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Old 06-14-2006, 09:42 PM   #1
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Default War of the Games

Alright I wrote this as a sophomore in high school (3 years ago)for my pre-AP english class, so it should be viewed thusly. It's mainly a Fan-fic, and there are many many characters from many many games. When I was writing it I was going on 6 hours and I had to get off of the computer, so if the ending seems rushed, it is. I was thinknig about remaking it to be a series of stories revolving around the main character.


“Lord Sephiroth, wake up! You’re going to be late for your fight with Lara Croft!” said Mega Man.

“You dare speak to your Master that way?” demanded Sephiroth

“I meant no offence, my liege,” stuttered Mega Man, “but if you don’t hurry Lara Croft might call in Mario.”

“Blast her! Her relationship with Mario is becoming too strong. I must be rid of her!” said Sephiroth.

Sephiroth rose from his bed and dressed in his combat clothing for the upcoming fight. After having a quick breakfast of human souls and tiny monsters, he cleaned his feathers (for he was a one-winged angel) and headed to his awaiting chariot.

In his chariot Aries and Tifa were waiting to prep him on Lara’s fighting techniques. As Cid the chariot driver urged the Chocobos to go faster, Sephiroth was already half asleep. This fight should go as quickly as all the rest of them, since he was the second best fighter in the realm. If it wasn’t for that trickster Ganandorf, he would be number one. If he lost this battle today he would be bumped down to 10th place, while Lara took his current position, and that would be unacceptable.

When they reached the Central Fighting Arena in Midgar, all his fans and loyal followers were cheering madly as his chariot was projected on 100 different holo-screens. He woke up from his half-sleep immediately and casted Silence on his chariot so he wouldn’t have to listen to the incompetent mortals.

When the chariot halted at the departing station, he emerged with a broad smile on his face, which in turn caused the crowd to cheer even louder. While walking down the red velvet aisle, his servants combed his waist-length steel silver hair, and made sure his long sword was extremely sharp.

He spotted Lara across from him on the other side of the maroon circular fighting pad. Invisi-cameras and other members of the media hovered around him, trying to get the best shot of the legend.

He waved the cameras away with a casual gesture of his hand as he removed his obsidian cloak. Letting his wing spread out to its full extent, he showered the crowd with black feathers (for he was no ordinary angel). He walked regally to the center of the fighting pad as Lara did the same.

He wielded his long sword and adjusted his polished black armor as Lara drew her dual pistols and flicked her ponytail. She openly showed how much she loved Mario and how much Sephiroth despised him by wearing a small mushroom on her holster strap. The air whistled as Sephiroth swung his sword in the air to test its response; Lara fired her pistols into the pitch black sky to test their recoil.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you have all gathered here today at the Central Fighting Arena in Midgar to witness the best fight on Gaia!” said the King of Fighters, Ganandorf.

“As you all know,” he continued, “Sephiroth is one step below me in the ranks, and this battle tonight will decide if he has the right to fight me. If he loses, the beautiful Lara Croft will take his place as second in the realm. Diddy Kong will be up here with me refereeing the battle to make sure all is fair.”

The crowd quieted as a translucent force field surrounded the pad to halt any deflected bullets or body parts. All Invisi-cameras and other media equipment were shut down (not including the holo-screens) so they would not interfere with the shield. Captain Falcon, retired veteran of the Arena, and Lara’s coach, sat on Lara’s side of the pad speculating. On the other side Kirby, Sephiroth’s most loyal fan and mentor, did the same.

“Let the blades swing and the bullets fly! Begin the match!” cried Ganandorf.

Lara was the first to launch an attack by firing a stream of bullets, which Sephiroth quickly and easily deflected with his sword. She ran at him, preparing to do a roundhouse kick, when suddenly he shimmered and disappeared only to appear behind her in a split second.

He hit her hard in the back with the hilt of his sword, while holding out his foot to trip her as she sprawled forward. She caught him unaware when she quickly reclaimed her balance, spun around, and fired 3 bullets into his left shoulder. Sephiroth grimaced in pain, but quickly lifted his hand and healed himself.

“Stupid mortal, your toys cannot hurt me!” screamed Sephiroth.

Ignoring his comment, Lara planned her next move. Sephiroth yelled a murderous cry as he lunged at her with his sword extended. She quickly knocked the tip of the sword to the ground with one pistol, while preparing to hit him in the face with the other.

But, alas, he had thought about this move and had a fire ball in his free hand that he launched just seconds before her fist met his face.

The crowd screamed just as loudly as Lara did as she stared at the charred stump where her hand had been. Sephiroth just chuckled and prepared to slice her in half with a single swipe while she was in shock.

But something was different about her, she had a different feel. Something wasn’t right. She was mad, and she had enough rage within her to finish this fight.

She blocked his killing blow with her remaining pistol and used the crimson blood gushing from her stump to blind him. She then kneed him in the head while he was grasping his eyes.

He landed to the ground with a soft thud, but he was not dead. As Lara lifted her pistol to kill him with one shot to the head, he rolled to the right and impaled her through the middle with his sword.

Her mouth formed a faint O of surprise as she slid down the rest of the length of the sword, her lifeblood streaming from her body. He stood up and withdrew his sword with disgust as the crowd went crazy.

Cups, money, chips, hot dogs, and any other throw able object (including, occasionally, Pokemon) were hurled at the force field. Ganandorf’s special security was no match for the angry crowd of Yoshis, donkey kongs, Pokemon, and Lego men in the stands. Lara Croft, the last remaining tomb raider on Gaia, was dead!

Immediately angry mobs formed and people started calling the Central Arena claiming the fight was unfair and ruthless. A large portion of the crowd now hated Sephiroth, when they had loved him only a half-hour ago. Main politicians Sonic, Shadow, Bowser and Toad took up their sides on the battle they knew was coming.

As Sephiroth walked toward his chariot from the still bleeding corpse of Lara, Kirby followed him silently. He wasn’t very silent once they got inside, though.

“Beep boop bop beep!” cried Kirby.

“Yes, I know they hate me now, Kirby!” said Sephiroth, “But I had to protect my title! It was the least I could do.”

“Boop!” said Kirby

“Such foul language from a cheery creature born in Dreamland! I suppose I could have just cut her bit by bit until she gave up, but that blood stung! Anyways, I’m sure it’ll be fine, I‘ll just bribe the leaders of the separate mobs and it’ll all be forgotten in a day or so.” said Sephiroth.

“Beep boop bop boint boop bot!” said Kirby.

“Do you really think that will work?” said Sephiroth.

“Beet,” said Kirby.

“I suppose I could revive Lara to make everyone happy.” said Sephiroth.
Just then the King of Fighters, Ganandorf, busted into the chariot himself. His contingent of druq golem bodyguards were left outside.

“What were you thinking you ignorant fool?!” demanded Ganandorf “The rules clearly state that killing is not acceptable unless no other alternative is available. Now I’m going to get in trouble from The Aeons because of your mistake! Couldn’t you have just stabbed her so she could never fight again? You didn’t have to kill her!”

“Oh shut up or you’re next, cocksmoker.” responded Sephiroth.

“Was that a challenge? Do you WANT to die a slow and horrible death?” inquired Ganandorf as his hands started to glow an unholy red.

“For your information, I was just about to go out there to revive Lara to fix this little snag in my perfect record.” said Sephiroth.

“Snag!? What about when you ‘accidentally’ killed Princess Peach? And what about the time when you ‘accidentally’ nuked Captain Commando? Whatever you do, you better fix this problem or I’ll send The Aeons after you!” said Ganandorf as he walked through the door. There was the sound of lightning outside as he teleported away.

“What if I don’t revive Lara? Wouldn’t that mean Mario would challenge me next?” inquired Sephiroth, “I don’t think many people like the man, and especially not his brother Luigi. If I finish him off, it’ll be the end of two of my personal problems.”

“Boop beeep…” said Kirby.

“I knew you would see it my way Kirby, now it’s time to go report this to the media” Sephiroth said.

He threw open his chariot door as a mob of media personnel ran to get his side of the story. The most popular of all media hosts, Duke Nukem, pushed his way to the front of the mob.

“Lord Sephiroth, over here!” he cried “What will you do to get back in the good graces of the people?”

“I refuse to revive Lara Croft-“ he was cut off as the crowd grew even louder at this comment. There was even a rogue mushroom thrown that bounced harmlessly off his armor. “But if I am faced with no other choice, I will revive her and apologize formally. Until then, I will stand by my theory that the fight was fair.”

Greatly angered by the crowds volume, Sephiroth casted Silence on them. Suddenly he noticed a 4 foot 5 man with tan skin pushing his way through the crowd. He wore red overalls and a red cap with a black M on it.

“What do you want, pipsqueak?” Sephiroth said.

The man was so angry that he didn’t even take the time to translate his words: "!Usted mató a mi novio y ahora yo lo desafío a una batalla!"

Sephiroth pointed at Kirby and barked: “Translate!”

“Beep bot boop” Kirby replied.

“I accept your challenge, plumber, and I hope you’re prepared to die just like your girlfriend did.” Sephiroth said.

Sephiroth un-Silenced the crowd as he marched back to his chariot. Quickly Cid hopped in his seat and forced the Chocobos to go full speed.

Aries and Tifa tried to calm Sephiroth while he sat in his easy chair. The fact that he was already calm was more alarming than the fact that his sword was still unsheathed. It was floating in midair over his right palm.

Almost on command, the chariot screeched to a stop. Aries and Tifa were immediately alert and ready to fight for their lord. He waved them down and told them he’d handle this problem himself.

Outside there was a man standing in the middle of the road, wielding a Gunblade. He wore a loose leather jacket with fur lining, along with baggy leather pants. He had a odd necklace that had a silver sculpture of a lion-beast’s head on it.

As Sephiroth stepped out of his chariot the man took up a fighting stance that was a reflection of his Balamb Garden training. He ran a Sephiroth, firing his blade just milliseconds before Sephiroth brought up his own blade, blocking the blow.

“Who are you, and why do you dare attack me?” Sephiroth said.

“Don’t ask questions. Just know that you have Balamb Garden, Galbadia Garden, and many more Garden fighting and training facilities on your side.” the man said.

“And why should I trust you....Squall?” said Sephiroth.

Squall gazed at the man with his steely eyes, trying to remember. As he peered into his eyes he saw deep sadness, and an odd recognition. Had he underestimated this man?

“Just do it, and see what it gets you”, said Squall as he turned and ran back into the woods lining the road.

With surprising timing a space shuttle armed with many weapons with the words N64 painted on the side flew from the sky and hovered a few feet above Sephiroth. The pitch-black view screen slid back and a fox-like man jumped out.

“I am Starfox McGonagall and I have come to report that you have my small army of my ships on your side. We all agreed on your choice to kill that bitch and hope you will continue killing future nuisances to our realm”, said the fox-like man with a salute.

“Indeed I will need your help in the forthcoming battle, and I will see what I can do about future battles.” Sephiroth said.

“Farewell, friend, though I have a feeling that we will meet again this very day.” said Starfox. He then jumped back into his ship, gunned the rockets, and took off.

Sephiroth calmly walked back to his chariot without another word and shut the door. Aries and Tifa were obviously were waiting for a explanation, which he didn’t give. Cid started the Chocobos moving again, and soon they were at his grand estate.

One of the best estates in the realm, some say. It had a grand pool that was surrounded with sculptures of old friends and foes alike. He had 23 tennis courts, 2 guests houses (each with their own guest pools), and every single game console to date. Even the old rusty X-Box 7(AKA: Xtreme Box). His estate easily was the best when it came to entertainment.

He heard the familiar chime of mail waiting for him as he entered. Tifa and Aries scurried of to their pleasure chambers while he strode to the master bedroom. He washed off and sheathed his blade for the first time since the fight and opened the most important mail that had arrived. It was from the Judge of the Games, Diddy Kong, saying that the second fight would happen that day in three hours. So little time!

Sephiroth groaned as he realized he’d be fighting for the second time in one day. He barely had time to get a quick nap and eat his daily souls before he was being beckoned to his chariot once again. Not feeling like riding in the rickety chariot again, he instead took his Yamaha GRXC-P5000 motorcycle without any warning to Tifa or Aries. They’d stay home for this one.

As he approached the arena, his steel-silver hair flowing behind him in the wind, he felt watched as spotters reported to Invisi-cameras to get a shot of him approaching the arena. He already saw the immense mushroom shaped blimp that Mario notoriously rode in.

He skidded to a halt when he reached the red mat. The crowd seemed restless, and small fights were breaking out. He got off his motorcycle and walked to the center of the pad as Mario took off his hat and did the same. He snarled at Mario as soon as he was directly facing him.

He noticed that Ganandorf’s special security had split the arena in halves. One half held Sephiroth’s group of fighters (the Gardens, and Starfox’s pilots) and the other Mario’s (Pokemon and donkey kongs). A fight was bound to break out. Maybe even a war…

Ganandorf said the usual introduction of fighters and shortly after the fight began.

Sephiroth launched the first attack by lunging at Mario and swinging to the left. Mario was too quick for him and dodged the attack easily. Mario then took a brick out of his pocket and smashed it against his head.

Laughter erupted from the crowds because of Marios stupid move. What could this possibly do but injure himself?

Sephiroth and everyone else’s laughter stopped as Mario pulled a razor sharp large gold saucer that resembled a large coin. He seemingly pulled it from the brick!

Obviously Mario hadn’t read the rules in a long time, because that shenanigan was thelast straw. Midgar Official Fighting Rules said that you absolutely could not have any concealed weapons on the field. You must have them visible at the beginning of the match or the result was a disqualification.

Sephiroth’s side cheered as Mario’s side seethed with anger. So many Pokemon and donkey kongs were pressing against the force field that it could take no more. To everyone’s surprise the force field collapsed and everyone fell into the middle of the fighting pad. The war had begun!

The Garden forces started flinging spells everywhere as the pilots rushed to be teleported to their ships. The Pokemon looked like they had the advantage because of their animal instincts and anime style, and for a while they did. The donkey kongs were almost helpless, before they could lift a fist to bash someone or throw a banana they were blasted away with ice beams and particle blasts.

But soon the Pokemon and donkey kongs were winning against the Garden forces. That is, until the pilots returned.

As soon as the fleet of 9 warships descended from the sky they knew it was over. The laser beams shot through the donkey kongs and Pokemon like a hot knife through butter. They had no chance and soon they turned tail and fled. But nobody knew the Pokemon had a backup force of Digimon, who were known to have the ability to “Digivolve”.

The Digimon managed to take down 5 warships with their cheap tactics, but were soon overrun just like the Pokemon. The donkey kongs and other video game characters who had fled were rounded up from the back with Sephiroth’s own personal army from SOLDIER and Shinra Inc.

In the end the war was won by Sephiroth and his ingenious battle tactics, but he was nowhere to be found. Apparently Mario took a pipe back to his house as the battle ensued.

The war of the games really solved nothing and had no point whatsoever, but it was bound to happen sometime. At least now we know who would win.


Now that I re-read it, it was very rushed. BUT I could re-do it and make it last. I read it to my class and I showed it to a few friends, but other than that I haven't gotten much critisism. Hope you enjoyed.
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Old 06-15-2006, 11:50 AM   #2
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Default Re: War of the Games

hahahahaha very entertaining.
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Old 03-17-2007, 11:59 PM   #3
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Default Re: War of the Games

Very entertaining. A sequel of mario V. Sephiroth would be sweet.
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Old 03-18-2007, 01:19 AM   #4
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Default Re: War of the Games

whoops i think i left out a sarcasm mark...
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Old 03-18-2007, 01:56 PM   #5
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Default Re: War of the Games

I'm not reading this strictly based on my hate for fanfics, crossovers, or any of their related genres.

Seriously, if you aren't creative to create your own characters, why should I even bother reading your works?
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Old 03-19-2007, 04:42 PM   #6
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Default Re: War of the Games

Originally Posted by mead1 View Post
I'm not reading this strictly based on my hate for fanfics, crossovers, or any of their related genres.

Seriously, if you aren't creative to create your own characters, why should I even bother reading your works?
So... If I were to write a story taking a modern man, putting him through a Greek hell and forcing him to complete trials in order to unfreeze his fiance, all the while using a pre-set of characters from mythology, you'd ignore it?


Because that's my next book.
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Old 03-19-2007, 05:14 PM   #7
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Default Re: War of the Games

Originally Posted by MalReynolds View Post
So... If I were to write a story taking a modern man, putting him through a Greek hell and forcing him to complete trials in order to unfreeze his fiance, all the while using a pre-set of characters from mythology, you'd ignore it?


Because that's my next book.
Sounds awesome.
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Old 03-19-2007, 09:44 PM   #8
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Default Re: War of the Games

Nah, I'll read it. You have a reputation for writing worthwhile stories. I can put aside my hatred for a genre long enough to appreciate a story by Mal.
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Old 03-19-2007, 10:41 PM   #9
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I was just checking to see if you considered using mythical characters to be fan-fiction... Because Neil Gaiman wrote some pretty good books using leprechauns, Odin and other stuff.
"A new take on the epic fantasy genre... Darkly comic, relatable characters... twisted storyline."

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