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Old 09-9-2008, 10:49 PM   #21
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Default Re: Does Racism Have Its Place In Society?

I've always wondered what it's like to be blind. If you've never seen, you would have not been introduced to the concept of racism to begin with. Not only would you not judge on race, you would not judge on looks- just the person. Maybe I'm just looking at the glass half full from the vision imparied point of few. But just think about it; what would be different in the way we treat people if we had no vision?
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Old 09-9-2008, 11:10 PM   #22
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We still have our other four senses to rely on and just like we associate a certain "race" by the color of their skin, we would associate appropriate traits for the senses of hearing, smell, touch, and taste although some of them may be quite weird.

Originally Posted by Hiluluk
WHEN do you think people die...?
When their heart is pierced by a bullet from a pistol...? No.
When they succumb to an incurable disease...? No.
When they drink soup made with a poisonous mushroom...? NO!!!
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Old 09-10-2008, 02:06 AM   #23
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Default Re: Does Racism Have Its Place In Society?

Originally Posted by rzr View Post

So, I bring the questino to you, FFR. Does racism have its place on society, or can it ever be completely abolished?
Unless humans undergo some kind of genetic/evolutionary change. Not going to happen.
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Old 09-14-2008, 10:29 AM   #24
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To eradicate racism is to kill everyone in existence until there is one observer left.

Racism is ignorant in the sense that the beholder fails to see the better side of the race he prosecutes, but this is the only preventable form of racism; to educate the ignoramuses and inject some understanding into them.

However, I don't believe that is the case at a fundamental level. Simply put, with preference comes racism. The nature of man goes hand in hand with their prejudices.
As long as you have opinions and choices, you are subjecting others under your scope biased judgment, and racism is just a simple manifestation of that regardless if you are an empathetic or apathetic individual.

Secondly, the western counties boast, encourage, and worst of all, give distinction to multiculturalism. Is this racist? Yes, it is racist, and the biggest racism you are subject to. To purposely distinct between a black person or Chinese person by accommodating their personal and cultural needs are just isolating them further from other races in the same country that view them as "another race".
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:24 PM   #25
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Default Re: Does Racism Have Its Place In Society?

Originally Posted by devonin View Post
The difference between that and racism is that you've concluded that having split people into groups, one of those groups is BETTER than the other. That's the ignorant extra step that racists take.
However, even if you're not ignorant, there are facts which DO point out how some races or culturals ARE worse off than others. There are, proportionally, more people living below the poverty line who are non-caucasian in the US. Being poor often means less education means being stupider means more likely to abuse drugs, etc. If you follow this FACT, then your negative prejudgments of any non-caucasian people are totally backed-up.
Then there's also a cultural spin. You just might not like the way people from a certain culture (or country or area), are. They might, in general, have ideals and beliefs way different from your own. Culture and race still go hand in hand (at least, as someone else mentioned, until we're so intermixed that there's no telling one race from another). This in particular seems to not be based on ignorance.

If you choose to not call what I've described above as racism, well, a word is a word. I do, however, think that what I've described above is a problem just as distasteful as racism, and is likely just as common, if not moreso, IMO. And I really would define it as racism. Anyone who thinks that negative treatment of a race has never been justified is living in a black and white world and is ignoring historical facts.

What I'm trying to get across here is that education is not the best way to stop racism, that ignorance is not necessarily the cause. It can be, absolutely, but I think a better way of irradicating it is to teach acceptance, and to not think poorly of people different from you.

"Secondly, the western counties boast, encourage, and worst of all, give distinction to multiculturalism. Is this racist? Yes, it is racist, and the biggest racism you are subject to. To purposely distinct between a black person or Chinese person by accommodating their personal and cultural needs are just isolating them further from other races in the same country that view them as "another race"."

I totally disagree. Treating someone differently based on their needs, ideals and culture is not racism. That is called being respectful, and requires someone with knowledge, ie: the total opposite of ignorance. Viewing them as another 'race' or another culture, I really don't see the problem. There is only a problem when you look down on these people. Do you really want there to only be 1 culture? How mundane and horrible. It's a setting for a sci-fi novel, and totally impossible if you try to force it. Almost every war has been fought over ideals, and someone trying to make people be/do something they don't want.

Last edited by Cavernio; 09-15-2008 at 01:44 PM..
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Old 09-15-2008, 04:20 PM   #26
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Default Re: Does Racism Have Its Place In Society?

Originally Posted by rzr View Post
Where does the racism hide? In the south (America) it doesn't. It lives in the open, breeding on African Americans. In the north it's more hidden, less people rioting or displaying acts of hate crimes. So many people think it's only white-black. No. Wrong. Racism is common with everyone. Statistically, it falls more under the category of white-black, but it's out there.
I live in North Alabama, and I have few times to never seen racism. Racism is the hate of any type of persons. There is a ton of discrimination, though—namely in black youth and black seniors towards white people. That's not a big issue in my eyes though, and I'm white. Who cares? It's just a bunch of arrogant, ignorant assholes that think they're better than me when I know it's not true.

To look at the bigger picture, racism, bias, discrimination, etc., is very plain toward Muslims and the Middle-East here. In fact, most of the teens I go to school with are terrified of Obama becoming elected, for completely ridiculous reasons (which all come down to ignorance).

I didn't read this thread, and I didn't finish the topic post. I think my 2 cents as well as others' is important, though. It astounds me that racism is still a problem in today's society. Compare racism to anything else we've made progress on, like our technology. We've gone from, "OH LOOK! FLASH MAKE FIRE!!" to "Yeh so, end of the world Wednesday. We're making a black hole. Dueces", but we still struggle to eliminate racism? We may be intelligent (based on our standards), but we are truly feeble-minded.

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can someone clarrify what QFT means my friend told me its quit ****ing talking, but im not 100 percent sure

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Old 09-17-2008, 05:59 PM   #27
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To look at the bigger picture, racism, bias, discrimination, etc., is very plain toward Muslims and the Middle-East here. In fact, most of the teens I go to school with are terrified of Obama becoming elected, for completely ridiculous reasons (which all come down to ignorance).
Ah, here it is. The punchline.

Firstly, Muslim is not a race. It is a religion and an inferior religion. Now, before you subjugate me under your irrational accusations, I'd like to explain why.

If there was one fundamental reason to believe religion, it would be the well being of the human race and not being taught Anti-Semitics from the day you were born, to degrading the gender status of women, or to uphold divine retribution to those believers who has contact with other sects by stoning them to death.

With these transgressive behaviors, they demand more respect for their religion, more respect for their culture, even exercising their inclusiveness by attempting to squeeze their blasphemy into the public school systems. And here you are the Guardians, ignorantly proclaiming the prosecution of Muslims while Europe suffers from hate messages from Muslim fundamentalists who claims that "Allah will rule Europe" and "Die USA Die!".

"Well Zythus, I think you are a racist because you are only talking about the bad side."

For your information, these ridiculous acts are being encouraged and reinforced by the Muslim Council Leader of Britain himself. Forgive my stereotype, but when it is supported by people in power, things are guaranteed to happen, such as statistical evidence that more Muslim women are being raped due to not wearing their head scarf.

This is an example of crime. Not irrational racism. It is racist when the victim race has not disturbed the natural conformity, does not any negative effects on things they touch. In this case, it is blatantly flagrant that human rights violations are being done due to some fanatical and disgusting dogma. This is not about religion anymore, nor race, it is our well being that is being compromised.

Do not ever make your ignorant radical claims without research. Not everything is equal like it is drilled into our minds by multicultural-supporting governments who got themselves in the mess they are in now, just because they were too tolerant.

It is inferior.
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Old 09-17-2008, 08:27 PM   #28
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Racism wont go away. Never will. I say, "deal with it". If your one of those people who think they can stop it in some way...well good luck (not saying give-up or anything) -_- I stopped fighting it..whenever someone calls me a "******" i still remember that its just a "word". Dont let stuff like that get you down.

(no i didnt read the entire thread..but this is what i believe)
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Old 09-17-2008, 08:34 PM   #29
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ug, i wanna express my opinion, but what i have to say may be highly offensive to some, so i rather not. All i will say is it will never go away until we all turn the same color. I am thinking like red or something. XD
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Old 09-17-2008, 10:04 PM   #30
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Zythus, watch your mouth. It can be your -opinion- to support the arguements you've tried to put forward here. However, you present these things as fact which they are not.

There is a certain standard in this forum, you're crossing some lines here. What you posted is so close to getting a racism ban, I'm shocked you thought you could get away with it. Consider yourself warned.
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Old 09-17-2008, 11:33 PM   #31
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Please. I would not even think of putting up such a hateful maxim if were weren't always trying so hard to suffocate ourselves so unreasonable to believe that tolerance and respect is what you give everyone else and ultimately, what everyone else gives you. I personally do not have anything against any religion, however, if it crosses over to human rights issues, its not a racism issue anymore. Its a crime.

You asked for evidence:

Muslims in Britian: Hate Protests.

"Honor Killing - Stoned to death.

Muslim Rape Statistics

3 Year old girl poisoned with Anti-Semitism

Devonin, I couldn't get away with this even if I wanted to, not with you around anyhow. But please don't be overly conceited to think that Racism = Wrong, end of story. Moreover, your opinion of my opinion is, in fact, a mere opinion that you think I am wrong. I am rational and I do realize there are many Muslims who do not believe in these radical approaches, but it is becoming a threat due to the influx of Muslims that will completely suffuse Britain in the next 20 years.

Muslims will overtake Europe in 20 years.

I apologize, but truth is not obscured by empathy and amity.
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Old 09-17-2008, 11:56 PM   #32
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There's still a key difference between "good and bad" as they apply to a certain set of standards and "better or worse" as they apply as a comparative value judgement.

Should I link you to all the fun stats and videos and information about the KKK and show how christianity is a horrible bad and wrong institution? Perhaps the crusades, or the witch trials, or the Inquisition, Spanish or otherwise?

Splinters and logs my friend. Splinters and logs.
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Old 09-18-2008, 12:27 AM   #33
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Events such as the Christian crusades and the inquisition are the works of religious zealots who thought he himself is doing God a favor by eradication and assimilation. However, the doctrine of Islam intrinsically order the genocide of Jews for the betterment of the world. Good or bad and better or worse stands immaterial when believers feed off such a hateful dogma as the divine truth.

Furthermore, religious malice was a primitive battle of the past. Today, we are taught to accept and be tolerant and not be too critical in judgement, which is a great proffer for peace. Islam comes uninvited and attempts to revive the old fires of divine justice and hate. Where I stand in this is that the intruder deserves no respect and no tolerance because of the fundamental hatred it brings.
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Old 09-18-2008, 04:03 AM   #34
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I think as long as there are differences, there will always be some sort of racism or hatred or discrimination. Racism is simply the discrimination based on genetic ancestry.

I would say that many people tend to like those who are perceived as most similar to themselves. It isn't true in every case and there are people who absolutely cannot stand those who are similar to them, but I think there are enough people who like those who are "most similar" to constitute if not a majority then at least a decent-sized group.

And what easier way is there to distinguish among those you are not acquainted with than the visual? Human beings are very visual creatures. We receive most of our input through our eyes (except for those who are blind). We have very distinguished vision, even color vision, which is rare among animals. I know birds have color vision as well but there aren't many more animals which do.

So we rely so much on vision that our first notions of things usually come from how they look. Are they pretty? Do they catch our eyes? Does it look neat or fun?

So without even knowing someone else, if they look very different from you, and if you rely too much on first impressions and preconceived notions, it isn't difficult to imagine you might be prone to racism.

So because of this, I think even if racism were erased in current generations that it would spontaneously re-emerge in some later future generations.

As such, it definitely has a place in society, though ugly it may be. I would say it is the same sort of thinking which causes racism as that which causes any other sort of superficial discrimination, such as discrimination against those who are deformed or ugly or handicapped or anything else.

It is something we must live with and try to work around. We must see to it that we ourselves are not racist or otherwise unfairly discriminatory. We must constantly watch ourselves and ask ourselves critical questions so that we do not fall into the same trap for it is all too easy to let first impressions or notions, however unfair or wrong they may be, be the lasting impressions.

In short, it is way too easy to be superficial and we live in a time of great superficiality. So ugly things like racism and other types of superficial discrimination will rear their ugly heads.
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Old 09-18-2008, 11:18 AM   #35
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However, the doctrine of Islam intrinsically order the genocide of Jews for the betterment of the world.
Where I stand in this is that the intruder deserves no respect and no tolerance because of the fundamental hatred it brings.
Have you ever read the koran or spoken with an imam? I can't help but suspect that your hatred is here born of presupposition, or extending some single cases into your opinion of the whole. A biased reading of the bible can give you a pretty thoroughly negative opinion of christianity as well. And I can point to plenty of incredibly zealous christians who espouse beliefs like "we should eradicate all gay people" or "All jews are going to hell for killing Jesus" These kinds of things aren't unique only to the faith you want to put down, and unless you're going to acknowledge that you can't possibly speak for even a majority of muslims when you paint these broad strokes with your brush of generalization, I think you ought to just stay out of this particular discussion.
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Old 09-18-2008, 11:55 AM   #36
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Believe me, I would not pursue this at all if these cases are just an issue of minority, just some cases of radical Islam. No, I certainly wouldn't be so bold about it. However, this is beginning of a bigger regime, a oppressive regime by government figures that is trying to do whatever they want, to get whatever they want. I am not generalizing Muslims here, and especially not the ones with peaceful intentions, but when you have a government propelled uprising, it is a crime and no tolerance or empathetic logic overrides this. "My feelings were hurt" is not a valid objection.

As well, I have taken workshops and courses for World Religions, and I have read are translations of the islam. The exploit of scripture is that it can be taken ambiguously, and it becomes a primary weapon for political and radical islamists who wield this sword and strike the tolerant with irrational claims. However, in the case that the Koran is promoting Anti-Semitism, it is a bit more than ambiguous, as I will show you soon when I get home from this Windows98 computer which is, somehow, still functioning quite smoothly.
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Old 09-19-2008, 08:38 PM   #37
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Default Re: Does Racism Have Its Place In Society?

Originally Posted by devonin View Post
Have you ever read the koran or spoken with an imam? I can't help but suspect that your hatred is here born of presupposition, or extending some single cases into your opinion of the whole. A biased reading of the bible can give you a pretty thoroughly negative opinion of christianity as well. And I can point to plenty of incredibly zealous christians who espouse beliefs like "we should eradicate all gay people" or "All jews are going to hell for killing Jesus" These kinds of things aren't unique only to the faith you want to put down, and unless you're going to acknowledge that you can't possibly speak for even a majority of muslims when you paint these broad strokes with your brush of generalization, I think you ought to just stay out of this particular discussion.


I didn't feel like typing this out, though it's almost word for word what I would say.

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Old 09-19-2008, 08:44 PM   #38
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Racism can never go away because there are those people out there that have to think of every possible way to make themselves feel better. I also think that it's a self-esteem issue.
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Old 09-19-2008, 09:48 PM   #39
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Default Re: Does Racism Have Its Place In Society?

Originally Posted by Zythus View Post
Muslim is... an inferior religion.
By what means, exactly? If you speak only of hatred, ignorance and arrogance then by those standards all religions are inferior.

All religions teach recruitment. 'Ohhh, you must be saved and follow the Holy Word and praise your lord.'
'Ahh, you will be condemned unless you follow my God.'
'Punishment is imminent for the nonbelievers.'
Islam just goes a step farther and supposes that those not born in their land, raised to their customs, and strongly follow their religion are disgracing them by sharing this planet. Of course that's not always the case, but even a minority becomes obvious when it's so radical.


I just took like an hour-long break from this post and I completely lost my train of thought.


It's not just Muslims that are reliving outdated customs.
If you're going to insult Islam then you better insult all religion, else you're a hypocrite. Although religion as a whole may look treacherous, to individuals it gives reason, hope, and morality.

You speak of the Koran teaching hate and intolerance so much. How many people do you think believe that?
I'm guessing 50%.
How many people do you think are willing to do something about it?
I'm saying 10% of that 50%.
How many out of all Muslims would terrorize other nations?
I wouldn't say more than 1% of that 10%.

That gives you .05%, and we're in war right now trying to lower those numbers even further. I don't know or care whether you agree with the war, but the truth is if you generalize people, prepare to be generalized.

---> You stupid infidel. You've defied Allah's immaculacy with your pathetic, despicable fallibility. The work of Allah must be perfect, and you contradict the wills of Allah. Now DIE! <---

If you think Muslims should die, and terrorists think Christians should die, then.... :O

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can someone clarrify what QFT means my friend told me its quit ****ing talking, but im not 100 percent sure

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Old 09-20-2008, 10:16 PM   #40
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Default Re: Does Racism Have Its Place In Society?

Originally Posted by rzr
Does racism have its place on society
Racism has no place in modern society.
Can it ever be completely abolished?
To abolish a natural instinct that humans have relied on for survival would be both incredibly challenging and idiotic. (For lack of a better word, i don't have a good vocabulary okay.) This instinctual racism has (probably) helped some 'races' survive for when they saw a larger, stronger, more violent 'race' they would have learnt to stay away from, protecting themselves as to live on further.

Note: I'm not good with writing or speaking my thoughts/ideas, what i have written makes perfect sense to me but to you im not so sure. I apologise in advance.

By the way this thread is getting off topic from racism to religious discrimination.
Note: I'm not good with writing or speaking my thoughts/ideas, what i have written makes perfect sense to me but to you im not so sure. I apologise in advance.

It sounds like love is an amazing feeling. I guess its like dinosaurs, they sound amazing but I'm never gonna see one.
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