Good Profile! UnCool! 

FFR Average Rank:59,475
FFR Grandtotal Rank:879,339
FFR Grandtotal:1,462,670
FFR Games Played:16
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unsmokable's Details
About me:
Hi my name is John of course this is my fake name i use on all sites because I live a dangerous life. I can hack into your moms banking account in 5 seconds. Also once I have translated some money from a bank into my card and made millions of of the 100,000 dollars I stole so yes i need a fake name i have a fake billing account and even have a fake birth certificate and social security card for John you could say when I hack I turn into John, Johns full name is John howden he lives in russia and does not associate with anyone except for when he is doing jobs don't get on my bad side i am 26 and if you do get on my bad side i will find you and hunt you down and make your life a living hell but if you feel like being cool with me than I will give you money give your parents money I will do everything to make your life great the only thing I have to say to all the younger kids is don't become a master hacker like me every single day i have lay low because of ll the bad things I did I cant buy a big house or buy awesome cars because I will be caught but if i do get caught I have connections in the prisons all over the world guards are my friends and they can get me a phone computer anything I need to get out of there but that is not the point the point is get on my god side or don't talk to me because i could kill you and get away very easily.
Hacking, Killing, Being John Howden
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Member for: 6.66 years
Gaming Region:Asia
Location:moscow, Russia
Last Activity:10-12-2017
Profile Views: 260
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Comment wall writes at 4:54:55am on 7/9/19