Good Profile! UnCool! 
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FFR Average Rank:56,765
FFR Grandtotal Rank:1,023,767
FFR Grandtotal:820,070
FFR Games Played:3
Location:Yukon Territory, Canada
Last Activity:09-03-2008
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Member for: 16.39 years
Gaming Region:Canada
Profile Views: 3,211
Profile Votes:61
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demie_diablo's Details
About me:
Yo.... I'm a 16 year old girl, My favorite color is Blue, It is also my birth stone color. I was born in December 24th 1991, I was born in the Yukon and traveled to many places. I am going to become a comic novelist and mke my very own anime in just a few years. You might see some of my drawings in my photos list, But i also have a page that contains almost all of my drawings if you'd like to give them a look, Here's the web page: I love animals, and the world, I HATE Calgary because it's the fastest growing province in the world, and it's pointless. I've tried to become vegetarian many times, But this time i'm actually going to do it no matter how hard it is. I wont eat any more things that had a mother. ( Accept for sea food. lol.) So technically i am a seafoodaterian. :P So all i eat is basically anything without meat, and i dont even eat Pie, Because the crusts are made with Lard!! ew... I hate hunters and people who just kill for games, I think it's ridiculous, Too many animals are becoming extinct too fast. And the other thing that i hate the most is Animal Testing!!! I mean c'mon, If you want to know what the hell will happen to someone if they use a product, They should test it on a HUMAN!! NOT AN ANIMAL!! That way, people would get full results on the tests to see what would really happen to you, and you wouldn't have to see any labels at the back of items that say: May cause skin irritation or you may be alergic or yada yada yada Ect. lol.... Anyways.... I'm a very nice person, I like to do so many things!! I am really out going and i like to travel a lot and take photos, And my most favorite thing that i like to take photos of is animals, And how the hell am i supposed to take pictures of animals when people are hunting them!!
I love listening to music, I love animals,I love to go hiking and camping and dirt biking and surfing and skii dooing and rock wall climbing and walk around big malls just for fun, I also love going to the Zoo no matter how any times i went to it before!! And i LOVE to draw. I have my very own characters that i made up when i was in grade 4 or 5 that i still draw today, and got better and better. ( I am a pencil/pen artist ) I'm tying to create a Comic Called "Demonic" But every time i draw it for a while i change my mind about the story and decide to make a new one. lol
Fav Music:
I love Marilyn Manson, He makes so much sense to me, And i love his voice so much! lol And i like other rock, and techno, and such things... But i HATE country songs... Girl bands, Shitty boy bands such as Nsinc or whatever... And Britney Spears.... Paris Hilton and all the anoying people who all sound the same to me. -_-
Fav Movies:
I basically just like every single scary movie on earth. :P I like to be scared, But i can never watch them alone... Lol
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Comment wall
dark_soul writes...
at 2:15:32am on 8/29/08
xPurpleCandy writes...
at 2:09:39am on 8/29/08
Cool to the limit. <33. I`m so jealous of your page :) lol.
- Signage.
Kyaan Kyo writes...
at 2:06:49am on 6/6/08
Yeah, your gonna have to figure it out xD
1337DingoMcSquirrel writes...
at 1:06:01pm on 6/5/08
| . . |
ARROWUP writes...
at 11:03:38pm on 4/20/08
Emo gurl writes...
at 11:05:11am on 4/19/08
i'mmmm backkkk :]
ohhhh love the new pic....sooo hott hun :]
and the banner too cool XD
Kyaan Kyo writes...
at 8:10:58am on 4/10/08
Awww that sucks D: I'm good. How are you?
tashia[[is dead]] writes...
at 8:51:04pm on 4/9/08
lul. it's totally finee.
party eh? sounds thrillingg.
hope you have fun :D
Kyaan Kyo writes...
at 9:34:04am on 4/4/08
Hi!! ^_^
tashia[[is dead]] writes...
at 6:33:51pm on 4/1/08
how're youu?
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