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Old 05-11-2017, 11:00 PM   #4
the sun fan
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Default Re: TWG History Thread v3

TWG XLI: In Soviet Russia, Wolf Lynches You!
Postgame thread

Hosted by: DiscoBobbyPARANOiA
Humans Win
MVP: iggymatrixcounter & nforcer06164

1. Kilgamayan (Kamikaze, wolfkilled Night 4)
2. Afrobean (Human, wolfkilled Night 2)
3. StoicRoivaS (Seer, survived to win)
4. rioting (Wolf, lynched Day 4)
5. talisman (Blue Miller, wolfkilled Night 1)
6. Tokzic (Human, survived to win)
7. FoJaR (Kamikaze, vigikilled Night 4)
8. iggymatrixcounter (Blue Miller, wolfkilled Night 3)
9. roundbox (Wolf Seer, lynched Day 1)
10. Shashakiro (Human, survived to win)
11. Omeganitros (Red Miller, lynched Day 3)
12. Wilkin (Wolf 1-Shot Vigilante, lynched Day 2)
13. JurseyRider734 (Seer, survived to win)
14. xObserveRx (Human, survived to win)
15. nforcer06164 (Red Miller, survived to win)
16. blahblah18 (Wolf 1-Shot Vigilante, killed by Kamikaze power Night 4)

Host Comments:
Overall, I'd say the game isn't too out of balance. If it were played again, I'd suggest changing the normal wolf to master, or something else to give the wolf team an advantage.

Worth noting, jurs hit three reds on the first three nights, which was a 3.3% chance (after factoring in the death of roundbox on d1) I believe. Pretty slick. Unfortunately, night two and three were both millers.

The night with three kills:
Fojar was vigi'd, kilga was nked (both kamikazes ROFL) and blah was taken out by kilga with a die roll.

I'll have more to add later, I'm sure. Discuss.


TWG XLII: Raiders of the Temple of the Last Crusade
Postgame thread

Hosted by: StoicRoivaS
Humans Win
MVP: Stella! & iggymatrixcounter

1. mead1 (Wolf Thief, lynched Day 4)
2. DiscoBobbyPARANOiA (Wolf Thief, lynched Day 2)
3. roundbox (Wolf, lynched Day 5)
4. rioting (Wolf, lynched Day 3)
5. sertman (Decipherer, survived to win)
6. Kilgamayan (Thief, wolfkilled Night 3)
7. iggymatrixcounter (Human, survived to win)
8. JurseyRider734 (Indiana Jones, wolfkilled Night 5)
9. xObserveRx (Human, survived to win)
10. Wilkin (Human, survived to win)
11. talisman (Master Thief, survived to win)
12. Stella! (Decipherer, wolfkilled Night 4)
13. FoJaR (Thief, wolfkilled Night 2)
14. Afrobean (Decipherer, wolfkilled Night 1)
15. FishFishRevolution (Thief, survived to win)
16. nijatwo (Human, lynched Day 1)

Host Comments:
Perception artifact revealed human/wolf for humans and green/blue for wolves. Deception artifact made a vision of you come up in the most favorable way. Wolves look human, blues look green. Protection artifact could guard someone at night or save someone from a lynch should they use it on themselves at night and be lynched the next day (still with the protection artifact). The charisma artifact added 1 vote against whoever it's holder cast theirs against. The good-luck artifact prevented "losing" artifacts but did nothing about them being stolen. The unknown artifact had the ability to go to a dead player upon being "lost". Should it do so, the dead player would be brought back to life and the unknown artifact would shatter. Unfortunately, based on how the game played out, few of these ever successfully applied.

Thanks to iggy's grand ability to take over my games, this went nothing like I had expected. If the game were run again, it would have to be altered. I think that's it, hopefully you enjoyed the game (as much as possible for the slaughter it was).


TWG XLIII: Finish the Fight
Postgame thread

Hosted by: iggymatrixcounter
Wolves Win
MVP: roundbox & Kilgamayan
LVP: pntballa18 & roundbox

1. Kilgamayan (Church, wolfkilled Night 3)
2. sertman (Flowers, wolfkilled Night 5)
3. Chromer (Simmons, lynched Day 3)
4. StoicRoivaS (Human, lynched Day 1 - KitB with Stella! & Chromer)
5. talisman (Human, wolfkilled Night 2)
6. rioting (Human, wolfkilled Night 4)
7. roundbox (Grif, won at endgame)
8. DiscoBobbyPARANOiA (Caboose, wolfkilled Night 1)
9. pntballa18 (Vigilante, lynched Day 2)
10. FishFishRevolution (Donut, vigikilled Night 3)
11. FoJar (Sarge, vigikilled Night 4)
12. Tps222 (Human, lost at endgame)
13. Stella! (Human, vigikilled Night 2)
14. xObserveRx (Human, lost at endgame)
15. mead1 (Lopez, won at endgame)
16. Omeganitros (Tucker, lynched Day 4)

Host Comments:
Thought both sides did very stupid things and very powerful things. Pntballa almost crushed the human’s chance of any type of victory by viging an almost confirmed human. When the wolves were able to take advantage of this, they started bragging about their win. This pissed sert off apparently since he grabbed pntballa’s vigi role and went to town, countering the bad vigi kill.

Despite what happened during this game. I thought it went very well mechanically. The vote modifiers didn’t mirror one another as much as I thought. (The wolves took the more advantage of them I thought.) The sarge/church roles cancelled each other and the tucker/lopez roles balanced fairly well in my opinion.

My simmons role was completely trashed in practicality. Anything that would have resulted would have been something you could have figured out on your own. (I.E. a vigi kill, vote adding to someone, seering) So it didn’t work the way I wanted it to. I felt that giving a name was too powerful but being general was redundant. SO I kind of ignored it since there wasn’t anything I could tell the wolves that they wouldn’t find out.

I was very interested in this game despite it being a third draft of what I wanted. And I think that the Flowers role should be a repeated role in future game because of its hidden “guardian” type role it can play in building hidden, but not public, alliances. It takes a little bit of the luck factor out of the game also in case a major blue dies early.


TWG XLIV: RQU Dimensional Disruption!
Postgame thread

Hosted by: FishFishRevolution
Humans Win
MVP: talisman & DiscoBobbyPARANOiA

1. FictionJunction (Human/Human, lynched Day 1)
2. X3R0H0UR (Seer/Human, wolfkilled Night 3)
3. thunderstrike687 (Human/Human, lynched Day 2)
4. DarkManticoreX2 (Human/Human, survived to win)
5. flawofhumanity (Human/Human, survived to win)
6. roundbox (Human/Guardian, survived to win)
7. StoicRoivaS (Wolf/Human, lynched Day 2)[/b]
8. talisman (Human/Human, wolfkilled Night 1)
9. rioting (Guardian/Human, wolfkilled Night 2)
10. iggymatrixcounter (Human/Human, wolfkilled Night 2)
11. FoJaR (Human/Wolf, wolfkilled Night 1)
12. Kilgamayan (Wolf/Wolf, lynched Day 3)
13. Tps222 (Human/Wolf, lynched Day 3)
14. DiscoBobbyPARANOiA (Wolf/Seer, survived to win)
15. Stella! (Human/Human, survived to win)
16. pntballa18* (Human/Human, lynched Day 1)

*HansSky was replaced by pntballa18 Day 1

Host Comments:
DPB really had this game in his hands. He wanted desperately to win it for the wolves, but there was no way he could do that by himself, so he ended up just lynching the x2 wolf and winning as a seer.

talisman was able to figure pretty much everyone out up until right before he died.

Apologies to kilga who had double seer before re-role distribution.

Double mvp to dpb and talisman.


TWG XLV: Let's Play Danmaku Detective Game!
Postgame thread

Hosted by: Kilgamayan
Wolves & Defector Win
MVP: x3Mamimi & StoicRoivaS

1. sertman (Mason, killed from explosion Day 6)
2. flawofhumanity (Defector, wolfkilled Night 1)
3. FoJar (Ballot Box Tamperer, wolfkilled Night 6)
4. FictionJunction (Mason, wolfkilled Night 3)
5. x3Mamimi (Wolf Hoarder, lynched Day 3)
6. FishFishRevolution (Master Wolf, lynched Day 1)
7. jwcgator (Human, survived to loss)
8. DarkManticore2 (Wolf Seer, survived to win)
9. Kefit (Serial Killer, lynched Day 4)
10. roundbox (Crazy Ivan, lynched Day 6)
11. DiscoBobbyPARANOiA (Human, wolfkilled Night 2)
12. Larrikin* (Human, wolfkilled Night 5)
13. rioting (Aspiring Psychic, removed for being illegal Day 1)
14. talisman (Wolf, survived to win)
15. PsYcHoZeRoSk8eR (Human, lynched Day 2)
16. StoicRoivaS (Morph, died Night 2)
17. thunderstrike687 (Human, removed for being illegal Night 2)
18. Stella! (Voyeur, removed for being illegal Day 3)
19. JurseyRider734 (Blue Miller, Lynched Day 5)
20. Omeganitros (Mason, Wolfkilled Night 4)
*Replaced pntballa18 Night 1

Host Comments:
- I dislike how this game was practically ruined from the start by stupid PM shit, but I have myself as much as anyone else to blame for this because I considered posting the green PM but decided not to for some dumb reason.

- Wolf MVP goes to Mamimi for doing the best job of blending in, and only being elminated through bad luck. Human MVP goes to Stoic almost by default (maybe FJ instead?). Kefit gets an honorable mention for playing his role very well and only getting killed because of stupid 20-minutes-left votespam when he wasn't around. The rest of you range from mediocre play at best to clinically retarded (Fish >_>).

- The whole resurrection thing was a hoax: there were zero methods in place to trigger any sort of return to the game.

- How did ABSOLUTELY NO ONE pick up on talisman and Manti being the only ones to bring up the idea of a Serial Killer on Day 2? The clueless human would have assumed the second death was triggered by Fish's suicide, especially since DBP was supposed to have been guarded that night. However, the wolves knew, at that point, that a third party existed (Mamimi horded on Nights 1 and 3), and presenting the SK idea was a bit of a slip brought on by too much information. FoJaR seemed to be the only one who came close but then he went off on FJ for whatever reasons he had. If that wasn't enough, Manti and talisman working together to off Kefit with 20 minutes to go and after Kefit had publicly stated he would be at work when the day ended should've been a dead giveaway.

- flaw turned in rioting postmortem (and by accident to boot XD) and Mamimi turned in Stella. talisman gets credit for being the only one to think to ask me if flaw could have been responsible for rioting's removal. Also, Stella had correctly watched Stoic on Night 2 and saw Manti in response but Mamimi turned her in too quickly. Sux.

- As it turned out, DBP and Stoic both got double-killed. The wolves targeted both of them (the guard lottery turned up a "no one" that night - THIS IS WHY EVERYONE NEEDS TO VOTE), Kefit targeted DBP, and Stoic, having grabbed the Voyeur power the previous night, watched DBP but the Voyeur coin flip went Kefit's way. Ouch.

- In retrospect the BBT is a dumb role as is (my apologies to FoJaR) and definitely needs more power if I wish to use it in the future.

- Illegal roles are more powerful than given credit for: If you have an information-gathering one (e.g. Voyeur) and you find out someone (or multiple someones) is (are) a wolf, come out in the thread. My removal of you 100% confirms your role and dooms your target(s). I am somewhat disappointed such a strategy got zero discussion: in a 20-player game I would think the sacrifice of one human for at least one wolf would be worth it.

- I loved writing for this and I think I will use Gensokyo in future games. I also have a second mystery game in the works in my head that I may put forth for Game 50 (and next time I will make sure to post the green PM).

- talisman, you look very cute with the Yukari avatar. :3

- sertman what the fuck is a "blue wolf mason" lmao


TWG XLVI: For the King!
Postgame thread

Hosted by: DiscoBobbyPARANOiA/StoicRoivaS*/DiscoBobbyPARANOiA
Humans Win
MVP: --
*Replaced DiscoBobbyPARANOiA Day 4, then DiscoBobbyPARANOiA took back over Night 5

1. pntballa18 (Human, survived to win)
2. StoicRoivaS (Thief, killed Night 4)
3. PsYcHoZeRoSk8eR (Human, killed Night 2)
4. DarkManticoreX2 (Human, vigikilled Day 3)
5. FictionJunction (Brutal Wolf, lynched Day 3)
6. talisman (Human, survived to win)
7. jwcgator (Hunter, survived to win)
8. Kilgamayan (Thief, killed Night 4)
9. roundbox (Wolf; lynched Day 4, survived, lynched Day Five, survived, lynched Day 6)
10. thunderstrike687 (Human, wolfkilled Night 4)
11. x3Mamimi (Wolf, lynched Day 7)
12. Stella! (Human, killed by explosives Night 2)
13. X3R0H0UR (Human, wolfkilled Night 6)
14. sertman (Guardian, survived to win)
15. Yesssss (Hunter, survived to win)
16. JurseyRider734 (Human, survived to win)
17. xObserveRx (Human, lynched Day 1)
18. flawofhumanity (Seer, vigikilled Day 1)

Host Comments:
Tricked ya again!


TWG XLVII: 28 Half-dozen Hours Later
Postgame thread

Hosted by: StoicRoivaS
Humans Win

1. sertman (SWAT Member, Survived To Win)
2. Kilgamayan (Human, Survived To Win)
3. X3R0H0UR (Plague Progenitor/Human, Survived To Win)
4. talisman (Human, Survived To Win)
5. DarkManticoreX2 (Human, lynched Day 1)
6. flawofhumanity (Scientist 2, Survived To Win)
7. pntballa18 (Human, Survived To Win)
8. Yesssss (First Infected, lynched Day 3)
9. FoJaR (Scientist 3/Infected; infected Night 1, killed by SWAT Night 2)
10. FictionJunction (Human, Survived To Win)
11. roundbox (Scientist 1, Survived To Win)
12. thunderstrike687 (Human, Survived To Win)
13. Stella! (Human, lynched Day 2)
14. xObserveRx (Scientist 4, Survived To Win)
15. rioting (Human, Survived To Win)
16. DiscoBobbyPARANOiA (SWAT Member/Infected, lynched Day 4)

Host Comments:
Progenitor shows up "not-infected" to scientist 3 or 4. Comes back human on any death. Scientist 1 made a vaccine N2, which he could drink/give to anyone. Making them not turn from any attack. Scientist 2 made a cure N3, turning a zombie back to human. Scientist 3 & 4 perform DNA tests N2 and on. Results are mainly correct, minus progenitor. SWAT leave their own home to guard, making a night attack on them miss, and kill a zombie on night encounter. They turn zombie on 2nd encounter. Progeny was purely a mental balance that apparently didn't matter. Sorry again for the poor game. I didn't think lack of a night kill would hinder enthusiasm that much. I guess being a mostly mystery set-up prevented solid strat forming as well. If my next game is the TT TWG, it promises to be more fun. Have at it.


TWG XLVIII: Phantasmanosebleed of "Flower" View
Postgame thread

Hosted by: Kilgamayan
Humans Win
MVP: --

1. DarkManticoreX2 (Crazy Ivan; killed Night 4, revived Night 5, killed Day 5)
2. talisman (1-shot Reviver, killed Night 5)
3. flawofhumanity (Master Wolf, lynched Day 4)
4. thunderstrike687 (Aspiring Wolf Jeweler; lynched Day 5, survived, lynched Day 6)
5. rioting (Human, killed Day 5)
6. mattc16 (Lazarus, Survived To Win)
7. roundbox (Human, killed Night 4)
8. FictionJunction (Human, lynched Day 3)
9. Kefit (Curator, Survived To Win)
10. Tps222* (Thief, Survived To Win)
11. nijatwo (Defector, killed Night 5)
12. FishFishRevolution (Wolf Thief, lynched Day 2 - KitB with DarkManticoreX2)
13. Yesssss (Wolf Seer, lynched Day One)
14. DiscoBobbyPARANOiA (Aspiring Seer, killed Night 5)
15. StoicRoviaS (Jesus; Killed Night 2, revived Night 5, killed Night 6)
16. X3R0H0UR (Jeweler, Survived To Win)
*pntballa18 was replaced by Tps222 Day 6

Host Comments:
I'm half tempted not to post roles because a good chunk of you don't deserve to know what was going on. I also apologize to everyone who was waiting for the game to end, though not too much because none of you actually bothered to help expedite the process by finding replacements.

But I'm going to anyway. >_>

However, before I do, for future reference, if I ever do one of these games again (which isn't terribly likely), don't talk to dead people. Wanna know why thunder was caught? He told people his role after they died, Manti most notably (maybe Stoic too idk). Then they came back and oh **** they know who to vote off!

Not talking to dead people is not a rule, it is a suggestion. Perhaps, after this game, it is a suggestion none of you will take lightly.


TWG XLIX: Another unnamed TWG?
Postgame thread

Hosted by: DiscoBobbyPARANOiA
Wolves Win

1. flawofhumanity (Human, lynched Day 1)
2. DarkManticoreX2 (Human, lynched Day 3)
3. Kilgamayan (Master Wolf, Won at Endgame)
4. talisman (Human, wolfkilled Night 3)
5. roundbox* (Seer, wolfkilled Night 4)
6. StoicRoviaS (Wolf, lynched Day 2)
7. jwcgator (Human, Lost at Endgame)
8. sertman (Human, wolfkilled Night 1)
9. lightdarkness (Human, lynched Day 5)
10. Nijatwo (Human, lynched Day 6)
11. x3Mamimi (Wolf, Won at Endgame)
12. omgwtfToph (Human, lynched Day 4)
13. thunderstrike687 (Human, lynched Day 7)
14. alainbryden (Human, wolfkilled Night 7)
15. X3R0H0UR (Guardian, wolfkilled Night 5)
16. JurseyRider734** (Human, wolfkilled Night 6)
*FoJaR was replaced by roundbox Day 3
**Tps222 was replaced by JurseyRider734 Night 2

Host Comments:
I ****ing Love Formatting <3<3<3<3


TWG L: Time Travel TWG v2
Postgame thread

Hosted by: StoicRoivaS
Game Cancelled

1. DarkManticoreX2 (Guardian, survived)
2. flawofhumanity (Wolf Saboteur, survived)
3. x3Mamimi (Human, survived)
4. mattc16 (Tamperer, survived)
5. talisman (Wolf Seer, survived)
6. Nija (Human, survived)
7. X3R0H0UR[/color] (Human, wolfkilled Night 2)
8. DiscoBobbyPARANOiA (Seer, survived)
9. FictionJunction (Human, survived)
10. Cypher Toorima (Human; wolfkilled Night 1, died Night 2)
11. travman301 (Confidant, lynched Day 1)
12. rioting* (Wolf Blocker, survived)
*Shadow was replaced by rioting Day 1

Host Comments:
Trav was lynched D1 for being too active and trying to lynch the guardian. Manti and DBP found each other early D2 and teamed up to lynch Flaw after DBP received a red seering on him.

Game was cancelled late D2 before the lynch, but the game was looking bad for the wolves. Flaw would have been lynched D2 and rioting had been called out as a very likely wolf. The game would have likely came down to talisman's lone wolf performance late game.


TWG LI: Dead Alive
Postgame thread

Hosted by: Brilliant Dynamite Neon
MVP: --

Game was called Day 5, after Makilaz posted valuable information after his death.
1. emerald000 (Guardian, wolfkilled Night 2)
2. argo15 (Human, survived)
3. Pyroshock (Gravekeeper, survived)
4. xplayfan (Human Disruptor, lynched Day 2)
5. freakysnots (White Miller, survived)
6. rzr (Wolf, lynched Day 3)
7. gnr61 (Human, wolfkilled Night 4)
8. DiscoBobbyPARANOiA* (Wolf, survived)
9. EnR (Human, survived)
10. Makilaz (Seer, wolfkilled Night 5)
11. DarkManticoreX2 (Spirit, wolfkilled Night 3)
12. heavylee (Master Wolf, survived)
13. FictionJunction (Human, wolfkilled Night 1)
14. mattc16 (Human, survived)
15. meno_rocks123 (Wolf, lynched Day 4)
16. Litodude (Human, lynched Day 1)
*Dragula219 was replaced by DiscoBobbyPARANOiA Day 2

Host Comments:
Humans would have won if it were not for Makilaz breaking the rules. According to DBP, it is a draw, but I think we have a clear idea of who performed best. I was pretty disappointed that the spirit/gravekeeper thing never turned out, but whatever.


TWG LII: Avatar
Postgame thread

Hosted by: argo15
Humans Win
MVP: travman301 & heavylee
LVP: rzr & SethSquall

1. DarkManticoreX2 (Human, won at endgame)
2. freakysnots (Human, won at endgame)
3. EnR (Seer, wolfkilled Night 5)
4. timotolkki11 (Wolf Seer, lynched Day 5)
5. rzr (Human, lynched Day 2)
6. Pyroshock (Human, wolfkilled Night 6)
7. travman301 (Human, lynched Day 4)
8. Litodude (Human, wolfkilled Night 3)
9. heavylee (Master Wolf, lynched Day 6)
10. emerald000 (Human, wolfkilled Night 2)
11. pntballa18 (Katara, auto-kill Day 3)
12. SethSquall (Zuko, lynched Day 1)
13. gnr61 (Human, lynched Day 3)
14. mattc16 (Human, won at endgame)
15. Brilliant Dynamite Neon (Guardian, wolfkilled Night 4)
16. Makilaz (Soca, wolfkilled Night 1)
17. massflavour (Air Nomad, auto-kill Day 2)
18. rzrgirl4520 (Human, won the game)

Host Comments:
Congratulations to team Avatar and the Earth kingdom for defeating the Fire Nation!


TWG LIII: The Chimera Code
Postgame thread

Hosted by: Brilliant Dynamite Neon
Humans Win*
MVP: --
*Game was called after Manti & pnt were given the names of all remaining wolves. Declared a Human Victory due to a technicality.

1. emerald000 (Mason, Won the Game)
2. argo15 (Human, wolfkilled Night 2)
3. gnr61 (Human, Won the Game)
4. Litodude (Lonewolf Mason, Lost the Game)
5. DarkManticoreX2 (Human, Won the Game)
6. EnR (Human, Won the Game)
7. flawofhumanity (Guardian, Won the Game)
8. Pyroshock (Wolf Thief, Lost the Game)
9. heavylee (Seer, Won the Game)
10. freakysnots (Cursed Mason, vigikilled Night 1)
11. Makilaz (Master Wolf, Lost the Game)
12. meno_rocks123 (Human, Won the Game)
13. FictionJunction (Human, Won the Game)
14. rzr (Wolf, Lost the Game)
15. emocheergirl (Human, Won the Game)
16. SethSquall (Scavenger, Won the Game)
17. travman301 (Thief, wolfkilled Night 1)
18. Ravia (Wolf Scavenger, lynched Day 1)
19. X3R0H0UR (Cursed Human, Won the Game)
20. pntballa18 (Lonewolf Mason, Won the Game)
21. xplayfan (Cursed Human, wolfkilled Night 2)

Host Comments:
Game ****ing over. Underhanded victory for humans, I guess. After mulling it over, what Manti did wasn't completely illegal, but it was damn close.

I'm really pissed off about this. This is the most effort I have put into a game, and it got ruined twice in a row. GG Manti.


Postgame thread

Hosted by: FictionJunction
Humans Win
X3R0H0UR & thunderstrike687
MVP: freakysnots

1. flawofhumanity (Builder, killed Day 1)
2. travman301 (Betrayer, Lost at Endgame)
3. EnR (Lover, killed Night 1)
4. Makilaz (Seer, Survived To Win)
5. pyroshock (Priest, killed by curse Night 2)
6. SethSquall (Remorseful Seer, Survived To Win)
7. emerald000 (Paranoid Human, Survived To Win)
8. massflavour (Guardian; executed Night 1, resurrected Night 2, vigikilled Night 3)
9. Z3R0H0UR (Devil, Survived To Win)
10. freakysnots (Seeker, wolfkilled Night 2)
11. DarkManticoreX2 (Wolf Seeker, killed Night 2)
12. x3Mamimi (Master Wolf, lynched Day 2)
13. rzr (Lover, Survived To Win)
14. thunderstrike687 (Rogue, Survived To Win)
15. pntballa18 (Regretful Serial Killer, lynched Day 1)
16. jwcgator (Wolf Leader, lynched Day 3)

Host Comments:
I figured nobody would just reveal their roles like they did. I expected the seekers to go to Flaw after he revealed his role in public (that's what he was designed for in the first place). But all the alliances with the wolves eventually killed them.

Funny points to Flaw for gassing Manticore, though.

I don't think there's such a thing as an MVP in a game like this most due for its design, but, I consider freakysnots to have been a rather valuable player. He managed to escape a relatively set lynch on him which isn't a necessarily easy task. Also, Flaw and Manticore for playing their roles just as they should have during the chaos you all experienced on day one.

I guess this didn't work out as I expected it to, but day one was a really fun phase, to say the least, haha.


TWG LV: Harry Potter Books
Postgame thread

Hosted by: rzr
Humans & Recruited Win
MVP: emerald000
LVP: Einherjar_04

1. argo15 (Voldemort, lost by default)
2. travman301 (Ron Weasley, Survived To Win)
3. SethSquall (Wormtail, killed Night 2)
4. Brilliant Dynamite Neon (Human, killed Day 1)
5. Litodude (Human, killed Night 2)
6. heavylee (Human, lynched Day 3)
7. DarkManticoreX2 (Human, wolfkilled Night 1)
8. emerald000 (Human, Survived To Win)
9. Einherjar_04 (Dumbledore, killed Night 2)
10. Makilaz (Recruiter, Survived To Win)
11. thunderstrike687 (Harry Potter, Won the Game)
12. pntballa18 (Bellatrix Le Strange; Recruited, Survived To Win)
13. Halleys5thConcerto (Rebel, wolfkilled Night Four)
14. freakysnots (Barty Crouch Jr; Recruited, Survived To Win)
15. pyroshock (Scientist, Survived To Win)
16. mattc16 (Wolf, killed Night 2)
17. meno_rocks123 (Hermione, Survived To Win)
18. gnr61 (Snape, Survived To Win)
19. emocheergirl (Sirius Black, Survived To Win)

Host Comments:
MVP goes to emerald000 for his excellent choice in item usage and detection. Ask him about it because i don't feel like elaborating. LVP goes to einherjar for coming out as the guardian to the wolves. SC made that mistake in your first game as seer. I actually got the PM saying "kill the guard" with your name in it. No matter how close you're to a freind don't come out to them.

1. argo15 (argo1516)- Well played, you you should have tried harder to find out the protector and kill him before night 2 so your conversion would have succeeded. Or used kill power instead of vampire power.

2. travman301 (RBennie362)- You shoulda sent in the first nights PM for seering, you're lucky teh seering was random on thunder

3. SethSquall (SethSquall)- Stay alive longer!!! I want to see you play, but you played well for your longevity

4. Brilliant dynamite neon (megamngtx)- meh, not enough activity in your life

5. litodude (litodude)- peachy keen playing lito, i don't have much criticism to you

6. heavylee (heavyleah)- i thought for sure the wolves would try and kill you the first night with argo as a wolf, but nope =]

7. DarkManticoreX2 (Darkmanticorex2)- manti...I was hoping you wouldn't get all the wolves so quick so my game wouldn't go down the tubes lol, Wish you lived longer than the 1st night

8. emerald000 (emerald3x0)- your item usage was astounding. Rather than use raw information you used the items to gather little bits and pieces and put it al together

9. Einherjar_04 (Jeremy0416)- dude, i like you, your cool. But don't come out to anyone. Especially as the guardian. Stick around though, your catching on to the game quick

10. makilaz (benderchan)- nice recruiting, it was fhunny how you recruited emerald to the human sdie thought he alread was

11. thunderstrike687 (thunderstrike687) - it sounds like an exciting role, protector, but your abilities were more limited than either of us probably thought. Though well played, i think you liked being harry more than teh protector

12. pntballa18 (Merlonifan28)- we had our arguments but you didnt play so bad. I'm glad you won and look forward to playing with you more

13. Halleys5thConcerto (Halleys4th ) i was shocked when you joined the
wolves, I sort of expected it but not that much.

14. freakysnots (freakysnots)- how'd you like being a wolf? not so bad for your first time being one however, you should have acted more like the "paraniod" freaky we know as a human

15. pyroshock (djpyroshock)- you were very "iffy" about joining e3ither side but it looks like you made the right chioce huh

16. mattc16 (mattc16mcfc)- man i was pissed about that veriserum, though it's really good to see you active

17. meno_rocks123 (MenoRS123) - lol, meno, it was un to give you the lists. You used them well

18. gnr61 (basketcase1161)- I was so shocked that you never used your power!

19. emocheergirl (bgurl99o0 )- get a freaking ban. you and einherjar tie on mvp in my eyes.

To Everyone: Post your christmas items please, i couldnt keep up with all them. And, thanks for letting me host, I'll go for it again probably just NO CONVERSIONS, they confuse they hell out of me.


TWG LVI: The War for Hyrule
Postgame thread

Hosted by: DarkManticoreX2
Wolves Win
MVP: pntballa18 & SethSquall

1. pntballa18 (Zant, lynched Day 2, revived by Fairy, won at endgame)
2. EnR* (Human, lost at endgame)
3. heavylee (Human, wolfkilled Night 3)
4. SethSquall (Midna, wolfkilled Night 4)
5. FictionJunction (Zelda, wolfkilled Night 1)
6. argo15 (Kotake, won at endgame)
7. psychopete (Human, lost at endgame)
8. meno_rocks123 (Legendary Archer, killed by arrows Day 3)
9. thunderstrike687 (Link, lost at endgame)
10. madmatt621 (Effect-Immune Human, wolfkilled Night 2)
11. xplayfan (Koume, won at endgame)
12. Halleys5thConcerto (Human, lynched Day 1)
13. roundbox** (Human, lost at endgame)
14. dooey100 (Damage-Immune Human, lost at endgame)
15. T3hDDRKid (Ganondorf, won at endgame)
16. emerald000 (Human, lynched Day 3)
*Replaced Pyroshock Day Three
**Replaced mattc16 Night Three

Host Comments:
Few things. I'm very suprised not one person thought of having everyone buy arrows night 1 and shooting them at everyone. Easily pegs Madmatt and dooey as humans, as well as possibly revealing Ganondorf/Zelda.

Thunder did attempt to Vigi Pnt on night 4 only to find he had been Ice Arrowed.

Seth should have made more of a deal about finding that fairy on pnt, as pnt was cornered, and you guys kinda let him off the hook.

The night where you guys instaed emerald, Argo and Xplay were fused. The late switch should have made it painfull obvious the two of them were wolves.

When pnt got himself lynched basically on his own vote I don't know how people didn't find it suspicious. This caused a heart container to pop out of him, and argo recieved the container.

MVP: goes to pntballa18 for finding a few small exploits, As well as leading the wolves through the entire game. He played well, and wasn't afraid to ask questions about game mechanics.

Co-MVp goes to Seth for the theif trap. awesome peice of work there.


TWG LVII: A Few Nights in Ancion
Postgame thread

Hosted by: Brilliant Dynamite Neon
Humans Win
MVP: DarkManticoreX2

1. Makilaz (Human, vigi'd Day 4)
2. Einherjar_04 (Human, lynched Day 3)
3. pntballa18 (Wolf, lynched Day 1)
4. DarkManticoreX2 (Wolf, lynched Day 5)
5. FictionJunction (Guardian, killed Night 5)
6. thunderstrike687 (Human, wolfkilled Night 1)
7. Dooey100 (Sensor, won at endgame)
8. rzr (Human, removed from game Night 3)
9. argo15 (Human, wolfkilled Night 2)
10. meno_rocks123 (Human, lynched Day 4)
11. Halleys5thConcerto (Master Wolf, lynched Day 2)
12. emerald000 (Human, wolfkilled Night 3)
13. EnR (Mason, wolfkilled Night 4)
14. TehDDRKid (Mason, won at endgame)
15. SethSquall (Watcher, vigi'd Day 1)
*Replaced freakysnots Day Three

Host Comments:
This whole game felt very bad from the beginning. It was periods of flaming and arguing followed by dead periods. No one seemed to be enthusiastic about this game at all. It started to rub off on me; hosting the game became a chore. Two wolves got the axe early, and even though DarkManticoreX2's skill carried him far, he eventually got screwed by my post-crisis screw-up. I also don't like the fact that people count on certain people to be wolved quickly. It puts unfair suspicion on players.

Flaws in the game:
- Masons are pretty pointless...
- is the Red Miller.

Personal fouls:
- The whole inactivity fiasco.
- I didn't get the final set of orbs out when and how I should have, which ****ed the game for Manti.
- I should have been clearer on many more points at the beginning of the game.


Postgame thread

Hosted by: roundbox
Humans & Makilaz Win
MVP: SethSquall

1. emerald000 (Demoman, won at endgame)
2. DarkManticoreX2 (Heavy, wolfkilled Night 2)
3. Brilliant Dynamite Neon (wolfkilled Night 3)
4. EnR (won at endgame)
5. travman301 (Pyro, lynched Day 1)
6. Makilaz (Sniper, survived and won)
7. thunderstrike (Spy, blown up by stickies Night 1)
8. mattc16 (caught in blast radius Day 3)
9. pntballa18 (Soldier, lynched Day 3)
10. argo15 (ate a crocket Day 3)
11. rzr (Scout, lynched Day 2)
12. Dooey100 (Engineer, won at endgame)
13. madmatt621 (won at endgame)
14. Litodude (won at endgame)
15. SethSquall (Medic, won at endgame)
16. heavylee (won at endgame)

Host Comments:
MVP goes to SethSquall!. 3 red seers for all 3 nights. Damn, you shortened this game.

2 things pretty much KILLED the game for the wolves. One was on my behalf and the other just dumb luck.

On my part, the demo should have only been able to guard, instead of being invincible too.

On the other hand, night 1 was the ****tiest start possible. Here's what happened:
Manti is attacked
Manti is blocked by Emerald, manti is hurt but lives since he's heavy
Emerald kills thunderstrike in the process
Seth seers trav, turns up red
Makilaz scopes manti, sees pnt

So in the first night: 3 wolves confirmed, one dead.

Other than that, the game could have been much different if we didn't experienced Manti's self proclaimed "Manti Magnet".


TWG LIX: Welcome to Bucketheadland
Postgame thread

Hosted by: Brilliant Dynamite Neon
Humans Win
Co-Winners: Prankster (heavylee)

1. DarkManticoreX2 (Centipede Woman, Killed Day 1)
2. pntballa18 (Bucketbot #2, Killed Night 3)
3. FictionJunction (Park Visitor, Survived To Win)
4. Makilaz (Buckethead; Killed Day 2, Resurrected Night 3, Survived To Win)
5. travman301 (Park Visitor, Killed Night 2)
6. meno_rocks123 (Malfunctioning Bucketbot, Killed Day 3)
7. thunderstrike687 (Park Visitor, Died Night 2)
8. argo15 (Ani Maldjian, Killed Night 1)
9. hoochan (Brain, Killed Day 2)
10. freakysnots (Slipdisc, Lynched Day 1)
11. emerald000 (Vee, Killed Night 3)
12. dooey100 (Li'l Littles, Survived To Win)
13. roundbox (Bansheebot #1, Lynched Day 2)
14. mattc16 (Bucketbot #1, Died Night 2)
15. Litodude (Maximum Bob, Died Night 2)
16. heavylee (Mischevious Park Visitor, Survived To Win)
17. EnR* (Bansheebot #2, Lynched Day 3)
18. scorpio690 (Park Visitor; Imprisoned Night 2, Freed Night 3, won)
*Replaced xLF_WhiteTrash Day 1

Host Comments:
Damn, this game was a bear to host. I got lazy and sent vague PMs and hoped that you all were smart enough to piece everything together.

Items behind the doors were picked from a random list, which included rare items and deaths/curses/imprisonments/etc.

If roundbox would have attempted to eat his cake, he would have broken a tooth on a Resurrection Stone.

I thought wolves had it in the bag at some points, but you humans got really lucky. Even without a successful seering and meno working behind the scenes you managed to add another human victory to the already disgustingly high pile.

my log is gone, so deal with it.


TWG LX: Mystery Game
Postgame thread

Hosted by: travman301
Nonstandard Gameemerald000 Wins
MVP: emerald000
LVP: Litodude

1. pntballa18 (The Bashful Serial Killer, killed Night 6)
2. DarkManticoreX2 (The Internet Brat, killed Night 2)
3. emerald000 (The angry noob, survived and won!)
4. argo15* (Maury Povich, killed Night 4)
5. thunderstrike687 (Blazze, lynched Day 3)
6. Makilaz (Synthlight's Fangirl, killed Night 1)
7. Brilliant Dynamite Neon (The scientologist, killed Night 1)
8. dooey100 (The paper bag, killed Night 3)
9. Ravia (The bi polar, lynched Day 1)
10. Litodude (Nothing, removed Day 5)
11. gnr61 (The Indexer, lynched Day 5)
12. Rebirth0 (Rosie O'Donnell, lynched Day 4 - KitB with gnr61, Emerald000, pntballa18 & hoochan)
13. meno_rocks123 (The Game Whore, lynched Day 6 - KitB with emerald000)
14. hoochan (The Microsoft Fanboy, killed Night 4)
15. freakysnots** (The aspiring Mod, lynched Day 2)
16. Neonatrias (The Hacker on Steroids, killed Night 2)
*EnR was replaced by argo15 Day 2
**psychopete was replaced by freakysnots Day 2

Game Details:
All players had the same role and items, under different names. Basically, this game was was a free-for-all fight for the finish.

Host Comments:
Lmao...well what an interesting game to host.

There was so much going on in such a simple game. And may I be the first to say that it was nothing like Edu's.

But before I get ahead of myself let me post the roles for all of you, seeing as how it was a mystery game.

The Internet Brat- Manti

Rosie O’Donnell- Rebirth

The Bashful Serial Killer- pnt

The Hacker on Steroids- Neon

The Indexer- Gnr

The angry noob- Emerald

The bi polar- Ravia

The Microsoft Fanboy- hoochan

The paper bag- Dooey

Maury Povich- EnR

The aspiring Mod- pete

The scientologist- BDN

Synthlight’s Fangirl- Mak

Blazze- Thunder

The Game Whore- Meno

Nothing- Litodude

Alright, now that you know the role titles I'm sure you are wanting to know what each role details. However, that is where my game is totally different from all of the TWG's.

Okay, ready for the big twist???


Really ready?


Alright. You all had the same role. Each one of you had the same exact role.

Right down to the number of items and their effects, you have the same roles.

Each one of you need to be the last to survive. I gave you three items to do it with.

That's the concept at least. Everyone is on an equal playing field. The best TWG'er should prevail.

It turned into an inactive mess because you were all scared ****less you would get noticed, but still. My concept stands.

The MVP of this game has to go to emerald for being the last one standing. Great job.

Also, I have to give credit to pnt and thunder because they both had great stradegies, but ultimately got screwed over.

LVP goes to lito. .... cause that pissed me off. PM me next time.

Anyways, that's about it for the post game. Ask me something if I forgot to post it.

Thanks for playing. I hope you enjoyed it, and if for nothing else but the stories.

See you all next game.
TWG Stats:

FFR is a pretty good place somehow.

Last edited by the sun fan; 05-11-2017 at 11:11 PM..
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