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Old 08-19-2016, 07:11 PM   #21
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Default Re: hello allow me to introduce to u my Wife

Wow really? That seems really dumb, and really easy to fix. Though I've looked at the SM codebase before and that shit is naaaaaaaaasty...so you never know. Maybe I'll take a gander this weekend. Haven't looked in a few years.
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Old 08-19-2016, 09:05 PM   #22
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Default Re: hello allow me to introduce to u my Wife

wtf mina not only contributed to, but CREATED a quality thread, props on the explanation and time put into this dude. This is a truly magical day.
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Old 08-19-2016, 09:57 PM   #23
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Default Re: hello allow me to introduce to u my Wife

Originally Posted by Untimely Friction View Post
wtf mina not only contributed to, but CREATED a quality thread, props on the explanation and time put into this dude. This is a truly magical day.
You do realize that every Mina post is a quality one, right?
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Old 08-21-2016, 11:31 AM   #24
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Oook update time, there were actually a lot fewer questions than I expected, but I guess pretty much everyone around here has been around long enough that this is beyond overdue.

I guess that's a good thing though I don't feel like spending 6 hours on this post. Despite knowing that a bunch of people won't read any of the fairly detailed and important information below I'm going to go ahead and link a download for your convenience.


I'm also going to be partially at fault because I'm definitely posting this before writing out the second half of whatever needs to be documented because I'm really tired.

vvvvstuff u should prolly readvvvv

Since there was no riotous outrage at nerfing the shit out of freezes and I received general approval through other channels I'm going to go ahead and set freezes to 0 and set the penalty to -6, for the sake of consistency with dp. There'll be plenty of time to titrate parameters over the next month or so. Also apparently there's a differentiation between missed holds and dropped holds, missed holds I assume being holds that are attached to a note that was missed entirely. For the moment both are set to -6.

I also heard about an inquiry regarding how grades will function, specifically the AAA grade. For the time being my inclination is just to assign that particular grade based on the existing judgment windows and qualifications. It's simple and most importantly requires me to do little to nothing. I also dislike the breakpoint nature of grades and feel that a mathematical representation, as long as it is more "accurate" than the existing systems (it is), is just superior. However grades have their use apart from indicating how well players scored on something. They offer quick visual acknowledgement of a range and can be represented with colors or a small set of letters, making them useful for themeing etc. I wouldn't be opposed to at some point coming up with a set of grades (or if other people have suggestions) and already from what I've seen the 99% point seems like a strong candidate.

As mentioned before the work rewriting my theme and writing what could/should be independent script for most of Wife's functionality concurrently has resulted in a pretty thick layer of interdependence.

For this reason the pref.ini altering script has been removed and the theme should be compatible with any 5.010(+?) version of sm5 without affecting any of your guys' good stuff.

Most of what I haven't documented so far are theme specific changes but I'll run them down quickly:

But first a list of things you probably shouldn't be doing, and won't invoke any pity from me if you do do them and blow your computer up:
Try to play jsnipe or lightboxer or cardcampers or whatever other game modes there are
Use any judge below 4
Intentionally load 20 million songs and faceroll at the songsearch
Delete random lines of code in scripts
Intentionally scroll through doubles and solo packs to try and trip up my poor girl. There's logic written to do nothing unless you have selected a 4k single chart however...
Pretty sure dwi files throw errors because no logic is written to do nothing for them and by errors i mean the game whines and nothing happens
Play single player on 2p. Just don't do it. For that matter don't try to do doubles with your 5 year old sister either.

everything is 4k kb play focused just keep that in mind

so stuff

**apparently the song search restricts you to the matches even after exiting search mode, never caught this bug because i kept playing the songs i was searching for. going into gameplay and exiting fixes it

***important*** The chart hashing script isn't finalized yet. Only when it is and I'm certain the hash keys aren't going to change will there be a github official release. This means for the alpha stage of whatever im doing the hash keys can change possibly during and almost definitely after. So think of this like a closed beta for a game where theres a character wipe at the end of it. Only I'll be nice and go out of my way to let your export your characters. If you really really want to save the recorded data for certain scores you get during this time you can pm me here or otherwise get in touch with me and send me a rar/zip of the wife folder and i'll do my best to convert the entries into the final hashing setup for you and send them back. If you want very specific high priority entries saved you should let me know as well. The wife data is saved to your root stepmania 5 directory for the moment and is not unique to profile. It will be eventually.

The theme converts all of your existing scores to the new database/format as you scroll through songs as well as running the hashing script. Without a reasonably high quality any time loss is negligible. I ran a few tests with my old disk drive and while it's visibly slower to scroll through packs it's not, at least, to me, a big deal. The conversion of existing scores is only done once and all generated chart keys are stored in memory until the end of the session (or possibly if you return to the menu screen). Basically, the dip in scroll speed is not persistent.

Mss is the default scoring system in the theme. It can be changed in the theme options like a standard option. The default fallback score type is currently just set to DP, you can find either (somewhere in the scripts for the latter) and change them if you wish. The j4 version of mss isn't added yet, however you can adjust the parameters for MSS in scripts/Wife if you -really want to-, feel free to play around with them.

Since scores are rate separated in the scoring hierarchy, at music select the theme will pull your best non fail score for your currently selected rate for your currently selected scoring type. Rate can be changed by using shift effectup/down still and eventually they'll have unique bindings. If it doesn't find a score for the given rate you're on it'll begun recursively checking through all rates with scores logged and prioritize highest rate non-fails on your default scoring type and then your fallback scoring type. If it still doesn't find anything it'll display your best fail on whatever rate for your fallback scoretype. The logic still needs a little work but it mostly does what it should. The displayed score will indicate what scoring type it was achieved under, as well as which rate, and through (), indicate whether or not that is your currently selected rate. Everything being displayed from song meta to score information is being pulled from the Wife table.

That's only for the primary score display however. Ca25nada's pre-existing scoreboard is untouched apart from defaulting to the fallback scoretype and it can be selected and viewed and used as normal. The same concept applies to the evaluation screen. For the moment the primary (the bigger number guys) % display is whatever your default scoring type is (MSS unless you change it) and the smaller number above is the fallback type (actually not sure if i disabled that and just left the scoreboard or it broke or what). The scoreboard to the right again remains unaltered.

Rudimentary song search is in the game and accessible through pressing insert.... its pretty idiotproof there shouldn't need to be any more said on that subject. Well except that the things don't go well if you open the avatar switch thing while song search is active. You'll probably have to restart your game. Also it only supports alphanumeric, no swagdollas.

eval screen I havent really done much with yet, pretty sure im missing some things but I think i hit the important stuff
im not particularly looking for feedback however its always appreciated, i'll clean up the non-drivel in this and move it to the main post later

e: forgot to mention but i left the diagnostic output of the chart key script that dumps the key into the song folder as a txt on, so you can go and find things in the wife folder using that

Last edited by MinaciousGrace; 08-21-2016 at 05:27 PM..
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Old 08-24-2016, 10:07 PM   #25
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So I've been wondering what a millisecond-based scoring system would look like since I discovered that SM5 had the inbuilt ability to record and save these times (SaveReplay), but no-one knew of it or used it. This seems like a good attempt (though I personally prefer the less harsh penalties of percent score). I was briefly puzzled by my calculations not matching your Pastebin file until I realised that the text file had CurveBegin = 15ms.

At any rate, I went through testing a song, only to find that there were no results on the results screen (I'm using 5.0.12) and the scoreboard afterward only had DP, so I can't judge how good this system is in practice.
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Old 08-25-2016, 11:29 PM   #26
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oops almost not making my own self assigned deadline (haha i did by 5 minutes but you'll never know based on the post time)

public alpha 0.33

too many changes to do a detailed list in a reasonable amount of time, i'll just list out the major ones

- numerous bug fixes most notably the eval screen bombing bug which the above poster experienced, player config system is now unborked for the first time since feb as well
- point tables will now scale to your current judge value, the dp calculated under my system will still vary from dp calculated by the existing scoreboard system by up to as much as 0.1% due to rounding, HOWEVER
- the ms data is now being saved out to 4 digits (after conversion to MS, so, 180.1424 ms, etc) rather than rounded to nearest integer, such that there are multiple redundant ways with which to resolve the above discrepancies, if people care, which they shouldnt. Also it's just nice to preserve the original datasets with only inconsequential losses of resolution.
- went through and resolved various miscellaneous theme errors
- waifu ms curve variant added
- continued to undo damage i did in the original version of transcendence
- continued to gut bloat and other features in various areas
- nearly everything related to animating judgment text, combo label and combo number has been completely trashed. So if you want to make your judgment text give the middle finger to the combo label as it moons the combo number while getting a reacharound from a 3d noteskin, use a different theme.

** Things are not set up to be easily customizable yet.. u were warned....**
- rewrote nearly all of the gameplay screen scripts ranging from fully to mostly to better optimize them for performance. Old scripts are still there they just aren't loaded by screengameplay overlay/default.lua (same thing for underlay), a couple of them are still in use as I haven't finished writing my own implementations yet. You cant really mix and match yet since a few of my scripts are interdependent at the moment and need reorganization (*** TURNING OFF THE ERROR BAR WILL BREAK THE OFFSET SAVING SYSTEM AND THE JUDGECOUNT. YES I KNOW THIS IS DUMB.***). Newbpmdisplay is dependent on newprogressbar. The scoretracking system used to calculate +- offsets from AA are still the old system and the old scoretracking script is still enabled, which taxes performance significantly. Left them enabled becasue I assume most people want it and the performance issue versus how long it'll take me to finish my own implementation is not significant, however if it is a concern you can disable it a the cost of losing the indicator.
- fixed the bug with the chart key script that breaks when reading .ssc files. It'll now default to .sm files, this is because the logic in the pattern matching used in the file parser for .sm files breaks when reading .ssc files. You know, the file format that remains nearly completely unchanged from .sm files only somehow manages to fuck up this because they felt like moving shit around willy nilly. Real good.

Bottom line is pretty much everything that was updating and doing calculations every frame now only does so when it actually needs to update. The previous system allowed for higher levels of independence for features however negatively impacted performance significantly. Avg fps for me using d3d and xwidgets custom build increased by about 100 with nearly the exact same features enabled displaying the same information. Not sure what it will be like on opengl.

Last edited by MinaciousGrace; 08-25-2016 at 11:58 PM..
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Old 08-25-2016, 11:35 PM   #27
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Minaaaaa, my *****, I'm finally above 200FPS so thanks for that. But I've noticed that if you turn off Error Bar it is still there.

EDIT: I also do not see my accuracy/percentage or w/e anywhere on screen during gameplay. My res is 1440x1080 (4:3).

EDIT2: All the information including amount of notes/best score under "General" is missing. I assume this is intentional, but I'm just making sure.

Last edited by InTheoryNo; 08-25-2016 at 11:51 PM..
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Old 08-26-2016, 12:00 AM   #28
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yeah the error bar script isnt meant to be turned off at the moment since there are dependencies on it, refer below (or above i guess i still use the backwards ffr forum viewing bs)
however you can turn off the bars themselves by going to bganimations/screengameplay overlay/errorbar.lua and doing this

this won't actually disable the actors if you're looking to further improve performance but you can do that relatively easily if you're somewhat savvy with lua, otherwise i'd just wait until the next update since it'll be even more performance oriented and customizable anyway

also oops the judgecounter is slightly misplaced

i think i'll have an update where all of that's resolved within a few days that will be compatible with the existing 5.0.10 builds before making xwidget fork exclusive releases

as for the score tracking you have to enable that in the player options, avg will show you your percent score on what you've played and ghost will show you offset from a target

not sure about notes/best score stuff missing under general that shouldnt happen

keep in mind that I'm very much in the "oh shit i better just rewrite everything myself" phase rn

@Arcorann yeah the eval bug screen was a silly oversight on my part, it's been fixed. As for your other concern, the vast majority of the time (90%+ for files without <-significant-> influence from hold dp) your score will look nearly identical to what it would be on MAX DP. The rest of the time it isn't necessarily that it's more strict than percent scoring. In certain situations it's less strict (lots of flubby misses, or, if you just happen to get a TON of greats on the very inner edge of the great window), and in others it's more strict (you mash something to combo it and get a bunch of boos). Even so the variance tends to be rather small for files outside of the consideration of hold influence (1% for anything but extreme outliers). Although this is for the j5 variant, I have -not- tested the j4 variant in any capacity.

That being said what exists now was the result of the minimum amount of effort required to come up with something that isn't based on arbitrary groupings at arbitrary intervals. My 2nd tier priorities at the moment are to implement and test alternative methods that have been suggested by others as well as revisit more complex methods that I considered before deciding the superstructure to allow all of this to work is completed first. The end goal is to create a system that players can look at the results of and say "yeah, that pretty much sums up how well I played" to the extent possible with the information provided. That doesn't necessarily stop with a curve function designed and tested in the span of under 6 hours, and indeed we may never get there collectively as a community. However we aren't ever going to cross that finish line if we just sit down and stop moving (aka the last decade).

Since the timing data/replay data is being saved to absurd levels of accuracy when I've played enough stuff I can go ahead and make use of my actual programming skills and do some larger scale analysis of many different methods applied to the same set of offsets given varying situations. The important thing is to dissociate how you are scored by the current system with how you should be scored. If you want everything to match what DP would give you the best option is to just stick with DP. The current systems remain in place, unchanged, and are accessible for people who may want to use the other features of Wife without committing to a new scoring system.

well rather than editing my previous post I might as well finish what i was going to say in there, here

my current priority list goes more or less like this (not fully complete, when I really reach a good stopping place to sit down and consider everything I'll update this and write it out in more detail)

tier 1 (stuff im actually gonna do)
- Fix song search so it isn't somehow causing tidal waves in alabama or whatever its doing right now. Not because i particularly care about having this feature. Not because it's important to any other development, and indeed it's quite possibly the most independent feature of anything I'm considering. But because I want to show that someone with 0 game design or development experience prior to about a sum 2 weeks of doing applied scripting in lua while learning it can write a fast, efficient, fully integrated while also independent search functionality into a game that hasn't had it in the official build for almost 15 fucking years now. It's honestly just a disgrace at this point.
- finish writing new implementations of the existing gameplay screen features. The unfinished ones are currently the nps display/graph and the percent/target tracker. Reorganize them in a way that isn't clearly cobbled together after 25 hours of continuous programming. Further optimize those that are mostly completed, and make sure they're customizable and independent from one another to a degree that's reasonable for the amount of time that i want to spend on that.
- Finish the final integral component of the wife system which is to recalculate existing scores in the database depending on whether or not the parameters for ms based system or judge for standard systems have been changed. So essentially, if you change from j4 to justice, you can see what your scores would have been had you played on justice instead. Obviously this doesn't consider that you'd have probably failed almost anything playing on justice before you finished it, but that's not important. And again, obviously, conversion can't be done for any scores that don't have replaydata saved.

tier 2 (stuff ill probably do before i run out of steam in this project)
- implement and devise alternative systems to the current curve. My major issue with the current curve is it's slightly too harsh at the tail end and not quite harsh enough towards the beginning. Resolving these issues using the current system would require different intervals to have different curves applied to them but then we're kind-of-not-really heading back where we came from. Better alternative is to use something based on normal distributions.
- various small qol implementations regarding commonish situations. Mostly stuff like oneshotmirror mode that will make any mirror selection set in player options automatically turn off after selecting a different song (so you can quit out and move to another song, mirror will turn off, or complete the song, mirror will turn off, but not if you want multiple attempts using mirror and don't select something else). Also an alwaysusemirror option that's specific to the chart key so that the chart in question is always automatically played with mirror enabled without altering the actual notedata or .sm files. This is mostly for me honestly and I could give shitall whether anyone else finds them useful.

tier 3 (da pipe dreamz)
- various miscellaneous features including built-in lightweight difficulty calculator, kind of like osu's star rating, only if they knew what they were doing
- very rough pattern/file type detection that can classify files with one or more tags of stream/jumpstream/jack/handstream etc.
- sorting system that allows you to sort cross sort between file type and estimated difficulty. Basically what everyone has always wanted forever but nobody has the balls or brains to do, and sadly I don't think I'll be able to do anything beyond a cursory implementation of this before getting disgusted or bored.
- Built in bpm collapser for dem ddream files that uses the chart key hashing system to make sure it doesn't make any edits that fundamentally change the file. You guys are all really stupid for not asking me to run my flux fixer on your stuff the performance difference is incredible. But I guess I could possibly reward that stupidity by eventually doing it for you.

Last edited by MinaciousGrace; 08-26-2016 at 01:39 AM..
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Old 08-26-2016, 12:07 AM   #29
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Ah, my bad on being too lazy to read the whole post. Sorry about that~
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Old 08-28-2016, 08:04 AM   #30
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song search is back and i think mostly debugged. It can be activated by pressing left down right at the same time, hold them down together for half a second for best responsiveness

most of the bugs/quirks have been ironed out in more or less barbaric ways

all major gameplay screen features and elements have been rewritten for max performance now except for npscalc/graph and the bugs should be pretty much all ironed out

they're also all independent now and options are available to turn on/off individual elements, more detailed options will follow later

pretty much expect average fps to double during gameplay compared to the old theme, seriously the game runs like a dream i can't believe i didn't get around to doing this sooner

the last remaining tier 1 priority feature should be a 5 minute 3 liner but im tired and want to make sure it works as intended before putting it in

tier 2 priorities will basically be promoted to tier 1 after that's finished

k im too tired to write in any more detail

edit: this version is still compatible with the official 5.0.10 builds the next release *probably* wont be and will require xwidgets custom build which you should be using anyway because lol 60fps otherwise

Last edited by MinaciousGrace; 08-28-2016 at 08:06 AM..
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Old 08-28-2016, 12:13 PM   #31
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Default Re: hello allow me to introduce to u my Wife

Sweet! When will xwidget's custom build be made available as a public download?

Originally Posted by Ghost_Medley View Post

This man is three months too early.
Originally Posted by badman7772 View Post
Guess I'll take another Quality Pack please. I won't have Hawkins luck but I'm sure I'll have badluck7772.

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ View Post
what the fuck marcus lmao

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You should all thank MarcusHawkins btw

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Marcus is probably going to be the main man to win this (You will always be my DDR brother for life, MarcusHawkins! )

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Best Newbie
1st: MarcusHawkins: 4

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2nd: MarcusHawkins: 3

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Old 08-28-2016, 12:16 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by MarcusHawkins View Post
Sweet! When will xwidget's custom build be made available as a public download?
2 days ago
is expressing my inability to create a creative signature an act of creativity in and of itself?
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Old 08-28-2016, 12:29 PM   #33
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This alongside widgets build runs so well it is crazy.

also I LOVE that mini progress bar

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Old 08-29-2016, 08:46 PM   #34
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hello my nignogs

in a little under 20 hours i taught myself enough c++ to wiggle my way around the tangled shitweb of dried weeb splooge linking tattered remnants of furiously spanked body pillows and vainglorious self praise in making tiny insignificant portions of base code slightly more efficient while failing to do the five or so things that would triple framerates

however thankfully also in that 20 hours i managed to root out what those things were and actually fix them: behold

running at 1920x1080 with gratuitous amounts of screen elements enabled on a file intentionally picked for ddream changes that I never fixed, pretty much could add 20 nps graphs at that point and it wouldnt functionally matter

seriously it actually took me one day of 0 experience with c++ to do this what the devs have been doing for 7 fucking years now i dont even know

once i confirm with widget that im not blowing anything up with the changes they'll get pushed to his build's repo

ps. speaking of nps graphs that sounds like fun to write tomorrow

Last edited by MinaciousGrace; 08-29-2016 at 08:52 PM..
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Old 08-29-2016, 08:53 PM   #35
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lmao dude this is ridiculous the devs must not give a shit
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Old 08-29-2016, 08:58 PM   #36
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mina = jesus
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Old 08-29-2016, 08:59 PM   #37
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If there are any classes on work ethic and perseverance taught by you, count me in...
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Old 08-29-2016, 09:32 PM   #38
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mina, I'd really like to hang out with you, pay you a beer, stuff like that
Click here to download my complete works!

Originally Posted by macgravel View Post
Mario's files are top notch, so every time he submits a file I get excited in my pants.
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This guy, MarioNintendo?
Click the bricks

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Old 08-29-2016, 09:35 PM   #39
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She's pretty hot

Still can't believe you tied the knot
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Old 08-29-2016, 09:36 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by MarioNintendo View Post
mina, I'd really like to hang out with you, pay you a beer, stuff like that
Dr. Pepper is the way to his heart
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