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Old 01-30-2018, 02:39 PM   #41
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Season 1, Episode 6: Udder Revenge

Merge incoming ayyyyyyy.

I never heard of Gervaise being a pervert, but if Sue says it it must be true. Gonna read up on this sometime.

Yo Gretchen the cold-hearted killer. Colleen is still a cutie though, Greg chose well I’d say with her.

In modern Survivor, the strategy of killing all the chickens pre-merge so the merged tribe wouldn’t get any would be Survivor suicide, all it really does is segregate the tribes when they should be merged, causing a distinctive us vs. them mentality. Arguably, it’s even worse in the social game of season 1.

Richard walking around naked had good timing, like I bet if Dirk the Christian was still around, there would be a lot of feuds about it. Rudy though, man Rudy is such a sensible guy and I’m so glad he’s buying into the alliance finally.

Hearing Richard deep game strategy is so nice finally, and the strategy of bringing Rudy as a sacrificial lamb almost, a target ahead of him, is definitely a good one. In some newer Survivor a likeable player is brought to near the end as a kind of blocker that ensures [insert winner] makes it to the final tribal council, because bringing the aimable player would just cause for them to insta-win with jury votes. Of course, there are some intricacies that make it more complicated, but that’s the gist of it. It’s a bit different with Richard vs. Rudy though, in that it’s much moreso that Rudy would be more dire to go home than Richard due to not caring about camp as much as Richard would.

“Women are the stupidest things on the planet next to cows” ok so this kinda reminds me of the Shirin vs Will thing of Worlds Apart, in which Will came off as a sexist (and a bully of course but was more vindicated for the sexism angle), and was widely villainized for it. Gervaise… isn’t getting a similar treatment despite his arguably more sexist comment… plus this was at the height of Survivor fame. Now now, yeah the context is way different but still, tonal shifts between generations. It probably helped he took it back of course, but I really don’t remember any controversy about this outside of survivor.

Taking that somewhat back though, Gervaise with the cocky yet goofy villain edit is pretty hilarious, he plays it so well. He totally owns up to everything, and everyone seems to know it but laughs about it. I’m naturally fond of this kind of player honestly, likely due to my soft spot for sarcasm mixed with narcissism.

Real talk I’d eat the dog food without hesitation, like protein is protein, and dog food is pretty condensed nutrition if memory serves me. It’s like medicine, but food, really.

I can really appreciate the history mixed in to the reward challenge, and it’s a pretty neat challenge despite being so simple in style. Using the “natural” environment, such being something that didn’t particularly seem built specially for Survivor, is a plus to me.

Richard getting his tribe disqualified, oops. Congrats to Pagong!!!!

It’s pretty astute of Pagong to realize that they need to stick together despite no other strategy talk previously. Props to Gretchen for being honest, another rare trait to have on Survivor that isn’t old school.

I feel like Joel actually did go on to do a bunch of modeling actually, didn’t he? (RE: mention of him being the golden boy, etc)

Getting the Green Berets involved is one of the cooler things I’ve seen in Survivor, and I know my bias is really showing by saying this so much but I really liked how Rudy got somewhat emotional about it. It’s like if there was a DDR challenge or something on Survivor, I’d be pretty emotional too, even if it doesn’t mean as much to other people on the island.

I also think this is one of the most complicated challenged this season yet. Like, it actually required instructions. Yikes!

Congrats to the cute lizard for winning the chicken, I bet it was quite happy about Pagong being on the beach for the free food.

Man, Jeff is so obvious that he knows all that goes down at camp, like he doesn’t beat around the bush at all this whole season.

Ah, the ol’ “He’s rich enough already!” vote.

Moooooooooooo :cowboy:

Not much to say about Joel going home, like he lost the popularity contest moreorless. Probably would’ve been strong in individual challenges, might’ve changed the end result honestly if he didn’t go home.
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Old 01-30-2018, 06:26 PM   #42
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Season 1, Episode 7: The Merger

“Rich is a sweetheart, so easy going, he’s naked a lot.” oh

The ambassador idea is a really good way to do things, I like it a lot more than just going to a brand new beach and leaving behind prior progress.

Okay so like, stingray is commonly eaten in iceland, and apparently it smells HORRIBLE, like incredibly fermented and such if you want it done right. I’m amazed it’s better on the island than off it, and good enough to be well liked.

Anyways though, I think Tagi did a much better job presenting their camp. Like, it seems genuinely fun there, compared to just surviving at Pagong.

It’s interesting to hear the alliance = unethical mentality being pertinent, I can see why due to the infancy of Survivor and bonds being borderline more important than winning up to this point, but as Richard did say, ethics are pretty distinctively different from the idea of alliances.

Wow 4 bottles of wine, two beds in one tent, how cute and romantic!!! That whole idea was interesting to be set up by production, I wonder if they got what they were hoping for ultimately.

Ah, the ol’ reward gloating paradigm, where the nice stuff excels particularly with ostracizing yourself and creating rifts. That said, I’d do the same I’m sure, 4 bottles of wine between 2 people is enough to get me talkin’.

Colleen: “Sean is super intelligent” yeah probably is compared to Greg… I guess she’s not got the highest standards for men.

Whoever brought those playing cards is smart and has foresight, that’s a good luxury item to bring. I think I’d bring something similar, maybe a dominion set or something, or at least some kind of game with diversity.

I’m with Rudy honestly, I naturally don’t much enjoy hearing about sex stuff being discussed by peers, another score for Rudy. That, or maybe I really am just a crotchety old man on the inside after all.

Aren’t holding your breath competitions like… soft banned on Survivor now? I don’t think many modern seasons have something like that, which is too bad because I always found them interesting, though the reasoning is understandable too. I think it’s a pretty… iconic style of challenge for this kind of show, so it’s too bad they’re at least uncommon in modern survivor if nothing else.

I really really enjoyed the second part of this challenge. It’s the kind of thing that’s exciting, has an element of a “Survivor” skill so to speak, and has a nice sense of progress. Props to Gervaise, the non-watery guy, for being watery. He didn’t win in the end, but hey he did well in part 1!!!

I kinda wish there was more strategy and alliance talk pre-tribal cou- oh cool flying fish! I think the mystery and suspense was neat to have, and I can appreciate it somewhat because it allowed for plenty of personal discussion re: the merge and group dynamic, but it still would’ve been cool to have an indication of what may have happened without just guessing mostly blindly. Mind you, Greg’s vote for Jenna and his message maybe indicated some kind of partition in the tribe, like maybe she shifted over or had notion to drift from him.


Sean with the alphabetical order strategy, quite a sound strategy I’d say and I’m amazed a cunning strategist such as him did not win in the end. Truly bewildered!

Gretchen felt really… underused almost. I liked her from what I saw, and wish she had more screen time and exposure and such. She seemed like a sweetheart. That said, I like the whole cast in some way, be it for comedic or personal, so I guess I’ll be saying this every episode now. I do still maintain that she deserved some more time to be shown at least.
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Old 01-30-2018, 06:26 PM   #43
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wow 2 in one day
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Old 01-30-2018, 10:06 PM   #44
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Default Re: Survivor (TV show)

gretchen's vote off is one of the coolest moments of season one

"Oh my gosh... its me" is such a great line from an anti-alliance member as they're being voted out
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Old 01-30-2018, 10:46 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by the sun fan View Post
gretchen's vote off is one of the coolest moments of season one

"Oh my gosh... its me" is such a great line from an anti-alliance member as they're being voted out
I think that was one of those subtle moments that helps add to the emotion felt by the viewers when it was originally airing. It really drives home a... severity, in a way, to the whole situation.
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Old 01-31-2018, 11:39 PM   #46
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Season 1, Episode 8: Thy Name Is Duplicity

I love how Sean gets special notice for his alphabet strategy in the recap, like it’s some game-changing strategic plan. Ya know, instead of the alliance banding against Gretchen or something that tells about the game in a notable way.

There was a CONSPIRACY!!!!! That’s right, a CONSPIRACY is afoot! It was a BLOODBATH! Sean said it himself, there was nothing but STRATEGY involved with the vote. What a fiendish, dastardly plot!

Honestly, props to Sue for going along with the flow but still keeping her heart true to her original 4. I’d say Sue was pretty integral to the overall strategy actually working. Like if you ask me, she’s a better leader than Hatch, at least from what’s shown within season 1.

Honestly, Greg’s philosophy on the game really isn’t wrong, I think he was just the first example of someone who was too obvious about it. Like, even though it was clear that there was an alliance between the tagi 4, they were much more subtle about it, and less schemy and devious in their methods around camp.

Greg’s video from home is terrific, from what I recall of what I’ve heard his sister actually made a lot of awkward innuendos actually that didn’t make the cut, which adds to Greg’s weird character I’d say. The videos are much cuter than a physical family meeting I’d say, like honestly it just feels much more… impactful almost. Plus, I don’t like in modern survivor when the family member gets involved in a challenge either. Videos from home are a nice way to keep them connected, but still keep the family a bit distant from the rest of the island, as it should be. Also, poor Jenna, I couldn’t imagine how heartbreaking that would be, especially after having just watched all the other loved ones’ videos.

Gervase with the parent card is actually really interesting, and his insight is actually pretty spot-on, even if a bit… cynical I suppose. He actually has pretty good analysis of what’s going on, it’s a shame he didn’t pair that with good strategy or he’d likely be quite a force to be reckoned with. He did try of course, but… well not enough I suppose, and not well enough. Bummer for him, good potential if nothing else.

Cool immunity challenge. It was a bit comical because I can’t see the rope with how bad my video’s quality is, so most of what I see is a bunch of people just running around and falling over for no reason. A bit glad Gervase won because I do enjoy him more than some others at this point.

I’m glad strategy is becoming a bit relevant finally, gives me stuff to talk about in theory. Of course, there wasn’t enough to it in this episode, but it laid the groundwork at least. The fact that people still “vote with their conscience” makes it hard to analyze and strategize too much, since it’s a whole nother factor to incorporate, one that can’t really be hypothesized too much. I think Hatch almost got fundamentally lucky that he had more people who wanted to ally than Gervase had, though that can also be chalked up to Hatch trying to form a voting bloc sooner than Gervase.

Sad to see the alphabetical strategy finds its first flaw - despite it, can’t vote for people who are immune! What will happen next?! Will he go back in order and vote for Gervase next? Time will tell!

Greg’s crying at the end was, despite being iconic to greg, probably the first time he genuinely annoyed me. I’m really not a fan of fake crying. Anyways, Greg is a legend in my mind, truly one of a kind. Sad he never did anything ever outside of Survivor S1.
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Old 02-1-2018, 09:11 AM   #47
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they've been trying to get Greg back forever
he's declined everything from All-Stars (good for him) to Second Chance (though he finally said he was interested in coming back)

I think he's overhyped sorry he's only a little bit funny
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Old 02-1-2018, 12:54 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by the sun fan View Post
I think he's overhyped sorry he's only a little bit funny
I've come around on him a bit; I don't think he's the most hilarious character by any stretch, but his eccentricity is definitely unique and iconic, and adds a certain charm to what goes on S1. I'd say he's a good example of someone who's entertaining for non-satirical (irony, etc) reasons .
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Old 02-1-2018, 12:57 PM   #49
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Watched the first episode of season one yesterday. Catching up to u Celery > : D
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Old 02-1-2018, 01:19 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by mellonxcollie View Post
Watched the first episode of season one yesterday. Catching up to u Celery > : D

I'll hopefully be finished S1 by the end of Friday, at least mostly. Goodluck!
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Old 02-1-2018, 02:06 PM   #51
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Season 1, Episode 9: Old and New Bonds

I love Richard’s comments on Probst, something about contestants commenting on Jeff always makes me giggle, like it’s breaking the fourth wall almost to me. I know in this season Jeff is almost a friend to the survivors with how much he interacts with them, but that really does fall apart later on, which just adds to the comedy with it.

I think it’s sad that Kelly is in such denial about the alliance situation, to the point where she talks against it like it’s some horrible thing. Yet despite that, she still goes along with it (well, even)... I’m not really fond of this kind of trait in people naturally, it was probably just to come to terms morally with it by making excuses for it and making it seem like she, in fact, did not like what she was doing despite being fully complicit.

“I mean, I sort of liked him, before I knew he was queer!” honestly the whole tone of this confuses me but wow Rudy, your whole world view is falling apart. It’s almost like he’s coming to terms with it somewhat, despite having a similar denial about it like Kelly and co. do with regards to alliances.

I’m… somewhat with Colleen on this one, like I eat a ton of meats and fished and such, but I don’t much enjoy watching my food getting cut up and such.

Richard pulling a bit of a Hantz with his elective to not catch fish for a while to make them appreciate him more, to yearn for the fish etc. Unfortunate that it only ended up making him look like a fool since the women got a fish without him, but I can respect the attempt, and understand where he was coming from with his petty frustration.

I’m happy the challenges are finally getting more interesting and high-effort, I hate ropes courses and can’t do them personally, but they’re fun to watch and feel very... Survivor-y.

I’m glad Jenna was brought along for the reward, and a part of me is actually surprised she wasn’t just handed the victory so she could get her letter. I don’t remember which season it was, but there was a newer season where they all just chose people to win a challenge based on criteria of needs and such.

Sean being the doofy swing vote is unfortunate for Pagong… It’s too bad they didn’t know about what was happening with Kelly’s internal struggles, or at least didn’t capitalize well enough off them, she might’ve swapped if they pressured her to enough.

Richard being naked is probably his dumbest strategic decision. I think that’s all I should say about his nude birthday arc, because the topic is pretty… controversial with some, like Jenna.

I’m really glad Sean’s terrific alphabetic order strategy is being covered more, it really is the pinnacle of cunning and thought, it’s too bad the girls found a way around it. I wonder if he would self vote if he reached that point.

Hurray for Rudy winning the immunity challenge that probably didn’t change anything anyways. Still happy he won something regardless though, most older contestants on Survivor don’t really ever do anything, I’m glad he broke the mold.

I retract my prior statement, Pagong had a great attempt at converting Kelly to their side. Perhaps too subtle in nature though, unfortunately.

Sue hit the nail on the head about Sean I’d say with his voting decision making method. Not having the guts to make a decision like that, I’d say is a big part of it. I don’t know if I would’ve called him an idiot to his face like that, but his not thinking Jenna was on the table and not recognizing the voting bloc does prove his idiocy.

Man, Sean’s face when Jenna went home was like a “Awww no, I screwed up!!” it was such a perfect ditzy look of…. Well, oh.

The way Jeff said “J for Jenna” for the last vote was such a cool send off. I’m not terribly sad about Jenna going, though I do really feel for her about the video from home fiasco. I’d definitely say Sean’s strategy saved the Tagi 4.

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Old 02-1-2018, 02:42 PM   #52
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Next time I TWG, I'm gonna employ sean's tactic. It seems to be something that works, yeah?

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Charu the red-nosed Snivy
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You could even say it glows

All of the other Snivies
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Charu
Join in any Snivy games

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All in all I would say that Charu not only won this game, his play made me reconsider how I play it.
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Old 02-1-2018, 05:04 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Charu View Post
Next time I TWG, I'm gonna employ sean's tactic. It seems to be something that works, yeah?
it sure voted people off, it did
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Old 02-1-2018, 06:10 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Celirra View Post
I'll hopefully be finished S1 by the end of Friday, at least mostly. Goodluck!
like... tomorrow?!?! You survivor superfan !!!

if you mean next week, challenge on bucko
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Old 02-1-2018, 06:54 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by mellonxcollie View Post
like... tomorrow?!?! You survivor superfan !!!

if you mean next week, challenge on bucko
he meant tomorrow
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Old 02-2-2018, 02:06 AM   #56
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Season 1, Episode 10: Crack in the Alliance

I think it’s really interesting how it was changed last minute to Jenna, and to hear it from Rudy; I assume this is to trick Sean into thinking Jenna wasn’t vulnerable so he would use his impeccable voting strategy in the natural order and go for Jenna, which he wouldn’t have done if he thought Jenna was the target. Swapping to last minute breaks chances of anyone telling Sean of the change of plans, and reduces risk.
That or she just annoyed Sue too much in the end.

How does Sean still have doubts about there being an alliance? Is he maybe afraid of being confrontational by addressing the alliance or something? Or is it more that he doesn’t want to admit he wasn’t brought into the alliance?

Perhaps an unpopular opinion: I think Sue is a better player than Hatch. She’s better at playing the whole game I’d say, she’s strategic and an analyst, perhaps less of a strategist but she’s better at analyzing and using the assets she has.

So this sets the stones for the ultimate betrayal between Sue and Kelly, which is definitely one of the high(low)lights of the season, with what ends up going down. I’d say that was Sue’s only negative in the game: she chose the wrong person to ally with to the end, which in my mind she couldn’t have even known. I think Kelly would’ve beaten Sue in the F2 mind you, but Sue would’ve beaten Hatch.

Gervase getting special notice for having a baby, is… interesting and strange to me, because I don’t think Survivors usually get (nor should they honestly) any info about what goes on outside the island. I think it gives an unfair advantage with extra sympathy, which goes a long way. Also, if anyone but Rudy said half of what he’s saying, about family matters and such, they would get SO much flak, I think it’s hilarious. Rudy is great for speaking his mind, even if I don’t agree with him a lot.

Man, Survivor was much more adventurous with their music back now, I like how they actually used well-known music rather than solely their own personally made music. It adds a sense of lightheartedness and fun to the happenings, which I appreciate in healthy doses.

It’s interesting Rudy says he doesn’t want to see anyone else from the island again, like assuming that is true he does a pretty solid job with a poker face and putting up with them. He’s a far more patient man than me, that’s for sure. I wouldn’t be able to hide that kind of thing nearly as well, if there were people I didn’t much care for it would be very obvious.

I like how there’s so much depth put into characters as a whole, it’s as if I personally know Gervase at this point instead of him just being a character on a game show like a lot of modern players are. That said, Gervase definitely has the most focus I would say in that regard by a wide margin so it’s not like everyone has that treatment, but getting one life story sure beats getting none.

“It’s not worth it to feel like shit for the rest of your life for a little extra money and your 15 minutes” see, I really don’t understand why you’d feel like shit though. I don’t think Survivor should intrinsically be a popularity contest like a grade school class valedictorian election, so unless you are just lying to everybody there isn’t much reason to feel bad, and even then I don’t think there’s a lot of grounds for the melancholy. That, and it’s not like voting someone off is saying goodbye to them forever - even then it was the 21st century, and keeping in touch is fairly simple if both sides want to. Friends in game can easily be friends out of game, and I think most people recognize that, if not during the game then afterwards when all is said and done. The shitty feeling is definitely worth the 670 odd thousand dollars and the limelight, to me.

I love firemaking challenges, they’re so interesting and there’s a lot of cool methods always associated. I like this style even better though than when it’s to stay in game, because of the added process of finding kindling along a beach and a larger space overall.

Richard winning immunity was probably a game-winning immunity for him, because this TC was likely the best chance for his alliance (Kelly) to turn, and he would be prime target numero uno. Hell, even Rudy might’ve gone for him for his general life choices etc. and I doubt Sue would mind the chance.

Man, Sue is a really wise lady. I like Sue’s speeches, she’s one of the better orators of Survivor history, her whole tirade on alliances throughout America had a lot of insight and was actually quite impressive.

I don’t get why Gervase would vote for Sean at this point, when he was someone that Gervase was hoping to work with. I would assume that it would be in his best interest to at least vote alongside Sean in the off chance that someone in the core 4 flipped, rather than a statement vote. Though, Colleen’s vote for Sean maybe signifies that there was stuff going on behind the curtains with respect to a plan against Sean (maybe Kelly said she wanted him gone?). That or they really are just voting for who they want to be with least.

Bit bummed Gervase went home. Much as I love her, Colleen isn’t nearly as fun as he is at this stage of the game, and I bet Gervase had the highest potential to stir the pot at the end here… though probably couldn’t have anyways. Nice try, Bullseye.
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Old 02-2-2018, 11:32 AM   #57
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Default Re: Survivor (TV show)

if you want to know what it feels like to have tinnitus, watch the second and third episodes of this season with a headset.
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people like you are how trump gets elected
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Old 02-2-2018, 11:34 AM   #58
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Default Re: Survivor (TV show)

Originally Posted by mellonxcollie View Post
if you want to know what it feels like to have tinnitus, watch the second and third episodes of this season with a headset.
Y'know, I wish there was a good, decent, site to stream it all. Besides the obvious pay to view ones, lol

Originally Posted by JohnRedWolf87 View Post
Charu the red-nosed Snivy
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You could even say it glows

All of the other Snivies
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Charu
Join in any Snivy games

(Click the arrow to see the rest)

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 View Post
All in all I would say that Charu not only won this game, his play made me reconsider how I play it.
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Old 02-2-2018, 11:35 AM   #59
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Default Re: Survivor (TV show)

Unless the pay to view ones also have that problem?

lmao if so, nice recording.

Originally Posted by JohnRedWolf87 View Post
Charu the red-nosed Snivy
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You could even say it glows

All of the other Snivies
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Charu
Join in any Snivy games

(Click the arrow to see the rest)

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 View Post
All in all I would say that Charu not only won this game, his play made me reconsider how I play it.
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Old 02-2-2018, 11:53 AM   #60
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Default Re: Survivor (TV show)

It definitely is annoying watching these older seasons on poor streaming sites. The quality never was terrific, but it's even worse now, and I don't think most pay to view sites even have the older seasons anymore. It's particularly unfortunate in some cases, where it's hard to make out important elements of challenges, or to be able to see people clearly.

I'd chalk it up to 70% due to the show being from 2000, and 30% due to the natural quality decline of streaming services.
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