The Voiceless :: FFR Batch Submission
storn42 - The Voiceless - Fire From The Gods [8 / 10]
Jan/Feb 2022
From the album Narrative Retold, released under rise records

✔️ This chart has been marked as final and shouldn't receive any more changes.

Simfile Folder Name

The Voiceless (Storn42)

Note Count


Chart Length


Average NPS


Estimated Difficulty


First Note


Ending Note Delay


Hand Bias

x 23


0 - 0 1 - 0 2 - 0 3 - 0 4 - 0


x 408


x 100


x 11

Color Jumps

x 0

Color Hands

x 1

Color Quads

x 0

Most notes in:

1/3 of a Second
8 - 24.00 nps 0.5 Seconds
12 - 24.00 nps 1 Second
20 - 20.00 nps 2 Seconds
33 - 16.50 nps 5 Seconds
70 - 14.00 nps 10 Seconds
127 - 12.70 nps 30 Seconds
340 - 11.33 nps 1 Minute
630 - 10.50 nps

Color Count

x 793 (51%)
x 634 (40.77%)
x 2 (0.13%)
x 118 (7.59%)
x 5 (0.32%)
x 2 (0.13%)
x 0 (0%)
x 1 (0.06%)
x 0 (0%)

Largest Note Gaps


i forgot a note

A new chart file was uploaded with the following changes:
Note Count changed: 1548 => 1549
AVG NPS changed: 8.87784 => 8.88358
Hand Bias changed: 20 => 21

The Voiceless (Storn42) [8**FR/10]
>Permission good (Rise Records)
>Folder contents, metadata good
>Sync good

Playtest Impression, 1.0x Rate - Seems okay, might nitpick a bit. Current intro is ugggghhhh.

**This is 24.5 seconds of a nothing intro. Gonna require cutting it, this is not an FFR record that should be challenged. Let Tom Savini vs. Greg Nicotero keep it. Recommend the .mp3 to start at ~23.300

1:32.900 - guitar?

Pretty standard storn experience, no real complaints outside of the intro.

The Voiceless (Storn42) [8/10]
>Perms, metadata, sync good
>Jumps = HardSnareHit, Vocal (Main, Background [BG]).
>Hands = HardSnareHit + Vocal (Main), Vocal (Main + BG), Vocal (Main - but he’s yelling really hard).
>Quads = HardSnareHit + Vocal (Main - but he’s yelling really hard), Vocal (Main - but he’s yelling really hard + BG).

14.386 - It took 24 seconds to get to the first note! I suggest a cut. Maybe here is a good starting point.
1:12.328/1:14.386/2:07.186/2:09.928 - Should be hand.
1:16.957/2:00.500/3:07.528/3:12.100 - Should be jump.
1:43.186 - Hand/quads b/c main vocalist is yelling really hard?
1:51.414 - Quad b/c Vocal (Main - but he’s yelling really hard + BG)?
2:14.043/2:14.386/3:14.728 - Should be quad.
2:26.728-2:27.071 - What noise are these three notes going to?
3:02.386-3:04.443 - Wanna do some hands/quads here? I think the vocalist is yelling really hard now since the song is reaching the climax!

>>Straightforward & consistent.

A new chart file was uploaded with the following changes:
Offset changed: 0.014 => 0.000
MP3 Length changed: 3:26 => 3:15
Note Count changed: 1549 => 1555
Chart Length changed: 3:21 => 3:10
AVG NPS changed: 8.88358 => 8.91799
First Delay changed: 0:27 => 0:15
Hand Bias changed: 21 => 23

Yea, i noticed the egregously long intro a while ago, but it was too late to fix it. I tihnk i just wasn't sure what i was going to do with the intro and i charted the rest of the song anyways so i forgot to cut it. The intro has been made much shorter.

I also changed 2:15.757 to all [14] since it felt better than changing jumps.

1:32.900 - guitar?
- fixed


1:12.328/1:14.386/2:07.186/2:09.928 - Should be hand.
1:16.957/2:00.500/3:07.528/3:12.100 - Should be jump.
- I think you're misunderstanding the layering here.

1:43.186 - Hand/quads b/c main vocalist is yelling really hard?
1:51.414 - Quad b/c Vocal (Main - but he’s yelling really hard + BG)?
- yes, that is whats going on here.

2:14.043/2:14.386/3:14.728 - Should be quad.
- I think those notes would be better left as hands

2:26.728-2:27.071 - What noise are these three notes going to?
- guitar

3:02.386-3:04.443 - Wanna do some hands/quads here? I think the vocalist is yelling really hard now since the song is reaching the climax!
- he's not really screaming as much as he is singing (the vocals are much cleaner) so i think i'll put hands here only.

Still kind of a long intro, but is within modern precedent so good enough. Moved to accept.