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Old 07-21-2023, 06:19 PM   #1
the sun fan
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Default jTWG 85 Postgame Thread

Hello! This is a jTWG, or Junior Werewolf Game. These games are aimed at creating simpler, smaller setups for newer werewolf game players to help ease some of the nerves and concerns about jumping right into a full-fledged TWG game.

I designed this setup myself from a template of a different game, called Matrix6. My goal was to introduce many different kinds of roles at the same time, while not including a large number of roles in a setup so that the setup itself does not seem daunting to new players. If you ever have any questions at all about literally anything, please ask them privately to me on discord and I will answer as quick as I can. Later in the post will be an FAQ section that I hope is helpful.


9 Players
2 Wolves
5 Vanilla Towns
2 Special Towns

I will use random.org to roll between setups A, B, C, 1, 2 and 3, and the result will be the setup of this game. It will not be declared which setup was randed. If, for example, random.org returns the result of A, the setup would be:

2 Wolves, 1 Vanilla Wolf 1 Wolf JOAT
5 Vanilla Towns
1 Town Innocent Child
1 Town Watcher

  1. This game has 48 hour days & 24 hour nights based on midnight server time. Votes made at :00 are good, :01 bad. Make sure you have stopped posting before :01. Phases will revolve around midnight server time.
  2. Insta: On
    12) In games where instalynches may occur, instalynches occur when over 50% of the living players are voting for a valid option.
    8 players alive, 4 voting for player A, player A has not been instalynched.
    7 players alive, 4 voting for player A, player A has been instalynched.
  3. Minimum posts if there is no insta: 10
    This means you will be replaced or modkilled if you do not make at least 10 posts in the 48 hour day time, unless the day ended in insta.
  4. OOTC & nighttalk: Off (Exceptions, Wolfchat and Neighborchat, if present).
    This means you cannot message people about the game outside of the thread or during the night time. The exception is if you are a wolf or have a neighborchat.
  5. KitB: On
    This means that if there is a tie in the votes at the end of the day, the host will randomly break the tie and announce who really died.
  6. Phantoms: Off
    If phantoms are on, you get a penalty of 0.1 votes against you if you are not voting for anybody at the end of the day. Phantoms are off, so it does not count against you to not vote in this respect.
  7. No-lynch/kill: On, cannot be done in consecutive day/night phases.
    Town may elect to vote out no one, and wolves may elect to kill no one. However, Town may not vote out no one two phases in a row, and wolves may not skip a nightkill two phases in a row, either.
  8. Cardflipping: On (Full Role flips)
    This means that someone's entire role will be revealed when they die. Alternatives can be no flip or color flip.
  9. Deathpost: Standard rules
    Dead players are considered out of the game once they are dead (exception, games with revivals). Once dead, including games with revivals, dead players may not talk with living players about the game.

    11) So long as a player has died during the night phase only, they are entitled to one (1) deathpost. Deathposts cannot be relevant to the game, even if there are cardflips, and cannot inhibit the ability of living players to play the game or navigate the thread, such as posting the entire script to the Spongebob Squarepants Movie.
  10. Night Ability Reminder: On
    If you have a night ability that targets somebody, who your target is can either be sent to the host by FFR PM or Discord. Each night, the host will try to send one generic reminder message by Discord or FFR PM to any players that have night abilities.

If you have a question about any of the roles, hopefully the following section will answer any of these questions.

Sample Role PMs

Welcome, [PLAYER]. You are A Vanilla Town.

You have no special abilities at nighttime. You must use your vote during the daytime to attempt to vote out the wolves.

You win when the wolves have been eliminated.

Welcome, [PLAYER]. You are The Town Watcher.

Each night, you may target another player. At the beginning of the next day phase, you will be told who visited that player during that night phase, if anyone.

You win when the wolves have been eliminated.

Welcome, [PLAYER]. You are The Town Neighborizer.

Each night, you may target another player. At the beginning of the next day phase, you and that player will have a private chat on discord for the following day and night phase. If the player you target at night dies that same night, this action will fail.

You win when the wolves have been eliminated.

Welcome, [PLAYER]. You are The Town Tracker.

Each night, you may target another player. At the beginning of the next day phase, you will be told who that player visited during that night phase, if anyone.

You win when the wolves have been eliminated.

Welcome, [PLAYER]. You are [color=The Town Parity Seerblue][/color].

Each night, you may target another player. Once you have targeted your second player, then at the beginning of the next day phase you will be told whether those two players are of the same alignment (two towns or two wolves) or if they are of different alignments (one town and one wolf). Should you target a third player, the player you compare the third player two would be the player you targeted second.

You win when the wolves have been eliminated.

Welcome, [PLAYER]. You are [color=The Town Innocent Child[blue][/color].

You begin the game with the knowledge that you can reveal yourself to be the Innocent Child at any point of your choosing. This is done by posting a special image that only you can post.

This image is

You win when the wolves have been eliminated.

Welcome, [PLAYER]. You are The Town Angel.

Each night, you may target another player. That player will be protected from nightkills the night after you visit them. If you protect a player on night one, that player will be protected from nightkills on night two, and so on.

You win when the wolves have been eliminated.

Welcome, [PLAYER]. You are A Vanilla Wolf.

Your wolf partner is [PLAYER], the [PARTNER'S ROLE HERE]. You two have access to a private discord chat where you may discuss the game at any time.

Each night, the wolves may select one of their own to attempt to kill another player. A wolf may perform the nightkill and their other action, if they have one.

You win when the number of living towns is equal to the number of living wolves, or if nothing can prevent this from occurring.

Welcome, [PLAYER]. You are A Wolf Role Seer.

Your wolf partner is [PLAYER], the Vanilla Wolf. You two have access to a private discord chat where you may discuss the game at any time.

Each night, you may target another player. At the beginning of the following day phase, you will be told that player's Role (EX: Vanilla Town, Town Watcher, Town Tracker, Town Neighborizer, Town Angel, Vanilla Wolf).

Each night, the wolves may select one of their own to attempt to kill another player. A wolf may perform the nightkill and their other action, if they have one.

Additionally, you begin the game with the knowledge that [PLAYER] is a Vanilla Town.

You win when the number of living towns is equal to the number of living wolves, or if nothing can prevent this from occurring.

Welcome, [PLAYER]. You are A Wolf JOAT.

Your wolf partner is [PLAYER], the Vanilla Wolf. You two have access to a private discord chat where you may discuss the game at any time.

Each night, the wolves may select one of their own to attempt to kill another player. A wolf may perform the nightkill and their other action, if they have one.

You have two additional abilities, both of which have a single use. A one-shot Ninja kill, and a one-shot roleblock.

The one-shot Ninja ability allows you to perform a kill immune to both the tracker and the watcher a single time.

The one-shot Roleblock ability allows you to target another player during a night phase. Any action that player attempts to perform that night phase will fail.

However, the JOAT may not roleblock and perform a ninja kill in the same night.

You win when the number of living towns is equal to the number of living wolves, or if nothing can prevent this from occurring.

Welcome, [PLAYER]. You are A Wolf Roleblocker.

Your wolf partner is [PLAYER], the Vanilla Wolf. You two have access to a private discord chat where you may discuss the game at any time.

Each night, you may target another player during a night phase. Any action that player attempts to perform that night phase will fail.

You win when the number of living towns is equal to the number of living wolves, or if nothing can prevent this from occurring.



Q: What is this game?


In this video, the narrator uses the terms "mafia" instead of wolves, but it is the same game in the same way that "soccer" is the American word and "football" is the non-American word for the same sport.

Q: How do I play?

A: That is a tricky question in and of itself, but the simplest answer is you post in the game thread to either:
a) attempt to use logic and social reasoning to determine who the wolves are and vote them out of the game.
b) attempt to blend in with the crowd as a wolf and avoid being voted out of the game while killing the villagers.

Q: Is this game fun?

A: FFR has been playing it for honestly longer than some of the people who sign up for this game have been alive; it is an internet forum game staple and has survived for such time for good reason.
That being said, it is not for everyone. Sometimes, emotions can run high, which may not be appealing to everyone. It often requires members of the wolf team to lie and deceive, which can be difficult and stressful for some. I would encourage most everyone to try it once, but it may not be for you.

Q: What are the rules?

A: A link to the rules thread:

a link to the tl;dr version of the rules (you should probably read this one instead, you should still be good to go):

Q: How do I sign up?

A: Simple, just type [ twgv]in[ /twgv] without the spaces after the first brackets. This is the same way that you would vote for a player in the game itself.

Q: How do I figure out who the wolves are?

A: Therein lies the game! A never-ending answer is the answer to your question. Maybe that buffoon over there is just pretending to be a buffoon. Maybe the person everyone thinks is a townie is putting on a proper showing as a wolf. Maybe the person who claimed a role is fake. Its up to you to figure out what is going on, but also to convince and trust others at the same time. Of course, that's exactly what the wolves are trying to do as well.

Q: How do I convince people I am town?

A: Another never-ending answer to this question! Mostly, it is just by posting what you think and other people deciding that it is something that a town player approaching the game would say. This ambiguous answer is, again, where the game is played.

Q: What do I do if I don't think I can keep playing the game?

A: If you feel like you won't have the time to continue playing the game for whatever reason, please let me know privately, and I will try to replace you if a replacement player is available. This may also occur if you do not post a minimum number of times in a day phase even if you do not ask to be replaced.


Role Resolution FAQ

Q: What happens if the Roleblocker targets a role that is expecting a result?

A: If the Roleblocker targets an investigative role such as the Town Parity Cop or the Town Tracker, the investigative role will be told that they were roleblocked if they attempt to use their action. If any other role is targeted by the roleblocker, they will not be informed of anything, even if their action was blocked.

Q: What happens if someone other than the Innocent Child posts the Innocent Child's image?

A: Their slot will be killed immediately by me, the host. The player may also be subject to bans from future games. Don't do it! Even as a joke!

Q: What happens if the Town Angel targets someone n1, but the player they target would be killed d2 by vote? Would that player still die?

A: Yes, that player would still die. In virtually all games, there is nothing that can prevent a player from dying from a vote.

Q: What happens if the Town Tracker targets the Wolf JOAT when the JOAT uses their Ninja ability?

A: The Town Tracker would be told that the Wolf JOAT did not visit anyone, when in fact the Wolf JOAT did visit someone.

Q: What happens if the Town Watcher targets the player that the Wolf JOAT targets when the Wolf JOAT uses their Ninja ability?

A: The Town Watcher would be informed of their result as normal, minus the presence of the Wolf JOAT. If another player visits that player, the Town Watcher would be informed of this.

Q: What happens if the Town Watcher targets the Wolf JOAT when the JOAT uses their Ninja ability?

A: The Town Watcher receives their results as usual. Imagine that the Watcher is watching a log painted to look like the Wolf JOAT or whatever kind of ninja trick would befit this situation.


1) Arp! Vanilla Town, Lost at Endgame
2) ToonE156 Vanilla Town Died d2
3) NoobiesAreTheBest Charu Vanilla Wolf Died d1
4) NotSpiralingEnough Vanilla Town Died d3
5) Lights _Zenith_ Town Parity Seer Died n3
6) bugkid666 Vanilla Town Died n1
7) Lightknight924 Town Neighborizer Died d0
8) mellonxcollie Vanilla Town Died n2
9) Wayward Vagabond flashflash account Wolf Roleblocker, Won at Endgame

1) star-crossed
2) Charu
3) _Zenith_
4) flashflash account
TWG Stats: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...it?usp=sharing

FFR is a pretty good place somehow.
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Old 07-21-2023, 06:20 PM   #2
the sun fan
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neighborchat (nothing really here):
TWG Stats: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...it?usp=sharing

FFR is a pretty good place somehow.
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Old 07-21-2023, 06:24 PM   #3
the sun fan
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Default Re: jTWG 85 Postgame Thread

Night Actions:

Lights Parity Seers ToonE156
Charu Kills bugkid666
Wayward Vagabond roleblocks Arp!

_Zenith_ Parity Seers mellonxcollie (ROLEBLOCKED)
Wayward Vagabond kills mellonxcollie
Wayward Vagabond roleblocks _Zenith_

_Zenith_ Parity Seers NotSpiralingEnough, sees that ToonE156 and NotSpiralingEnough are the same alignment
flashflash account kills _Zenith_
flashflash account roleblocks NotSpiralingEnough
TWG Stats: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...it?usp=sharing

FFR is a pretty good place somehow.
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Old 07-21-2023, 06:30 PM   #4
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Default Re: jTWG 85 Postgame Thread


Called it but gg FFA for securing a wolf win here

That roleblock did amazing work, what a last parting gift from WV LOL.

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Old 07-21-2023, 07:49 PM   #5
the sun fan
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Default Re: jTWG 85 Postgame Thread

a couple of thoughts:

I laughed when random.org told me that lights and lightknight were the blues

4 replacements in a 9 player game is kinda cursed, but that's kind of how life is

the lack of a counterclaim to charu's fakeclaim narrowed down potential blues for the remaining wolf a bit more than I think people realize

the n2 roleblock on zenith absolutely was a game-winning play for the wolves; without it, Zenith has a confirmed townie in ToonE, meaning ToonE doesn't get killed the following day, and anything could've happened after that. It also means that at least one confirmed town player will be alive in f3, both of which would be massive to town. I didn't really realize how strong the parity seer can be in this setup, and I should likely change that.

It is probably too hard to do much other than what happened in this f3, which is a bit unfortunate.

I do worry that most of the new players lost interest in the game in the end, which is a little saddening
TWG Stats: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...it?usp=sharing

FFR is a pretty good place somehow.
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Old 07-21-2023, 09:55 PM   #6
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All my thoughts were posted real time in deadchat/spoiler chat so check that out if you care, but I think FFA just straight locked it in doing F5 and had an easy coast for F3. Definitely game's MVP in my opinion

Arp played a solid game and I hope they know that just because they lost F3 doesn't mean they did bad. Any advice anyone can give here boils down to "be more experienced" which is not a bad place to be in Game Two of your career, so GG. You're opponent knew what he was doing, so don't feel bad about the lose.

And of course Raeko's D0 was fantastic, loved it

I think as a whole town really needed to generate more content and hold themselves to making posts. Game was much closer then I think most realize, but inactivity allowed FFA to capitalize

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Old 07-21-2023, 10:49 PM   #7
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Default Re: jTWG 85 Postgame Thread

GG everyone ~

Nicely done FFA coming in as a replacement so late in the game and securing the win. I know it wasn't the most hard-fought victory but it's still always nice to see someone who is at least trying and it pays off
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people like you are how trump gets elected
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Old 07-22-2023, 11:24 AM   #8
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bruh I was busy the night I got lynched and forgot to post lol
dont trust this user at all --------> https://www.twitch.tv/toone156
Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 View Post
If accuracy is not your middle name, my balls smell like lavender and honey.

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Old 07-22-2023, 11:25 AM   #9
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Default Re: jTWG 85 Postgame Thread

super solid game though
dont trust this user at all --------> https://www.twitch.tv/toone156
Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 View Post
If accuracy is not your middle name, my balls smell like lavender and honey.

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