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Old 05-26-2015, 03:34 PM   #721
Cold Kitten
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Default Re: Anime north 2015 hype thread

bridget, our 'vanilla' talk was gr8. <3

Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
it's like putting training wheels on gutterguards covered in styrofoam made of bubblewrap with a velcro fanny pack inside a condom
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Old 05-26-2015, 04:52 PM   #722
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Default Re: Anime north 2015 hype thread

double post bc yes

So, first off, before I even get into any events or mass shoutouts, there's a couple people I would like to thank:

You were my driving buddy for this trip and I could not have been at AN without you. It started as a joke for us to go in live twg one night, and I still can hardly believe it even actually happened. 26 hours in a car to go to Toronto and back, plus an extra 20 for you to drive from Florida to me and back. That's certainly a superhuman feat. Even with all our missteps (can you say team detained?), I still had so much fun and I couldn't have done it without you because I wouldn't have even been there. You're awesome and I look forward to next year already and the next time we can hang out

Ally, you're such a good friend. We've said it before, but you're basically like a sister to me. Same as Jteh, I wouldn't have been able to go to AN without you. I wouldn't have had anywhere to stay and it would've been super lame, so thank you so, so, so much for that. I'm sorry I bailed on you a bit over the weekend, we'll work on that for next year for sure. That aside, I'm so incredibly glad I got to meet you. I've been waiting for so long for that moment and it was everything I imagined it would be. You are an absolutely wonderful people and you've done so much for everyone who went to AN. I love you

Anyway. with those two very important shoutouts done, I can move onto some of the crazy, wonderful, or anxiety inducing events that happened.

So I was running around like a crazy person on wednesday. I had to pack and get so much done before Jteh got to my place. (spoiler: I didn't get it all done lmao, I have stuff I have to do once he leaves tonight) Jteh arrived late, like 10 pm or something and I made some dinner for us. Homemade tacos, delicious. We then stayed up until like.... 2 AM or something baking cookies. Now, if you had some of the cookies I brought, you'll know why. They were damn delicious. We also watched house hunters for some god awful reason. Spoiled people with way too much money who can't be satisfied by anything lmao. In any case, with cookies baked and being packed, we went to bed, intending to leave Knoxville at 8 AM on Thursday.

So I got up early and ran some errands before we left. We managed to leave by 9, not too far off of our goal. It worked out okay. We definitely had some interesting experiences on the way to Toronto.

We got out of Tennessee without too much incident, but once we got into Kentucky.... let me tell you, they're fucking weird. We stopped at a gas station where I'm pretty sure the guy could've been telling me to go fuck myself and I still wouldn't have been able to understand it because fucking accents. I just wanted my damn coffee, come on. We then stopped at a Chick-Fil-A and this random old due that was there was hilarious. I think he talked to us for like a good 10 minutes. I don't even remember. He also didn't know what "getting by" meant. He asked Jteh if he got decent grades and jteh was like "well I get by" and the old dude asked what a get by was. Our trip in a nutshell right there.

After Kentucky, we got into Ohio. There was basically nothing. Ohio is basically nothing. end of story. Michigan was next. Fuck Michigan roads, like for real. They were pretty awful and I hated driving on them. NOW THEN. Onto the good part: Jteh and I got to the border, we paid our toll into Canada, and then got to the part where we show our passports. We pulled into a line and showed the lady our passports and... she asked if we had Nexus cards, which we didn't, so of course we answered no. She asked us why we were in that line then, and sent us on to the customs and immigration place. Jteh's car was then searched and we were asked the same questions a billion times. We got fucking detained. At the border. Because we're fucking idiots. So that's a thing that happened.

After our anxiety was throughly exploited, we finally left there and got into Canada. Yay!!!!! .... and then Jteh proceeded to run the first red light he came across. Canada, why are you lights at the very edge of the intersection and not at the middle. It's confusing as fuck. pls stop. ANYWAY. We actually had a pretty smooth drive after that. We saw a lot of wind turbines. I saw a Canadian cow, which I was pretty happy about. The weather was really nice. Much less exciting after our border troubles, which I was okay with.

So we got to Ally's and Luis, Stian, and Thomas were there. You guys were pretty great. Fun to talk to and what not. Jteh and I had a couple drinks, which was a nice way to relax after that crazy drive, and FINALLY, we got to sleep in a bed.

So Friday, the convention started obviously, but first we all wanted some lunch after we went to the bank to get some wonderful colored Canadian currency. Ally took us to get some poutine which was abso-fucking-lutely delicious. Note to self though, the philly cheesesteak poutine in fact does not taste like a philly cheesesteak which makes me quite sad. So we headed over to the Sheraton after that I believe and hung around for awhile. The DDR room didn't technically open until 5, but I play some Just Dance! And almost won a TV. I held the top score for quite awhile, which I'm still sad I didn't try to beat again later. But oh well, whatever

so finally the DDR room opened and no one wanted to dance with me anymore, which was pretty lame if you ask me. But hey, I had fun, even though Trevor wouldn't dance with me!!! I really don't remember much of Friday afternoon, I remember meeting a shit ton of people mostly. It's all kind of a blur. Until Friday night that, is!!! So we had the Whose Yaoi is it Anyway panel, which was LEGENDARY. Gumby squad forever!!! If you missed that panel, you missed some straight up gold. Gumby 1 and 3 are obviously the best, and I hope they're there next year. Love you gumby squad.

After that, we had our werewolf panel. NEVER EVER FUCKING TRY AND PLAY WEREWOLF WITH 40+ PEOPLE IN ONE ROOM. DON'T FUCKING DO IT. It's basically impossible. At least some newbies enjoyed playing werewolf, I hope. Funnygurl, that wolf win basically made my life. I'm so incredibly proud of you for that, like holy shit. You pocketed greg HARD, so good for you. I was fear killed too, which I'm pretty fucking happy about. 8) WHO'S BAD AT TWG NOW.

After werewolf, it was drinking game time. That was basically the best drinking game I think I've ever played. Also for whoever decided to say Max and I were cute that night, thank you :P I only know who two of you were, but thanks to the third as well. Max almost didn't come play, and how sad would that have been. I got pretty damn wasted. Thanks Bridget for the strong drinks 8) Made the night that much more interesting. We should definitely do that again lmao

Trixie and Covey generously allowed Jteh and I to sleep in their room, which was probably good because I don't think I would've made it back to anywhere else. I was fucking gone.

We slept late, which I'm sure was very much needed by us all. I threw up on the floor at one point, sorry about that @_@ We eventually headed over to the Sheraton. I'm pretty sure I spent most of the day in the Rockband room (or was that Friday??? I don't remember oops). Shoutouts to everyone who played with me 8) I had fun. I went and took a nap in Pete's room at some point as well, I believe. THANKS FOR WAKING ME UP IN TIME, GOSH. (jk ily all). Idk, saturday is kind of a blur for me tbh. So eventually, Pete, Greg, Bridget and I went to the dealer's room. Charmander hoodie ftw. So glad I bought that. We wandered around there for a little while before we had to head to Tucker's for dinner.

THAT. GROUP. PICTURE. Also sven, that stepman tower was a very bad idea on your part, I think :P
but real talk so many people in that picture holy shit. Pete what the fuck were you doing for reals. You're fucking great ily.

So finally we got into Tucker's and sat down. ONE FREE DRINK, NO REFILLS, WHAT THE FUCK. That was lame as shit. The food was pretty great though. I enjoyed it. That is until sven happened lmao. Sven you ruined dinner for me a little bit. My hangover was still lingering and the smell of puked up beer was not great for me. Also you have some stupid ideas, would not recommend lmao. You already know that tho, I talked to you about it :P

We went back to the sheraton eventually and lined up for the gay sex 101 panel after getting our 18+ stickers for our badges and figuring out the line for the black butler panel was long as shit. ANYWAY. Yeah, got into the gay sex panel (GUMBY SQUAD WAS THERE). Max and I ended up in the front while everyone else was in the back I think. They threw lube at us. Never thought I'd have to say that lmao. That panel was wonderfully entertaining. If you missed the impossible positions contest, you seriously missed out. It was so fucking hilarious.

After that, Greg, Max and I tried to find Lofty and Nina. That took quite awhile for us to do. We found them and went back to the hotel, where Max and I proceeded to accidentally piss smartdude off. Sorry, it was a joke and I guess we did a bad job of making it come across that way. Thank you for graciously letting me sleep on your floor anyway :P

Sunday (fucking finally)
So sunday, most people went to Wonderland. Max, Trevor, mayo, and I (as well as a few other people) stayed behind. We actually didn't really do a whole lot. Wandered around the dealer's room some more (holy fucking shit there were so many people), but at least I found the two board games I wanted. 8) Max and I went and had lunch and met up with Trevor and Mayo later, where we proceeded to play blitz, boss monster, and betrayal. Pretty sure everyone's favorite was betrayal. If you've never played it-- you should. It's fucking awesome. But it's also pretty hard to find and expensive when you do.

Everyone got back from Wonderland eventually and we hung out for awhile, then Jteh and I went back to Ally's to pack and stuff. Also I said goodbye to Pete, which made me sad

So, I talked Jteh and Ally into going over to the Westin kinda early on Monday to hang out with everyone before they left, and let me just say I'm super glad I did. It was so hard to say goodbye to everyone though. It was definitely the most emotional part of the convention for me I think. I cried at least a couple times on the drive back too. It was difficult for sure.

The drive back was actually pretty uneventful. We DID NOT get detained at the border again. We were actually really nervous and the dude gave us our passports back and we waited for a couple seconds and he's like “you guys are free to go” and so yeah. That was definitely a different experience for us lmao. Other than that, it was a pretty simple drive. I slept through the wind turbines, which made me sad.

We did at least get to meet blindreper!! We stopped by his place on our way out of Detroit. We didn't do much. We pretty much sat on his trampoline for two hours and talked. We tried to convince Charu to come meet us, but we didn't give him enough notice apparently. Jteh was sad about that one for sure, as was I.

Tried to eat at Bob Evan's, but they were closed, which also made me sad, so we ate Wendy's instead. Got back into Knoxville at 5 am. Talk about an exhausting drive. All in all, it was a super, super fun trip and I'm so incredibly glad that I went. It started out as a joke in live twg and it actually ended up happening and I could not be more happy that it did. I got to meet so many people I've known for years, and so many people that I'd never really talked to before that I definitely will be now.

You guys are literally all great and I cannot put into words how happy I am to have met you all.

Now onto the sappy shoutouts~

Everyone's been doing these in alphabetical order, which my brain isn't functioning enough to do, so sorry in advance

Trevor: What can I say. I've been waiting for this for 7 goddamn years (yeah, there's the number again). You're practically like a brother to me and it was incredible to meet you. Bridget felt the need to get a picture of our first hug, like that should say something. Again, I cannot put into words how happy it made me to finally meet you. You mean pretty much the world to me, and I'm so, so happy that we finally got to actually meet. I wish we could have spent more time together, but a weekend isn't enough to hang out with just one person, let alone 50+ people. At least I have another excuse to come to Vancouver at some point, so I'm sure I'll see you before next year's AN

Bridget: HI LOVELY. I love you and you know that. You are literally one of my favorite people ever and I'm glad that after all of our live twg shenanigans that we were able to see each other in person I'm sorry you rolled wolf TWICE IN A ROW in the ww panel though. That was hilarious imo <3 From our 'vanilla' talk at dinner, to you not acknowledging Max and I until it was on Facebook, we made plenty of memories and I'm so glad that we got to. You're an absolutely wonderful person

Mayo: I didn't really talk to you all that much before hand, but I get the feeling I probably will now. I've obviously heard plenty about you from Trevor, but it's not quite the same as actually meeting you. We have so much to bond over and I can't wait for our Trevor-bashing sessions that will inevitable happen.

Funnygurl: You were honestly one of the people I was looking forward to meeting the most. I mean, I was looking forward to meeting everyone but you're my TWG buddy so, it was just a have-to thing. You were really quiet, which didn't really surprise me, and I'm sorry if I started to annoy you at any point, but I just was really happy to meet you :')

Adam: I'M SO SORRY I ACCIDENTALLY PISSED YOU OFF. It was a joke and we should have made that more clear lmao. You seemed fine after I was like “i'll sleep on the floor” so I hope you weren't too mad You were really funny though, so I'm super glad I ended up meeting you!!

Chris: you were pretty hilarious. And also very tall, which I'm sure you get all the time. Regardless, I will NOT thank you for the porn I found in my bag later at the sheraton. That was mean.

Anthony: you were quiet, but I'm still glad I got to meet you!! you with your pillow was pretty entertaining. I think housekeeping got a kick out of it as well you were a trooper during Kings as well so props to you for that.

Andrew: thank you for generously letting me and Jteh sleep in your room!! It was super nice of you and I really don't think I would've made it back anywhere else anyway, so it was probably a good thing I stayed there

Kady: same to you, thanks for letting us sleep in you room, it was greatly appreciated. Also I'm super sorry for vomiting on your floor. I tried really hard not to do that lmao. Thanks for waiting for me outside as well while I got the rest of it out we should talk more often!! we used to in prochat so why not now, right??

Greg: stop looking so unhappy in every picture ever. It's not fair. no but really, i'm glad i got to see you again, can't wait until you and pete come visit me again

Pete: PETE PETE PETE PETE PETE. I still owe you like $12 or something lmfao. I'll get that to you next time you and Greg visit :P you look so happy in all your pictures, which is such a great contrast to greg, so i'm glad for that. Also making fun of greg with you is always fun

gundam dude: thank you so much for the pass!!! It worked out really, really well and I'm super glad that I was able to get a pass without paying a fortune for it so thanks for that!!

austin: I'M SO SAD WE DIDN'T GET TO SPEND MORE TIME TOGETHER. We seriously should've like.... organized our meet up. I totally forgot you were even coming until I was there and it took me awhile to find you. Next year, we have got to work on that one

sven: sven sven sven..... you have bad ideas lmao. Sorry I ran away from you p much, I didn't realize it was you bc I'm dumb. We'll talk more some time and it'll be fine (sun)

luis, stian, thomas: HEY. You guys were all great and fun to hang around with and talk to, so thanks for that you made good company

anyone I'm forgetting: very general thing to say, but seriously, meeting everyone was so much fun. Some of you knew who I was, some didn't, but it was still a great experience to have. We should all talk and hang out more next year, you should message me on skype or something if you want, I'd really like to get to know everyone better


Max: I've said most of what I want to already to you, but regardless, I'm very glad we met. That's kind of an understatement, but that's fine, you already know. We were basically inseparable over the weekend, which I'm sure got annoying, either to you or other people (I know it at least got annoying a couple times, and for that, I apologize) but a weekend just isn't enough time and we'll have to figure everything out as we go. I'm not going to get overly sappy in a forum post, but just know that we can do whatever we put our minds to

Once again, meeting everyone was so much fun, and I cannot wait until next year. I'm probably going to book a room very early this year to make sure I have somewhere near the con to stay so I'll have some open spots in a room if anyone wants one :P thanks again to everyone, especially ally and jteh for allowing me to go. I had an incredible, unforgettable time and I can't wait to do it again.


edit: i wrote a fucking novel whoops

Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
it's like putting training wheels on gutterguards covered in styrofoam made of bubblewrap with a velcro fanny pack inside a condom

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Old 05-26-2015, 08:38 PM   #723
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this year was once again so much fun, looking forward to seeing everyone again <3
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Old 05-26-2015, 08:40 PM   #724
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I uploaded all the pictures I took from Anime North onto my Facebook. The album is public so feel free to tag yourselves in them.
Originally Posted by Squeek View Post
Guru's idea of sex brought to you by the same people who think you can get AIDS or HIV from touching doorknobs or that you can get pregnant from masturbating.
AKA the Christian Church
Originally Posted by Mystery Man View Post
Hey Trixie, how does your asshole feel? Does it feel nice and stretched from how hard those jacks just raped you?
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Old 05-26-2015, 09:30 PM   #725
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tuckers toast

another sven vid from my pov

magfest reminiscence and story time with jordan

lurker reviews perkins' salty butter belgian waffles

elevator waiting vid on sunday right before check out

(Download My Magnum Opus, Solo Kpop Pack!)

My Simfiles (4key & 6key)
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Old 05-26-2015, 09:59 PM   #726
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Default Re: Anime north 2015 hype thread

Originally Posted by TrixiePuff View Post
Hide the poutines you guys.
Underrated post
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:05 PM   #727
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Originally Posted by Tyson ultima View Post
Underrated post

Also, I got the proper group photo :P

Originally Posted by Squeek View Post
Guru's idea of sex brought to you by the same people who think you can get AIDS or HIV from touching doorknobs or that you can get pregnant from masturbating.
AKA the Christian Church
Originally Posted by Mystery Man View Post
Hey Trixie, how does your asshole feel? Does it feel nice and stretched from how hard those jacks just raped you?
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:23 PM   #728
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So who's going to name everyone?

Also that does seem pretty rude regardless of past experiences. I'd prefer an unedited photo personally.

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Old 05-26-2015, 10:29 PM   #729
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Originally Posted by Izzy View Post
So who's going to name everyone?
I'll definitely try to do that while writing my shoutout post. Probably won't get everyone, but to those that recognize themselves in the photo, point out where you all are.

FMO AAAs (22): Heavenly Spores, .357 Magnum, Pure Ruby, VS Boss Battle, Black, You Goddamn Fish, Faint Breath, Epilogue, Crimson Flood, Zombie Killing Blood Spilling, Saffron City (offline), Fast Asleep, R2, Her Majesty, Defection, Happy Meal, Bit Blue, Stupor of Peace, Tightwad, Progressive jikuu shoujo! Urashima Taroko-chan!, Annihilator Method, Skyfire Ace
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:31 PM   #730
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I know I wasn't around much and didn't talk to a lot of you, and frankly I'm pretty sure most of you weren't even aware who I was lol. It was quite overwhelming seeing so many unknown faces this year! Absolutely will be getting a pass next year. Too many people for half a day!


First and foremost, super glad I got to meet you. You were the first one I saw as I arrived saturday afternoon, basically hung out the whole time I was there. I had a blast man. It was awesome to talk to you again after so many years when we used to hang out in tinychat all the time. But the band's getting back together, and we made a pact to both be D7 by this time next year. PrawnSkunk, you too. Grind it out boys, we've got that rivalry going.

Rob and Maggie
Shitty that you guys had to leave so early, I was looking forward to hanging out. Maggie, only saw you for a moment while you were dying in the car, but it was good to see you again. Haven't talked in forever. Rob, when I hit D7 with Jteh and PrawnSkunk, buy me Wendy's (gelf)

I've never really had an opportunity to chill with you, but it was fun man. Next year I'll be around longer and we'll have some drinks together.

Good to see you again man, way improved at itg from when I last saw you at AN two years ago lol. Saturday night was just some smashing your keyboard and sound voltex and a small bit of itg, but I had a great time. We'll hit up pmall and play some more.

We've never really hung out or talked much, but you really made my night by letting me crash in your room. Otherwise it would have just been a couple hours that ended at dinner, and instead turned into rhythm games late into the night, followed by tits and gobstoppers. Thanks so much man, I really appreciate it.

It was awesome meeting you man, learned some cool stuff (spic and span!), and played your files in front of you! Not well mind you, but it was fun going through that list of your files and remembering how much I hated some of them. Seriously, fuck Puzzle. Impossible file. I'll do better next year though ;D

You were another person who made my night possible, thanks so much for spotting me at dinner. Didn't really see you much, but next year for sure. Glad we got that picture on sunday though! I'll have that $9 for you a year from now. I just hope I don't incur too much interest D=

We didn't talk, but you gave me $3 and I really appreciate it. I'm super tight on money and with you and Trevor's help I was able to make the most of my time at AN this year. Your index skill was absolutely insane, it was crazy to watch.

The local gang
Ally, Andy, Amy, Will, Brandon. Like I know I'm not really close friends with you guys, but damn. I'd love to make more of an effort to try and chill, it's a shame being so close and all that good stuff.

Everyone else I can't think of right now
There were so many of you this year, and I wasn't around long enough to go around meeting everyone. Hopefully with this whole Jteh/PrawnSkunk pact thing I'll be around the forums more and I'll know who I'm looking for when next year comes around.
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:34 PM   #731
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:41 PM   #732
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That feel when people clap when you aren't there and on video too :<
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:43 PM   #733
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ok for real though everyone in that pic was in on leaving sarah out so if anyone wants to hand out bans like pmon's candy go ahead
some feathery f**k

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Old 05-26-2015, 10:45 PM   #734
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Alright yeah, I'm going to start removing stuff now.

Take it to PM's.

FMO AAAs (22): Heavenly Spores, .357 Magnum, Pure Ruby, VS Boss Battle, Black, You Goddamn Fish, Faint Breath, Epilogue, Crimson Flood, Zombie Killing Blood Spilling, Saffron City (offline), Fast Asleep, R2, Her Majesty, Defection, Happy Meal, Bit Blue, Stupor of Peace, Tightwad, Progressive jikuu shoujo! Urashima Taroko-chan!, Annihilator Method, Skyfire Ace
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:45 PM   #735
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actually half that group hates literally everyone else on this site
some feathery f**k
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:46 PM   #736
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They all hate me, it's true!

Originally Posted by JohnRedWolf87 View Post
Charu the red-nosed Snivy
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You could even say it glows

All of the other Snivies
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Charu
Join in any Snivy games

(Click the arrow to see the rest)

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 View Post
All in all I would say that Charu not only won this game, his play made me reconsider how I play it.
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:48 PM   #737
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it's honestly really fucked up that people on the site will be nice to other people when they meetup, and then get on the forums and be a fucking shitlord to them
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:49 PM   #738
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"we're all family haha :]"
*publicly hates on someone literally days after meeting them irl*
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:50 PM   #739
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Originally Posted by choof View Post
"we're all family haha :]"
*publicly hates on someone literally days after meeting them irl*
Well the actual solution was to ignore those you don't like because it would cause trouble and ruin a good time for other members and ruin their con experience.

Once you at home BM is completely okay.

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Old 05-26-2015, 10:51 PM   #740
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Default Re: Anime north 2015 hype thread

which is admirable because at least you're not putting on a front
this shit happens every year and tbh it's really making me not want to go to anime north because I'll just meet everyone and think "I wonder how much shit they're gonna talk in skype chats while being friendly to my fucking face"
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