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Old 10-13-2008, 05:47 PM   #121
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

Hahaha. I can't believe this thread is still going. If people keep digressing from the topic, I think it's called spam. The topic is whether gay is "good" or "bad" and whether it was "right" or "wrong" for the mother to have done what she did. Any other argument besides those things just make the entire thread go on a tangent... Unfortunately, this has already occurred. Time to close this thread. Everyone should just calm down and say something constructive or not say anything at all.
Killing is wrong and nothing will change that. Under no circumstances is killing anyone just, according to the ten commandments of Christianity. But also according to the Bible of Christianity, it says that gay people should be stoned to death. The rules contradict each other. What a paradox. "What a twist!" -Robot Chicken. Hahaha. ;D
OH MY GOODNESS! THANK YOU! (not being sarcastic) Geez'm crow. *sigh*

Alright, I'm done. Not saying anything anymore. ^^;
"War is delightful to those who have not yet experienced it."

Last edited by Fenrirs Nova; 10-13-2008 at 05:54 PM..
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Old 10-13-2008, 05:53 PM   #122
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

What he said please. Lol nice Robot Chicken quote too. Funny thing is I read it exactly how they portray in the scenes, before I read the Robot Chicken part lol
Originally Posted by jewpinthethird View Post
Are you has depression? Does you worry about things that are worryful? Does you want to escape the Earths? Just remember, you has a spicy life.
Originally Posted by Zageron View Post
Everything is Vistas fault. If your cat dies, it's also Vistas fault.
Originally Posted by [TeRa] View Post
I've come to the assumption that you are either Miley Cyrus yourself being you are not a young kid trying to defend her, or you are indeed Chris Crocker, you related her to Britney Spears...If you took this paragraph seriously, just quit the internet lol
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Old 10-13-2008, 05:55 PM   #123
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

lol if there's an interesting discussion going on i see no reason to close a thread just because it's not still strictly tied to the first post.

i also like the argument for "you can't post a serious response here this is CHIT CHAT NIGA, CHIT CHAT"
reading this thread i laughed, cried, and decided i like silvuh a lot you write charmingly bro
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Old 10-13-2008, 05:58 PM   #124
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

Originally Posted by gnr61 View Post
lol if there's an interesting discussion going on i see no reason to close a thread just because it's not still strictly tied to the first post.

i also like the argument for "you can't post a serious response here this is CHIT CHAT NIGA, CHIT CHAT"
reading this thread i laughed, cried, and decided i like silvuh a lot you write charmingly bro
It's not "you can't post a serious response", it became a case of "stop trying to find the logic behind everyone's ideas because alot of us just think without having a reason to"
Originally Posted by jewpinthethird View Post
Are you has depression? Does you worry about things that are worryful? Does you want to escape the Earths? Just remember, you has a spicy life.
Originally Posted by Zageron View Post
Everything is Vistas fault. If your cat dies, it's also Vistas fault.
Originally Posted by [TeRa] View Post
I've come to the assumption that you are either Miley Cyrus yourself being you are not a young kid trying to defend her, or you are indeed Chris Crocker, you related her to Britney Spears...If you took this paragraph seriously, just quit the internet lol
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Old 10-13-2008, 06:41 PM   #125
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

I don't care if it's chit chat or not, when there's a discussion to be had, opinions stated should always be derived from fact. That is not the same thing as saying that all opinions should be the same. I respect difference of opinion when both opinions are thought out. I won't forgive your tolerance of stupidity and your willingness to perpetuate ignorance and FUD. That's garbage.

You assume so much about me, do all the things you say I do, and then call me a hypocrite. This is an instance of the pot calling the sun black. I don't do the things you accuse me of, yet somehow you seem quite bound to them. But then again based on how much of an ass you make of yourself, I refuse to try and dissect every single aspect of your life and how you must behave in person.

Anybody who knows me in person (nobody here yet) knows me as a very reasonable, kind, and easy going person. Perhaps your impression of me is incorrect and you base way too much on pretenses. In case that one escaped you, I'm rightfully calling you pretentious. At least I don't take what I see and turn it into what it isn't.

That you're defending the right to be ignorant and stupid is really sad. I think everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I also think people should be held to a higher standard in which everyone knows something of what they are talking about, and aren't pretentious in arguing over something they have no clue of. And you attack this as unreasonable!

I can expect people to base their claims on fact, and I can expect a higher standard of the world, and so I shall! There is nothing wrong with that.

PS - your weather example is terrible. Your perception of weather is an arbitrary thing, and so the statement, "It's really warm outside" is different than "It is an abnormally hot day". In the former statement, you cannot be wrong, per se, even though my perception of the weather might be different. However, if you are stating as a matter of fact that the day is of an abnormal temperature, that can be argued. If the average temperature for that day is 80 degrees and it's 81 degrees outside, that is not a large enough variation in temperature to be called "abnormally warm".

Oh wait, looks like I injected too much of those nasty "fact" things into this. Sorry, let's go back to 1984.


I love big brother, don't you? Let's all show our love for big brother, under the banner of the Party. One glorious party. Wait, who are we at war with again? Was it Eastasia or Eurasia? I keep forgetting...

Originally Posted by jewpinthethird[link]:
"If you get stung by enough bees you turn into a bee,
because the venom gets into the blood stream which
spreads bee DNA throughout your entire body...
changing your genetic structure into a bee's.

Every year roughly 125 people in America are turned into bees this way."

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"Do you basically bukkake-paint your walls every time you jack it?"

Originally Posted by All_That_Chaz[link]:
"My pity-sex depreciates at a rate of 5% annually."

Last edited by OrganisM; 10-13-2008 at 06:54 PM..
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Old 10-13-2008, 06:43 PM   #126
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

1. He got into the coma because he tried to kill himself.
2. His mom pulled the plug because he was gay.
3. HE WANTED TO KILL HIMSELF BUT FAILED, so his mom finished the job.
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Old 10-13-2008, 06:46 PM   #127
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

no one's trying to "find your logic" because its nonexistent.
it's merely been pointed (repeatedly) that you should not be posting unjustified, completely baseless opinions on an internet forum claiming "all opinions are equally valid." no one cares if you believe things that have no roots in science or logic; you should stop arguing them hiding behind the protection of "i can think whatever i want"
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Old 10-13-2008, 07:35 PM   #128
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

Originally Posted by KA0Z R4VR View Post
I wasn't trying to illustrate a "baseless" opinion. Only an opinion.
I realize that now, thanks. But I thought OrganisM was talking about not responding well to baseless opinions, not just any ol' opinion. So that's why I assumed you were talking about baseless opinions, too.
And, like I said it's "chit chat" not "Let me tell you why I love the weather today as oppose to those muggy days we have every year. No, this day is different. This is the day I will tell you why I like the weather although you had no intentions on directing this conversation about last weeks forecast." You didn't prove much of a point assuming that my example was dealing with "baseless" opinion. Ass. u. me.
Sorry, that was just my exaggerated way of explaining that what you said was not a baseless opinion. So we both agree it wasn't a baseless opinion, good.
This is a reply to an opinion the person is choosing to have about the weather. Same as the rebuttal would be an opinion itself. STFU, you have horrible social skills when it comes to "chit chat"
Yes, I know it's a reply. But because you were quoting OrganisM, I thought that you said it as if it was a reply he would make. Another response born from the assumption above.
Oh wow. Wow.
Okay, I see, now. Your example was an argument about how correcting people in small talk is wrong. I was totally on the wrong page, wow. My bad. I was still on the "you shouldn't make baseless opinions" page.
Well, about this... Yeah, sure, screaming at someone for saying "The weather is nice" isn't nice. I can agree with that.
Wait, was this whole post of yours about correcting people during small talk? Well I had this realization after I typed out the rest of the content in this post... Well here's the rest of what I typed up, anyway, to avoid wasting at least an hour and a half on this.
Can you have both? Validity and opinion. Sure. Can they contradict? Of course.
I think one should only use the term "valid" when they are dealing with TRUE STATEMENTS where THE VALIDITY CAN BE PROVEN BECAUSE VALIDITY IS A QUALITY OF TRUTH, NOT OPINIONS WTF?!
Want to know what makes any opinion "valid" aside from the quality of truth. If you believe it's valid, then it is. As an opinion it can not be tested for fault or truth. If you believe in your statement, it is valid. But, I am using the term "valid" VERY LOOSELY when it comes down to opinion, because I know not many people are going to find MY opinion valid. It's only going to valid for me.
Ah, right, so that's why you said "valid" in quotes when you talked about that. My bad. I wasn't using the term "valid" loosely as you are. Maybe we should just throw away "valid" altogether just because of how ... well, because of this confusion? Maybe just say "well-reasoned opinion" instead?
There is one key emphasis you are missing.
I. One more time. I. Let's recap. I. Are you getting this? I. I AM. I exist, don't I? I think, do I not? If I cherish my opinion, is that not the same as saying "I cherish, therefor I am."
Point? You are individual who thinks and is still entitled to an opinion no matter how wrong or right others may think you or your reasoning are.
I. Yes, I read that. I think. I am. "I cherish my opinions, therefore I am." Sounds right to me. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. That's basic knowledge I came here with. But didn't you use the philosophy as reasoning to make anyone's opinion (I'm using quotes this time) "valid"? Oh wait, right, you're using "valid" very loosely. Sorry.
I do agree with what you're saying here. So, yeah, I'm confused.
So then what's the difference between how someone is entitled to their opinion and how their opinion is "valid"? I thought I knew the answer, but I guess I don't.
Where did you even come up with this idea? Are you reading? "you can't TAKE AWAY" not "you can never change". As long as the person wants to hold on to the idea whether it is belief or opinion, you can not take that away. It is up to the person to surrender their idea or belief. Can you influence this? Of course, anyone can. You have a twisted notion of arguing. Like I said. Assumptions. Ass. YOU. Me
Let me look at the quote again, one sec...
Ooh, okay, I get it now. So you're saying that we can try to change someone's opinions, but it's up to them to actually change their opinion. That make sense. I came up with the idea because I thought "take away" was the same as "change", and now I know it's not.
I know the whole "When you make assumptions, you make an ass out of you and me" saying, but... It's hard not to make assumptions sometimes. When I'm not sure exactly what you're saying, I make an assumption and ask about it. What I thought was incorrect. Thank you for clearing that up for me.
"Sounds to me" is an opinion that is completely out of context with what I am saying. You obviously didn't read what I posted, and if you did, you didn't grasp the higher level thinking concept required to EMBRACE the fact. Just because A happens doesn't mean we can't stop it. We just can't control it, within context.
I say "sounds to me" when I can't grasp the whole of what you're saying—when I state what I gather from your quote. Yes, you're right about that. So, again, thank you for helping me understand.
I am not here to learn about circular argumentative fallacies. The thing about this thread is that no new, relevant, and "valid" arguments exists. It's all opinion. And that's all it is going to be. This statement was as useless as your post.
My apologies for that first thing there. That was condescending of me to say.
And, oh. It's all opinion, right. So why did I think there were supposed to be facts in here?
Also, no... my post wasn't useless. If I hadn't made that post, you wouldn't have responded, and I wouldn't have been able to grasp all of what you were saying. Thank you for responding to my post despite finding it useless.
I think that's what OrganisM and you were doing. I just got pissed off at seeing it each time someone put their 2 cents in. Truth is, no one cares about difference in opinion when it comes down to it. You don't care why I think you're wrong (or right), nor do I care if OrganisM is either. Let people have opinions without being bashed in by CT when they were in this for small talk to begin with.
Well I just thought that it would be easier if opinions, beliefs, and arguments were all .. what's the word... something about being identified and kept separate... well, anyway. I thought it would help ease the confusion.
I'm not sure what to say about the rest of this here... I don't have a stance on the whole "CT in CC" issue, so I won't argue about it.

And I got quintuple-ninja'd (or is it only 'ninja'd' when the person who posts before you finish says the same thing?).

P.S. Yeah, I had the same thought, EnR, but, you know, it's still sad he was driven to suicide in the first place.
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Old 10-17-2008, 01:53 PM   #129
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

Can someone sum up what all these reeeeally long comments are about... they are just so ridiculously long, I would never dream of reading them.
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Old 10-17-2008, 02:00 PM   #130
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

Btw.. How is this sick?
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Old 10-17-2008, 02:21 PM   #131
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

Originally Posted by OrganisM View Post
I don't care if it's chit chat or not, when there's a discussion to be had, opinions stated should always be derived from fact. That is not the same thing as saying that all opinions should be the same. I respect difference of opinion when both opinions are thought out. I won't forgive your tolerance of stupidity and your willingness to perpetuate ignorance and FUD. That's garbage.

You assume so much about me, do all the things you say I do, and then call me a hypocrite. This is an instance of the pot calling the sun black. I don't do the things you accuse me of, yet somehow you seem quite bound to them. But then again based on how much of an ass you make of yourself, I refuse to try and dissect every single aspect of your life and how you must behave in person.

Anybody who knows me in person (nobody here yet) knows me as a very reasonable, kind, and easy going person. Perhaps your impression of me is incorrect and you base way too much on pretenses. In case that one escaped you, I'm rightfully calling you pretentious. At least I don't take what I see and turn it into what it isn't.

That you're defending the right to be ignorant and stupid is really sad. I think everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I also think people should be held to a higher standard in which everyone knows something of what they are talking about, and aren't pretentious in arguing over something they have no clue of. And you attack this as unreasonable!

I can expect people to base their claims on fact, and I can expect a higher standard of the world, and so I shall! There is nothing wrong with that.

PS - your weather example is terrible. Your perception of weather is an arbitrary thing, and so the statement, "It's really warm outside" is different than "It is an abnormally hot day". In the former statement, you cannot be wrong, per se, even though my perception of the weather might be different. However, if you are stating as a matter of fact that the day is of an abnormal temperature, that can be argued. If the average temperature for that day is 80 degrees and it's 81 degrees outside, that is not a large enough variation in temperature to be called "abnormally warm".

Oh wait, looks like I injected too much of those nasty "fact" things into this. Sorry, let's go back to 1984.


I love big brother, don't you? Let's all show our love for big brother, under the banner of the Party. One glorious party. Wait, who are we at war with again? Was it Eastasia or Eurasia? I keep forgetting...
It was both. That was a great book. It captured the complete idea of a Dystopia, sadly it has nothing to do with this thread.

When Ben says 'Sick' in the title of the thread, sick can refer to disgusting.
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Old 10-17-2008, 02:25 PM   #132
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

Being a cold blooded killer makes you wicked sick

Be efficient.

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Old 10-17-2008, 02:32 PM   #133
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Default Re: That's Just Not Right...That's Sick.

Alright that's pretty messed up. I've heard a lot of bullsh*t drama from people so now I can tell them this story to shut them up and make them think.

The Mother is the one that needs to go to hell...

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