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Old 05-29-2015, 07:54 PM   #821
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Default Re: Anime north 2015 hype thread

Proske, that Tiff shoutout was but the sweetest of things <3
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Old 05-29-2015, 09:07 PM   #822
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Default Re: Anime north 2015 hype thread

Originally Posted by PrawnSkunk View Post
TrixiePuff: You had so many hilarious stories to tell during Kings. Thank you for being so patient with me spilling beer all over your room, haha. Can’t wait to do it all again with you next year!

I'll probably have more to tell next year And you're welcome! I was so proud you managed to NOT spill any beer on the bed :P Quite impressed.

Next year I'll have a towel all ready for you when we drink
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Guru's idea of sex brought to you by the same people who think you can get AIDS or HIV from touching doorknobs or that you can get pregnant from masturbating.
AKA the Christian Church
Originally Posted by Mystery Man View Post
Hey Trixie, how does your asshole feel? Does it feel nice and stretched from how hard those jacks just raped you?
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Old 05-29-2015, 10:44 PM   #823
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Default Re: Anime north 2015 hype thread

i fucked all yall bitches at the con yo goml
some feathery f**k
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Old 05-30-2015, 10:23 AM   #824
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so ait AN 2015. wow man.

2nd year not rooming with the main crew (gundam-dude, xiao, varun, brandon, LJ, etc).

Roomed with condor and gpop this year, hung out with them mostly. Things were way better than last year where I basically didn't get to see anyone. There are so many people now that I have a really hard time committing the amount of time i'd like to with each and every one of you. We all know each other from years and years ago and I feel like da ffr familia has grown quite large at AN. Really makes me wish I lived in Toronto to hang out with you guys more. It's really depressing leaving.

I got to meet some new people and it was pretty fantastic. Spent a decent amount of time in the games room as usual and got to spend more bro time with my old crew, even got a few games of mahjong in (not enough aaaaaa). I was following a schedule my gf and I had to maximize what we both wanted to do and it worked out quite well. Though next year I'm considering asking his holyness nigapat for a spot with the posse once more, since I really want to be more centralized with the group.

I didn't get to see tysonultima at all because every night he was in thai's room getting destroyed lmao. Team Quebec I saw a bit more of this year but will work on seeing you guys more next year. We flaked out on the rave friday due to exhaustion, and on saturday cuz gf was sick. Still had lots of fun with "kshootmania" tournament, but probably won't commit to something like that next year.

All in all it was amazing as ever, still my favorite weekend of the year and I really hope to see every single one of you again next year.
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Old 05-30-2015, 12:22 PM   #825
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I don't think I can ever do a shoutouts post for one of these. To whomever would have their name bolded in this post: I'll see you on Skype, tgb, or wherever you may roam. As others have said, there were so many great people and so little time. Even if I didn't get a chance to spend quality time with you, I would have wanted to. If you ever swing by Alabama or a neighboring US state (??? why would you do that ???), please get in touch with me. If you're up for it, then we'll make something happen.

My second AN (2014) was very different from my first (2013), but this one felt even less familiar for me. I went to three panels (that's three more than my other two years combined!); I think I spent under an hour in the DDR room this time around. A day at Wonderland also meant a full day away from the con area for me. Don't get me wrong, though. I had an absolute blast! My new experiences were awesome, and I got to see so many new faces as well as my second family from years past. I only wish that life outside of AN would pause and wait for me until I could sit and talk with every single one of you.

Flowering Mango for life. Cheers, y'all. Have a great year!
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Old 05-30-2015, 01:12 PM   #826
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Default Re: Anime north 2015 hype thread

Alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! LET'S DO THIS!

The adventure started all the way back on
After a lovely, long day at work, it was a mad scramble fore me to get stuff done. Packing, haircut, reinsure my car (because, y'know, driving home from the airport in a car with 3-day expired insurance is a great idea), buying a container for cat food, etc, etc.
Anyway, 8:30 PM PST, pr0nskank, and smartdud show up and the hype finally reaches a level of 11. A few rounds of Dutch Blitz and it's off to bed to attempt to sleep for 3 hours and before we know it, there's a chorus of


Arrive at the airport at like 4:45 AM because woo 6:30 flights! We zipped through customs and all that fun stuff, and were waiting at our gate by 5:15. Several minutes later, ohsosceles' triangle shows up and Team Vancouver is finally ready to rumble!

Fast forward a few hours and we arrive at our hotel, and immediately run into that giant friend of Adam's, Chris (gondolas, good sir), Chris' friend Anthony, and holy-crap-it's-IZZY!
We're not even in Toronto for an hour, and I'm already mindblown at who we're meeting.
We meet Ally at Subway (it's tradition!), head back into the hotel to chill, and BOOM! Cue dAnceguy911, and praiser-of-the-sun who greets me with a punch to the face. True story. They also greeted us with a few passengers by the names of samurai7694, Staiain, and his friend Thomas (nekoflaa).
No big deal or anything, we're only seeing like a third of D7 within the first 5 hours. We get dinner, cheers to a great weekend to come, and my debit card decides not to work.... Shit. Thank you Bridget who bailed me out.
We decide to wander a bit, and attempt to get passes. Way to miss the cut-off line by like 5 minutes, team.
Anyway, we run into xMUSICxMASTERx, Winrar, and Hurleyisgod at the Congress Centre, and they proceed to tell us that lurker and xThai are still in the line.
After Pete, Greg, and I all formalled, and then insta'd lurker (it's those wolf-y ears, man), we decided to head back to our hotel when Pete asks me to play messenger boy between him and TrixiePuff. She and Coveyduck show up at our hotel and they, Pete, and I decide to go on a booze run where my debit card says it can't be read again. MY chip officially decided to kick the bucket, and could be popped over halfway out. Thankfully, they could tap credit cards, and I got a fair bit of cash from everyone else to cover their orders.
Anyway, poor Mayo was out cold from over-tiredness in our room, so we stormed Adam's room to enjoy company, and I think there was a round of Kings in there.
Max spills two drinks (and yet I still have to bring the Dr. Pepper to VancouFFR 10...), laughs are had, memories are created, and we haven't even gotten started yet!

So the day starts out by having Funnygurl555 arrive which completed our room, and then we underwent Operation
Snuggly Fun! Soon after, it's con time!
Seeing as I'm the "lame" one and didn't get a pass, I immediately headed out to the Sheraton to crash the DDR Room and spot people. Mission accomplished. Saw a crapton of familiar faces, and a couple new ones too.
Biggest surprise was when I went outside to get water, and this dude in light blue hair, and blue eyes walks by me and says, "heyyy! Good to see you again, dude!"
Uhh... Who... are you? I have no idea who this dude i-
(legit, this was my thought process)
That actually was one of my favourite con moments. People who I haven't seen in over two years still remembered who I was and that meant more to me than you guys know.

Anyway, sappy moment #1 over, Adam and Chris decided to Just Dance and I filmed part of it (see earlier post), and I got to meet Jtehanonymous, and finally met Cold Kitten after talking for like 7 years. Team Quebec also arrived, and MarioNintendo and I shared a total bro-out for meeting for the first time, and decided to ITG with each other.
Note to self, despite it being on the easy difficulty, it's still not smart to pick a 5 minute Sharpnel song.
Note to self #2, get in shape.
Anyway, Sven and Martin decided to take me to try chocolate coconut water (surprisingly tasty), and normal coconut water (unsurprisingly crap).
After about an hour, Pete finds me and says we have to head out for a bit so Izzy, Stian, Luis, Thomas, Pete, and I head back to the Westin to grab Pete's car (Luis, Stian, and Thomas wanted to grab their stuff out of it and stuff it in their room at the Holiday Inn), and the remaining 3 of us went to go get the man, the myth, and the legend from the airport: FRIGGIN' BMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


We bounce around everywhere for a few hours before heading back to the Lone Star Grill for dinner (minus Izzy and bmah as they'd already eaten), and back to the Sheraton where I ran into a STUPIDLY drunk Félix, and Mathieu.

After that, it was time for the Werewolf Game where we DESTROYED their expectations. They guessed at 10-15 people. We had 50+. They split us into a Vets group and we headed outside because the newblets were so loud.
Team FFR basically went into Live TWG mode with Greg leading town, Bridget getting caught as a wolf early on by Greg and I (but mostly Greg), and town nabbing 2 wolves soon after.
Then the real shit happened. We had, if I remember correctly, 3 power roles still alive, and like 8 Vanilla Townies left versus one wolf. That first night of 11 v 1, I was the nightkill (huge damn hint right there). Slowly, but surely, town picked each other apart, and our remaining wolf whittled it down to a final 3 of Jteh, Funny, and Greg. Greg voted on Jteh; Jteh voted on Greg. Funny just had to hop onto either wagon and she wins. 11 to 1 odds, and she pulls out the most miraculous victory for the wolves.
Seriously, y'all missed a hell of a game.
Anyway, we proceeded to trek over to the Holiday Inn where Trixie and Covey were staying for another rounds of drinks and a double-deck game of Kings where we ALSO proceeded to get a noise complaint! WOO!
After all those escapades, and attempting to finish the game in all whispers (and nearly accomplishing this), it was time to head back to the hotel room. Poor FG was so tired, drained, and drunk, that she nearly crashed dressed as she was.

More DDR room fun, I wandered to the TCC with Martin, and Mathieu, watched I think 5 people want to get a picture with nthem, and another try to pull a creeper put-my-arm-over-their-shoulder-from-behind-and-attempt-to-sweettalk-them move only to have it backfire because oh shit, it's a guy! (Mathieu was the prettiest girl~) We also used this night to rock out a sweet few games of Uno, and other things.
Dinner was great, the crowd we had was incredible, Sven... Jesus Christ bro, why... whyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I noped so hard after the backlash of the pitcher chug.
Also, the Flowery Mango: It's dangerous!
Anyway, the drama llama spit up a bit, and I said no the rave, and instead hung out with Trixie for a bit, then with Covey as we sat back in my hotel room, watched the Chicago-Anaheim Game 4 (woo Hawks!),
Funny came up soon after as she also ditched out of the rave, and the 3 of us just got to know each other until the ravers returned exhausted, but smiling.

I stayed behind at the con with Max, Tiffany, and Mayo (who was supposed to go, but was feeling the rave last night), so I got to borrow Adam's pass for the con. I got to witness the dealer's room for the first time (yes, I never utilized my pass in 2013. Oops), and made a couple purchases.
Dear God it was overwhelming though... So.... warm...

We went back to the hotel to try out a couple games Tiffany had purchased. The first was a card game called Boss Monster, which was confusing, but super fun (a winner is me~), and then it was time for Betrayal, which was SUPER fun. Max, Tiffany, and I won that because of the best timing, and a super lucky set-up (I don't want to spoil anything). We also taught her TV's game of choice: Dutch Blitz. Or as Chris calls it, Battle Solitaire.

Anyway, everyone returns from Wonderland and Boston Pizza, and we set up in Adam's room again for a 7 person battle royale of Dutch Blitz (including us teaching it to Greg and FG) which, from how the spectators said, was incredible to watch. Looking upon 7 people all trying to place cards, and move stuff while competing against the other is something to behold.
Note to self #3, film a few hands of Dutch Blitz at VancouFFR 10.
Bedtime happens, and it's almost time to say goodbye.

FG has to leave super early, so we say our goodbyes to her. It's a sad moment as we all realize: this is it. Our con experience is over.
Chris and Anthony leave soon after as well, followed by Pete and Greg so our group of 12 is now down to 7.
Ally, Tiffany, and Jteh show up one last time to say goodbye, and to eat cookies that Tiffany made (mmmmmmm), and we get a few last group shots before it's time for us to depart.
A few tears flowed. Not from me, though, but I could feel some on my chest when hugs were going around.

We get to the airport and say goodbye to Izzy who is off to a different gate.
Luckily, Brent is in the gate right beside us so we all go together.
Brent's flight arrives and it's time to take off leaving the original 5 together again.
So what do we do? What Team Vancouver does best: Dutch Blitz.
Our flight arrives soon after our game finishes, and it's time for home.

Thus endeth Anime North 2015.

It was pretty damn sweet, this year. So many great people who I reconnected with, and many more whom I met this year. Thank you to each and every one of you for contributing to a memorable event in my life, and I will see all of you again one day.


I'm not going to get to everyone, I'm sorry, but I'll do the best I can.

Izzy - You were the earliest surprise, but it was really cool to meet you. Thanks for laughing with us, and Smashing with us (seriously. ZSS. How), and other fun things. Hopefully we'll see you around, and if that offer to stay at Chateau Izzy is open, we will take it eventually.

Mathieu / xXOpkillerXx - You were the prettiest girl on Saturday. It was great hanging out with you this year, and I want to thank you again for putting up with my rambling BS, haha. Maybe we should start a TQ vs. TV rivalry? I think we could match us up enough.

Martin / sanzath - What the heck was Sven yelling at you in French when you couldn't close the cooler? Also, your cosplay was sweet. Hanging out with you was also a blast and we will do again soon!

Hakulyte - We didn't talk a whole lot, but it was great to hug someone who's like exactly my height. It's a rarity for me, haha. Hopefully we'll get to interact more sometime!

Félix / MarioNintendo - Number 3 on my top 3 list of people I wanted to meet this year. Your keyboard is awesome, and you were an incredible personality to hang with. I just wish we got to interact more, but the few times we did were engaging and fun! Much love to you, brother, and don't you ever sightread a better AAA.

Sven / Hateandhatred - Dammit Sven.
Nah, seriously, it was fantastic to see you again, and especially after we've talked so much more since then. You're an idiot, but dammit, you're OUR idiot and we wouldn't have you any other way. I hope you can realize your dream of making it to Finland, and I hope I can see you again!

Pete / dAnceguy117 - Your excitement seemed so genuine and it was infectious! Also, you are the happiest drunk ever, and in that state, you provided us with a golden quote that I will use against you in Live TWG. Mark my words. I was super happy to hang with you a lot this year (woo hotel buddies) and I can't wait to see you again!

Greg / thesunfan - You actually hurt my jaw a bit with that punch, dude. A,lso, you totally won the first half of the wrestling match, but once I took you down, it was an even draw (although Iif I got my leg scissors on, you'd have been tapping). You totally bunked it at Werewolf, but we're not surprised (;P). Either way, it was fun, and you did well at Blitz for a new player. Hopefully we can do this again!

Rob / One Winged Angel - Sucks you couldn't stay for long, but the limited time I spent chatting with you was great. You greeted me like an old friend (albeit one who didn't have my height register), and it was super great to hang. Now come to Vancouver where you can play even more Jubeat! Also, your face when bmah entered the room was incredible, haha.

Maggie - DarknessXoXLight - Finally 2 parts of the old Night Crew met! Super sad that you were so sick, but I got my hug. Hopefully we can do this again and with more time, and let sickness. Fingers crossed!
PS. I'm jealous of your Ditto plushie.

Eaman / Funnygurl555 - You were a great addition to the room, and thank you for putting up with my crap. Also, your wolf game will never top that performance. I am forever ashamed that I finally couldn't ping you out as a scum, and watching you from the sidelines pull it off was an incredible moment.

Bridget / ohsosilly - I'm glad I could be a grill for a weekend, and thank you for accepting me as a grill. Thank you so much for our heart-to-heart in the Toronto airport, and thank you for being that friend I need who will tell me what I need while still mocking each other 10 seconds later. We WILL see you next year. Count on it!

Adam / smartdude1212 - So Chris is no longer allowed to touch AC units. It sucks there was a bit of BS, but thank you for being so open to us. You've been a great friend, and experiencing AN with you for the first time was awesome! Also, stop being so damn good at Blitz.

Max / PrawnSkunk - Way to take "con date" so seriously. =P
I'm super thrilled your con expectation was obliterated and in the best way possible. Hopefully 2016 can manage to reach a portion of the awesomness this was!

Tiffany / Cold Kitten - I think we've said enough about how this was a long time coming, but it was still an incredible experience. I also think we only knocked about a month's worth of hugs off. Your taste in tabletop games is excellent, and thank you for teaching us those new games. See you next year! PS,.. You were number 1 on the top 3 list.

John / Jtehanonymous - Remember when this was a joking hypothetical in Live TWG? I think you've won the trooper award for longest trek to get to AN (23 hours. EACH way), and I'm glad you ended a bleh chapter in your life and opened it with an experience like this.

Chris / Pawn535 - The only one who can make me feel short. It was great seeing you again, and we didn't even have to rely on inside jokes for the whole weekend! You were a blast to hang around with. Hopefully we'll see you soon!

Brenton / bmah - Number 2 on the top 3 list. It was great to finally meet you, and listen to your stories of Albertan people, haha. I hope you enjoyed your con experience, even if it did look like you had the fear of God struck into you (dammit Sven). We'll see you soon! Hopefully even sooner if you come to Van.

Kady / TrixiePuff - Hey remember when we knew each other, and then forgot about each other? Good times. It was great to hang with you this weekend, even if I did abuse my height privileges.
Also, find your own cat to bake into a catloaf please. I like mine.

Andrew / Coveyduck - $2 says you can't recall the full origin of the Dallas Stars, haha. Seriously, I can't believe you let me ramble on for that long. It was cool watching the game with you, and chilling with you this weekend. Thanks again for providing the vehicular device for the first alcohol run, and I hope I amused you and Kady with my absolute lack of liquor store knowledge.

Ally / Sky Kitten - You're such a good friend to me, and so patient with everyone else. Take a break, yo, haha. You took on a lot this year trying to coordinate things, and I think you realized it when you needed my voice a couple times. I hope we can see you before AN 2016, but if not, I will see you again there, and we will continue our awesomeness together. Thank you for being you, Ally, and I hope everyone else feels the same way!

Everyone else - Hurleyisgod, xMUSICxMASTERx, lurker, Kommisar, remedy1502, xThai, Gundam-Dude, WTFBrandon, Vickieex3, samurai7694, Staiain, nekoflaa, Spenner, MrPopadopalis25, rCaliberGX, Dynam0, ddr_f4n / G-Pop, arcnmx, SCWolf, Tyson_ultima, pmonibuv1, Zeldagurlfan1, CondorTalon.
I think that's all of you. If not, oops.
You guys all helped make this con something. Something that'll forver stay close to my heart, and I hope to see y'all again next year (hopefully drama free please?)!

Oh right.
Mayo / soramimi - Insert an obscene amount of mushy crap that you'll get mad at me for.
I'm not going tpo say thank you for putting up with me at the con because you do that on a daily basis. Thank you for making this trek, though, and for everything you did for me this weekend. You're a great girlfriend, and I hope we can do this again soon!

Well, I think that's about it for this novel.

Except for PICTURES!

The aftermath of "Operation Snuggly Fun".

Because, apparently, I'm not allowed to be taller than OWA in a picture.

Remember when dAnceguy said he had PS2 games to give away? He forgot about them until Sunday night. Here are the spoils from Jteh and I drafting them, plus Max, and Tiffany also snagging one (possibly Adam too?).

The spoils of war AKA the dealer's room.

Farewell from Team Vancouver, guys!

Oh, and:
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Old 05-30-2015, 01:30 PM   #827
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aw I was number 1! I'm flattered :P

Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
it's like putting training wheels on gutterguards covered in styrofoam made of bubblewrap with a velcro fanny pack inside a condom
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Old 05-30-2015, 01:41 PM   #828
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These shoutouts are wonderful, I miss you guys
Click here to download my complete works!

Originally Posted by macgravel View Post
Mario's files are top notch, so every time he submits a file I get excited in my pants.
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This guy, MarioNintendo?
Click the bricks

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Old 05-30-2015, 11:00 PM   #829
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Old 05-31-2015, 12:35 AM   #830
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Old 05-31-2015, 01:08 AM   #831
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Originally Posted by T-Force View Post
Anyway, Sven and Martin decided to take me to try chocolate coconut water (surprisingly tasty)
and normal coconut water (unsurprisingly crap).
Actually I legitimately forgot this even happened. But now I remember, thanks for joining us on our coconut water antics :>

Martin / sanzath - What the heck was Sven yelling at you in French when you couldn't close the cooler? Also, your cosplay was sweet. Hanging out with you was also a blast and we will do again soon!
Probably something about how I was a disgrace to the independent country of Quebec for being such a retard I wasn't able to close a cooler properly. Man, your shoutout made me so hyped for AN2016~

Also you look so damn happy in every single one of your selfies, holy shit
Originally Posted by xXOpkillerXx View Post
your name should be wolf
Originally Posted by Hakulyte View Post
I wish I could vote you a 2nd time.

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Old 05-31-2015, 02:59 AM   #832
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Originally Posted by sanzath View Post
Probably something about how I was a disgrace to the independent country of Quebec for being such a retard I wasn't able to close a cooler propely.
Ahahahahaha this is why we're friends. You made me laugh harder than a catholic priest visiting the kindergarten. But what I was actually telling you was how to actually close the thing with the thing. However I realized it would be simpler to tell you in joual, so midway through I switched languages.
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Old 05-31-2015, 03:42 AM   #833
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Originally Posted by Hateandhatred View Post
You made me laugh harder than a catholic priest visiting the kindergarten.
And this made me cringe harder than an igotrhythm post
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Old 05-31-2015, 06:02 PM   #834
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Before I proceed, I cannot emphasize enough that AN 2015 was an incredibly memorable trip for me. I haven't comparably had this much fun for a long, long time.


I took a direct flight to Toronto that lasted just under 4 hours. With a window seat view and clear skies that lasted nearly the entire trip, I was viewing the entire tapestry of sceneries flowing beneath me from Edmonton to Toronto. I later found out that every photo I took was geotagged, and therefore I'd know exactly what was beneath my feet.

Below: a shot of Thunder Bay, Ontario and the western coast of Lake Superior.

After arriving in Toronto, Pete (danceguy), Trevor (T-Force), and Izzy were the first to greet me. I was ecstatic like you wouldn't believe. Pete kindly drove us to our hotel at the Westin, but not without a few wrong turns. Immediately I realize just how bad the traffic is in Toronto haha. It took like a good 15-20 minutes to get back to where we were. A short unpacking, and off to the Sheraton hotel we went.

Before entering, Kady (TrixiePuff) was the next FFRer I met. Inside the hotel, I found pretty much most of the crew present. :')
Thank you Ally for buying a poutine for me in advance. Despite it being cold, it was still tasty, and that says a lot towards how good this poutine was. Bacon was a good choice.

I went inside the rhythm gaming room for the first time, and that's when I got sensory overload, as well as meeting even more people.

Below: Kommisar getting ready to dance a storm.

After checking out the various rhythm games, I tried to get my AN weekend pass at the Toronto Congress Centre, but the lineups were ridiculous and I would've been waiting for hours (self-note: be at AN a day before instead of on the day of). Soon afterwards, everyone decided to head out to dinner, and I was pretty much left alone with maybe one or two recognizable faces (e.g. Izzy). The poutine from earlier did me in way too much and threw my hunger out of sync with everyone else's. That's when I realized that I cared about chatting with everyone else far more than playing any rhythm game to entertain myself. Definitely a lesson to learn for future trips (self-note: eat along with everyone else, skip a meal if required).

A long while later, people start returning, and no one was really up to eat anymore, so I concluded that pretty much everyone went out simultaneously earlier. However, I did manage to get a few late-night snackers, and so I am truly grateful for their company. Thank you Izzy, Luis (samurai), Thomas (Nekoflaa), and Staian! So I ate at Subways for dinner.

Returning to the Sheraton, some people were playing rhythm games, while others were playing The Werewolf Game. I went outside briefly to observe the vets of the game play and freeze their butts off. I wish I stayed a little longer to observe Eaman's (Funnygirl) game-winning miracle. I believe this was also the time when Hakulyte got the 100 billion point milestone on FFR - congratulations, sir!! I myself played a few rhythm games, but it was getting late, and I needed to wake up early to get that weekend pass.


As much as I wanted to sleep, I got up bright and early, had a quick continental breakfast oatmeal from the hotel, and then proceeded to head out with Pete and Greg to get all of our weekend passes. We fortunately came early enough before the lines once again became atrociously long.

The line for the Dealer's Room, where all the merchandise was, also was becoming long, so I made a beeline towards that. Pete and Greg left to find a few panels to attend to, while I decided to shop. While waiting, there were definitely some great and/or amusing cosplays. For someone who doesn't watch a lot of anime, not understanding the references can make them even funnier.

Below: a Hatofully lulzy cosplay.

There was an insane amount of merchandise, but I could only fit so many things in my luggage and carry-on. I spent several hours here, but didn't manage to go bezerk at spending...with the exception of Kit Kat bars from Japan.

Below: the alpacas are at the con in full force!

Below: Cute "Pikazard" plushies. But do you really want to dish out almost $300 for that big one?

Below: this guy's all "tied up".

Below: great cosplays, but I felt strangely uncomfortable for some reason...

Below: going all out with the bells and whistles...how about dem rainbow LED lights??

Below: and this is what I've spent an unspoken amount of cash on.

Afterwards, I went outside the building and met up with another friend of mine's, but from a different community outside of FFR. It was absolutely amazing to meet people from multiple communities I've known over the years! There was also a Pokemon photo shoot going on outside.

Below: I very much like this Scyther cosplay.

Hanging out for a good while, I later caught up to everyone else back at the Sheraton. I played a good amount of beatmania IIDX, smashed a game of Pop'n Music, and soon became quickly addicted to Sound Voltex (SDVX). Thank you so much Jordan (tyson ultima) for easing me into the game. The game's such a visual overload. Twisting those knobs feels so right...

Below: Until now, I didn't realize how much of a pro Kommisar was at SDVX. And...that STANCE AGAIN.

Below: Max (PrawnSkunk) also getting his hands on SDVX.

As evening approached, our wonderful group organizer Ally collected everyone and we headed out to eat at Tucker's. Waiting by the parking lot, there was a lot of goofing around before any group photos took place.

Below: the Kommisar-Hurleyisgod-tyson ultima cluster quickly falls apart.

Below: Sven after carrying both me and Max on his shoulders. Back-breaking work, literally.

Below: Pat's got all the bling. May he eternally sparkle.

It was awesome that everyone got together at Tucker's. Sven's beer chugging was an unforgettable moment. Also, I really wasn't paying all that close of attention to the exact contents of Hurley's speech - I assumed it was all full of praise and so on and so forth. Nevertheless, cheers for everyone!
Also, I totally missed trying out the flowering mango drink. What the heck is this drink all about, anyways? Now you guys got me all too curious.


Wanting to just hang out with everyone, as well as wanting to try out something else, today I opted to go to Canada's Wonderland, a truly fantastic amusement park. Despite many people opting out of this detour, I totally do not regret one bit of it. Thank you so much John (Jtehanonymous) for driving us here, and thank you Andrew (Coveyduck) for letting us use your CAA card for a discount!

We spent pretty much the entire day here, from opening to the park's closing. The Leviathan was the first ride we've went on. Apparently it's Canada's largest rollercoaster, and it certainly was voted upon our group to be one of the best rides that day as well.
The Timberwolf Falls was another really memorable ride. It was one of those rides that makes a big splash as you descend down a slope. I knew we'd get wet, but I seriously did not anticipate just how wet we would get. I really felt like I was entirely immersed in water. Don't go on this ride on a cold day, or you'll be shivering for a long time!
The Time Warp was a unique but seriously brutal ride where you're stomach-down, face-forward like Superman. You fly like Superman. You spin and do corkscrews like Superman. And your head with jostle like nobody's business...And Pete and Funnygirl hilariously ended up doing the ride twice, albeit inadvertently. Can't complain about a free ride...riiiiight?

Below: The Leviathan rollercoaster. It features a nearly vertical (85 degrees) drop.

Below: Pete, Adam (smartdude), and Bridget (ohsosilly) all wet from the Timberland Falls ride.

Below: Even the spectators were not immune to the water! Greg on the far right anticipating the big Kahuna.

Below: The Time Warp ride. Fun in concept, but hurts like hell.

Below: Bridget is unrelenting with the piggy-back rides!

Below: Jteh...what??? xD

After a long day, we decided to eat out at Boston Pizza. The waiter enjoys playing Mario Kart, apparently.

This whole trip was quickly coming to a close, so I tried to extend the fun for as long as possible. Back at the hotel, I hung out with the Vancouver group and a bunch of others for some late night silliness. They all collaborated earlier to write a story about Pete and Greg, and we all burst out laughing as Adam read the lines. (PLZ POST THE STORY SOMEONE)


This was it. We all had to say our goodbyes, but I certainly hung around the Vancouver group for as long as I possibly could. I also realized that I really should've turned on my Nintendo 3DS throughout the con, as getting street passes were pretty plentiful. Before I left however, I needed one last picture. I had to.

What a wonderful adventure it has been! At first, I really didn't know what to expect, but any expectations I did have were shattered and blown away. It sounds cheesy in text, but I've had an unbelievably good time with everyone here. Thank you everyone for providing me the opportunity to have the time of my life. I am definitely compelled to go again in the future!
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Old 05-31-2015, 06:03 PM   #835
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Now for the shoutouts:

- Ally, thank you so much for being a great host and bringing everyone together. No such meet-up could be orchestrated well without your planning. Thank you for introducing me and a bunch of others to Canada's Wonderland. Also, thank you very much for that poutine.

- Pete, you were a staple for my trip. Firstly, thank you for being such a great friend. Secondly, thank you for offering me to room with you at the Westin hotel. Thirdly, thank you for picking me up at the airport and navigating the nutty traffic.

- Izzy, I know you've kept to yourself oftentimes, but IMO you were just as much of a staple to me for this trip. Thank you for tolerating me at bedtime and really just being a chill guy. You were kinda like a source of serenity during times of insanity.

- Greg, thank you also for rooming with me. You were fun to hang out with, and whether you intended to or not, your "no smile" expression was just plain humorous at times.

- John/Jteh, I loved your quirkiness. Thank you for driving me and others to Wonderland. I definitely would like to get to know you better. Sorry for initially
mixing you up as JenovahSephiroth at the con!

- Trevor, thanks for being there when you guys picked me up, and just generally being an awesome guy. Come to think of it though, I don't think we ended up talking a whole lot - let's change that next time!

- Bridget, you're totally awesome to hang around with, and I really appreciate that you tried to make a point of hanging out on Sunday at Wonderland. Also, I know you'll do well with your thesis. Would like to hang out with you again!

- Max, looking good with that skunk cosplay outfit. You were another guy that was really easy to talk to and again I hope to hang out with you too. Yes, we're going to do a collab.

- Adam, Chris, and Anthony, you guys were a blast to hang around. Thank you also for the multitude of filled-out McDonald coffee cards - I'm already putting it to use. Also, thanks Adam for reading out that hilarious story for Pete and Greg.

- Mayo, it wasn't really until the last day that I had a chance to chat with you. Thanks for adding me on Skype - I'll definitely want to talk some more.

- Eaman/Funnygirl, it's really been a great pleasure chatting with you, especially while waiting for rides at Wonderland. I know you'll do well at university - keep it up!

- Tiffany, thank you for your delicious cookies. I've heard you have intentions of going to culinary school, so I wish you the best on that! Also, we should definitely chat some more.

- Sven, I wish we talked one-on-one more at the con, but you still provided many memorable moments for all of us. Carrying me was probably not one of the better decisions both you or I have made, but I'll definitely remember that one for fun times. One thing's for sure - you are craaaaazy!

- Felix, you're certainly one of the most enthusiastic person I've met. Surreal that you were so giddy to see me at the Sheraton, haha! Stay happy.

- Martin and Mathieu, you guys showed some remarkable cosplays. I'd be curious to know what you're working on for the next year!

- Eman/Hakulyte, it was nice meeting you, and I didn't expect you to be so tall! Again though, I didn't have much of an opportunity to talk to you. Congrats as well on your 100 billion score achievement during the con.

- Luis, Stian, and Thomas, thanks for keeping me company while I ate my first dinner on Friday - that meant a lot. I didn't talk to you guys as much as I wanted to, though, so I plan to do so next time.

- Sarah, I didn't have any preconceived notions about you as a person, and to that effect, you made a wonderful first impression. And thank you so kindly for that bracelet.

- Chris/Kommisar, keep up the awesome SDVX skills! It was great meeting you; you have a ton of personality that makes meet-ups such as this so much fun.

- Jordan, thank you for helping me ease my way into SDVX. Now you've really got me hooked!

- Robert/lurker, you were one of those guys whose irl personality was completely different from the online persona. I am really glad to have met you; we should've definitely chat around more.

- Michael/remedy, it was fun meeting you, and even commenting on my own simfiles as you've played them right in front of my eyes - whether you liked or hated them.

- Pat/GD, you're dazzling. Stay dazzling.

I know I've missed several people out there, but I want to say thank you all for making AN 2015 a great event. I've had a really fun time hanging out with the people I've known for years, but until then, hadn't seen in person. You guys are the best!
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Old 05-31-2015, 06:03 PM   #836
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Finally, some videos up ahead!

Yet another video of Sven drinking a pitcher of beer, but from a different angle:

Riding Timberwolf Falls at Canada's Wonderland:

Greg and spectators getting wet from the aforementioned ride:

An excerpt of the story of Pete x Greg, as narrated by Adam:
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Old 06-3-2015, 12:32 PM   #837
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I'll just leave this here.
Song listing in order is included in the text file, please follow it religiously. This is not a track collection: it's an album!

Anime North 2015 Team Quebec Official Soundtrack Limited Edition Turbo Charged includes cancer
Click here to download my complete works!

Originally Posted by macgravel View Post
Mario's files are top notch, so every time he submits a file I get excited in my pants.
Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
This guy, MarioNintendo?
Click the bricks

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Old 06-5-2015, 12:52 PM   #838
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shoutouts to bmah for being a chill motherfucker irl

shoutouts to team quebec for re-igniting the homeland's fire within my heart. also i realize my quebec french is rusty as fuc when I talk to you kids

shoutouts to the hongkouver (and friends) crew (esp trevor since I had met you before) for being some of the most respectful chill kids on this site and for travelling across the country to make the meetup an even more memorable one. I'm not super close with you guys but you all have this aura that says "yea we gon' have a gud tiem"

shoutouts to the toronto crew aka gundam (my bae), layne+pmon (mahjong baes), will&amy, FUCKIN BOBBY DOMINATORE, andy (elevation bae), brandon+vickie (bae baes), gpop+condor (itg sdvxmania roomie baes), ally (hype bae) for pretty much being the biggest reason I come to Toronto erry year. ilu guys. and if I forgot anyone I was drunk and I seriously apologize.

shoutouts to lurker cuz well, fuck you

we still love you lurker

also shoutouts to azer with whom i had an hour long convo about life whilst drunk saturday night at the sheraton
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Old 06-7-2015, 10:01 AM   #839
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I'm still interested in a labeled version of the group picture. The complete group picture.
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Old 06-7-2015, 11:30 AM   #840
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Default Re: Anime north 2015 hype thread

secrets revealed

(Download My Magnum Opus, Solo Kpop Pack!)

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