Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Rank:55,583
FFR Average Rank:59,483
FFR Grandtotal Rank:33,263
FFR Grandtotal:302,648,850
FFR Games Played:1,087
Last Activity:10-24-2009
Forum Posts:50
Member for: 17.78 years
Gaming Region:USA - Mid-Atlantic
Profile Views: 6,302
Profile Votes:34
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noodleroxs's Details
About me:
I guess I can be described as everything. Sometimes I'm a real tom boy but I like to be girly too I'm shy but loud My favorite thing to do is read.
Avatar the last Airbender, House, The Office, reading, piano, music, sitting in my room, FFR, baking, school, internet.
Fav Music:
Gorillaz, A Fine Frenzy, Coldplay, Emily Loizeau, Regina Spektor, Madonna, U2, Freezepop, Animal Collective, Carly Comando, The Fountain Soundtrack, Fall out Boy, Natasha Bedingfield, Linkin Park and Bob Marley.
Fav Movies:
Phantom of the Opera, The Fountain, Titanic, Spirted Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Uptown Girls, Thirteen Going on Thirty, The Messangers, National Treasure(Only the first one), POTC, Mean Girls.
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Random Thoughts
Posted on: October 4, 2007, at 02:29:22pm   [0 comments]
Sorry if it seems like I've never been on. It's just school. Got to get used to the homework thing again.

Try not to laugh while wathcing this
Posted on: September 9, 2007, at 04:16:24pm   [0 comments]

oh sanperz
Posted on: August 29, 2007, at 03:58:26pm   [0 comments]
Guess who's got two Regina Spektor tickets? Me! I'm going to see her in Richmond! I'm sooo excited! Unfortunatly there is still 80 somthing days in till the concert.

I'm 30% emo
Posted on: June 13, 2007, at 09:46:45am   [0 comments]

[] I like skinny/tight jeans
[x] Music is my life.
[] I write poetry/song lyrics.
[] My hair covers part of my face.
[] I wear band shirts.
[] I know who Jeffree Star is.
[x] I wear/wore nike
[] I wear/wore vans
[] I wear/have worn eyeliner
[x] I listen to Saves The Day, Chiodos, Thursday and/or Gym Class Heroes.

total: 3

[] I'm in a band.
[] My AIM SN or any other address has an x in it
[]I understand that My Chemical Romance is not emo.
[x] I also understand that Green Day is not emo.
[] I know what mosh means.
[] I sit in corners often.
[] I dislike MTV. or dont like some of their material on that network
[] I take pictures of myself a lot.

total: 1

[x] Im lost without a cd player/my iPod/mp3
[] I have/had thick rimmed glasses.
[] I have no issues with bi/gay people (bi girls kind of creep me out)
[] I have/had a mohawk or just like mohawks
[x] I wear/have worn black nail polish.
[x] I like the color black

total: 3

[] Right now I am listening to music.
[] I know what hxc and sxe means
[x] Hot Topic doesn't scare me.
[] I wear/have worn studded belts.
[] I have had a body part signed by a band.
[] I've cried while listening to Dashboard Confessional.
[] For Guys: I have kissed another guy.
[] for Girls: I have kissed another girl.
[] I have/ had dyed my hair black or just have black hair in genral
[] My closet is mostly filled with black or dark clothes.
[]I cry a lot.
[x] I write on myself.
[] I have been called emo [people called me punk] before.
[x] I listen to undiscovered bands

total: 3

Overall total: 10

Multiply your overall total by 3 and that is how emo you are...
So once you get the results post as im __% emo

I smoked Nick Jonas because I'm hot
Posted on: April 29, 2007, at 07:11:19pm   [0 comments]
Pick the month you were born:

January------I kicked

February-----I loved

March---------I smoked

April-----------I choked on

May-----------I danced with

June----------I murdered

July-----------I did the Macarena with

August-------I had lunch with

September---I fought with

October------I sang to

November----I yelled at

December----I ran over

Pick the day (number) you were born on:

1-------a birdbath

2-------a monster

3-------a phone

4---- ---a fork

5-------a Mexican

6-------a pickle

7-------my cell phone

8-------my dog

9-------my best friends' boyfriend

10-------my neighbor

11-------my science teacher

12-------a banana

13-------a fire man

14-------a stuffed animal

15-------a goat

16-------a ga ngster

17-------your mom

18---- ---a spoon


20-------a baseball bat

21-------a ninja

22-------Nick Jonas

23-------a noodle

24-------a squirrel

25-------a football player

26-------my sister

27-------my brother

28-------an ipod

29-------a permanent marker

30-------a llama

31-------A homeless guy

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:

White--------because I'm cool like that

Black---------because that's how I roll.

Pink----------because I'm hot

Red----------because the voices told me to.

Blue----------because I love him!

Green---------because I love myself.

Purple--------because I'm cool.

Gray----------because I was bored

Yellow--------because someone offered me 1 ,000,000 dollars

Orange -------because I love my family.

Brown--------because I was tired

Other---------because I'm a ninja.

None----------because I can't control myself

Now type out the sentence you made, and post it on my Comment Wall. I can't wait to see what you guys get stuck with!

Hehe that is funnnnny!

Comment wall
sci-Fi_chick_45 writes...
at 7:58:38pm on 10/4/07
thanx for your sympathy noodle....(dries tears)...i miss him o so very much!!!
sci-Fi_chick_45 writes...
at 10:11:18am on 10/4/07
im good school is awesome except for the homework part
wait----i just remebered the love of my life is leaving tp florida for 2 weeks noooooooooooooooo.....
sci-Fi_chick_45 writes...
at 2:31:31pm on 9/25/07
i ran over my brother
because i love myself
hows life
the_pink_jacket writes...
at 4:52:47pm on 9/8/07
sure thing :)
the_pink_jacket writes...
at 5:21:20pm on 9/6/07
sampson ..i prolly spelt it wrong but oh well.. :P
the_pink_jacket writes...
at 6:27:55pm on 9/5/07
and btw i <3 regina specktor too!
the_pink_jacket writes...
at 6:27:21pm on 9/5/07
lol thanks i guess :P
ichliebekase writes...
at 3:40:28pm on 9/4/07
hey thanx 4 the vote :)
lightning_blade writes...
at 8:13:33pm on 9/3/07
hey it we love katmari please add me
RedTieKitties writes...
at 4:18:45pm on 8/30/07
uh,idk,i lked the 1st week of last year beetter then the 1st week of this year,but that means that this years either gunna progrresively gett better or jst start sucking more every day,lk last year was good till lk the last month maybe,then it started 2 suck,2day was pretty fun tho =)
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