Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Rank:52,363
FFR Average Rank:59,473
FFR Grandtotal Rank:39,872
FFR Grandtotal:252,123,250
FFR Games Played:1,022
Last Activity:09-24-2007
Forum Posts:5
Member for: 18.37 years
Profile Views: 1,048
Profile Votes:2
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About me:
Well, i'm 16, i'm a guy, and i'm christian. most my friends are girls... idk why... most frusterating creature on the planet but i love my girls and they all know they can come talk to me about anything. i'm a good friend and i value that above all else, i never break a promise and always keep my word. i love anime and pretty much all things asian. if you watch anime then please add me as a friend, i'm tired of not having any anime friends. umm... i play soccer, i'm the varsity starting goalkeeper for my highschool (i'm sophmore btw) and yea... oh, i play video games, i'm working on FF:XII right now and i got a Wii for christmas, i'm a nintendo fanboy, always have and always will be. i do believe it is worth mentioning that while i had had this account for awhile, i haven't played for like .9 of the year count thing
my friends... anime... video games... the show Supernatural... soccer... stepmania... DDR... anime... good with computers...
Fav Music:
all kinds, i like J-pop, techno, rock, no emo-screamo tho
Fav Movies:
Last Samurai, umm... i do like disney movies, Aladdin, Mulan, Lion King, i liked Resident Evil... Coach Carter... Underworld... idk, can't think of too many at the moment, The Last Samurai is my all time favorite though, great movie
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Random Thoughts
Posted on: April 26, 2007, at 11:51:30pm   [0 comments]
k, started a new profile, just did, don't ask questions. it's inneradventchild2... so, basically it's this s/n with a 2 smacked on the end of it

new record!
Posted on: March 24, 2007, at 04:01:12pm   [0 comments]
lol, over 100 games in 5 mineuts ^.^ lol, i was looking for hidden arrows and failed over and over, i didn't realize my games played counter would increase that much, went from 714 t0 870, lol, whoops...

Posted on: December 31, 2006, at 09:29:24pm   [0 comments]
just so y'all know, unlimited txt freakin' rocks, the one redeeming quality of sprint, i love it

Posted on: December 31, 2006, at 06:05:00pm   [0 comments]
so you can't delete comments from your comments wall thing... that's just peachy... what the hell is that bloody [X] there for then?

Posted on: December 30, 2006, at 03:15:42am   [0 comments]
i can't figure out how to put the stupid AIM icon i see on some ppl's profile onto mine... well if your wondering, i'm MasterGoogler on AIM, i'm almost always on but i'm pretty bad about putting up an away msg so don't get offended if i don't write back right away

Comment wall
psycochick writes...
at 12:17:02am on 7/2/07
so basically i hate this whole issue of life and whatnot
iLOVEjohnnyDEPP writes...
at 8:12:26pm on 4/4/07
missa misses u.... T.T grawishnnnn
iLOVEjohnnyDEPP writes...
at 7:03:32pm on 4/1/07
.........hi?........ .i rly lik rly need u 2 talk 2 me......and u have lotz of tokens!!!!!!
psycochick writes...
at 4:30:53pm on 3/26/07
lol ya, men are always hungry! good luck with the play!!
emolover14 writes...
at 12:33:08pm on 3/24/07
umm umm
i would
say haiii.
psycochick writes...
at 9:45:20pm on 3/22/07
you are without a doubt the coolest kid ever ever ever!!! i love you lots! lets hang out sometime!! i still owe you a pizza and a sobe
iLOVEjohnnyDEPP writes...
at 1:10:56pm on 2/23/07
2day is missa bday! n.n lol it actually didnt totally suck this year! yah!!! ^.^ lol but ya a guy in my class came up 2 me and said "happy birthday..." and dumped a whole bunch of broken pieces of plastic on my desk when i asked wat it was for he said "its 4 ur birthday. its a whole bunch of sharp objects so u can slit ur wrists" grrr!!!!
emolover14 writes...
at 12:10:07am on 2/23/07
i'm going to get you into emo and screamo.
cause i'm brilliant like that.
i have to go to the orthodontisttt tomorroww!



you better call me tomorrow.

or else.


and i almost deleted that picture.

but i didn't do it.


feel lucky.

emolover14 writes...
at 2:20:40pm on 2/17/07
it's ok i lookeed like crapizzle anyways:/
i thought about it the night before, and then i forgot about it ... double:/
i'm sneezing uncontrollably
btaesgaddfagfe haha i typed fag in all of those random letters
wow i'm so cool
psycochick writes...
at 12:30:03pm on 2/17/07
TAPPS BUDDY!!!! i love you!! you rock!
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