream spouted, arrogance seeping out between his fangs as he spoke. "You thought Moontrip was a tough cookie? HAH! He was a pushover. You had better be prepared to turn wet and messy!"

Seth began battle preparations as Comduream sent his first and second waves of troops towards the group at once. He sent himself and Brad charging in, alternating blows using a Phalanx formation, while Eileen mopped up those they could not hit fast enough with her lightning-speed firing.

Brad caught the third group charging them out the corner of his eye just in time, and narrowly prevented him and his allies from getting flanked.

"HARD LEFT!" Brad shouted, a code he and Seth came up with to deal with situations like these. With rehearsed precision and finesse, Brad and Seth quickly created a whirlwind of death in front and to either side of them, forcing the charging groups to retreat slightly.

"It's a good thing we actually leveled up before trying anything like this, huh?" Brad questioned, which Seth returned with a laugh and a nod.

"Eileen, I want you to concentrate on getting Comduream off of that roof. Brad and I will force this motley crew back and keep them at bay," Seth commanded, Eileen already a few paces away before letting him finish.

"Alright, you stupid pig-dog," Eileen provoked. "Get down here and fight us fair and square!" Arrows flew past the commander's head, Comduream dodging with ease and grace.

"It will take more than arrows to defeat me, you puny little girl," Comduream sputtered. With ease, he threw massive boulders onto the fear-paralyzed Eileen. She waited for the death fast approaching her, able to do nothing aside from ponder her life up until this point.

"Meat shield at your service!" Brad shouted as he threw himself on top of Eileen. He received most of the damage, saving Eileen's life. "You really must be more careful, madam.”

Blushing, Eileen retaliated, "You just wanted an excuse to throw yourself on me, you horny pervert."

"Regroup!" Seth abruptly shouted. "Most of his underlings have either been vanquished, immobilized, or running for their lives. I say we strike now. Eileen and Brad, you stay at ground level while I attempt to climb through that cleaved building he called base on."

"Agreed," Brad and Eileen said in unison. The two of them did as Seth suggested, and rather well. Seth did his best to traverse the inside of the building, fighting his loss of balance almost as hard as he fought the sentries ordered to remain inside the building. Finally emerging from the cleavage of the building, Seth sprinted toward Comduream in hopes of catching him off-guard. A smack to the face that sent him sprawling to the ground made him immediately regret his decision to do so.

"Foolish finger, my senses are heightened with DP's power, making me near-invincible!" Comduream boomed, a devilish and crooked grin on his face. Comduream was the spitting image of a story mothers would tell their children – a story about how vanity makes someone ugly. Breath akin to that of a bog, teeth neglected and falling out, he was a rather fit example what someone would look like after taking over 9000 lashes with an ugly stick.

The hero and villain played cat and mouse, neither one of them landing a hit. With countless parries and blocks, they were both more tired than hurt. At last, Brad and Eileen managed to demoralize the rest of Comduream's forces and headed up the fissured building.

"Do you truly think that, even with your forces combined, you'll be able to defeat me!? THE SECOND COMMANDER OF DEATH PIANO DOES NOT LOSE!!!" he shrieked, and went into a berserk of rage and slightly damaged pride. Slabs of concrete were being split and demolished into rubble. The party narrowly escaped with their lives numerous times during this brawl.

With a little bit of quick thinking, Brad threw himself towards the thrashing Comduream, sliding on his heavy armor, looking to trip the rage-filled demon. With either the help of Shash or sheer luck, he managed to succeed, tripping Comduream and causing the demon to injure himself in confusion. The rest of the party was on him like white on rice and quickly ended his life, leaving him no time to give one of his evil-plot-you'll-never-succeed rants before his death. This was fortunate for them, as they frankly grew quite tired of those rants.

"Well," Brad sighed. "It looks like that's commander numero dos. At this rate, we'll have Death Piano taken care of in no time!"

Joy masking their battle-induced pain, the trio hopped on their segways and rode off into a particularly cliché sunset.

Chapter 4: Tuesday's Coming, Did You Bring Your Salad?

Spirits were high within the Resistance as of late. The Shashian trio, which comprised of Brad, Eileen, and Seth, had never lost a battle. Each encounter they rode into on their proud and gallant segways ended up in complete and utter victory. Gloating was an understatement to describe what the twins did after each victory. For every tea-bagging there was a witty or not-so-witty one-liner that followed. Brad, on the other hand, did not join in the twins celebratory debauchery, his stereotypical vision increasing in frequency and intensity.

What is this heeby-jeeby feeling I get awakening from these visions, drenched in sweat and popping a tent in my sheets? What do these visions mean? Are they messages from Shash, or perhaps even Death Piano himself? Or am I just coo coo for Coco Puffs?
Brad thought to himself whilst absentmindedly polishing off the few survivors of Comduream's forces. He looked over to see Seth and Eileen taking Myspace pictures with the decapitated and desecrated corpses that were alive and fighting just seconds ago. Brad smiled; he was glad that this whole ordeal wasn't affecting them much. I mean we are still just kids, aren't we? He pleaded silently to his god. Why is it us tweens and teens that must defend our land, our birthright, our Phalangea? Seth is dry-humping an enemy whom he's just gutted like a fish when he should be in school, attempting to describe to his English teacher why each and every one of his essays have his phone number and 'call me bby' in bold on the front page. Eileen should be fending off sexual advances from creepy guys, not sword blows from grotesque beings. He sighed and stood there, deep in thought on his segway the whole ride home.

As if in answer to his ominous thoughts, Brad and the others were greeted with a most urgent distress plea from Nuon headquarters.

"Dan!" Eileen exclaimed, worried for her friend's safety. Realizing her emotions were getting the best of her, she quickly recovered. "What's the situation?

"Well it seems that the newest commander has decided to rear his....it's ugly head." Seth calmly added.

The three had feared that DP would send out his next commander within the next few weeks. Attacks had crawled nearly to a halt, and resistance from the enemy was minimal. Just what terrors this new commander would bring the three they did not know, but they knew Brian and Dan needed their help.

"ETA 2 hours Nuon base. Hold out for as long as you can, over." Brad messaged across state.

".....Roger that Synth, circumstances don't look favorable, haste in getting here would be much appreciated, over." Dan replied.

"Ten four, over and out." Brad closed the com-link and began making preparations for him and his companion's departure.

The Armageddon theme should have been playing that day. For no reason whatsoever, Brad, Eileen and Seth got ready for battle in the most epic way possible. Everyone's hair did that cool flippy-thingy, Brad and Seth had many freeze-frame high fives and encouraging pats on the back. Brad and Eileen, on the other hand, exchanged those romantic-type looks, with 'everything is going to be okay' subliminally behind their eyes.

Preparations nearly complete, Seth gathered his two companions and gave an inspirational speech.

"What happens today on that battlefield will be decided by our strength, teamwork, and will to completely obliterate everything that stands between us and our comrades." he said, voice leaking courage into his listener's ears. "Everything we have fought up until this point does not come close to how important this fight is. First they attack our world, and now our few friends they have left us?! Well I say we use this opportunity to show them just how much anger we have harbored. For all of the sorrow that they have caused and all of the future sins they will commit, we shall make them pay tenfold."

Hearing his commanding speech, Brad and Eileen felt courage welling up inside of them. Also, there was that feel-good feeling after everything works out in a chick flick. The combination of the two emotions sent all three of them into a state of battle rage and euphoria. Hearts pumping and eyes blazing with the vengeance of their fallen comrades as well as their own, the three set out on a march....er....segway to the battle that lay ahead.

An hour passed before the trio reached their destination. They nearly lost their resolve at the sight which now flooded their eyes. Death and destruction lay scattered about the tattered remains of Nuon HQ. Small fires were lay here and there, bodies scorched and burned left a cruel stench in the air. Off in the distance, they could see the last of the HQ's forced holed up inside a building that was near collapse.

"Make a run for it," Seth ordered, "if we can catch them off guard we might be able to save a few more lives."

So they dashed to the scene as fast as their legs could take them, and thrust themselves, hard, into the heated action. Bloodthirsty cries ringing through their enemies ears, the team struck with ferocity and and speed, tearing through the foes that stood before them like bear-sharks, giving the enemy little time to cherish the few moments of standing they had left.

"OHAI!" Brian and Dan shouted in unison. Their teamwork was astonishing. Blending fist and staff as if it were milk and cereal. Brian's fists were a blur of unpredictable swings, fueled by the ridiculous amounts of alcohol running through his blood. Dan accompanied him in perfect harmony with his twin staves, the Staff of Aeros and Elements, shooting lighting with one and sending arrows into skulls with the other.

"Good to see you two alive," Brad said, a smile creasing his face. "Didn't think you'd last this long without us coming to save your asses."

"Ad if we eben needed your halp" Brian managed to say between hiccups. "You donn eben know what therrr is ta know about anyding, 'kay mans and womans?" The rest of the bunch couldn't help but laugh as Brian unintentionally lifted everyone's spirits using the spirited he had imbibed long before the battle had started.

It took the group a good twenty minutes before the enemies' forces were reduced to what should have been a manageable size. Apparently, the new commander though otherwise.

"THAT IS QUITE ENOUGH!" She boomed. The voice was clearly feminine, yet the entire group felt like they had just been cockslapped. Their resolve and egos that had built up within the last twenty minutes were immediately erased. Brian even wet his pants, but for completely different reasons.

"Who's zish bish tryin to tell ush to do." Brian sputtered. "You're not my mom or nuffin, shut your mouf and go back to da kishen." He immediately regretted his decision for bring a woman joke into this fight. Thousands of tiny arrows shot our of her eyes and descended with frightening speed onto the unsuspecting drunken master. Blended and served with a lime, Brian fell to the ground.

"Do you see now why your little 'resistance' is futile?" She condescendingly spat at the five friends, four of which were conscious. "No matter how hard you try you can't stop us now, and you never will. Villains rule, heroes drool, end of story. I am Tuesday VonSalaid, and you will not leave this place alive."

"Ahhhh it really is a shame that you don't get it." Brad chuckled, causing this mystery commander's eyes to flare bright red. "Though it may look like there is no hope, no possible way of continuing the finger race, if we hope against hope there is no possible way we can lose. Sure some of us will die fighting, gladly, to ensure this alternate fate becomes reality, but in the end it will be YOU who needs to hope against hope. Our resolve cannot be broken, will not be broken by the likes of you!" His speech sent shivers of either excitement or fear down the spine of everyone that was listening.

"Move." Seth commanded, and the other three needed nothing more to set them in motion. Blending like a perfectly mixed cocktail, the four of them left bittersweet tastes in the remaining forces of VonSalaid as they hacked, slashed, magicked, and speared their way through to the commander herself.

Then the time came when VonSalaid was the only foe standing between the team and complete victory. The team charged with their usual strategy in mind, expecting to make quick work of yet another of DP's commanders. The shock and awe that would continue throughout the whole fight started at that moment.

VonSalaid unleashed a frighteningly strong attack on the charging team. Her slender figure housed a surprising amount of power. Using a combination of monk-like speed, quick-firing spells and controlled strength, she made quick work of the team's first attack.

The battle raged for one long hour before the group was forced to regroup. Exhaustion painted each of their faces; grim thoughts of losing the fight constantly pounding their courage and will from their bodies.

"We know she can use three types of attacks." Eileen deduced, sure that her three comrades still able to move had come to the same conclusion. "We need to focus on understanding each attack individually, then from there, counter each one by itself. Charging her head on is not working, nor is distracting her with arrows and magic."

Understanding this, Brad, Seth, and Dan started talking battle plans with her, hastily trying to find a way to turn the tide of battle. This was rather difficult, however, as VonSalaid was not a typical villain. She continued pressing her attack, forcing the heroes to shout their strategies whilst fending for their very lives. This proved rather ineffective as VonSalaid heard every word and would attack whoever had the best idea at the time. This being said, Eileen was having the hardest time out of the four.

"This isn't working!" Brad shouted, not able to bear seeing Eileen endure any more pain. With surprising vigor, he lept towards VonSalaid, who was currently grappling the strength-drained Eileen. Somehow, either through luck or skil, he managed to break VonSalaid away from Eileen. Not giving VonSalaid a chance to counter, he followed up with a barrage of attacks.

Unable to withstand his attacks head on, VonSalaid was forced to retreat and regain her composure. "Filthy pig!" she managed to sputter through her rage, realizing that she was shedding blood. "N...NOBODY MAKES ME BLEED MY OWN BLOOD!"

Her one-tough-bitch attitude is all show... Eileen realized, hearing the pieces o the puzzle click in place inside her head. She smiled and directed a leer toward her foe and began to inform her friends.

"I wouldn't speak if I were you, worthless cur." VonSalaid boasted, leaving Eileen bedazzled for once.

In grim realization, eileen and the others saw what dirty trick VonSalaid was playing. In her hands she held the still unconscious Brian, a knife dangerously close to his throat.

"I double-dog dare you to say one more thing butter-face." VonSalaid cackled. "One wrong move and this boy will never see another sunrise."

Eileen shuffled a step closer to test this threat, causing the knife VonSalaid was holding to draw blood.

"S...stop it!" She cried, falling to her knees in tears. "J...just let us go. We'll leave this HQ to you! You can have the stupid thing if it's that important to you, just please don't kill him!"

"Pfffft, as if you had a choice as to whether you're leaving this place alive or not!" VonSalaid countered. "Even if you managed to drag this fight on any longer, one of you would have ended up dying anyway!"

A lightbulb suddenly turned on inside of Brad's head. These dreams... there weren't of my future, they were of my friends'! I...know what I must do Shash...

"That's enough out of your mouth you three-chinned window-licker." Brad taunted. "You don't have half the brains needed to kill us. In fact, it's a wonder you even know what a hostage is let alone how to take one."

"YOU! HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME!?" VonSalaid burst, barely able to form coherent sentences through her gritting teeth. "I WILL SHOW YOU THE EXTENT OF MY KNOWLEDGE BY TEARING YOUR ORGANS OUT ONE BY ONE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER!"

Brad looked puzzled, as if awakening from some sort of dream and questioned, "Oh I'm terribly sorry, were you talking? I kinda spaced out when I heard your voice. I guess I have selective hearing towards beings with intelligences greater than that of a fork."

VonSalaid snapped. She went absolutely ape****. Eyes glowing bright red, she sprinted towards her instigator, dropping her now forgotten hostage.

"Brad...you fool!" Eileen screamed, her words filled with anguish, fearing what was about to come. He simply smiled, the same 'everything will be alright' look in his eye from earlier, and motioned the rest of them to run. Seth, understanding his best friends' last wishes, practically had to drag Eileen from the scene to escape in time. As they learned later, it was a good thing they did, for VonSalaid made good on her promise to Brad.

Back at Synth HQ

"Why didn't you do something?!" Eileen managed to screech at Seth through her grief and tears. "He was your best friend! You grew up together! And you just leave him there to die?! You.....you......." She continue no longer, her sobs took control of her body and mind.

"We had no choice!" Seth retorted, despair ever present in his words. "You know how stubborn he is.....was. Once he gets an idea into that thick head of his, there's no changing his mind!"

Up in the heavens, Shash watched with a heavy heart. Things were happening sooner than he had predicted. He did not want to reveal what would turn the tide of this battle quite yet, but it looked like there was no other choice. Leaving the comfort of his Laz-E Boy, he descended into the battle-wrought world.

"What are we going to do?" the distraught warrior offered, practically cuing Shash's entrance.

"We are going to turn the scale in our favor, that's what." the god boomed, causing heads to turn.

"SHASH!" the four replied in unison.

"Brad's demise was very unfortunate, however, there was nothing you could have done considering what you were up against." he said, addressing all of them, yet making a point to look straight at Eileen during that last part.

"The gods, including me, are not allowed to influence the actions or abilities of those we create. DP has broken this creed, first by opening portals between this world and his own, and second by enhancing the being you just fought. He interfered the second you figured out VonSalaid's weakness, Eileen, and his pride would not allow him to lose yet another fight." The four of them sat motionless, absorbing Shash's words. Waves of despair still washed over Shash, however, keying the arrival of his 'tide-turners'.

"Since DP has begun influencing his minions, which will make him considerably weaker for some time, I will take no penalty to myself and conscience by helping my warriors. May I present to you your new weapons." With a snap of his fingers, Shash summoned his two battle suits. They looked like hands with no fingers, and were about as tall as the fingers that were about to receive them.

"What are these things" Seth questioned, the only one of them that could still speak.

"They are specially made battle suits." Shash explained. "They will increase the trait strongest within it's user. Seth would become stronger, Eileen able to shoot farther with greater accuracy, Dan's magic power would be increased exponentially, while Brian would....well he would be even more unpredictable in his movements. Unfortunately, that same creed will not allow me to remain here for much longer. However, remain strong and never let your will break! As for me, I'm gonna go pimp slap some sense into DP so he shouldn't be troubling you for a while. Use that time wisely and train with your new toys. Peace man."

Shash proceeded to poof out of their world, leaving them with a sliver of hope. Thankfully, that's all heroes every need to win the fight in the end.

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Old 11-4-2008, 07:23 AM   #2
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Default Re: Flash Flash Resistance

This is amazing. We are such geniuses. :O Posted a random thought advertising it.
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Old 11-4-2008, 07:33 AM   #3
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mauahaha this was a fantastic read so far. keep it up :X
Used to have my signature on here until it was deleted
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Old 11-4-2008, 07:57 AM   #4
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Amazing keep going
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Old 11-4-2008, 10:00 AM   #5
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Default Re: Flash Flash Resistance

This is really neat! You can actually turn this into an episode if you really wanted to. And would be even sweeter if it has a theme song to go along with it. Are we allowed to give ideas/opinions?
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Old 11-4-2008, 10:50 AM   #6
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I love it so far. My favorite part was the one where you were describing the sorts of villains, though. XP
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Old 11-4-2008, 11:03 AM   #7
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Coooooool. I wanna join your company XDXD. And use magic XPXDXD oh me oh my

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Old 11-4-2008, 11:16 AM   #8
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great story ;D

now finish it D<
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Old 11-4-2008, 11:31 AM   #9
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Default Re: Flash Flash Resistance

It's cheesy and lacks elaboration. The story probably won't hold for a long time, and the references make me shiver (in a bad way).

Also fanfic.
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Old 11-4-2008, 12:10 PM   #10
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ver nice continue please!
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Old 11-4-2008, 12:27 PM   #11
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Ever heard of Ghost of the Revolution?

An FFR-based story isn't a new idea.
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Originally Posted by FoJaR View Post
dammit chaz
Originally Posted by FoJaR View Post
god dammit chaz
Originally Posted by MalReynolds
I bet when you live in a glass house, the temptation to throw stones is magnified strictly because you're not supposed to.
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Old 11-4-2008, 01:19 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by GG_Guru View Post
This is really neat! You can actually turn this into an episode if you really wanted to. And would be even sweeter if it has a theme song to go along with it. Are we allowed to give ideas/opinions?
Yush! Ideas/opinions would be much appreciated.

Originally Posted by All_That_Chaz View Post
Ever heard of Ghost of the Revolution?

An FFR-based story isn't a new idea.

Hm! This doesn't seem to be FFR-based. Is it just one section that mentions it? Maybe I missed something completely :S

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Old 11-4-2008, 01:23 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by passivegirl View Post
Hm! This doesn't seem to be FFR-based. Is it just one section that mentions it? Maybe I missed something completely :S
Read through it and note how most of the main characters in it are the mods and admins on FFR.

EDIT: Also, Gamershadow's story that got stickied is FFR based.
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Old 11-4-2008, 01:54 PM   #14
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I suppose it makes more sense if you've been around the site for a while.
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Originally Posted by FoJaR View Post
dammit chaz
Originally Posted by FoJaR View Post
god dammit chaz
Originally Posted by MalReynolds
I bet when you live in a glass house, the temptation to throw stones is magnified strictly because you're not supposed to.
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Old 11-4-2008, 02:25 PM   #15
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Ok! So this is what I was I thinking, the story needs originality right? (Or else critics like Chaz and Temote will just ruin on your parade for coming up with "the same stuff".)

You've got everything set up so far that'll make a good FFR-based novel, but still missing a few alignments to juice it up, ya know, like adding music, or actual drawn characters.

But, how can you add music on forums? You dont. Paste a link that will run a music file and it would play as we read through the story.

So, where do we get drawn characters? Not to worry, I have a friend that specializes in art. He'll be more than happy to be part in your quest of tales.

I kinda have a good feeling that this is going to turn out to be a great storyline, but guys, try to be a bit more supportive?
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Old 11-4-2008, 06:41 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by GG_Guru View Post
Ok! So this is what I was I thinking, the story needs originality right? (Or else critics like Chaz and Temote will just ruin on your parade for coming up with "the same stuff".)

You've got everything set up so far that'll make a good FFR-based novel, but still missing a few alignments to juice it up, ya know, like adding music, or actual drawn characters.

But, how can you add music on forums? You dont. Paste a link that will run a music file and it would play as we read through the story.

So, where do we get drawn characters? Not to worry, I have a friend that specializes in art. He'll be more than happy to be part in your quest of tales.

I kinda have a good feeling that this is going to turn out to be a great storyline, but guys, try to be a bit more supportive?
Yeah, actually, we were thinking after the story is all completed, we would have a bunch of people who made the story possible come in and do voice-overs for the characters/enemies. Main characters would be my closest ffr friends, commanders would be the most supportive people i meet during this story, and then i'll hold a contest or something for the enemy voices, so that anyone could be a part of it.

Also, chapter 1 should be up tonight. You should see some backstory and a little bit of explanation of the world around our three characters.
im trash
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Old 11-4-2008, 08:40 PM   #17
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Chapter 1 is finished and will be posted within the next 20 minutes. I just await proof-reading from passive.
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Old 11-4-2008, 08:45 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Verruckter View Post
It's cheesy and lacks elaboration. The story probably won't hold for a long time, and the references make me shiver (in a bad way).

Also fanfic.
why are you negative in every single post you make... it's annoying

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Old 11-4-2008, 09:03 PM   #19
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Chapter 1 is now out! With the introduction of Dan (1mpuls3).
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Old 11-4-2008, 09:24 PM   #20
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omg this is hilarious. BTW The FlashFlash resistance and the Ghost of the revolution are both about ffr but in different ways. FFB is more about the actual game of ffr, while GOTR is more about the making of ffr and the group with the backwards R. GOTR seems like its about more of the people and forums part and how people became annoying and rude and trolled and hacked and what people of the ffr community did to stop it. Also the characters in the story go well with the personalities of them in real life. I could be wrong about this but this is what I see. Like it mentions the original 12 and that could mean the 12 who helped form and create ffr to what it is today and etc. I havent finished it yet im on chapter 5 but it also seems like synth is the main character. Like i said though i could be wrong.

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