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FFR Veteran
FFR Rank:7,084
FFR Average Rank:1,217
FFR Grandtotal Rank:2,454
FFR Grandtotal:3,807,744,130
FFR Games Played:10,227
FFR Veteran
Jide's Details
About me:
Hey everyone, I'm Barend - 19 years old, and live in The Netherlands. I have a passion for philosophy & FFR. Joined this site a couple of years ago (RESENTED THE HIATUS!), but glad it's back online! Uhh, might be moving to London next year - I'm still undecided. Message me if you feel like it :)
Films, listening to music all day, FFR, reading (philosophy)... I'd really love to add creative writing to this list, but haven't written much except for college essays.
Fav Music:
Joy Division, New Order, The Clash, Iggy Pop, The Stooges, David Bowie, Sex Pistols, Mumford & Sons, Talking Heads, The Stranglers, The Smiths, The Cure, The Velvet Underground
Fav Movies:
The Prestige, Memento, Platoon, Inception, Donnie Darko, Trainspotting, Harry Potter.. Seriously, you can watch any film with me.
Member for: 15.97 years
Gaming Region:Europe
Location:The Hague, Netherlands
Last Activity:04-09-2018
Forum Posts:6
Profile Views: 2,733
Profile Votes:46
Referred Users: 1
Jide's Gameplay Stats Today
133 / 3347
478 / 3347
Tier Points
33 / 1500
Random Thoughts
Posted on: August 18, 2009, at 11:48:52am   [0 comments]
I know I keep spamming you guys with milestones.. but I've just AAA'd Destiny, a very difficult (8) song!

This tournament has greatly improved my p/a ratio as in the first rounds I barely managed to AAA easy and standard songs. Yay!
Posted on: August 15, 2009, at 01:18:16pm   [0 comments]
I'm back from Greece! Lost some of my 'skills' through lack of practice, so I'm warming up =). Fortunately, I managed to AAA the new tournament song without too many difficulties.
Posted on: August 6, 2009, at 12:01:28pm   [0 comments]
Uhh, yes. I've been playing From Mount Chorus a lot lately, to no avail unfortunately. I cannot beat my current score of 4-1-0-1.

So I decided to take a break from it and played Hungarian Dance #5 (level 7: difficult) and to my great surprise I AAA'd it instantly. Now, about 30 minutes later I played Indigo (another level 7) and I also AAA'd that song! My first level 7 AAAs. Wooo!

Well, that's it. Back to From Mount Chorus =(

EDIT: Just AAA'd Gameboy Rave. Sweet Jesus please gimme FMC too :D
Posted on: August 5, 2009, at 02:07:25pm   [0 comments]
Going to Greece for one week! We're leaving coming saturday. Although I look forward to the nice weather & delicious food, this will probably mean I'll get eliminated in the tournament.

My main keyboard broke down too (I've had it for a couple of years). Well.. it still registers keys but not very accurately and not as fast. I'll go and buy a new one tomorrow, hopefully I'll be able to AAA From Mount Chorus then!
Posted on: July 27, 2009, at 09:06:29am   [1 comment]
Got my first level 6(tricky) AAA today! It's on contra-distinction (the easiest level 6), but I'm quite proud of it nonetheless!

Ehrr yeah I just wanted to post this somewhere=P
Comment wall
floeds writes at 4:37:50am on 4/20/18
Hey Barend! Ja, ik check altijd nog of ik wat berichten heb op het moment dat ik aan m'n laptop ga. Maar dat wordt steeds minder. Ik zit alleen nog maar op m'n telefoon, tablet en ik kijk tv. Dat is zo'n beetje mijn leven nu hahaha
Je moet je foto updaten, dan herken ik je misschien nog eens als ik je een keer zie. Ik zou jou zo niet meer herkennen. Of kom je bijna nooit meer in Asten? Je had hier familie toch? Ik heb onthouden dat je familie was van Van Laarhoven, maar het is lang geleden haha
floeds writes at 10:42:09am on 6/13/12
ja, af en toe zit ik op msn, niet zo vaak meer, ik zit veel vaker op skype. EN JA WISKUNDE~! vind ik leuk =D
mijn broer had trouwens ook een jaar filosofie gestudeerd maar was toen gestopt omdat hij het te makkelijk vond haha
floeds writes at 6:08:47pm on 6/10/12
oh nice, gewoon highschool dan? krijg je dadelijk helemaal een amerikaans accent haha
en ja ik ben nu een juffrouw, ik ga na de vakantie een leeraaropleiding wiskunde doen. heb er echt zin in. ik zit al zo lang thuis, krijg je zo'n nutteloos gevoel van..
floeds writes at 7:36:39am on 6/9/12
af en toe een beetje
en met mij gaat alles goed, heb leuk werk gevonden op een basisschool, ik word helemaal vrolijk van al die kinderen haha
met jou?
floeds writes at 6:38:27am on 3/26/11
naast dat ik een beetje ziek ben geweest en ik nog 3,5 boek moet leze in 2 weken voor nederlands examen, gaat alles best goed hahaha
maar ach, druk hebben hoort er een beetje bij in de laatste weken van 5 havo he [zucht]
xxbreaddxx writes at 7:35:28pm on 3/25/11
floeds writes at 9:39:31am on 3/24/11
booo, ja indd, alles goed? xD
HugzandKisses writes at 7:19:58pm on 3/21/11
I'm fine thanks :)
HugzandKisses writes at 6:40:01pm on 3/21/11
Haaai :D
angelbaby_oi writes at 2:22:45am on 10/17/09
oh, don't worry about it. i don't either. it's reallllly cold here as well. i've been doing great just have been busy with school and finding a jobbbb. otherwise i'm also very tired lately too. lol. well, i hope you have a lovely weekend.