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Old 01-26-2016, 03:16 PM   #1
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Default 2015 March/April Set 3 (Complete)

i fucking hate mussels - goreshit
is it - goreshit
Leningrad Vodka Rush - Zabutom
welc.moe - potato-tan
$ M O L O C H $ - keffie
Originally Posted by Charu View Post
My dick is good, thank you very much. It gets love and attention no matter what <3 <3 <3
Originally Posted by DaBackpack View Post
also a fucking helicopter is the absolute last place I'd go to find out how big my dick is
Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 View Post
Dawg you don't even know. It's so fuckin' small I can use a pen cap to jack off

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
yeah I'mma go for the Rave7 route she's just perfect, stiff on the top, thin in the middle, and has a BIG THICC END that I can just jack on all night UwU best girl

Last edited by psychoangel691; 01-29-2016 at 08:57 AM..
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Old 02-1-2016, 12:44 PM   #2
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Default Re: 2015 March/April Set 3

6.5/10 - TO PASS OR NOT

Something here and there worth redoing.
- Overlayering issues everywhere, which didn't bug me too much, but a little yes.
- Maybe not hands at M40
- M41-M42 roll, worth reconsidering.
- M71-M79 a bit too much roll in this part.
- M92-M94 the ending is too much of an overkill compared to the difficulty level overall in the file.

Diff 77-79

7.5/10 - PASS

I think that the song vas very much overlayered, but because it flowed so well, I GIVE MY BLESSING! I couple of things:
- M102 jumpjack, this is not ok.
- M112-M117 great pattern!

Diff 77

7/10 - PASS

Overall an ok file. Didn't create a wow effect but nothing really negative either. There seemed to be some off stepped patterns with some of the 32ths for example the first at M2.

Diff 48-54

Originally Posted by ilikexd View Post
Your strengths and weaknesses may never change, but they will still get better as you do, albeit disproportionately of course. You're bad at jumpstream, so just play jumpstream files. Play them for hours. Play ones you have to struggle to SDG, and play ones hard enough to make your hands and arms burn. Then play them some more. Then, the day after the next, play them again. If you aren't already doing this, you can't say you're stuck. Plateauing doesn't really exist, if you aren't improving it means you haven't put in the effort needed to improve, or your effort has been misapplied. It's more of a problem at really high levels, but never totally concrete.
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Old 04-20-2016, 12:32 AM   #3
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Default Re: 2015 March/April Set 3

i fucking hate mussels - goreshit 6/10 - Fail
-More pattern variety, please (most of the 16ths are trill patterns, and the rest is jump spam)
-Nasty difficulty spikes
-Not sure if it's color theory, but white notes start at M19 and get progressively more irritating to read, especially during the fast trills in places like M53
-What are the jumps in the trills going to, anyway? I can't hear a darn thing to set it apart
As it is now, probably something in the 70s. There's a devilish amount of control needed to see these trills for what they are.

$ M O L O C H $ - keffie 7/10 - Pass
-Super fast and unrelenting. Reminded me of a Virt file, but HOLY GOD 282 BPM
-bmah is that you? These patterns feel technically correct yet super awkward as you're famous for
-m11 is a good barometer. If you're struggling with triplets and rolls at this speed, you'd best quit out now before the patterns get really fun
-m30: Jump, roll 16ths into 24ths? This is actually a lot easier than it looks, because at this speed it's all educated mashing anyway
-m91-94: Ow, pain. And you throw a fucking 32nd grace note in? Easily cheated as a jump.
-m113: More agony. Four and a half measures worth of it. And you have the balls to throw in jumps when it's already north of 18 tps as straight stream. A fitting ending, though.

On density alone, this is somewhere between Betrayal and Eclipse Solar. I don't have the numbers on hand.

Is it - goreshit 5/10
this is only for the true stepmasters
how is this in the official queue and not in dossar's brutality
get a D7 to play this, I can't even

Leningrad Vodka Rush - Zabutom
7.5/10 - Pass
First four measures start off awfully light for a file that has 24th and 32nd rolls, but that's the song's fault.
m14 has a (12)-3-4-3-(12) 16th pattern that sounds like it could be faster given what it's going to in the music
m41 kicks off a two-measure 24th roll, with a reversal halfway through. This is going to destroy PA.
m67 Suddenly an orange shift? I like it to denote the change in the overall sound.
m71 The 32nd rolls are predictably patterned and fast enough that they can be jumptrilled, with friendly exits.
m87 The music picks up in preparation for the big ending, but sadly the arrows tell a different story: m87, one jump per measure. m88, every half measure, and we don't get jumps every 4th note until m91. m92 kicks off the jumpstream, m93 the alt JS, and finally m94 we get the big finish with 3 and 4 jumps in a row with only a single 16th between them, finished by the 32nd roll. This last section needs work. I like the idea, but it needs to be paced to match the music better.
Best score is 20g clean FC, so this might sneak in as a low 70s. Definitely low to mid Oni range.

welc.moe - potato-tan 8.5/10 Pass
-m6 or m7 is where some nice PRed jacks go to limber up the wrists for the bursts to follow
-24ths, 32nds and even the occasional 48th interval (yellow to purple, like in m22) to keep you on your toes, all of which are PRed and go with the music
-Good range of patterns overall for the bursts. You know they're coming, but the actual sequences are rarely repeated
-m27 introduces consecutive jumps and alternating JS. Yes, it counts as a stream because the jumps take it over the 8 tps threshold. This would hold up really well on rates.
-m39 How cute, a 32nd used as a grace note. This could probably trip up some people who are used to having a note come after one of these. Happens again at m41 and elsewhere.
-The last two measures have some pretty tricky stuff. Climax theory even in a sparse file like this one. Genius!
I'd put it around a 50 on the 1-99 scale, in the middle of the old Challenging range and possibly a Heavy get.
Originally Posted by thesunfan View Post
I literally spent 10 minutes in the library looking for the TWG forum on Smogon and couldn't find it what the fuck is this witchcraft IGR

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Old 06-19-2016, 08:46 AM   #4
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Default Re: 2015 March/April Set 3

i fucking hate mussels: 4/10
-not much technically wrong
-problem is it plays like a much inferior version of k1807: poorer structure, song choice, difficulty scaling, etc.
-this comparison is important because the key parts of the file play alot like that song's climax sections, except with worse flow thanks to the 192nds
-when the most interesting part of a file is 192nd framer fuckery, that's not good
-at minimum the 192nds should be fixed to appear on the same frame as the corresponding 4ths/8ths but even with that it's still a bland file

is it: pass

-its not

leningrad vodka rush: 8/10
-the song is disgusting
-but the file is gr8
-u might even say gr8 file m8 i r8 8/10
-(there's one pattern that's kinda cruel: the [34]212[34]212... in the middle. consider revising, because this seems unnecessarily difficult)

welc.moe: 7.5/10

-pretty good file
-minijack usage uncomfortable in some places: see the end of m28, where the [12][23][34] pattern is mixed in with that very awkward 32nd grace
-bursts are not always consistent; sometimes omitted altogether when they were previously stepped

-$moloch-: pass
-as with is it, too difficult for my current skill level to properly judge
-will say that i enjoyed it though, and that the stream pattern on m112 looks (on paper) to be smooth, but actually plays awkwardly, for me at least

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Old 06-21-2016, 08:52 AM   #5
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Default Re: 2015 March/April Set 3

$ moloch $
+ good as hell imo
+ u should definitely gave whoever composed this a doggie treat
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Old 06-28-2016, 12:25 AM   #6
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Default Re: 2015 March/April Set 3

back with another set

i fucking hate mussels: 4/10

- so this file wants to be about trills, it seems, but there's so much else that could be going on
- it has odd white note use: first time they come in (m17) the whole jumps turn into white notes, but the same doesn't happen later when trills start (m49). pretty sure you mean white notes to highlight the vocals, but if you're doing that it's better to be consistent one way or the other.
- some of the trills might start late but that needs a finer look for where exactly than i'm able to give it on ffr
- m62: pretty sure this is misrhythm'd and the latter 3 jumps are an 8th late
- all the jump-tap going on after m73 is a good example of what i mean when more could be done. there's other instruments going on in this file but you really like the boom chick, and this leads to a lot of repetition.
- moreover: all the trills are two-handed, and all the ones with jumps add the second note on the same hand. so they take a decent amount of control not to boo but the lack of variety is the trouble.

is it: 2/10

- i'm mostly going to speak w/r/t the non-js parts because i can't really comment on how those feel, but there's still a bunch going on that should not be going on
- speaking of, though, this file swings a lot in difficulty, and seems like it could benefit from a look at what kind of file you want this to be. many of the non-js parts way undershoot the intensity suggested by the song
- missed a couple jump opportunities in the beginning
- m7: who knows what these minijacks mean, because i certainly don't. the 8th doesn't sound like it goes to the synth
- m17: the jumps in this section do not make much sense to me, because the sound the taps make is the same as the first jump, whereas the one on the other jumps isn't as loud
- m25: this is not good. this contains many of the same instruments as the mega killer js that's about to happen, just muted a bit, plus a drum beat comes in here that just gets kind of ignored
- m33: hey what's the 32nd jump right before this?
- not really sure why the beginning is a half bpm section and the part starting at m66 isn't
- m70: time for some hot jump-tap action. this is kind of easy compared to most other things that happen in this file, and while i get it's a calmer part of the song, there are plenty of other instruments, options for patterning variety, etc. that are just disregarded here
- many of your section transitions like [12] or [34] a lot
- m130 resolves the jump-tap issue a bit but that's still the base for what's stepped here, now feat. chains
- chart doesn't have much respect for the song overall

Leningrad Vodka Rush: 9/10

- like the use of orange notes as a section transition of sorts, from purples to a bunch of oranges
- m41: hi what is PA
- song sure gave you a lot to work with and you made use of it
- 32nd rolls feel great
- i really hope this succeeds on further review because what's here already is pretty fun

welc.moe: 8.5/10

- fricken fantabulous
- there's a part or two where i'm wondering what's going on though
- halfway through m34: wish the jumps that start here matched for PR sake
- then in parts like m35-36 i'm having a hard time tracking what is actually making sound here, because that instrument on the jump in m34 returns but there are a few other things muddled in too
- otherwise i like a lot

$ M O L O C H $: 8/10

- set 3 confirmed for chiptune set jeez
- my main worry is that burst usage may seem inconsistent. in the section around m25 i was having trouble drawing a principled distinction between what gets a burst and what doesn't. it certainly sounds like there are some bloops in there that could be equally bursty, but they'd likely create a huge mess
- the ones that are there seem well placed though
- for a more concrete example of this, i think it's just before m19 that you have a trip-a-let to add in a blip, but similar blips don't come in elsewhere
- other thing is that some streams don't sound like streams exactly, but since this is very fast i might just need my ears checked
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Old 07-25-2016, 08:50 PM   #7
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Default Re: 2015 March/April Set 3

DarkZtar finished the primary judge task for March/April 2015 Set 3. The notes can be seen below; this thread is being moved over to Completed Sets and the results/notes will be updated in the March/April 2015 thread.

[4/10] i fucking hate mussels {goreshit} (HeZe)
-13.109 This layering scheme is overly heavy/bland in the sense you’re going from singles to the claps, to jumps to the kick + clap, to here where you have jumps to all the kicks. This feels overly lazy since you’re just putting jumps to everything that’s being acknowledged at all. I’d recommend saving jumps for the kick + clap instances (basically all the 4ths) in this section, and trimming the 8ths and 16ths to single notes.
-15.632 should be a hand
-19.277 Suddenly dropping acknowledgement of the clap is really weird, even if it was done to further accent the kick rhythmn.
-20.118 should be a hand
-21.240 patterning here for the filler jumps feels very random. Here you have 4 repeating [23] jumps and in later instances when you have the same general motif the jumps change. This sort of thing is also relevant at 22.221 when you have the 8th jump share 1 note anchor, but in other instances of 8th jumps to the same musical repetition you have either a repeated jump, or a jump that shares no anchor notes. All this adds up to making the jump placement feel very arbitrary/random.
-22.501 I don’t hear a vocal sample on this 8th
-24.184 Something like this is what you should have done in the intro, but since you have singles on the 8th and 16th here this is now just inconsistent with what you have in the intro since the intro was all jumps.
-24.604 should be a hand (at this point though im not sure, you had hands in the intro, but on the crashes after the intro when the layering should beef up more, you have jumps to the crashes.) Either way there are many many other crashes that I’d recommend you put hands to since you had hands in the intro.
-26.006, 26.567 why are these suddenly single notes?
-28.389, 28.670, 28.950 the vocal samples on the 8ths here shouldn’t be jumps, they should be treated the same way you treated vocals on the 8ths previously (with just singles)
-31.614 the vocal patterning you had previously was either a slow trill or alternating notes. Having an anchor chain to the vocal pattern here just further accents the feel that the patterning in the file is largely random.
-37.221, 37.501 these should be single notes
-37.572 there should be 16ths in here (or something similar to 16ths, didn’t check the precise rhythm, but regardless the vocals aren’t straight 8ths (this issue happens several other times in the file)
-55.445 same as 37.572
-41.4707 jump placement is off. This jumps should be on the 8th after it.
^ Jump placement to the kicks throughout this section is inconsistent and should be looked over. (43.810 etc)
-66.240 missing 8th jumps
-69.044 ghost jump
-70.726 same as 66.240
-having white notes to the vocal samples as a common theme is alright, but it almost feels like all of the focus of the file was put into making the file look interesting with the instances of trills/jumps with split colored notes with the rest of the file being stepped as an afterthought. Patterning feels exceedingly random and there are many instances of inconsistent layering.

[3/10] is it {goreshit} (HeZe)
-14.012 layering starts to unravel here. With the previous instance of 32nds it was understandable dropping the 16th jump to the kick in favor of keeping the 32nds more playable, but there aren’t 32nds here to interfere with maintaining your layering scheme by putting a jump on this 8th.
-14.672 this 16th jump goes to the clap which you’ve specifically made single notes up to this point.
-17.580 this 16th should be dropped based on what you’ve been doing previously
-19.034 More than half of the 16ths in the two measures starting here are either ghost notes, or misrhythms (the vocal samples toward the end of the 2nd measure.
-23.719 Layering here is inconsistent and feels extremely lazily done. Jumps on all the 4ths, even when the 4ths are different sounds, and neither of the sounds that show up on the alternating 4ths are consistently accented with jumps when they appear outside of the 4ths. (Eg. 24.320 jump is a kick, while the kick at 24.716 is a single)
-35.619 ghost 32nd
-36.214, 37.271, 38.329 ghost 8ths (this also might be what makes the previous instance of 16th jacks feel so inaccurate.
-40.179 alright, generalizing rhythms is alright in lower end files, or when the sounds are kinda ambiguous. But you have 227 jumpstream later on in the file, and the sounds are pretty clear and easy to follow. This section needs to be redone, with the rhythms followed accurately and flat layering (the jumps to denote the highest pitches just doesn’t work here)
-57.095 nothing really changes from the previous section but you randomly change to just having 8th jumps? The 8th kicks im assuming you’re following dont come in until 63.439 at the earliest.
^Additionally this whole buildup section just feels so bland with nothing but 8ths jumps. The jumps aren’t even accurate before 63.439 anyway.
-74.540 notes to the vocal should be single notes, unless the jumps are to denote the overlapping vocals in which case there are a looooot of missing notes here.
-76.126 highly generalized 16th stream so im just gonna give general stream pattern tips since this whole section plays very poorly. Avoid long anchors (more than 3 notes) if they don’t go to anything (none of the anchors you currently have go to anything). The generalized static sound continues throughout the whole section so you shouldn’t suddenly cut out the filler 16ths when the kicks follow more aggressive patterns. Try to avoid constant staircase pinching patterns like at 96.875 since these strain the hands unevenly and make the jumpstream more unpleasant to deal with than it needs to be.
-112.601 lot of missing notes to vocals
-134.936, 140.487, 142.601 missing jumps
^this whole section is suuuuuuuuper bland/boring compared to what the music offers.
-more generalized 16th stream, same comments apply.
-194.539 main thing here is that the 8th anchor chains you have are all different lengths which makes this whole section feel super awkward. Also all the 16ths in this section are generalized inaccurately.
-210.729 this 16th should be on the 16th after the 8th.
-This needs a substantial overhaul. When >80% of the file is either highly generalized or bland to the point where the music is largely ignored, you barely feel like you’re actually pressing keys to the music, and that’s a big no-no when making files.

[5.5/10] Leningrad Vodka Rush {Zabutom} (PrawnSkunk)
-13.489 You really should keep following PR with the 4ths since your 8th jumps don’t strictly follow the pr of the main synth anyway.
-18.539 the layering schemes shift pretty quickly and kinda seem to be dictated by how many 16ths you have to fill in. Not necessarily a negative but it feels a bit odd to play since the sections play quite differently even though the music is practically the same.
-20.433 generalizing the buzzes as 16ths is kinda iffy, mostly because you already have correct rhythm 16ths immediately before and after it. I’ll leave the call up to you but personally I’d just go ham with 32nds.
-20.827 missing 16th
-22.563 missing 16th
-25.720 missing 16th
-30.454 remove this 16th
-30.927 missing 16th
-31.046 ghost 32nd (the drum roll is only 3 notes and starts on the 16th)
-40.869 missing 16th
-48.208 the 16ths are continuous throughout this measure. Dropping the ones you did to emphasize the jumptrill seems deliberate but you really should fill them in.
-50.890 this should be treated similarly to 48.208
-67.224 missing 16th
-68.486 missing 16th
-72.274 missing 16th
-74.799 missing 16th
-76.219 ← general note, having jumptrills to the 3 rapid kick repetitions feels very inconsistent. Sometimes you have it when the kick repetition shows up and sometimes you don’t. It’s fine either way, just make it consistent
-77.324 missing 16th
-77.560 the synth does a fast pitch bend here that you completely ignore, this is the same synth you’ve been acknowledging previously so it really shouldn’t be ignored here.
-79.849 missing 16th
-92.085 you should have made the intro section with the buzzes similar to this one.
-101.869 going from a rather active/layered section to a very plain unlayered string of 8ths feels odd when the music has more going on rather than less.
-120.806 generalizing the buzzes as jumps within 16th stream is weird since you’ve already shown you were willing to use 32nds to represent the buzzes, and you represent the buzzes after this jumpstream with 32nds.
You’ve got a real good foundation, but there are numerous missing notes, some inconsistent layering, and many instances of generalization that should probably be dropped. My recommendation is just go ham and represent all the buzzes with accurate 32nds since you already did that in one of the sections. Clean all that up and this should be good to go.

[6.5/10] welc.moe {potato-tan} (PrawnSkunk)
-I had to reprocess the mp3 to get a stable bitrate mp3 so my timings might vary a bit from yours
-2.718 ghost 16th
-9.140 ghost 16th
-11.346 should be a single note (the lower synth doesn’t play on this note) *looking at this more closely the lower synth is actually very ambiguous here but it definitely should only have 1 jump associated with it.
-section up until 58.132 the 4th layering in here doesn’t really accent anything in particular and feels like it was put in because you felt like you needed to have some layering in here but you weren’t sure what to layer. I’d recommend putting jumps to the percussion you accented previously in the section leading up to this one, but it’s up to you, but as it stands right now the 4th layering just kinda feels like it’s there just for the sake of having some layering.
-76.891 some of these 16ths feel like ghost notes in the sense that they go to stuff you’ve consistently ignored throughout the rest of the file, double check this section.
-83.143 same thing as 11.346
-110.546 make the 4ths/8ths white here for consistency
Choosing to ignore a lot of the more intricate percussion instances makes the file a lot less interesting than it could be, but there's not much technically wrong with the file as is, it just feels very plain. Look for ways to make the file more interesting through more/varied layering.

[4/10] $ M O L O C H $ {keffie} (PrawnSkunk)
-3.050 missing 16th
-3.263 missing 16th
-5.338 missing 8th
-5.869 should be a jump
-10.763 missing 8th
-11.508 considering you are willing to push 24th stream nps in this file you should at least acknowledge the pitch bend here (generalized 24ths would work well)
-11.827 layering starts to unravel here, these jumps go to the snare but you also have jumps going to the cymbal rides like at 12.678 that are wildly inconsistent (12.146 should be a jump, other instances in this section)
-16.629 missing 16th
-18.775 missing 16th
-23.083 misrhythm here, the synth doesn’t follow straight 16ths
-23.721 ^ same thing here
-24.519 pitch bend ends on the 16th here, would be better to make this three 32nds.
-24.838 missing notes to acknowledge the synth that you’ve been focusing on up till this point.
^ there’s a lot of missing notes to the arpeggiated synth in general in this section
-25.476 more missed notes
-27.604 more missed notes to the synth
-30.210 missing 8th
-34.997 generalized as 16ths is fine, but be aware the rhythm here isn’t straight 16ths
-43.189 missing 8th
-44.412 missing 16th
-45.423 missing notes to the synth that you acknowledged leading up to 44.359
-47.071 more missing notes
-50.476 ^
-55.369 pitch bend here is 3 32nds starting on the 16th
-56.273 I’m all for deliberately focusing on specific elements to highlight them at times, but the fact that you’ve ignored the high pitched synth here, when it had been the focus of the previous time this musical section came around, as well as a generally highlighted musical element throughout the file feels super lazy.
^ hand usage in this section is suspect too
-62.975 missing jump
-63.241 this 16th should be acknowledged since you have jumps to the snares prior
-63.614 should be a jump
I think you’ve kind of got a general idea of what needs to happen to get this file in game ready shape. Looking over the rest of the file reveals a lot of the same errors in similar sections and the same inconsistencies in layering/melody acknowledgement. The basic idea and structure for a good file is there, but there are a lot of technical holes that need to be filled before this is ready.
Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
oh boy, it's STIFF, I'll stretch before I sit down at the computer so not I'm not as STIFF next time I step a file
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Old 07-25-2016, 09:19 PM   #8
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Default Re: 2015 March/April Set 3 (Complete)

$ D E S T R U C T I O N $

Damn, DarkZtar. I look forward to using your notes to fix up my files.
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Old 07-25-2016, 09:30 PM   #9
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Default Re: 2015 March/April Set 3 (Complete)

The ratings look kinda harsh, but don't get me wrong all 3 of your files in this set have potential; you've got a lot of good ideas to work with. As always feel free to pm me if you have further questions or w/e.
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Old 07-25-2016, 11:44 PM   #10
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Default Re: 2015 March/April Set 3 (Complete)

These ratings seem fair, DarkZtar.
Don't feel you need to be defensive if you've justified your criticism well.

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Old 07-26-2016, 12:54 AM   #11
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Default Re: 2015 March/April Set 3 (Complete)

The reply was more geared towards guarding against newer/less experienced stepartists becoming discouraged after seeing low number ratings. I still to this day feel that number ratings make people place too much emphasis on the number rather than focusing on what needs to be changed or fixed. The offer of personal contact for more feedback is something I'll always keep open since its something that was never encouraged when I first started submitting files (and its something that really would have helped early on when I was new to making files).
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Old 07-26-2016, 06:10 PM   #12
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Thanks, Ztar! I will definitely take you up on your offer once I feel my files are game ready. ^^
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