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Old 06-13-2017, 02:23 AM   #11
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Default Re: Post Your Picture VII - The Continuation (Read Page 1)

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten View Post
hello friends i have resurfaced from the rock i've been living under for like... years. I've been visiting the lovely prawnskunk in vancouver for the past month (along with all the other VancouFFR people) and i have lots of pictures to dump here that you can all feast your eyes upon.

warning: incoming huge picture dump

us on the lovely always reliable mode of transport in vancouver, the skytrain. you see, us southerns are not accustomed to this thing called "public transit"

the best fucking burger ever. Big smoke burger on SFU burnaby campus. go there. eat. be happy.

Max and his burger. Also delicious. Also dorky and cute ketchup heart. Max’s idea and doing. Not mine.

First time playing groove coaster. Definitely (one day) want a groove coaster setup for myself… one day…. Maybe… vibrating foot pad!!!!!

We might’ve gone to build a bear… because i am an actual child basically. I fucking love build a bear. His name is Christopher and i love him. He is soft and furry. Everyone should go to build a bear at least once. It’s where best friends are made. (no, they didn’t have any skunks)

Walked around the New Westminster quay near max’s work cause it was pretty. I saw a lot of puppies. It was a good day. I also chased pigeons. Like i said, actual child.

Assembling our lovely jubeat home setup for the first time. Yes we now have a jubeat home setup. The first of (hopefully) many rhythm game home setups. Groove coaster WILL be one of them…. One day……

Went back to New West for gelato and fried chicken with T-Force and soramimi. Both were great. We underestimated how much chicken they were going to give us. Holy shit so much chicken. So we only got one scoop of gelato each. But it was damn good gelato.

Who needs a shopping basket when you have a boyfriend!!! Max wonderfully holding clothes for me while soramimi and i were shopping :)))) he looks so thrilled, doesn’t he??

This is gonna take some explaining…..

So max’s sister had a party while i was there and it was 90’s themed so the only thing i could think of that we could put together on short notice (because i put off putting together our costumes lol) was like 90’s grunge/punk so we went to hot topic and picked up band t shirts, i ‘distressed’ an old pair of his jeans (i luckily had a “pre distressed” pair on me ;D) and i put on the shittiest dark makeup i possibly could manage with what i had. It went over pretty well actually. You can’t see it, but he’s wearing the brain stew green day t shirt.

More jubeat. We jumped from like, level 3 and 4 to level 8 and 9 in just a few days. Maybe a week at most. Our unconventional training method including “multiplayer” jubeat. 2 players with 1 controller on the highest difficulty. Broken stream everything. It was surprisingly effective.

So in august of 2015 when i first visited vancouver, we went to boston pizza and had spicy perogy pizza. BEST. FUCKING. PIZZA. EVER. also the best leftover pizza either of us have ever had. So fucking delicious. It was then that we decided that we would get it the next time i visited. We didn’t plan out our anniversary dinner but hell, of course we planned out our fucking boston pizza order over a year ahead of time. Seriously, if you’ve never had boston pizza’s spicy perogy pizza and it’s available near you, please go eat it. Right now. Stop reading this and go eat it. It’s so fucking good.

I also once again became a literal child (hey it says to) and we got a big fucking cookie. It was also delicious. Our expectations were not particularly high but even so, oh my god, so good. We successfully recreated it at home with double chocolate chip oatmeal cookie dough. Not quite as good, but still good.

We saw guardians of the galaxy 2 while i was here, so it only felt right that when we went to dairy queen that i get the guardians blizzard. It was good. I ate a lot of really fucking good things on this trip. Sorry for all the pictures of food…. Also the groot cup was cute. I kinda wish i had my own groot. That’d be cool

We went to White Rock! Beach! Yay! Don’t swim here. Don’t do it. Also photogenic puppy in the background photobombing us. He is obviously the cutest one in the picture and we’re both okay with that. We were also cute dorks again and drew our initials in the sand with a heart around it. We’re sappy motherfuckers

More white rock! And more gelato!! Max had mango and raspberry and mine was cookies and cream!! So yummy. Sorry we look so white that we’re basically blinding you. The sun is not our friend.

Our idea of fun is walking around ikea shopping for our future kitchen that neither of us is even close to being able to afford and taking weird selfies in mirrors. This is what we do. Yes it’s fun. I also found a cute cat pillow i really wanted but max wouldn’t let me get it. So i got swedish ikea meatballs as a consolation prize. And we ALMOST bought a table for jubeat. Almost. But we were good and did not.

We drank a lot of screwdrivers this trip. A looooooooooooot. Like a lot a lot. Also featuring FFR glasses. Screwdrivers and Community pair well together.

Party in the library while playing betrayal. It’s apparently a fun place to hang out. Good times. This was right after buying the widow’s walk expansion for the base game. It’s a damn good game as it is but man the expansion adds a lot of really fun stuff. This was with t-force, soramimi, ohsosilly, zageron, and prawnskunk

One of the big things about this trip is that i was there for both my birthday and our two year anniversary! In order to celebrate my birthday, soramimi had her coworker bake me a caticorn birthday cake. It was not only cute and adorable but also delicious. Marble cake with vanilla buttercream on the outside and caramel buttercream filling between the layers.

After cake and betrayal to celebrate, we went to play glow in the dark mini golf. Spoiler alert, basically everyone sucks at mini golf but t-force sucks the least. Also featuring paw shaped boob creatures?????

More glow in the dark mini golf feat. soramimi’s amazing eeveelutions bag.

Prawnskunk and i started a rockband together!! Playing soon near you…. The Bleached Assholes!!!! Yes his drummer is dressed in entirely pink and has a masquerade mask on over facepaint. My guitarist has a… tricera-top. Heh. hehehehehe.

Birthday dinner at one of our favorite thai places! So delicious. They have these really nice kinda private booths that are separated from the rest of the dining area that we have really wanted to sit in since i visited in august 2015. We managed to snag a reservation on one (even though they don’t do reservations??) and finally got to sit at one. It made for a wonderful dinner

Look at dis cutie <3

Instead of dessert, we got another appetizer after our meal (ok i begged) because they were kind of the best spring rolls i’ve ever had. Max wanted to see how many i could eat before i tapped out. I think there were only three left when i finally had to give in and let max finish them off

So we don’t really know when or where this picture came from. All we can assume is that we were drunk. Max looks concerned. I look like i’m drunk laughing. We feel it is important to share it with you all. I hope you enjoy it and it brings a smile to your face

Here is a far more composed version of that picture. We look cute. Also max’s hair is now pink and mine is silver. Enjoy. It was… a process to get his hair that color.

All the A&Ws near me in the state’s have closed so i was kind of ecstatic to see them all over the place here. Also A&W doesn’t serve ice. You go A&W.

And finally, one of the really exciting things for the was the release of a beta test for a game we play together a lot when we’re apart. It was really really nice to be able to actually play TOGETHER for once. We played like 24 hours over the course of 4 days. Oops. also our characters were named after FFR songs, so there’s that. Max picked exothermic and i picked blooddrunk because of the skills our builds used.

That’s all we have for now, but if we take any more between now and tomorrow evening when i fly out, we’ll be sure to post them (:
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