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Naughty Girl
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Last Activity:01-23-2009
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About me:
Well... Im a 15 year old chick who loves to rock! I am hispanic, not mexican.I love to make music and be with my friends.ummm my hair color is really brown, but aritfical burgandy around my face. In my town most people call me the love docter or docter dray. And Im im an ARMY!!!ummm im kkinda a dude magnet. i dunno why. I love guys and they love me too!^_^ umm i like to cookalot! i just love to cook for people. yea that and i love to take care of kids too! kinda the opposite of waht normal people!lol!many people say that im like the perfect future mother! well i dunno if ill ever find a guy worth having any with tho.
Rock, paranormal investigations, things that explode^_^ GUYS. skating, durmmin -N- lovin (not at the same timetho lol!ummm did I say GUYS? =) mostly im just the kinda person that is really easy to get along with.
Fav Music:
Rock, metal, techno, trance, regae, hard rock and too a point soft rock. I love to listen to Trivium and the agony scene. They are my favorite bands (for now).
Fav Movies:
Nightmare before Christmas, Hanibal, Blow, Saw I, Saw III, and Saving Privat Ryan mostly movies with alot of blood and gore. And horor movies amuse me. ill watch pertty much any thing tho. especialy if its funny and or scary!
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Still waitin for that hug.
Posted on: May 18, 2007, at 08:31:09am   [0 comments]

Ouija Board
Posted on: April 10, 2007, at 08:50:41am   [0 comments]
I was in my mid twenties and my younger sister had just finished college and was looking for a place to live, so I asked to move in with me for a while, until she got on her feet. Cathy was always into the paranormal and ghost hunting, even as a child. However she was always very responsible while hunting so when I came home and she and several of her friends were concentrating on a Ouija Board I wasn't too concerned. I should have been!

The next night the same friends were over. They were hanging out laughing and cutting up when I overheard one of the guys ask if everyone wanted to see if they could contact "him" again. Everyone said yes, and the Ouija Board was brought out again. Again, I figured that this was all in fun (I mean what can happen with a 15.00 board game right?) so I went on to bed.

At around 6:30 AM I woke up to the sound of crying. It was Cathy, she as sitting on the sofa with her arms wrapped around her knees. When she heard me come in she looked up at me and what she said made me cringe. She said "Oh my God Caryn, it was real." And for some odd reason down inside I knew that we were in trouble.

Over the next several days Cathy filled me in on the Ouija Board parties she and her friends had been having. Evidently these get together's had been going on for over a month. Each person accusing the others of moving the pointer when a question was asked. All in good fun. The trouble started when the pointer began to move before any of them had placed their hands over it. Then it seemed as if the Ouija Board was asking them questions; at first silly stuff, and everyone thought that everyone else was moving the pointer until the last night. And then everyone realized that this was much more than they could control.

The pointer began to spin violently as it did so the air was filled with a putrid stench. Cathy said a couple of the girls began to vomit. Over the next several moments everything in the living room that could be moved in any way began to move. Well, this succeeded in scaring the wits out of every one in the room and the party broke up with the Ouija Board being thrown into the dumpster outside the house.

Then things began to get weird. At first it was little things, you know, things like lost car keys, or something that you've been looking for suddenly appearing in a spot that you are certain that you've already looked. But over the next week things became more certain; such as doors slamming, and the toilet flushing on it's own. I even kidded Cathy telling her that one of the ghosts she was hunting for had come to visit. When a foul odor appeared we looked for something rotten in the cabinets, or perhaps in the refrigerator. I even changed out the garbage disposal to no avail. No matter what I did the odor returned. But it was when Cathy's personality changed that I realized that we were dealing with a demon.

Overnight Cathy went from being a sweet level headed young woman, to being a foul mouthed smartass. Her personality changed so completely that she was unrecognizable to some of her friends. She even walked differently. And smell so bad that it was all I could do to stay in the same room with her. It seemed that as the demon in her got stronger, Cathy was disappearing within herself.

We were raised in an Assembly of God church, so I knew that I couldn't fight this thing alone and called my pastor. When he came to counsel with Cathy she became physically ill. And she absolutely would not let him touch her to pray for her. Her stomach cramped so severely that you could see the knot in her abdomen. She vomited what seemed like a gallon of the most vile stuff that I've ever smelled and seen. (And I'm a nurse) Her temp rose drastically to a dangerous 104.8 and stayed there. The pastor left with the intent of calling together the church members and facing this thing. Even though we were from a spiritual church this wasn't something any of the church members had ever seen.

Five days later I tricked Cathy, who by this point had refused to bathe for several days, into coming with me for a ride. And for one moment I caught a glimpse of the sister that I loved so dearly when after we were in the car she over at me and with tears in her eyes said "I'm sorry sis, I thought it was all pretend.." By the time we arrived at the church Cathy was no where to be seen in that body. I literally dragged her into the sanctuary and onto the very last pew. Throughout the song service she made hiccupping and a sort of grunting sound. The pastor asked for everyone in the building to come and form a circle around the alter. As we did the demon began to manifest it's self completely. She began screaming obscenities. We held hands and began to pray. The pastor asked God to bind the demon to not allow him to leave the sanctuary. He asked God for forgiveness for all of his sins, asked God to give he and everyone there strength. He repeatedly said "I plead the Blood of Jesus on every soul in the building.” Every time he said that Cathy's screams got louder. He then looked up at us and instructed us to focus on God, to completely ignore the demon. To not answer it's obscenities. Then he stood in the center of the circle at the alter and called the demon out. He commanded "in the name of Jesus" that the demon leave Cathy's body. At first the demon laughed and informed him that he was not strong enough to cast him away. But the pastor kept repeating In the name of Jesus, I order you to leave the body you are in.

For several moments things were quiet and I thought that perhaps it had left. But then I saw my baby sister lay down on the ground and slither like a snake up to the circle. She left a trail of excrement down the isle of the church. Church members began to get physically sick. Several started to heave. The pastor got down on the floor and spoke directly into my sisters face. He called for Cathy to fight with everything that was in her.
To somehow get her body up on the alter. And after several minutes (seemed like days to me) she did manage to position herself across the alter. The pastor then spoke directly to the demon calling him by name and ordered him to leave the body of the child laying before him. He reached over and placed his hand on Cathy's forehead and began to pray in a language that I did not understand. The demon screamed and writhed and shouted obscenities but the pastor only prayed louder. Finally after what seemed like an eternity Cathy's body arched back into what looked like gymnastics’ stunt with her body shaking so badly I was afraid that it might kill her, then fell silently to the floor. As her body fell to the floor every window in church blew out, and every door flew open simultaneously.
As I stood there I watched my sister come back. Her eyes came open, and tears fell (hers and mine). Church members were lifting their hands to praise God. The pastor reached out his hand to Cathy and she grabbed him around the neck crying. Through the busted out windows came a cool gentle breeze. It seemed to swirl around everyone there, and left a fragrance that I'd never smelled before or since.

That was several years ago. And I know that it sounds outrageous, but every word is true. Cathy remembers some of the things, and mercifully doesn't remember it all. What she does remember is seeing herself do and say things that she couldn't control. And not knowing how to stop it.

When I told my pastor that you would like to hear the story he asked me to tell you one thing. And that is that it was God who cast out the demon, NOT THE PASTOR. He told me to make certain that I made that clear to you. And he asked me to tell you that no human being by them self can cast out a demon. They are very strong and have powers beyond out imagination. Only God has the power to make them leave. They are tricksters and will often present themselves as the entity of a small child or a soul looking for something. They are not to be played with or conjured or even spoken to.

if you are ever sad or mad remamber:
Posted on: March 6, 2007, at 08:34:50am   [0 comments]
Good friends ask you why you're crying, but best friends have a shovel and are ready to burry the son of a bitch (or mother fucker your choice^_^) who made you cry

Comment wall
~kitty~ writes...
at 5:07:01pm on 1/23/09
I see a comment from a year ago by me.
juggaloshaggy writes...
at 12:37:08pm on 2/17/08
ur perrty hot
juey2 writes...
at 11:58:00am on 1/29/08
like the new avatar
juggaloshaggy writes...
at 4:43:12pm on 1/23/08
hey wudup
~kitty~ writes...
at 7:47:28pm on 1/18/08
icy_74 writes...
at 8:32:44pm on 12/15/07
the question is how nauty are u
killer-dance101 writes...
at 12:18:29pm on 11/7/07
hey do u know your pro is on google
30_seconds_to_death writes...
at 8:33:23pm on 11/5/07
yeah i'm good i was like all the way in translavania in the castle so i couldn't get my laptop broke lol so yeah i'm good you
demon of hell writes...
at 9:01:48pm on 11/4/07
love the pro.
BerZerkR writes...
at 7:23:47am on 11/4/07
What's up?
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