Good Profile! UnCool! 
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FFR Average Rank:40,284
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FFR Games Played:1,490
Location:Mannford, Oklahoma, USA
Last Activity:01-20-2009
Member for: 18.31 years
Gaming Region:USA - Gulf Coast
Profile Views: 770
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About me:
well im spontaneous.....and very...whats the word...unique! yeah. im one of a kind but hey i make a great friend or so im told. im a junior at Mannford High School.....and i cant wait for it to be over!! its like living in hillbilly
i love to draw write sing dance listen to music and watch movies.....and make a complete fool of myself on a regular basis....of course i can be mellow but....wheres the fun in that if you do it all the time? i have my views and can be arguementative....(sp?) so...i like a nice debate every now and then...but yeah if i left anything out just ask an open book ^_^
Fav Music:
i love any kind of rock and some hip hop(on a rare occassion) but yeah i think i would die without music...right now im quite infatuated with The Juliana Theory.....
Fav Movies:
I LOVE HORROR MOVIES!!!! i love to get scared or just make fun of the cheesey ones....there is nothing better than curling up under a blanket on a stormy night with a scary movie....if you havent done it TRY IT! lol
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Random Thoughts
magical barney jizz.....
Posted on: August 19, 2007, at 09:35:26pm   [1 comment] dying my hair....this is very interesting because the freaking dye looks like and on top of that, my head is wrapped in plastic wrap....all of this to be starting to think its not worth all i have to say for now......LATERS!!!

Comment wall
randomranma writes...
at 3:48:22pm on 10/19/07
and here I am waiting in your dad's van on his laptop waiting to come over...
just mere minutes... =)
randomranma writes...
at 4:31:39pm on 10/15/07
I knowzz!! =D
randomranma writes...
at 1:50:45pm on 10/7/07
Don't forget, my comments dominated your profile too. x3 RANMAx1000!!! I went to the fair yesterday! =D I got this hat, and on it, they airbrushed me and zac's name in japanese.. it's friggin sweet!
ooh yey! i'm the lucky one! hey, I'll call you tonight or monday to talk about how it was 'going to nightmare' yesterday (me and zac) I've got some advice from our 'experience'
randomranma writes...
at 6:41:17pm on 10/3/07
ah, we just had this conversation on the phone.. I might be able to.. I hope. oh! i'm going testing for my driver's liscense again for my fall break! x3 wish me luck, though I don't believe in it. xD
randomranma writes...
at 7:16:59pm on 10/2/07
Service as in.. phone right?
And I'm really excited about Halloween/My Birthday! I've got L's Hair ready to go. x3
randomranma writes...
at 7:15:28pm on 10/2/07
Service as in .. phone, right?
And I'm more excited about my birthday/Halloween coming up! =D I've got L's Hair ready to go! xD
randomranma writes...
at 1:30:40pm on 9/30/07
hehehe, I think I'll watch the show too, er umm.. tape it. xD
I'm almost finished, I've only got 3 or 4 episodes left.
randomranma writes...
at 6:24:32pm on 9/25/07
heyheyhey, guess what? Death Note will be airing on Adult Swim Oct. 20. you can watch it there. =D
randomranma writes...
at 7:31:52pm on 9/21/07
ah, it's okay. At least I know now what I need to work on.. *stay/in/the/right/lane*
hey, have you seen how many tokens I have? =D
randomranma writes...
at 10:13:51am on 9/4/07
well, I did get the ringing signal..
anyway, I'll be calling you tonight, to tell you all about how I failed my driver's test this morning. =)
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