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9th Official FFR Tournament Journal
Posted on: October 24, 2013, at 12:34:37am

The people I beat in D3 two years ago are all now D6.

I can't even AAA 10s anymore and I haven't been placed what is life.

1st song: Some techno song

I passed bitch blackflag or something

2nd song: another paraoka-puzzle-whatever song

2 goods, this song suck dicks

3rd song: some fake seashanty orchestra bull

this reminds me too much of solros fuck this song

4th song: dumbass song title

this song is like colorgay course easy up until those last 100 colorfucked notes

fuck this

5th song: lounge music

hurrhurr orange notes and framers

not a 78, now a 76, still kinda easy compared to Mermaid Island/Kono Spoon/Silly Symphony

tiebreaker: yoshl

i already have vrofl and i know im gonna lose so fuck this song

  1. You're gone lose!!! Revenge hiev publik völlig Minsk jobbt zutraf länger kniff jajaja

  2. I cheered my heart out for you last time. You should play Flash Flash Revolution Multilayer with us some time.