Good Profile! UnCool! 

FFR Average Rank:59,483
FFR Grandtotal Rank:997,720
FFR Grandtotal:912,815
FFR Games Played:12
FFR Player
HoodyKeyboardNinja's Details
About me:
An absolute Warcraft geek. An absolute Skyrim geek An absolute something something, that ends with geek. *nodded* I love penguins and panthers, my two favorite animals I like taking things apart and putting them back together (computers in general) ENOUGH SAID
Zombies (I don't hate them, I just love killing them.) Loud noises, popcorn with hotsauce, the smell of New Zealand spring febreeze, meeting Corey Taylor,I like weird things in general, movies, books, music, if it's weird I'll watch, listen to, etc, etc. You catch my drift..Annnddd yeah, OH and brown eyes.
Fav Music:
Deftones, Flogging Molly, Soul Coughing, a lot of dubstep, a lot of trance, a lot of electro/House.
Fav Movies:
Clock Work Orange, Taxi Driver, Exorcist, All the Fast and Furious Movies, Fight Club. a lot more movies just too lazy to type them down.
Member for: 12.3 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Location:Windhelm , Virginia, USA
Last Activity:06-19-2015
Profile Views: 1,066
Profile Votes:4
Skype! Skype:adrian.subliminal
HoodyKeyboardNinja's Gameplay Stats Today
Comment wall
HoodyKeyboardNinja writes at 7:18:25am on 2/10/13
I return from the land of wubs! O_O
dxxxbomb writes at 1:28:12pm on 4/26/12
i feel like a strawberry
dxxxbomb writes at 1:56:33pm on 4/3/12
allllllllllright fresh prince
dxxxbomb writes at 12:22:41pm on 4/2/12
uh what? lol
dxxxbomb writes at 5:12:19pm on 4/1/12
nm bro wud up with you
Squirtle x3 writes at 6:16:16pm on 3/29/12
I don't think you have, but you're welcome :D
dxxxbomb writes at 8:24:54pm on 3/20/12
guess so lol
dxxxbomb writes at 4:11:30pm on 3/15/12
i dont have skyoe :/ i use my mothers computer and if i download anything onto it she flips shit but sometimes i can video chat on facebook
dxxxbomb writes at 5:22:43pm on 3/13/12
thats no good the game is awesome try playing spread
you use both hands and its a lot easier it also helps to change the speed if you need help with anything like how to fix the settings id be happy to :]
but im not much help past there i have been playing for years and there are still ppl 2309483948239084x better then me but once you gradually get better i promise its addicting
dxxxbomb writes at 1:35:32pm on 3/8/12
haha good job