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another poem i wrote.
Posted on: June 3, 2007, at 04:15:40pm   [0 comments]
If I could arrange the stars
and write it in the sky;
If I could choose all the right words
that could make even angels cry;
I would tell all the world
so that they know its true;
That this day among so very many
I know I've fallen for you.

If I could make the earth stop spinning
and freeze a moment in time;
I would shape it and behold
This beautiful love of mine.
And if the rain could taste as sweet
as the star's breath around us;
If the shards were just as gentle
As the moon's silvery dust;
I could finally live a dream
That's so real it may be true;
I have woken now to find myself
completely enthralled by you.

And if you could take my apologies
and turn them into gold;
If you could trust me and care for me
And keep me from the cold;
If you could shower me with kisses
and dance with me in the rain;
If you could hold my hand and smile
knowing you've released my pain;
I would kneel down and pray to God
not to steal my dream come true;
Because tonight I say I'm very sorry
But I'm so in love with you.

Story I Wrote.
Posted on: June 3, 2007, at 01:48:46pm   [0 comments]
she’s floating in a sea of memories, letting the air weigh her down to the great underworld she fears. she’s living in world of fantasy, where the seas growl, and the wind howls, and the animals sing sweet lullaby’s. a world for only her, and her mind, a world of fairytales and of castle lands. she sits every night, pondering why he left her so cold and to an unknown reason, why she sits alone every night thinking of the memories that are draining her away. she longs for something she can no longer give to anyone, and she tries to regain her strength, but all else fails. the drum beats from the underworld, screaming and calling her name, she feels them get louder, and she feels she’s losing control of her mind. a vague picture and one last glance of her past and his face upon her eyes, and she falls down to the king. she feels her body get warmer by the second, and when she opens her eyes, she sees nothing but darkness. the screams of the others frightened her, but as she saw a crack of red light, her mind was fixed on it. a dark tall man appeared, one she could not explain to how revolting he looked. he spoke to her as if she was a slave under his command. she had no choice but to do what he told her, yet, every time she tried to speak, she couldn’t. since she did not talk to anyone, he had consumed her voice while she was falling. he saw no point in her having it when she did not use it.
for what felt like years later, she still continued to obey him. until the day he had commanded to her they would wed. she did not agree with it, and she had no feelings for the dark man she feared upon, but she had no choice. it was wed or death for eternity.
finally, the wedding night had arrived. the one night she had feared with all her life. she longed to be saved, she longed to escape, but most of all, she longed to die than marry this dark man. the clock of hell chimed, and it was time for her to be immortal with him for all eternity, all in all, sell her soul to him. she walked past all the innocent souls that cried for her, seeing the dark man standing there waiting for her with his son by his side. she stopped next to him, and he reached for her hand. sadly, she took his hand, and she kneeled before him. he asked if she was ready, and she took a final look around her, and all the crying souls reaching out to try and save her. finally, she looked at the cracked, damp ground, and took her last bow. he put his hand gently on her head, when suddenly, a bright, white light had appeared over her. the dark man was not pleased and quickly took her soul before the light took her.
“ma’am, are you okay? ma’am, can you hear me?!” she opened her eyes slowly and found a man holding her in his arms trying to wake her up. she looked around and found herself right where she had last remembered. “i think i’m fine,” she replied to him. “what happened, if i may ask? i was walking through here, and saw you passed out on the ground. it took me a good five minutes to wake you up,” the beautiful voice replied. she just laid there staring at him, she had never seen just a gorgeous face, it was as if he was an angel. “i’m not quite sure what happened, i was just sitting right over there and the next i found myself here, with you.” he just looked her right back, and with a smile he said, “let’s go get some coffee and you can try to tell me what you remember.”
he gently helped her up to her feet as he helped her to walk. it was a quiet sort of walk, but none-the-less, they both had never seen just a beautiful sight.
they arrived, and they sat down at a table and began to talk. she didn’t remember much but she didn’t want to tell this man this crazy story, she wasn’t sure if it had really happened. she didn’t want to make herself look crazy. they sat and talked for hours, just laughing at each others jokes, and smiling at each other just to smile. she liked his company, and he loved hers.
the time had come for them to part, but they didn’t want to leave each others sights. “i’ve had a wonderful time with you this evening, why don’t i walk you home?” they just sat there gazing into each others eyes when finally she replied, “that would be lovely.”
she only lived about a few blocks away from where they were, so they arrived at her house quickly. they stood there just starring and not knowing what to say to each other. she was about to walk up the stairs when finally, he just went with his heart and kissed her. they both ran up the stairs holding hands. she slammed the door behind her, trying to keep balance and not wanting to let go of him. they stopped for a minute, when he said to her, “you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen, and i don’t want to lose this precious moment with you tonight. i never want to leave your side.” she smilied at him and than kissed him, never letting go of each other for the night.
morning came. she awoke with the sun beating down on her and him by her side. she didn’t want to wake him, so she quietly got out of bed and kissed him lightly on the forehead, whispering softly, “i love you.” she took a shower and thought it would be nice if she went to the store right quick to grab a bit of breakfast. but as she was leaving, she went into the bedroom, and saw him missing. she didn’t think much of it, she just thought that he was in the shower, or outside, so she left. as she was walking down to the store, she kept replaying the night before in her head, just smiling constantly. his voice was still echoing in her head, his touch she felt from the night before, his kiss still fresh on her lips, and his face still on her eyes. she grabbed a few things, but it in a bag, and left quickly. she passed where she had passed out and had met this lovely man, so she decided to go to the scene of the crime. she sat there, thinking of him. floating on the clouds of his voice, and still feeling his touch, living in a world of fairytales and of castle lands. she sat there for a few minutes, and when she got up, she felt something a little odd. she looked down near her feet to see nothing but red near her heart, when she finally had collapsed. the fruit kept rolling onto the street, and the milk was soaking into the dirt, and her blood sinking to the underworld. the last sight she saw, was the lovely man she loved, quickly turn into the dark, tall man standing above her, and her soul screaming and struggling within his hands. now, she lived in a world of darkness, innocence, and grief. living a life, she only had wished upon, before.

Comment wall
Blargthedestroyer writes...
at 7:31:05pm on 1/24/11
Mind if I say you have a wicked smile? ^__,^
l Endorphin l writes...
at 9:03:47pm on 10/31/10
I'm back! And I don't remember you at all :D
Whats up?
LeMoN25 writes...
at 7:35:27pm on 2/2/08
hey whats up? I'm Scott. And I'm and alcoholic. Understood? OK well i toly like pics but your profile is kinda lame. And sorry for putting you down like that, but you know, i just felt like saying something to you cause your fucking cute alright?
xvespax writes...
at 10:38:04pm on 8/8/07
Does your band have a myspace?
muskaboy0k13 writes...
at 2:45:41am on 8/7/07
hell YEA i love iktpq but they disbanded sucks i kno what is your bands name
UltimaAssassin writes...
at 4:25:53pm on 8/6/07
sure thing girl thanks ^^
UltimaAssassin writes...
at 4:21:50pm on 8/6/07
thanks a lot girl =D
Charise123 writes...
at 6:30:48am on 8/6/07
lol kool....thanx 4 being nice to me....i'll add u too
UltimaAssassin writes...
at 4:32:12am on 8/6/07
Votes up! hope you can do the same ^^
shatteredgravity writes...
at 12:22:26am on 8/6/07
holy insane cows thumbs way up.. your writing is amazing beyond right words. =D!!
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