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Last Activity:11-27-2019
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tinker2711 writes at 5:18:40am on 9/27/19
What is Torrenting?
Torrenting is a form of file sharing where users download files from a variety of different ‘seeders’ (users who have uploaded the file) at the same time. This means that you’re not directly downloading a file from one source, but rather, little pieces of it from all around the web. This means that there is a much bigger network for sharing files and this makes it much harder to remove the files from the internet. The P2P (peer-to-peer) system relies on ‘indexes’ which are websites that group all the torrents together – sort of like a Google search engine for torrent files.
Within the indexes, such as the PirateBay, you can find most torrent files ready for download. You’ll need some third-party software, like uTorrent, to manage the downloads. The people who upload the files are called ‘seeders’ and as you download a torrent, you’ll also be uploading the same file to other downloaders at the same time. People who stop uploading the file on
tinker2711 writes at 5:16:51am on 9/27/19
Hello everyone Nana I love collecting good tips and tricks for the phone, I'll share with you guys
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What is Torrenting? A full guide to understanding file sharing
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