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Old 12-24-2005, 09:41 PM   #21
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No comments on chapter 6. Man I type my fingers to the bones for you guys and what do I get. Well I'll show you. The best chapter yet: Chapter 7!

Chapter Seven

The food was fantastic. People in medieval times had apparently never heard of silverware so everything had to be eaten by hand. Still it was the greatest thing Jewpin had ever tasted.
It had been about half an hour since Lightdarkness and Jewpin had their showdown. They were eating at the Blacksmith’s house adjacent to his shop. Apparently the inn did not take American dollars, them not existing for a few centuries and all. Lightdarkness was moneyless after his run in with the bandits and Boogiebear was not carrying any cash saying, “It is twice as dangerous for a woman to travel with money and provisions rather than with provisions.” Jewpin wondered how she would have found a place to stay if she had not met him and Lightdarkness.
“Great food sir.” Jewpin exclaimed with a full mouth so it came out more like: “Rate ood sfur”
The Blacksmith laughed, “Aye thank you lad, but ‘tis nothing special.”
“But we never eat like this papa!” Fishfish was standing at the side of the table, between Jewpin and Lightdarkness, with his own plate of food on the floor.
“The Blacksmith blushed, “Fishfish, watch yourself.” His tone was playfully menacing.
“Thank you very much anyways.” Boogiebear complimented with a smile. “Its really appreciated.” Her eyes softly wafted toward Jewpin. Abruptly looking away Jewpin wondered how her skin seemed to glow in the light from the fireplace, if it could be called that. In reality it was kind of an open furnace that let it’s smoke escape from angled slits in the ceiling.
Jewpin looked around to take in the ambiance of the quaint home. The worn wooden floors the hand made table, the poor attempt at decoration of what was obviously a bachelor’s pad.
“Sir, I am sorry I misjudged you earlier.” Lightdarkness apologized. He was still in his armor, only his helmet was on the floor in the corner, cracked and useless. “And you too.” He looked down, smiling at Fishfish. The wolf looked up at him with sparkling eyes. It seemed that they had formed quite a bond since Lightdarkness almost killed him.
“Its fine Lightdarkness. In a way, I am glad that Fishfish finally has someone to talk to ‘sides me.” The Smith took on a more serious tone. “But you will not tell anyone about this? I do not think the rest of the village will be as understanding.”
Lightdarkness turned his emerald eye to the Blacksmith. “No, we will not. I now know that Fishfish is not an evil creature but,” Lightdarkness smiled, “a gift from God.” Fishfish was beaming at the praise. “But you should not only thank me, Jewpin is the one most responsible for your…” Lightdarkness paused, “your… son’s life.”
Fishfish broke in, “Thank you very much Mr. Jewpin.”
Jewpin leaned down and scratched Fishfish on his large head. “I was only doing what I felt was right.”
Fishfish locked his blue eyes with Jewpin’s. “Jewpin your funny.”
“How so?”
Fishfish laid his ears down flat. “No, never mind, it nothing.”
Jewpin smiled, “Don’t worry, you won’t hurt my feelings.”
Fishfish looked down at the floor, suddenly seeming interested in the cracks between the floorboards. “I- I have this ability to sense things, things in people. You are different from everybody I have met before. There is something inside of you. A warmth, that most people do not have. It feels good.”
There was silence at the table for a few seconds. Fishfish lowered his head further down.
“Thank you very much Fishfish. I really appreciate it.”
The black wolf’s head jerked up with what can only be described as a smile on his face. “You really mean it?”
“Of course that’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a long time.”
The dinner was all friendly chat from then on with Lightdarkness telling some heroic story about how he fought off fifty men to save a beautiful princess. Jewpin playfully sighed whenever the knight’s exaggerations became too apparent. Eventually the dinner wound up and everyone went to bed, Jewpin shared a room, sleeping with Lightdarkness on the floor under a blanket. Boogiebear slept in the storeroom where Fishfish had a cot and Fishfish took to rooming on the floor in front of the smoldering fire.
Jewpin lie on his back looking out a small paned window. Stars pierced the inky black of the sky. A halo of light seemed to dance around the almost full moon. Jewpin drifted softly to sleep.

The door to Boogiebear’s room creaked softly open.
“Wake up witch, I know your secret.”
Boogiebear lay with her back toward the door she had no covers on and was dressed in he street clothes.
“I said wake up.” The voice was half growl half whisper.
“I am awake foolish animal.” Boogiebear stayed in the same position.
Fishfish softly stepped into the room, his ears laid back flat and his giant, white fangs bared. “I wondered what it was I sensed in you. It took me to now to realize it.”
“What would that be animal?” Boogiebear rolled over and sat up. Her eyes seemed to glow a faint red.
“Evil, I sense evil. So deeply masked and hidden it is almost impossible to see. I do see it now, I see the way you look at Jewpin. What are you going to do to him?” There was an incredible menace in Fishfish’s tone.
“Stupid animal, you know not of what you are getting yourself into.” Boogiebear stood up, she seemed significantly taller than normal. Her eyes now radiated blood red.
“I will not let you hurt Jewpin.” Fishfish’s fur was bristling up.
“You have no choice in the matter.” Boogiebear lashed out with her right arm and grabbed Fishfish by the scruff of his neck. “Animal, you cannot speak? Why is that?” Boogiebear smiled evilly.
Fishfish thrashed and opened his jaws but no sound came out and he could not break the witch’s steel grasp.
“Too bad animal, I was looking forward to hearing what you said before you died.” Fishfish stopped struggling and locked his deep blue eyes with Boogiebear’s fiery red ones. “Goodbye dear animal.” The witch’s left hand raised above her head. Then with a shadowy streak, drove into Fishfish’s chest. The wolf’s eyes opened wide in pain, but still no sounds came from his throat. Blood ran down Boogiebear’s arm.
“Where is it now animal? that thing that has caused you all this trouble. Your human heart.” Boogiebear smiled to reveal her teeth which had transformed into needle-like fangs. “Ah, here it is.” With a swift motion she ripped her hand from Fishfish’s chest, a the heart still throbbing in her hand. “Fishfishrevolution, how does it feel to die?” Her voice echoed of cold.

Jewpin woke up with a jolt. “Oh man, what a bad dream.” He muttered. The sun’s rays lighted the room. Jewpin looked at Lightdarkness snoring softly beside him, still in his polished armor. Groaning he sat up. “I guess I better wake LD up.”

To be cont…

Yeah bitches, pretty confused right now. Whatever.
Next chapter: I'm not gunna even give a preview you ungrateful ingrates.
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Old 12-25-2005, 12:29 AM   #22
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Pretty hardcore.

I think this is some pretty awesome fanfiction, once again. Keep up the good work.
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Old 12-28-2005, 01:56 AM   #23
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Fuck intros

Chapter 8

Jewpin leaned over to Lightdarkness and pushed on his metal shoulder pad. “Hey man wake up.”
Lightdarkness shifted and muttered something in a semi-human fashion. Jewpin wrinkled his nose. Days sweating inside armor had not exactly made Lightdarkness a treat for the nose. “LD time to get your ass outa bed.” Jewpin playfully took the tone of a drill sergeant. “Get up!”
“Yes Mother.” LD muttered.
Jewpin froze uncomfortably. “Uh, LD, its me… Jewpin.”
Lightdarkness shot up, discarding all blankets, and stood towering over Jewpin. “Yes, of course, I-I… was just testing you.”
“Testing me for what?”
“Uh, loyalty.”
“Loyalty to what?”
“Umm… Loyalty to the King of course!”
“Oh, did I pass?”
“That’s good.”

Half an hour later Jewpin, Lightdarkness and Boogiebear were in the dining room discussing travel plans.
“LD,” Jewpin started tentatively, “I was wondering, if I could accompany you on your journey.”
Jewpin had thought this out long before. When your stranded in a strange land with no money or shelter you tend to hold on to any advantages you had. Lightdarkness was one of these advantages. Jewpin had been frightened by the lizardmen and when Lightdarkness had so easily defeated them it just seemed like the safest choice to stick by the knight. Jewpin preferred to look at it as practical decision making instead of what his subconscious was telling him: cowardice.
Lightdarkness looked at Jewpin strangely, “Do you not have a family or friends?”
Jewpin let his gaze wander around the room without really looking at anything. “Uh… they’re all, dead?” He said it like a question. “I mean, they passed away, my family, passed away. Yeah and my friends… uh… they died too.”
Lightdarkness’s eyes welled up with tears. “Oh my dear Jewpin, of course you may come!”
Jewpin breathed a sigh of relief, he felt slightly guilty at Lightdarkness’s reaction but what was he supposed to do?
“Where exactly are you two going?” Boogiebear inquired.
“I am on a quest to find the legendary sword of Synthlight, Omeganitros.” Lightdarkness replied with dramatic finality.
Boogiebear seemed skeptical, “Omeganitros? Do you really believe that it exists?”
“I must have faith, without faith there is no hope.” Lightdarkness said with a tone of exasperation
“What do you need to hope for.”
Jewpin tuned out as Lightdarkness recited his story. He still had his doubts about the whole thing.

“Goodbye, all of you!” The Blacksmith was jubilant.
Goodbye.” said Fishfish in monotone. Jewpin had noticed that Fishfish had lost some of his excitability and sunny disposition, but he did not take too much notice.
Earlier in the day Jewpin, Lightdarkness and Boogiebear had gone to the local store and bought provisions with money lent from the Blacksmith, Lightdarkness had promised to pay him back after he was done with his quest. Jewpin was puzzled after Lightdarkness refused to buy any clothes and stay in his helmet-less armor but Lightdarkness simply replied. “How will people know I am a knight without my armor?”
Boogiebear had decided to travel with Jewpin and Lightdarkness since her business was in the next town on their way. Jewpin had asked her about what her business was but she always seemed to change the subject and Jewpin always fell for it cursing himself after he realized what was going on. They stopped by the Smith’s shop to tell him and Fishfish goodbye and went on their way.

The road out of the village was dirt surrounded by a pine forest. No matter how long they walked it still seemed like the same dirt surrounded by the same pine forest. Jewpin asked Lightdarkness when they would reach the next town and where they would go from there.

“In two days. Then we go two the mountains.” was Lightdarkness brisk response
It had gotten dark, Lightdarkness had suggested that they set up camp. Jewpin in a brief fit of generosity had decided to fetch kindling for the fire, after being assured that lizardmen do not patrol this part of the forest by Lightdarkness.
Kindling was rare close to the campsite so Jewpin had search quite a distance from the campsite for suitable firewood.
Tramping through the forest Jewpin looked up at the stars between the branches. He never was one for astronomy but he thought that they looked quite a bit different from his time. He wondered if the galaxy had really shifted that much in seven hundred years. His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice, but it was not Lightdarkness or Boogiebear.

To be cont…

He who angers you conquers you. ~Elizabeth Kenny
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Old 01-6-2006, 07:59 PM   #24
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Chapter 9-----orly?

Jewpin looked tried to look deep into the dark forest to determine the source of the voice. Nighttime, however, had begun it’s usual routine of making everything a shade of black, The moon shown off trees, but it distorted his view in awkward shadows to be of much use. The voice spoke again, it was a soft whisper, almost impossible to distinguish.
“Jewpin, please…” The voice lowered and Jewpin could not make out he rest. Jewpin still recognized the owner of the whispers.
“Fishfish?” Jewpin whispered himself, even though he did not know exactly why.
“Jewpin.” Fishfish was whispering a bit louder. “Run away, you can’t trust her. She will kill you too.”
Jewpin sensed that Fishfish was in some sort of distress. For a second it almost seemed like Jewpin could actually feel Fishfish’s emotions. A flash of cold shivers shook Jewpin.
“Fishfish, what is going on?” Jewpin’s voice wavered slightly into a higher octave..
“I cannot say her name, she has cursed my soul.” Jewpin swung his head side to side trying to find Fishfish but all he could find was darkness and pale blue lit trees.. “But think Jewpin. Think! She has only partially bewitched. You are too strong, she does not know it yet, but when she finds out I think she will kill you.”
If it had been daylight Jewpin’s face would have shown his bewilderment. He gave up on trying to decipher what Fishfish had said. Instead he went with what he thought was an easier problem to solve.
“Fishfish,” he was still whispering, “where are you?”
“Jewpin, I cannot stand where you stand but I can show myself to you. Behind you.” Jewpin had never turned around so fast in his life.
Between two mighty trees stood an enormous black wolf. It was pale blue in the moonlight. Jewpin noticed something strange about Fishfish. He was semi-transparent.
“Fishfish- what the hell?!” Jewpin was no longer whispering.
“This is what she does to those who get in her way.” The wolf spoke. His blue eyes seemed glow and sparkle like backlit diamonds.
“What are you talking about Fishfish?”
“Open your eyes Jewpin, I’m dead. I was killed the night you slept at my father’s home.” His voice was haunting and dark.
‘But that can’t be, I saw you before we left.” Jewpin’s tone was one of bewilderment.
“That was just a simulacrum, it was not my soul inside that body.”
Jewpin took some time to take in the image of Fishfish standing there, and being able to see the tree behind him. “Fishfish will you please explain, I really don’t understand.”
“This is all I can tell you. The curse causes me great pain just communicating with you. Detail would be unbearable.” The wolf paused and took in a deep breath, but Jewpin wondered if Fishfish was actually breathing air or if it was a symbolic gesture. “Jewpin, I am trapped. I cannot continue my journey. Please get away from her before you become like me.”
“Who the hell are you talking about, Fishfish?”
‘Think about it. Break her spell. I know you can do it, I sense a power in you that I have never sensed in anyone before. It is enormous, it wants to be let out, but something is holding it back.” Fishfish cocked his head to the side like and his face took on a peculiar expression, one of revelation. “Jewpin, I think you are holding the power inside you. I think you are afraid of what it might do. Jewpin, you must think and you must fight. She is clouding your mind as we speak, but her control is still not absolute. With that power you can break it.”
Jewpin cringed and tried to think of every one he had met during his temporal excursion. He muttered them out loud. “I met LD in the woods, your father the blacksmith, the cute girl at the general store, that weird old man who asked me what my clothes were made of…” His voice trailed off. There was something that he was missing, something that should be in a certain place but it was missing. His brow furrowed. A sharp pain reverberated through his skull, seemingly reprimanding him for trying to remember. He could not give up though. A great surge of warmth flowed through his body, the clouds were pushed away. He said it aloud.
Fishfish howled as if struck a blow. Then his body wisped away as if it were smoke.
“I see you remember me.” A female called from behind Jewpin.

To be cont...
He who angers you conquers you. ~Elizabeth Kenny
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Old 01-14-2006, 01:24 AM   #25
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You guys take the "fan" out of fanfiction.

Chapter X

Jewpin would not normally be surprised that someone could sneak up on him. Sometimes he could be quite oblivious, especially after chatting with a dead, talking wolf. This time, however, he thought he should have noticed Boogiebear, with her bright, fiery, red aura that seemed to shoot out streamers of blood colored lightning. She also seemed to be hovering a couple feet above the forest floor.

Boogiebear’s grin was evil and cocked to one side. “I was going to use you.” She was almost hissing through her teeth. Her aura pulsated in synchrony to her voice. Lights danced up the tree trunks around her, giving the impression she was surrounded by blood red columns. “You were strong, you could have helped me. Now I have to look for another. Things never turn out the way you want them to. Do they, Jewpin?” Her tone was of sarcasm and hate.

Jewpin had a feeling on where this conversation was leading. “I think… I think, that you are coming about in some clever way, in order to say that you are going to kill me.” Jewpin sounded tired and almost bored. He had been surprised by the supernatural events once too often. He was beginning to adapt to the situation.

Boogiebear took on an appearance of unease at Jewpin’s lax attitude. “Uh, yes… I was about to get to that part.”
“I thought so.” Jewpin worked in a comment quickly before bolting into the forest at full speed.

Jewpin bounded over roots an brush with a newfound agility. Trees whizzed past him. The moonlight forest turned into a blur. Occasional flashes of light illuminated the forest from behind him. Jewpin resolved not to stop running until he felt he was absolutely safe. It took about an hour to give up on that philosophy. Stumbling and panting he limped over to a huge, ancient tree and clasped his hands around it to keep himself upright. The tree was so large his arms barely reached a third of the way across it. Jewpin’s chest heaved up and down, he was at the end of his figurative rope. Turning around he leaned his back against the tree’s massive trunk. His weary eyes scanned the dark forest. As soon as Jewpin assured himself he was in no danger, he lost consciousness.


The forest floor seemed quite a bit more comfortable. It was softer and warmer, almost like a bed. Jewpin was startled to realize that he was laying on his back, in a bed. He opened his eyes with what seemed like a great effort. He was laying on a straw mattress, covering him was a ragged, patched blanket. Jewpin surveyed his surroundings. He was in a small, one room stone cottage. The floor was made of what was obviously hand cut timber. A small wooden table with two chairs stood next to the bed. One of them were occupied. The occupier was a gaunt old man wearing multiple layers of tattered clothing that made Jewpin’s blanket look like royal silk. His gray hair was in the process of thinning, while his thick gray beard ended in his lap. His chair was turned to the side. He had been watching Jewpin.

“So your up, eh?” The old man spoke in a cheery, cracking tone. “You were pretty tired. Didn’t even wake up when I hauled you back here.”
“You hauled…” Jewpin’s mind was still stretching out. “Me?” he finished.
“Well, my horse did most of the haulin’.” The old man smiled.
Jewpin still was a little dazed. “Oh…”
The man looked concernedly at Jewpin. “I guess I haven’t introduced myself.” the old man chuckled a little to himself. “I’m loosing all my manners, living out here by myself. I’m Mal Reynolds. What’s your name sonny?”
“Uh, hello, I’m Jewpin.” Jewpin sat up. He was still dressed in his twenty first century clothes. His mind had finally shifted gears.
“ I see you are getting better, Jewpin. Mind if I ask you how you ended up in my woods?”
Jewpin did not know why he thought he could trust the old man, but he told him everything, including his time traveling.

By this time Jewpin was sitting at the table with Mal Reynolds. “So the witch stopped chasing you?”
Jewpin had never thought of Boogiebear as a witch, but the title seemed appropriate. “Yeah, I don’t know why though”
Mal Reynolds chuckled madly to himself. “So I guess it is real.”
“What is real?”
Mal Reynolds lifted up a beaten, wrinkled hand. On his ring finger, was in fact, a ring. It looked like pure silver. The ring had no smudges on it. It looked out of place on the old man’s finger.
“Synthlight’s ring.”

to be cont...
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Old 01-14-2006, 11:21 PM   #26
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Ok really, does anyone care about this story.

Here is for me not caring if I quadruple post.
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Old 03-11-2008, 03:46 PM   #27
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This thread is 2 years old. Don't bump 2 year old threads.
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Old 03-11-2008, 06:40 PM   #28
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are you trying to be funny or are you just exceedingly dumb

Last edited by Tokzic: Today at 11:59 PM. Reason: wait what
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Old 03-12-2008, 01:08 AM   #29
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stopped at 3, need sleep. great so far
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Old 03-15-2008, 04:58 PM   #30
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Lawlz this old thing?

I love how the transition from phpbb to vb destroyed it.
He who angers you conquers you. ~Elizabeth Kenny
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Old 04-1-2008, 12:31 PM   #31
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ha love the first 2 chapters so far good job!
ill have to read the rest later :]

Originally Posted by EAGAMES
This is just one of those moments when your skillz that were deep inside burst out dramtically.
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