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Old 02-19-2008, 11:48 PM   #141
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i should totally ban evade at a crucial point and save the world

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Old 02-21-2008, 01:40 PM   #142
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Good news: I have learned how to convert Word files into PDF format, and I have installed the necessary programs required for the conversion. This means that I can now revise the entire story once I am done writing it, and put it up on the internet for download. =)

There'll be a ton of extras, like character profiles, credits, concepts and ideas, maybe some concept sketches, and notes from the author. =D

Also, I am going to write as much of Chapter 13 today as possible.
Note to self Finish.
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Old 02-24-2008, 03:25 PM   #143
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TwilightxShade (4:25:40 PM): could you post in the thread so I don't double post?
AAA's = 800

Originally Posted by V
Manti, I apologize for insulting you. Let the record show that I am a prickass douche, and not only that, but that I am a terrible player.
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Old 02-24-2008, 03:27 PM   #144
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Default Re: FFR: The Phantom Challenge

Chapter 13:

“God damn it Cbr, who let you lead us back to TGB? You’ve never even been there.” Reaper complained loudly while taking another look around, hoping that there was a way out. Forest for as far as the eye could see. Small rays of light broke through the nearly impenetrable canopy of the thick, wooded area that the group sent to bring Tokzic to TGB had gotten lost in. It provided what little light the group had to work with, as everything else was nearly pitch black. It was unusually quiet for such a day as this. The branches did not shake, and when something fell from the trees and thumped the ground, there was no response from anything. The absence of any other life instilled an eerie atmosphere on the group, and they had been traveling for at least a day now.

“Well, the woods appeared to be a shortcut. I thought I could see the other side, but I guess I was wrong.” Cbr bashfully replied, lowering his head and staring at the ground, hoping that the answer to the group’s problem would simply pop up in his face.

“Cbr,” Afrobean pointed out, “You do realize that the road from Chit Chat to The Garbage Bin is completely straight?”

“Hence why you were complaining for sixteen hours straight yesterday.” Seth added with an annoyed tone of voice, “You kept annoying us with your talk of the boring landscape. Next time, just don’t talk and the trip will be faster.”

A twig obnoxiously snapped from a dying tree nearby, and silently hit the ground with an inaudible pat. Reaper, who was the first one to hear the twig, seemed to almost dislike the strangeness of it. “That’s strange,” Reaper thought to himself, “Even if the tree is almost dead, the branches should not fall unless weight is put on it, seeing as there is no wind in this forest.” Nobody else seemed to notice or care, so Reaper shrugged, disregarded the sign, and caught up to the group and moved on.

An argument, a black eye in Carbo and Cbr’s faces, and ten minutes later, another branch snapped. This time, however, there was a shake in the bush that sat below. Reaper immediately turned and showed his claws to the nothingness around him, displaying to anything that might be watching that he wasn’t about to be caught off guard. His throat vibrated and projected a low and menacing growl. But nothing came out of the bush, and nothing appeared behind the group, or even to the side. Reaper was not about to be ambushed though, so he slowly advanced on the bush, and stopped, making all still. Everybody else who was carrying Tokzic’s body stopped and watched, with their eyes fixed on Reaper.

With a mighty shout, Reaper tore up the bush with his claws, leaving a pile of green rags on the ground. His scaly tail thumped the ground as he saw what was hiding behind the bush. Nothing. He groaned, and said nothing more as he rejoined the group, which continued to traverse the forest, searching for a way out. Reaper continued to listen for unusual sounds, not saying anything. He was not about to let the group be ambushed and killed. His shoulders tensed, and his breathing became heavier than normal.

“Yo, Reaper,” Seth placed a hand on Reaper’s shoulder to try to ease his tension, but it only caused him to whirl around with a roar, which made Seth jump in fright, and hit a tree branch nearby. Seth came crashing down to the ground, rubbing his head, but he quickly realized that he wasn’t the only one to fall. Beside him was a spammer, who was lying on the floor, gripping its head.

Immediately, branches and bushes started to shake and create a cacophony of nonsense. Out from the shrubbery leaped a group of hackers, all of them wielding extra sharp blades, and a group of spammers, who spat an unknown substance onto the ground near them that reeked of unimaginable horrors. Carbo, who had been carrying Tokzic thus far, stealthily hid the body in a nearby bush, and stuck a rock near it, for future reference. He took his time, and crawled his way around the whole battle scene, remembering to not come into contact with any bushes, sticks, trees, or shrubbery for fear of being found and most likely killed.

Afrobean, who along with the others were trapped, revealed his Disco Mace, and began to swing it over his head. He begins to back up while spinning the weapon over his head, and finds himself back to back with SethSquall, who had lowered his goggles over his eyes. Adjacent from them were Reaper and Cbr, who were also armed with whatever they had and ready to fight.

“Let’s crush them,” Afrobean spoke to the others without turning his head as the hackers began to make their move.

Seth leaped up onto a tree branch, and with a flick from his right wrist, tore open a dimensional portal above the canopy which sucked up the majority of the leaves on the trees. Light suddenly flooded the area in which the group was fighting. Reaper also leapt up into a tree, and located an unsuspecting hacker. He catapulted himself off of the branch he was on, and clawed through the back of the hacker, which fell to the ground and collapsed in a pool of blood. Reaper then found himself face to face with a spammer, which began to gather up the biggest wad of spit that Reaper would ever see in his life. Reaper leaned backward, and bounced off of the branch. He deftly landed on the ground upright, and jumped again as the spammer spat at the spot where Reaper just was. The ground began to hiss and melt, turning the small area that was effected into a tiny puddle of goo.

Afrobean swung his Disco Mace violently, smacking a spammer in the face, which resulted in the entire head snapping off of the neck and being thrown high into the air. The body then crumpled like an empty bag of chips and ate dirt and drank blood. The Disco Mace, which hadn’t lost any momentum from the kill, made another half a revolution, and smacked a blade out of a hacker’s hand. The blade flew in a perfectly straight path, and dug into the flesh of a nearby tree. Cbr was on a branch which extended from a point merely inches from the blade when it hit the tree, and had to stop for a moment to register what had just happened. His surprised expression reflected back at him from the smooth, flat surface of the blade. Finally, he jumped out of the tree, and found himself face to face with a hacker.

The hacker grinned, showing its yellow, brown, and black teeth, and raised it’s blade towards Cbr. Without moving, Cbr switched his eyes from brown to a deep red to a navy blue to an ink black. He looked into the hacker’s eyes, and slightly constricted his pupils, which could not be seen from the hacker’s point of view. Immediately, the hacker dropped the blade, and gripped its throat. Its eyes grew wide with horror, and it began to fall onto the ground, rolling around in the dirt. Within twenty seconds, the hacker had completely ceased movement. Cbr then switched his eyes to grey, and dilated his pupils slightly. A tiny, invisible portion of life force was extracted from the hacker’s body, and was transferred to Cbr, who smiled and turned around, shifting his eyes back to normal. He jumped up onto a branch and scouted out his next target. He spotted Seth struggling with a hacker, and immediately switched his eyes to blue, and drained away some confidence from the hacker. As a result, Seth shoved the hacker off of him, and rended his opponent open with an upward hand motion. The hacker immediately died as it was sucked into itself, which ended up closing the portal for Seth. He grinned, and then dashed as he created two rifts, one in front of him, and one behind a hacker who was combating Reaper.

The hacker’s blade clashed with Reaper’s claws numerous times, releasing a loud clang every time the collisions occurred. The hacker and a nearby spammer were giving Reaper a tough time, challenging him to make all the right moves, otherwise he’d either be chopped to bits or eaten alive by acid. Reaper was ducking, weaving, and hopping, under the blade, over the spit. He finally saw an opening in the hacker’s wave of attacks, and stabbed it clear in the stomach, which caused it to bend over and die painfully.

Seth came flying out of the portal that Reaper had just noticed, with his fist out in front of his body. He skidded on the ground, which tore up some grass, and he noticed the spammer on a nearby branch, getting ready to fire another glob of goo. He rended a hole both in front and in back of the spammer, which spat the goo into the portal, which came out from the other side. The glob burned through the spammer’s head, and killed it in seconds.

Reaper spotted another hacker who was trying to assassinate Cbr, who was staring down a spammer, and stealing its life force. With a mighty roar, Reaper’s claws met the hacker’s back. He flung the hacker up into the air, and smacked it with his thick, scaled tail, which sent the vile hacker rocketing off to the distant land where Reaper had sent the miserable creature.

Carbo noticed a lone hacker sitting on the ground, trying to make himself disappear from the situation. Carbo grinned, and picked up a pebble from the ground, the dirt getting stuck in between his fingernails. He gently tosses the pebble above the hacker’s head, and increases it’s size tenfold, turning it into a decent sized rock. This causes the rock to smash the hacker’s head, which luckily for the group, kills it.

Reaper, Seth, Afro, Carbo, and Cbr all regroup, and survey the landscape. Quite a few branches are broken, and lay on the ground. The blade from before is still wedged in the tree bark, and it is reflecting light from the sun onto the ground. Leaves lay scattered on the dirt floor, and Seth’s skid marks remain.

“Well,” Seth suggested while wiping dirt and leaves off his clothes, “I think that’s that. Let’s get Tokzic and get back to TGB.”

“We should hurry,” Reaper added, “If we have been attacked, then that means that others are on the way. We have to get back to TGB and stop them.”

“Especially because the army won’t be back for another day or so, if I am correct.” Noted Afrobean.

Carbo walked over to the area where Tokzic had been hidden, and picked up the body. He brushed off the leaves that had gathered on Tokzic’s clothing, and carried him over to where the group was. “Well, guys, I think we are all set. Let’s start moving now, I want to make it back to TGB by nightfall.” He begins to look for the way out, and finds the road that connects TGB to Chit Chat. “Perfect,” He thinks out loud while pointing to the road for the group to see.

“Manti,” Guido asks, looking a bit worried, “What happened to you?”

Manti struggled to sit up. He barely managed to do so, and has to inhale before he can speak again. “What happened to me isn’t important. It’s what has happened to Engler.”

“Engler?” Guido could not believe that Engler would do something like this, and he was not about to believe it either, “Engler wouldn’t do something like this. I know him well. He’s not the type that could do something like this.”

Manti’s expression did not change, and he gave Guido everything he knew. “Engler has been possessed, Guido. It’s not Engler doing the deeds, it’s what has taken over his body. It’s the Phantom Challenge that supposedly was sealed up long ago. He told me himself before beating me up like this.” Manti pointed to himself, and continued, “Shashakiro came just as I was about to be finished off. He gave me the time to escape, so that I could tell you what had happened. But now, he’s dead. He’s been killed by that monster, and he can’t be brought back.”

Guido was speechless. To think that a warrior as legendary and powerful as Shashakiro could fall in battle was impossible. Guido said nothing for quite a while, contemplating on what should be done next. After a minute or so of deep thought, he spoke. “Manti, you are going to go with Jurs and travel to The Garbage Bin as quickly as possible. You’re going to have to fly her there, but she will help you recover enough so that you can accomplish this task. Do you understand?”

Jurs sat a foot or so away from Guido and Manti, and she did not like where this was going. “Do I have to, Guido? Why can’t yo-”

Guido stared at Jurs with cold, hard eyes. “This is not the time to be disobeying orders. You are going to TGB with Manti. Do I make myself clear?”

Jurs did not expect this type of behavior from Guido. It was not like him to be this commanding, which meant that the situation must be serious. “Very well then,” Jurs affirmed, “I will go with Manti.”

“Good. I have a certain little errand to run before I can get back to you two, but I will be back. I promise.” Guido powers up his mech, and activates his jet thruster boots, and flies away, leaving Jurs and Manti alone under a sky blacker than any amount of corruption.

“Well,” Manti coughed before talking, “I guess we should get started.”

GamerShadow stood before the gigantic arch. He knew that this was the place, and that this was the time. He had waited for this for so long, and now he was finally getting the chance. The chance at revenge. “I know you’re here.” He called out angrily, clenching his fists, “You can’t hide. I know all there is to know about you.”

Silently, a dark figure appeared across the hall. It sat in the chair that rested opposite to the arch under which GamerShadow was standing. Slowly, the figure stood. It began to take steps that seemed to slow time with each impact on the hard, stone floor. The figure had its arms crossed, and it apparently was unhappy that it had an unexpected guest.

“Hurry the hell up,” GamerShadow spat, “You know you don’t the time for these luxuries. And neither do I.”

Finally, the figure stood less than twenty feet away. GamerShadow surfaced all of his hate, his anger, and prepared to face down the very thing that had ruined everything.

“Engler, or should I say, Phantom Challenge.”
Note to self Finish.

Last edited by GamerShadow; 02-24-2008 at 03:44 PM..
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Old 02-24-2008, 11:32 PM   #145
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Haven't had the chance to read 12 and 13 yet, but...Shash died. :'(
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Old 02-25-2008, 11:33 AM   #146
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Originally Posted by Tibs
I love you, you Welsh ****
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Old 02-28-2008, 07:23 PM   #147
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Three day bump. I don't want this going to the second page due to a bunch of people who can't keep related poems in one topic instead of five.

Chapter 14 is about halfway done. This one is really long compared to the others (this time I mean it, I haven't even gotten to the TGB Militia vs n00b army part yet and it's 2.5 pages) (Average Chapter Length thus far is about 3 pages). I have New Englands for indoor track tomorrow, so this will be finished on Saturday, guaranteed.
Note to self Finish.
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Old 02-28-2008, 08:41 PM   #148
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Your ass is mine, GamerShadow >:].
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Old 02-29-2008, 10:37 PM   #149
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I should totally like give engler a power boost or something mid fight
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Old 03-1-2008, 11:33 AM   #150
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Chapter 14 has now hit 3 and 1/4 pages. Still only halfway through GS vs Engler. I expect a good six pages or so before I am within sight of the end of the Chapter. Oh my god this thing is long. X(

Edit: My mom saw me writing the story, and now she's all anal retentive about the incomplete unfinished draft being stolen. If you do see anybody stealing the story, let me know.
Note to self Finish.

Last edited by GamerShadow; 03-1-2008 at 11:51 AM..
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Old 03-1-2008, 12:07 PM   #151
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"A new take on the epic fantasy genre... Darkly comic, relatable characters... twisted storyline."

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Old 03-1-2008, 02:24 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by MalReynolds View Post
Links would also be nice. =P

But seriously, looooonnnnngggg chapter here. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy when I finish.
Note to self Finish.
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Old 03-1-2008, 05:50 PM   #153
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Default Re: FFR: The Phantom Challenge

If you ever combine this all i'd love to have a copy! I'm reading chapter one... That's just halarious!
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Old 03-2-2008, 10:39 AM   #154
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*foams from mouth*
Originally Posted by Choofers View Post
2/10 smoke weed every other day, what up den
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Old 03-2-2008, 11:15 AM   #155
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Originally Posted by UnkownMan View Post

*foams from mouth*
The story is written by me. My concern is that it will get stolen and sold for profit. But I doubt that it is anywhere near good enough to be sellable.
Note to self Finish.
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Old 03-2-2008, 03:15 PM   #156
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Chapter 14:

“You, you’re that kid.” Engler responded in his usual ultra-low voice, “I know about you.”

In only a day, Engler had managed to heal every wound he had received from his previous fights. His body appeared to be in perfect shape, and every muscle seemed to be in perfect tone and shape. Engler’s hair was now in a different style than before. There was none of the normal hair that covered one eye, or emo hair, as many of the FFR denizens condemned it to be. Instead, thin slivers of shadows curved upward from the surface of his head. GamerShadow could only see Engler’s figure when a bolt of lightning shot down from the skies above.

“Of course you do,” GamerShadow bitterly spat back at Engler, “You, of all things would know.”

“Oh?” Engler began to have interest in where this was going. “And why do you suppose I know so much about you? You could merely be making an empty claim after all, an-”

“Stop screwing with me,” GamerShadow cut off Engler in the harshest tone, “you know very well what you did.” His fists began to whiten as they tensed even further at the sides of their master. “After you were imprisoned, you knew that some idiot would come along with an unmarked challenge. You knew that you didn’t have to escape from your prison. You just had to sit back and wait until somebody else started the jailbreak for you.”

Engler knew exactly what GamerShadow was talking about. He didn’t want him knowing that, however, because then the anger and rage inside would be unleashed upon him. And from what Engler could tell, this kid was here for the kill, and nothing more. He stood silently with his arms crossed, and his tendril hair in constant movement. He would wait out the long-winded teenager, and then beat him to a pulp as soon as he made the foolish first move, and the single fatal mistake.

“That unlucky person happened to be me. I forgot to write the name of the recipient on the challenge envelope, and you were set free as a result. That experience was horrifying. Just like you did with Engler, you entered my body and attempted to possess me like some toy.” GamerShadow grinned and chuckled, and continued. “But you failed. I don’t remember it, obviously, but I somehow managed to drive you out and seal you back up. However, that deed came at a price. Not only did you learn everything there was to know about me, from personality to past knowledge to physical properties, but you also cursed me with the same piece of **** powers that you now possess.”

Engler watched as the expression on GamerShadow’s face reverted back to the original look of anger that he had brought with him. There was something more behind the emotional mask that he was currently wearing though, something that appeared to be both lonely and depressed. It was deprived in more ways than one; unable to have things that no being should go without.

“Once people had received wind of what had happened, I suddenly was the symbol of evil and darkness. Not a single person would talk to me, recognize me, or even wave to me. They only stared with hardened eyes, eyes that clearly wanted you dead. Within days, I was kicked out of my home, and everything I had was destroyed and burned. People celebrated at this event, claiming that the evil that plagued their land was finally gone.”

Engler mused at this intriguing tale, becoming more interested in what the boy had to say. He did not show his piqued interest, but he was certainly inclined to listen to more. After all, his plans could wait another five minutes or so. There was no rush in killing the boy and destroying the world he had been cursed by.

“I was an outcast, doomed to live off of the wild. I retreated into the woods for quite a long time, where I decided to make the best of my situation. I practiced day in and day out, and honed my powers, which I had found to be rather extensive. I used my ability to manipulate the shadows which line the ground to kill anything that crossed my path, whether it was a noob, or an animal.”

GamerShadow’s expression lightened a bit and his fists seemed to relax by a marginal amount. Blood rushed back into his fingertips, which gradually began to restore their original beige color, and the feeling of new life in his hands was one that gave him a bit of a thrill.

“Finally, after countless suns and moons, I was discovered training by a pond by a person who I would soon know as Specforces. Obviously, he did not recognize me in my rather filthy wildlife state, and offered to take me in for a while in exchange for my services. Reluctantly, I agreed, and went back with him to The Garbage Bin, which was where he lived. At first, I did not leave his property, for the risk of being burned at the stake. I mainly did grunt work at first, which ranged from cleaning the mansion to keeping watch over the manor.”

A flash of lightning ignited the morose obsidian skies, which shortly after erupted with a crash of thunderous wrath. The winds swirled the clouds that rode them into a very cramped position that sat above the grand palace of shadows which Engler had constructed for himself. Neither of the two occupants of the palace took note of the seemingly orchestrated change in the weather. Each was focused on the other. Neither would let the opportunity for ambush slip through their fingers, and thus they repulsed everything around them, closing their minds from everything but the task at hand. However, GamerShadow continued to speak. He was paying no mind to the speech; consonants and vowels simply flowed from his mouth in a rhythmical pattern that nearly mesmerized Engler, and kept his attention through the whole speech.

“I bid my time,” GamerShadow continued, “until I decided that it was safe at last to come out once again. With some help from Specforces, who I had come to know somewhat well, I was accepted back into the community. Still, I knew I had to do more in order to restore my former position. And when I heard that you had returned, I knew that this was the opportunity for revenge. Finding you was ridiculously easy. I didn’t even have to try. You leave a path of destruction wherever you happen to travel, so I simply followed the trail of corpses and arrived here. You really should have been more careful.” He nodded to indicate the end of his long-winded speech.

“Quite the long story you have.” Engler smirked, and decided in his mind that the games were over. It was time to kill the boy and destroy the world. “But I am getting bored. See if you can entertain me, boy. Maybe I’ll kill you nice and slow.”

“Well then, Engler." GamerShadow shifted his posture and entered a defensive stance. “Let's see how easy it is for you to keep your word.” He then summoned two shadow tendrils from his back and grasped them as if they were solid weapons. His face proved that he was focused on only one thing, and that was killing Engler. His eyebrows were constant and did not waver from their positions, and his arms were tense and spring-loaded.

Engler replied with a stance of his own, but his was clearly used for more aggressive fighting styles. He was radiating with power, and the indigo aura that few had seen was currently present. Engler decided to unsheathe two tendrils of his own, except his were based in the ground rather than in his body. “You have already made a foolish and fatal mistake.” he taunted without changing his position of facial expression, “Anything that your shadows feel will be transferred into your body as well. However, I will not feel a thing. I shall enjoy cutting you down and putting you in your place before finishing my original task. Come! We fight.”

Engler made the first move. He leapt forward, and whipped the tendril to his left towards his opponent's arm, while positioning his right tendril in a prime blocking position. GamerShadow responded to this by moving his right tendril to block the assaulting shadow. As soon as the two shadows collided, GamerShadow realized that Engler was right. He did feel anything that the tendrils felt. A forceful pushing sensation coursed throughout his body, but he quickly dismissed it and snapped his right shadow at Engler's face, trying to end the battle as quickly as possible. Engler merely leaned to his right and watched the blur of color skim just over his face, and then stepped into a countermeasure of his own, one which exploited GamerShadow’s vulnerable position while avoiding any real attack from his opponent. A quick jab to the gut killed GamerShadow’s next attack, and a follow up strike sent him reeling backwards a few feet.

Engler grinned wickedly as GamerShadow pierced the ground with his right shadow and dug into it in order to stop his backward momentum. As expected, the scraping pain shot through his body, and caused him to lean over slightly to his right from reflex. However, he lifted the tendril, and charged right back into the fray. A one-foot, counterclockwise rotational maneuver both dodged Engler’s preemptive straight shot shadow jab and created an opening for GamerShadow to strike. He took advantage of this by quickly sharpening the edges of his right shadow, and slashing a fairly deep wound in Engler’s left arm. Engler ignored the blood that was now running down his arm in a rivulet of crimson and dripping onto various places on the stone tile floor, and attempted to strike GamerShadow where Engler figured was his opponent’s most vulnerable spot. To his surprise, the attack was parried by a second shadow, the one in GamerShadow’s left hand. GamerShadow planted his left foot and kneed Engler in the stomach with an explosive force that almost made him lose his lunch. Before a second strike could be landed, Engler shifted into his intangible form. GamerShadow, who had not expected that Engler could do such a thing, slipped and fell onto the floor, but quickly shifted into his familiar shadow form, and melted into the ground.

Engler reappeared in his solid form and noticed that GamerShadow was gone from the room. Immediately, he looked downward and jumped high into the air, expecting an attack from underground. However, none came. Instead, Engler felt a mighty blow to his upper back, which slammed him onto the firm tile back first. Just before GamerShadow could land a finishing blow on his opponent, Engler, from his face-up position, forcefully kicked his opponent across the room before raising himself and preparing for the next tactic to be thrown his way.

GamerShadow planted his feet on the wall to prevent himself from getting knocked out too soon, and allowed himself to fall from his position onto the floor. “A minor sacrifice. It shouldn’t affect me that much.” he figured as he rolled back up and faced his opponent, who was also applying the same tactic. “But still. Engler is powerful, but I don’t think I’m seeing everything that I want to see. Guess it’s time to up the ante and really go all out.”

Engler continued to stall, knowing that he clearly had the upper hand. He watched for any sudden movements, as well as any traps that might be launched at this point in the fight. After all, his opponent wasn’t using everything he had been granted.

“Okay, Engler.” GamerShadow tensed up and brought a good deal of power to the surface, “Round two. Let’s go.” The two shadows that previously protruded from his body had suddenly retracted and disappeared. GamerShadow dashed forward and slammed his fist into the ground. Engler recognized the technique, and knew that he would finally face GamerShadow whilst going all out. Engler surged a burst of energy into his legs, and leapt to a humongous height while a plethora of shadow tendrils broke through the stone tile below, and attempted to stab anything that was in the vicinity before retracting and disappearing.

GamerShadow had predicted Engler’s evasive move, and had dashed to the wall that sat to his right, and kicked off of it in order to gain enough height to tether Engler by the ankle, and slam him down into the ground. The tile cracked and broke under the force of the throw, and Engler fell to the floor below. GamerShadow deftly transfigured himself into his shadow form in mid-air, stopping his momentum, and twisted and drilled down right above Engler’s position on the floor below.

Engler had regained his footing at this point, and was able to cleanly evade the spear-pointed shadow that shot right through the floor and blew up a huge cloud of dust, along with heavy amounts of debris. To his surprise, GamerShadow was back up rather quickly after the assault which he had figured would create tons of recoil.

Now knowing his opponent could barrage an assault of attacks that quickly, Engler figured that in order to win, he had to cut off his opponent’s momentum, which was becoming rather dangerous at this point. He dashed forward, and shifted into intangibility just before he collided into GamerShadow, and ended up running straight through him. The maneuver worked perfectly, as GamerShadow had to stop and think over what had just occurred before regaining his focus. This gave Engler enough time to reappear, and slam his elbow into GamerShadow’s back, which sent him forward a few feet.

With a surprising show of speed, Engler caught his opponent before they could hit the ground, and dished out a powerful uppercut that sent GamerShadow high into the air, helpless to resist or prevent the combo. Engler’s next follow up move was to grapple GamerShadow with two shadow arms, and toss him right into the wall that made up the side of the building itself. Finally, Engler decided to trap his opponent against the wall by forming rings made of shadows, and imprisoning his opponent with them.

GamerShadow took a second to come to after being battered around with such force. His mind had to reawaken itself before it could register what had happened. GamerShadow looked down at his limbs, which he thought were suspended in the air. In a way, they were. His bloodied, battle-scarred arms and legs were bound to the stone wall by the shadow braces that Engler had crafted. They glowed with an eerie indigo, and even with an effort to escape, they would not budge from their spot in the wall. The feeling of imprisonment and uselessness caused GamerShadow to lose his mind with anger. Now, more than ever, he wanted to destroy every last cell in Engler’s body. He wanted to tear him to pieces, and tear the pieces to nothing.

Engler was about to begin the final attack, which would put his opponent out of his misery when he noticed something rather strange. The indigo glow was not confined to the braces alone. It had spread throughout GamerShadow’s body, and if Engler was correct, then his opponent had developed something that even Engler did not have yet.

GamerShadow’s body continued to emanate the indigo glow, which was becoming brighter and more powerful. Engler began to back away from the monstrous power that was being built up. He took three steps back, and was taken aback by shock when finally, the power that had been gathered was unleashed in an explosive force that blew up not only the wall that helped hold GamerShadow captive, but a quarter of the building was blown apart in a thunderous bang that put the lightning in the clouds above to shame. Engler was thrown back quite a distance by the strength of the blast, and had to drop down to the land on which the destroyed manor sat in order to not be killed. Now all Engler had to do was sit out the blast and wait until his opponent came to him. He was in no rush to kill the boy, and at this point, it was only a matter of time.

In the skies of Chit Chat, GuidoHunter barely noticed an indigo sphere erupt from a very far distance away from the corner of his eye. Immediately, Guido dismissed it, and continued searching for where he thought Engler was hiding. It wasn’t until the sound from the explosion reached Guido’s ears did he know that Engler was at the location from which the sphere originated.

“Engler,” he thought as he stopped his mech, reversed his direction, and flew down towards the collapsing building, “you won’t make it out of here alive. Not with what you did to Shash. I’m going to personally make sure of that.”
Note to self Finish.
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Old 03-2-2008, 04:08 PM   #157
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Default Re: FFR: The Phantom Challenge

Nice, as usual .

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Old 03-2-2008, 06:39 PM   #158
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Default Re: FFR: The Phantom Challenge

I have stolen it, is what I meant. You're probably in the clear, though.
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Old 03-3-2008, 08:18 PM   #159
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Default Re: FFR: The Phantom Challenge

Originally Posted by MalReynolds View Post
I have stolen it, is what I meant. You're probably in the clear, though.
Probably? This draft sucks so hard that I wouldn't want to piss on it if it were the last available spot to piss on in the entire Earth. You would be doing a great writer such as yourself a huge disservice by claiming that flaming piece of trash as your own. Plus, it's probably only half done.
Note to self Finish.
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Old 03-3-2008, 09:04 PM   #160
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Default Re: FFR: The Phantom Challenge

Originally Posted by GamerShadow View Post
Probably? This draft sucks so hard that I wouldn't want to piss on it if it were the last available spot to piss on in the entire Earth. You would be doing a great writer such as yourself a huge disservice by claiming that flaming piece of trash as your own. Plus, it's probably only half done.
To belittle something so epic and praise-worthy is foolish .

Also, I love how, in reality, I'm just the idiot who accidentally sent out the "phantom challenge", thus allowing the demon to escape its prison. It's very humbling.
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