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Old 12-17-2007, 08:47 AM   #1
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Default Blind Date

"Confidence. That's all I need is confidence."

Colby stared into the vanity mirror reflecting her 25 year old face. Despite a minor scar that extended from the bottom eyelid of her left eye to her left nostril, she was a respectable looking young woman. She faintly smiled and winked at herself in the mirror. Revolving on her vanity stool, she stood up and patted down the red, sparkly dress her girlfriend Katie had lent her. Colby thought the dress a bit tacky, however Katie's incessant pressuring made Colby cave in finally. As if on cue, Colby's cell phone rang.

"Hello, this is Colby," answered Colby as she put on some maroon lipstick.

"Colby? This is Katie. Are you done yet?" asked Katie annoying on the other end.

"Just about. Oooh, why did I let you talk me into this Katie!? You know I don't like meeting strangers let alone actually having to have a meal with one!"

"Oh be quiet. Your mother made it my duty to put you out into the dating scene and find a nice man to settle down with. Do you want your poor mother to think her daughter will never give her a grand-baby?"

"Pssh. She's just concerned that I might be turning into a lesbian. The last time that woman was concerned for me was to see if my breasts had grown to DDs when I was 19."

Katie giggled for a moment.

"Anyways, the guy is my boyfriend's good friend so he can't be all that bad. Just make sure to smile and emit radiance. Please try to control your "seizure shake," sighed Katie.

"My seizure shake? What the hell are you talking about?" asked Colby as she grabbed her purse and car keys and headed downstairs.

"Don't play dumb with me. You know when you get nervous you start having this nervous tic in your neck like you are having a seizure. Poor Bobby, he thought you were dying."

Colby cringed at the thought of the last guy she went on a date with. She ended up becoming too nervous and her tic flared up, causing Bobby to call 911 in panic.

"Don't remind me. So where am I meeting this "stud" of yours? I swear, if he looks like one of those nerdy IT guys from my job, I'm going to walk the other way."

"Brad said his friend will meet you at the Merrium Moore Restaurant on 18th and Wexell Avenue. Well girl, this is it. If you two do hit it off, remember to use protection!" laughed Katie as she hung up on her end.

"Oooh that girl is a pervert!" yelled Colby in mock frustration as she got into her car and pulled away.

Ten nerve-wracking minutes later, Colby pulled into the Merrium Moore Restaurant's parking lot and looked at herself in the rear-view mirror.

"Confidence. Pull yourself together Colby. Don't blackout this time."

After calming her nerves, she stepped out of her car into the brisk September air. She opened the door and immediately came face to face with the maître d' of the restaurant.

"Can I help you madame?" asked the maître d' with a slight hint of french in his accent.

"Yes, I'm looking for a man. I'm sort of his blind date," responded Colby in a manner that made her seem more like a call-girl and less like a customer.

"Name please?" asked the maître d' in a slightly snooty manner as he began to open the reservation book.

"Her name is Colby Bellamy and she is my blind date for the evening or I hope so," answered a voice from behind her.

Colby turned around to see a man in an elegant suit standing behind her. He had piercing green eyes and a smile that would melt even Cocytus. Colby felt her heart begin to race and a child-like look of adulation appeared on her face.

"How do you know who I am?" asked Colby in a tinny voice.

"Katie told me to look out for a girl named Colby Bellamy who might be wearing a sparkly, red dress. A bit tacky, but it looks beautiful on you," said the blind date as he flashed a toothy grin.

Colby felt her legs get weak but she snapped of out her trance and straightened herself.

"Well thank you for the compliment Mr...?"

"My name is Peter Black but everyone calls me Pete for short."

"Well Mr. Pete, shall we start this date?" asked Colby sensually.

"Right after you Miss Bellamy," said Peter as he extended an arm to a table towards the back of the restaurant.

Colby and Peter both sat down in the semi-circular looking booth table and after ordering two glasses of Chardonnay, began to talk.

"So tell me Pete, what do you do for a living?" asked Colby anxiously.

"Well, it's my job to meet all sorts of people and take them for everything they have."

Colby laughed.

"Ah, so you must be a lawyer then huh?"

"No, I'm not a lawyer. Lawyers actually have a soul," chuckled Pete.

"So you are an agent of a major company then?"

"You could say that," said Pete as he perused his menu. "Speaking of which, how's job at Geico Colby?"

The air around Colby suddenly dropped a few degrees and her body froze.

"How did you know I worked at Geico?" asked Colby nervously.

"Katie told me," answered Pete matter-of-factly.

Colby felt a little better but still the air was cool around her.

"Well Pete, do you have any brothers or sisters?" asked Colby trying to keep the date from turning sour.

"No, I am an only child. Growing up was no easy task. My father is a judge so I would constantly have to work for him to serve his purpose. I still work for him now, just not as much as I did in those early years. What about you? Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, I have a brother and a sister but my brother died when I was 17," said Colby somberly.

"Let me guess, he die of a car crash?"

A chill went down Colby's spine again.

"How did you figure that Pete?"

Peter shrugged his shoulders.

"A lucky guess is all," answered Peter.

Before Colby could interject, the waiter brought them their glasses of Chardonnay and the conversation was halted for a moment. After taking a sip of wine, Colby finally spoke.

"I'm sorry Pete, but all of this is sort of unsettling. Honestly, what do you do for a living? Are you some sort of spy for the CIA or something? I promise I won't tell."

Peter laughed.

"No I'm not a spy. I'm more of a liaison between the client and my employer. I guess it's time to be honest Colby, you are my client this evening."

Colby nervous giggled.

"So what are you saying? I'm a threat to your company so now they send you to take me out? This is sounding more and more like a ridiculous plot to a suspense novel."

"No Colby, in exactly 5 seconds, your friends Katie and Brad will die from a robbery," said Peter grimly.

Colby's heart felt as if someone had pumped liquid nitrogen into her.

"Ok Peter, is this some sort of sick joke set up by Katie because if it is, then this whole thing is pretty ****ed up," said Colby crossly.

Peter looked down at his watch.

"And there we go. They're both dead," said Peter as he look up into Colby's eyes.

The piercing green eyes that entranced Colby earlier had now turned a shade of gray and froze Colby to her seat like she was a slab of stone.

"Time to tell you what's going on Colby. People are born, they live and grow old, they die. That's where I come in. Whether you want to believe it or not, your friends are dead."

Colby immediately began to cry.

"Oh, tch tch tch. Don't cry, Colby. We all have to die sooner or later. It's a natural stage in the circle of life. It's just sometimes, we die a little sooner than other people."

Still crying and sniffling, Colby looked at Peter.

"Just who are you, you son of a bitch?"

"I am called by many names Colby. I am called Morte, Muerte, Tod, Letum, Oujou, Grim Reaper, but I most commonly am called Death."

Colby's eyes widened in shock and she jumped for the table and ran towards towards a waiter.

"Help me, this man just killed my friends!" exclaimed Cobly but the waiter acted as if she didn't exist.

Colby ran to another waiter and that waiter acted as the waiter before. Colby looked to see Death still sitting at the table, now smiling before she ran to the maître d'.

"Sir, you have to help me, my friends are dead and this man might have killed them..." begun Colby as she noticed that the maître d' was looking at the people behind her.

"No one can hear you now Colby. You are in what is called "Limbo." The world between Death and Life. No one knows you exist let alone hear or see you. I brought you here instead of killing you because I have a propostion for you Colby," said Death as he walked towards her.

Colby backed into a corner as Death approached her.

"What kind of proposition can you give me, you monster!?"

"You come face to face with Death, and you have the audacity to curse me. That's why I'm glad I chose you Colby. I have been doing this job for thousands of years as did my predecessor and so on and so forth. When it comes for Death to pass on their duties to the next person, the chosen must be someone with the ability to do what is needed. I searched and finally came across you. I suggested to Brad that I was looking for a girlfriend and so he unknowing of my plans told Katie who in turn told you. Did you think this was coincidence Colby? I've had this night planned for the last 100 years. Now my planning comes to fruition. Here are your choices Colby. You can either die and leave where you will spend eternity up to God himself, or you can receive the powers of Death and live? I will be honest though. If you choose to be Death, you can neither go to Heaven or Hell. You will be stuck in this world, this "Limbo" for all of eternity. Lucky for you, that won't be for a few thousand years though. What's your decision?"

Colby's mind raced. She didn't want to die however, she couldn't do what was asked of her. Being death meant seeing the deaths of people worldwide from starvation, war, murder, natural causes, and other ways. She thought of Katie and Brad and why their deaths had to come before hers.

"Before I make my decision, answer me one question you asshole. Why did you take Katie and Brad?" asked Colby seriously.

"Simple really. When God gives the orders for someone to die, I must obey. That is my purpose. If you should blame anyone, blame Cain. It's his fault Death came into existence in the first place."

Colby's nervous tic began and her head moved to the left sharply as if in a seizure.

"If you become Death, all of your afflictions will stop. You will never worry about hunger, pain, medical conditions, nothing. You are Death and you are immortal. Or if you are the matyr-ish type, you can always die but I must warn you, God is not one for letting sinners into Heaven."

Upon hearing this, Colby's mind had come to a decision. She didn't want to die and risk going to Hell. She wasn't a very good person. When her brother died, she cursed God and never looked back. She had no choice.

"Fine you bastard. I'll do it. I will become Death," said Colby who now stood up with her arms to her side.

"Good," said Death as he touched her forehead and everything went black.

Colby could hear Death's voice in the darkness.

"Death is only the beginning..."

Colby felt as if she was being ripped inside out and finally the pain subsided as she found herself standing over a man in a dark alley with a pistol in his hand. She looked down to see herself in a black, full length robe with a gold watch around her neck. A feeling of power and dread filled her and she smiled devilishly as the man stared at her in horror.

"Wh-Who are you!?" screamed the man as he pushed himself backwards away from Colby.

Colby heard her own voice sound out into the night, sounding both sweet and deathly at the same time.

"I go by many names. Morte, Muerte, Tod, Oujou, Letum, Grim Reaper, and Death. But you can call me Colby..."

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Old 12-17-2007, 08:56 AM   #2
Praise the sun mofo
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Default Re: Blind Date

Very twisted ending. Loved it. 5/5
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Old 12-17-2007, 08:58 AM   #3
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Default Re: Blind Date

I saw it coming... lol. ( It was awesome )
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