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Last Activity:04-14-2007
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About me:
I'm 17 by the calendar, 12 by maturity, and 122 by smarts. I've got some wicked eyes, they're messed up blue with hazel iris flares.
Writing, basketball, guitar, piano, sitting down, running, wishing I lived somewhere in Colorado.
Fav Music:
Alternative folk rock. Alternative hard-core. Alternative rock. Alternative in general.
Fav Movies:
The Last Samurai, the only movie I've ever cried for.
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Random Thoughts
Kelsey's art.
Posted on: February 27, 2007, at 07:41:48pm   [0 comments]

Visit this website!!!

Motion isn't meaning, it's just another drug.
Posted on: February 4, 2007, at 08:18:45pm   [0 comments]
I hate the Colts and Bears, so I refuse to watch the Super Bowel, and here I am. Being bored, listening to Dustin Kensrue. My pictures look odd, I did a bad job of editing them. It doesn't look like me. I need to shave, but I really don't feel like doing it. Why do I keep commenting random people? I'm just asking for an old man to come and rape me <shudder>.

Wake me up when it's springtime in Heaven.
Posted on: February 3, 2007, at 07:34:34pm   [0 comments]
My info and FFR stats aren't showing up. That kind of ticks me off. Louisville and Indiana lost today, so I'm still happy (even though it lowers UK's RPI). All the snow is gone now, there's just a bunch of ice, kind of depressing. I'm tired.

Please don't leave me here with my ideas.
Posted on: January 27, 2007, at 08:35:20pm   [0 comments]
I'm sitting here listening to Muse & Thrice and watching Louisville & Syracuse play. This is really addicting. I'm glad Ilea told me to come here.

Comment wall
dino cat food writes...
at 8:18:12am on 5/23/07
awummmmm matt doesnt playyyyy FFRRRRRR O.o
Ever_Mullen writes...
at 8:59:19pm on 2/11/07
Haha yeah alot of people feel that way. I just love her voice. It's very diffrent. I love the off the beaten track type lyrics too.
Just my taste. I like new stuff. I loike old stuff...The Clash is real are the Smiths...I get made fun of for that last band though. lol
dino cat food writes...
at 7:24:57pm on 2/7/07
hey niggaaa.

yous been playin some FFR,

i see it

Ever_Mullen writes...
at 8:48:37pm on 2/5/07
Hahahaha why thank you.
Hey do you like the Dresden Dolls?
I personaly think they rock hardcore. My oppinion though.
green_monkey07 writes...
at 6:11:23am on 2/5/07
im pretty much the coolest person in the world... im from TN... and no... i dont have an accent....
Ever_Mullen writes...
at 9:47:34pm on 2/4/07
That's sweet.
Yeah my moods change on what I listen to too.
Now I'm inro MSI and alot of 30STM.
tallgiraffe32 writes...
at 12:07:35pm on 2/4/07
yeah PA is pretty boring
Ever_Mullen writes...
at 11:00:47pm on 2/3/07
Thanks man I like to explore the music boundries. lol
What kind of stuff you into?
malvada writes...
at 10:22:16pm on 2/3/07
hell yea!
dino cat food writes...
at 11:22:02am on 1/28/07
hiii matttttt :]
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