Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Rank:47,776
FFR Average Rank:59,487
FFR Grandtotal Rank:36,426
FFR Grandtotal:275,918,400
FFR Games Played:1,304
Location:Perris, California, USA
Last Activity:04-10-2009
Member for: 17.41 years
Gaming Region:USA - Southwest
Profile Views: 584
Profile Votes:6
Referred Users: 2
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KNO_Kibo_Tanasu's Gameplay Stats Today
KNO_Kibo_Tanasu's Details
About me:
In case you cant tell... obviously ^_^ I love anime! but not just regular anime, i love to watch.... YAOI!
I love my myspace lol but im not addicted to it! i swear! ^_^ i love to watch anime (obviously) and i like to go to school too!
Fav Music:
music kinda depends on my mood ^_^
Fav Movies:
hmm... there is too many i like to choose out of the bunch ^_^
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Comment wall
KNO_Opulant writes...
at 11:28:35pm on 9/24/07
You should get a gaia account! Or do you have one?
KNO_Opulant writes...
at 11:27:59pm on 9/24/07
I got rather addicted to that site so I completely forgot about this xD
Oops? Lol! You should join if you don't have one. My username is Opulant lol!
I changed what I looked like recently though...
KNO_Opulant writes...
at 2:20:09pm on 9/9/07
I can't find any way to get to KNO_Nina_Hermosa's profile *cries* lol!
KNO_Opulant writes...
at 2:16:44pm on 9/9/07
Kibo? Wow! It has been forever! This site has changed so much! I couldn't even find my own profile for the longest time XD!
Lvytn writes...
at 6:28:20pm on 5/19/07
Happy Birthday
KNO_Opulant writes...
at 4:33:51pm on 4/4/07
OH MAN! It's been forever since I've posted here... We all really need to get together... I've been really busy this past month! Anyway, ahve you talked to Nina at all since that day? I havn't... I've just missed the two of you a ton of times though! It makes me SO mad! Lol. I don't really know when I will be on for sure so until I do, I guess we'll meet when we meet!
KNO_Opulant writes...
at 7:56:42pm on 2/18/07
Grrr... I'm angry lol! Just now I'm looking at your profile and it says you were on about half an hour ago! I'm too late...
KNO_Opulant writes...
at 2:11:44am on 2/17/07
Hmmm... I could try to be on tomorrow... I don't know what time though... Probably around 12:00 in the afternoon my time. One of us will have to wait an hour for the other to come on if we both go on at this time though.
KNO_Opulant writes...
at 12:52:23am on 2/11/07
Wow, we do need to plan a meeting lol! It feels like forever snce I last talked to you and Nina! When should we? I'm thinking sometime tomorrow afternoon? The only problem is that our times are different and I can't remember what time it would be for you... Anyway, our paths shall cross soon... hopefully...
KNO_Opulant writes...
at 9:12:50pm on 1/31/07
Hey Kibo, it's Opulant! Just wanted to know that I havn't forgotten you and Nina it's just that everytime I go on, well... you guys are not on... So anyway, talk to you soon hopefully!
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