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I'm cool. Not much else to talk about.
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Random Thoughts
Martin Luther King, JR
Posted on: March 17, 2008, at 02:59:19pm   [0 comments]
A man went forth with gifts.

A was a prose poem.
He was a tragic grace.
He was a warm music.

He tried to heal the vivid volcanoes.
His ashes are
reading the world.

His Dream still wishes to anoint
the barricades of faith and of control.

His word still burns the center of the sun,
above the thousands and the
hundred thousands.

The word was Justice. It was spoken.

So it shall be spoken.
So it shall be done.

-- Gwendolyn Brooks

Comment wall
rockerchick1991 writes...
at 6:08:35pm on 2/17/09
yeah, me and nick miss you guys too. so far things have been really great. it's kinda boring but we still find stuff to do. i'm getting my first tatoo and maybe another piercing next saturday. it's been kinda cold but it's startin to warm up a little bit. ok, let's make this easier. lol. my e-mail address is i get on there a lot more than i get on here. it'll be easier to keep in touch. if you want, i can give you the mailing address here too but i'd rather do it in an e-mail than where everyone can see it. i love you like a sis too. tell everyone me and nick say hi and we miss you guys. we should be up to visit soon. idk when for a fact though. love ya. cyaz.
rockerchick1991 writes...
at 6:43:06am on 1/6/09
yeah, me and nick have been talking and i'm gonna move up North with him to Manesty to live with him and his dad. i'm really nervous, but the way things are lookin, everything should work out fine. last i knew he wanted to go this friday, so i probably won't be there after then. wish me luck!!! lylas!! <3
rockerchick1991 writes...
at 7:43:06am on 1/5/09
yeah, me and nick are gonna move up north to live with his dad pretty soon. let's just say we aren't leaving ne l8er than next month. i'm happy but at the same time i'm EXTREMELY nervous cuz it's a really big step to take. yeah, nick beat me at bowling. lol. actually, he kicked my ass when we went bowling. lmao. you should see the ring he gave me. it's amazing. and we got actual promise rings. :) :) :) g2g, bell's gonna ring. :( bye for now.
rockerchick1991 writes...
at 7:27:14am on 12/11/08
we're goin to rock n bowl next week so we can go to the dance this week. & i got some kick ass pics of bullet for my valentine on here now. I'M SO EXCITED!!!! lol. i'm hyper. & you still haven't replied to the last one so don't forget to reply to both. :) cya around!!!
rockerchick1991 writes...
at 7:38:02am on 12/8/08
awww thanks. it'll be 3 weeks on tuesday. he comes over every day, but he can't today cuz me, maria, and her dad have some things to talk about like me getting some type of financial aide and my school work, some counseling shit here at the school, and some other stuff. but he's definitely coming over tomorrow, maybe wednesday, thursday, friday, and he's coming to rock n bowl at airport lanes on saturday with me, maria, emily, nikki (maybe), and 1 more person. but i've been really happy since we've been together. it's awesome!!!! :)
rockerchick1991 writes...
at 9:00:49am on 12/2/08
so did you know me and nick have been dating for exactly 2 weeks today? i wore a pair of his black pants with chains on the back yesterday and his bullet for my valentine shirt today with his icp sweater, red and black wristband and his necklace that has the guns and brass knuckles in the middle. :) he's gonna let me wear his red tight pants tomorrow and hopefully his black tight pants wednesday. i'm so happy now but it kinda sucks cuz i still has MASSIVE feelings for Tony... :( but i haven't cut for 2 weeks. :) :) :) so SMILE. lol.
L_eMo_N writes...
at 10:49:32am on 11/13/08
heyyy, thank you for the add ^_^
rockerchick1991 writes...
at 10:43:47am on 11/13/08
i'm not, the table leg is in the way. and because i don't want Mr. Wardell to see what we're actually doing. :( and ffr is really starting to piss me off cuz it won't let me put my regular pic back on there... :I
rockerchick1991 writes...
at 10:55:22am on 11/10/08
haha you totally know me too well. :) and i still want you to meet tony btw. he's fuckin AMAZING. you could've met him friday, saturday, or yesterday if you would've come over. just try later on this week. he always comes over now. :) :) :) love ya lenni!! bye!!
rockerchick1991 writes...
at 10:48:45am on 11/10/08
hellz yeah bitch!!! lol. :) dude, i'm in such a good mood today. haha it sounded like you said you had to fart!!! lmfao. hey, when should we put the computers up cuz the bell's gonna ring in about 5 minutes.
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