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Old 09-5-2016, 09:27 AM   #1
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Default The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

The time has come and... wow... where do I even begin? OH, right. With a giant PSA because people can't read L O L

Originally Posted by DigitalS3r4ph View Post
I am noticing many players have the following changes made to their Stepmania which is severely dampening the experience we had intended for those who are playing through this pack for the first time. (No backgrounds, no mines, CMod Only, playing on faster rates, etc)

Let's get things squared away:
This is not you're normal/usual Stepmania pack. This is not going to be your usual 'ey a new pack let's play it, get beast ass scores and try AAA'ing slower bpm songs on 1.5x rates' type of experience.

1. Have your backgrounds turned on, or at least at 30-50% brightness. YOU ARE DOING YOURSELF A MAJOR DISSERVICE BY NOT DOING SO. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE. Enjoy the pack first, WORRY ABOUT SCORES LATER. This is not your standard stepmania pack!

2. Certain files are intended to be played on X-Mod, and you will achieve the BEST experience playing Stepmania 5. .Execute for example uses features only available on SM5.

The following files are intended to be played STRICTLY on X-Mod for MAXIMUM enjoyment.
- .3X3CU73
- Commodore
- Flight of the Battery
- Luigi's Mansion
- Work Harder
- Your Worst Nightmare

(There are other files with tricks in them as well, such as Commodore and Tube of Medusa)

3. Turn mines on. Nearly every file in this pack that uses mines has been done so in a thoughtful way. There are even some files who's difficulty is ENTIRELY dependent on there being mines for the challenge. Not to mention, you will miss easter eggs and surprises planted within the pack.

You will be doing yourself a major disservice if you don't follow the above. I know it's niche or considered taboo to try to tell players how to play Stepmania, but seriously think of it like this...

Think of the VGMP 4 as a whole standalone game.
For your first playthrough, please:
1. Turn those BG's on.
2. Enable those mines!
3. Use X-Mods for files that have BPM changes!
4. Enjoy the pack first, worry about scores later! If a song is easy, then grab that AAAA!

If you follow the above, I promise you...You will enjoy the pack much more and actually see some serious surprises that will blow your mind and change the way you view Stepmania and the VGMP 4 as a game. Otherwise, you're not really experiencing it... You're just playing it blind-folded.
Many appear to feel that people like to play video games for enjoyment; whether it to be competitive, be social, or simply pass the time. For others however, they are passion. An escape from reality, or an outlet for their creativity...their imagination.

The Video Game Mega Pack series has been all about people collaborating together in a game they enjoy... to relive their childhood memories, to create and experience their favorite music in a different way, and to challenge themselves. This has been the ultimate point of the VGMP4, and what a grandiose way to do so with 160 files! A massive undertaking, considering every file has been examined, with time and care spent on ensuring the quality of the file was sound with regard to synch, coherence (Did it basically go with the music?), presentation, and fun factor.

We know you have all been waiting for the release of this legendary (nearly mythical creature at this point) pack. It has been over 8 years after all since the release of the last VGMP, with nearly three of those years spent developing this pack...and trust us, we have been more than excited and eager to finally bring this to you! So many changes and exciting innovations have occurred since the release of the original VGMP.

All of us have enjoyed working with the collaborators greatly, having been able to relive the past trying out so many fun files, and be introduced to wonderful new music, and new games as result. Thank you for joining us on this journey. This pack never would have happened without the support and contributions of all of you. The destination may have been reached, but the journey still isn't over!

With all of that being said, we are sure you will find something you enjoy in the Video Game MEGA Pack 4!

But before I can give you that juicy link to the pack, we need to have some fun!


This trophy is awarded to 3-T Scroat for having the most gnarly sack on the face of the planet. You earned it!

This trophy is awarded to Arntonach (Antronach) for helping contribute some graphics! Grats, man!

This trophy is awarded to Kraezymann for helping contribute some graphics! Thanks, dude!

This trophy is awarded to porkypink for helping contribute some graphics! High five, buddy!

This trophy is awarded to rCaliberGX for sending in the easiest file! ZZZzzzzzz!

This trophy is awarded to LoftyRhino for having the most "artistic" file in the pack! Don't forget to inflate those pool floaties before you strut down the street, my hipster friend!

This trophy is awarded to bmah for submitting consistent, high quality files and getting them all accepted. A true boss, and definitely deserves this trophy. Good job, bro!

This trophy is awarded to cedolad for stepping the entire (almost) soundtrack to MVC2! You almost had the gold, bro!

This trophy is awarded to dub for creating a simfile shorter than my dick but with a lot more girth! It's not the size of the song, it's how you step it!

This trophy is awarded to James May for getting the first submitted simfile accepted into the pack! This thing was covered in dust!

This trophy is awarded to Nullifidian for having the most artistic file in the pack! Don't forget your hipster glasses on the way out!

This trophy is awarded to wayward vagabond for stepping the longest song in the pack! I put that shit on autoplay, got married, had a kid, made a sandwich, and it still wasn't over!

This trophy is awarded to ~Zero~ for being extremely generous and blessing us with high quality sTePmAniA GFX! There's no telling what kind of GFX we would've had if you didn't step it and close up shop! PHOTOSHOP AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

This trophy is awarded to Jombo for having the most 420 BLAZE IT VAPE NAYSH file in the pack! MUCH WEED, SUCH WOW!

This trophy is awarded to SpoOkyMagician for being the only one on this list to not get a file in the pack! BUT IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO!

This trophy, the one and only Golden Turd is awarded to hi19hi19 & mina for having the hardest most fuck-me-right-in-the-ear-canal-with-a-raging-horse-boner simfile in this stupid pack! Everything about this file screams EAT SHIT AND DIE BITCH! GET THAT GOLD TURD BABY, YOU EARNED THAT SHITTTTT (LITERALLY)!

This trophy, the one and only Golden Trophy is awarded to MarioNintendo for having the highest rated simfile in the pack, Magical Sound Shower! It was a #1 pick from every judge. Everything about this file screams orgasmic orgasms. GET THAT GOLD TROPHY BABY, YOU EARNED THAT SHITTTTT!

Now let's check out the judges top 5, honorable mentions, and judges favorite judge's files!

MacGravel's Top Five
The one and only. The splooshidoblade master himself.

If I could've picked a top 160, trust me, I would have. Every single file in this pack is a gem. Every single person that submitted a file is incredible. Unfortunately, we can only pick a top 5, so after many hours of playing and wittiling the list down, I have chosen what I think is (in my opinion) the best of the best of the best. For my top 5, I picked them based on a few factors: Song choice, how well the chart flows with the song, and fun factor. The combination of these three factors is what draws me in to play these files every time I open Stepmania.

Variations of Castle - Charu & Gradiant
After we opened submissions to this pack, this was the first file to grab my attention, draw me in, and make me orgasm a million times. Song choice is top notch (Godly piano cover of one of my favorite songs from Secret of Evermore; Puppet Show), and the chart flows SO FLAWLESSLY. The way you two capture this song into 4 stupid arrows just blows me away. You capture every change of emotion, and I feel it in me as I play. I remember the first time I played it I had tears in my eyes. You can call me a cucklord, but it's true. This is a masterpiece.

Ending Theme - MarioNintendo
I sent MarioNintendo this song specifically. It's a remix of my all time favroite video game song, the ending credits from Super Mario World. The original song holds so much nostalgia for me it's ridiculous. When I found this jazzy remix, I knew it had to be stepped. I wouldn't dare trust myself to step this song, and so I turned to the one person that I knew, for a fact, would absolutely nail it, and it's MarioNintendo. I'm absolutely honored to have such an awesome and friendly person so willing to step this for me. Absolute perfection.

First and Last - Kraezymann
When I first saw a submission from the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I was prepared for the absolute worst. From what I could remember, the soundtrack was very bland. I hopped into Stepmania and loaded up the song. From the preview alone I knew I was in for a treat. When the file ended, I was absolutely blown away. The way Kraezymann builds the chart up into this flowing, climactic, orgasmic explosive file of fun and pleasure is magnificent. Even in a million years, I would never be able to step this song as flowing and perfect as Kraezymann has.

Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! - hi19hi19
Super smooth, upbeat remix of an incredible song from an incredible series. From the very first note, I'm immediately put into this rhythmatic groove that I can't, and don't want to, shake off. The amount of flow this charts has is breathtaking. You take a very repetitive song and keep it varied enough to keep my dick at a constant erection. The song and chart finally erupt like a volcano, sexy ass keyboard solos and jazzy drums bursting their hot juices all over me, until I also erupt like a volcano. Hot. Sexy. This chart flows like a waterfall and sexes up my ears like a fat kid sexes up a triple chocolate mousse cake. This file leaves me sweaty and ready for more.

Skate or Live - Nullifidian
Right out of the gate, you're smacked square upside the head with the badass music of an incredible band. The chart flows so damn well with the song, you'd swear you were on stage with Anamanaguchi rockin' out with your cocks out. But you're not. Instead you're playing Stepmania, but that doesn't stop me from whippin' out my dingledongle and bouncing to the beat as I slay some arrows.

MacGravel's Judge Picks

Go! Go! Novice Alchemist - Dj_Ossa
Classic Grade A beef from the man himself, Dj_Ossa. Lots of fun packed into this file done like nobody else can. An instant classic that I want to jump into every time I open Stepmania.

Tube of Medusa - Tsuka
Bitchin' song and 4 difficulties so juiced up it'll make your mom wet. Lots of fun and really good progression. You'll noodle your arms so much you'll think you turned into that little bitch squid Medusa. Get in on this file and get you some cuz, you need this in your life.

MacGravel's Honorable Mentions
Let's be honest, every other file that I didn't choose for my top 5 is an honorable mention! This entire pack is an honorable mention!

Tsuka's Top Five
That's right. Tsuka Bazooka here.

For my top five, I've picked files that I feel perfectly represent the VGMP 4 as a whole. These are files that I literally could NOT have done a better job with myself.

Colress Battle - Kommisar
Legendary stepman Kommisar's stepping style and comfort with tackling awesome video game music is in perfect display with this ridiculously addictive chart. It's Pokemon. It's Hype. It's VGMP4!

Pulse - Yesssss
Beyond anything I could ever do. This file is beautifully stepped and has me in awe every single time I play it.

Shard - Hi19Hi19
Amazing blood pumping DnB that is incredibly hype. It is a staple warm-up song I play any time I load up the VGMP 4.

Volcano - Nullifidian
Art house as fuck; this file literally blew my mind the first time I played it. There's so much I could say about this chart and song, but I'll leave it to you to try it out. This groovy as hell song has also become a staple part of my life's playlist.

Underwater - MarioNintendo
Make no mistake, MarioNintendo is a gem. Almost every single one of MarioNintendo's wonderful files could be a top five in my book, which made choosing between one of his 30 (Including collabs) submissions a daunting task. I just had to select Underwater by Shnabubula as the winner because...not only is it, in my view, perfectly stepped in every way.... it's an amazing song, and it introduced me to a wonderful and talented new artist.

Tsuka's Judge Picks

Just because I selected these as my favorites, do not sleep on their other files! They are all amazing on their own right and are easily my favorites on top of the other top 5's and honorable mentions...But I recommend a personal, special glimpse at these:

Pancakes - MacGravel
Definitely DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS file. The whimsical song and wonderfully flowing chart makes me grin from ear to ear every time I play it. The excellent and hilarious graphics for this file are also a charm. Many laughs were had over this file and it will be one that I will never forget.

Jago [Shakuhachi Remix] - Dj_Ossa
Those who know me personally know that I am also somewhat a Pro-Fighting game player (Specifically Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct). Ossa, somewhat as a favor, stepped this file for me and it is among my favorite sounds from Killer Instinct 2/Gold. His "Freestyle flow" approach to stepping charts is also in perfect display here.

Tsuka's Honorable Mentions

These were either contenders for my top five, or top 10 for that matter, or are just simply files that I have a blast playing and recommend you do not sleep on! I find myself coming back to these repeatedly on my play sessions.

Ashley's Song - Cedolad - Wonderfully catchy song, and Cedo was able to nail it. Need I say more?

Blade's Stage - MarioNintendo - DUDE!!! The solo in this song is DIRTY! I have a super soft spot for this file. :3

Commodore - CyclopsDragon - This, and honestly Sunahara Plains, are both awesomely fun and hype songs to play. Great job on these! Same goes for your Undertale files man.

Dancing Leaves - Cedolad - Cave Story 2.0... Damn you for getting this song forever stuck in my head!

Fight of the Spirit - Gundam Dude - It hurt me so much to not put this in my top five... But this is in my top 10 for sure.

Gerudo Valley - Cedolad and MarioNintendo - Hng. Just play it. You'll see why. Also, MacGravel's graphics are super sexy.

Goon Twins - Nullifidian - Really fun, BOSS as hell file.

Gradius 2 Medley - Jimerax - Courtesy of a legendary step-author! This is literally multiple files in one! I loved the time and effort put into this.

Mario Paint Medley - MarioNintendo- Contender for my Top 5.

NameEntry -2A03+N106 mix- - Nullifidian - Brought a tear to my eye. Another contender for my top 5...it was either between this or Volcano, actually, haha.

Nemesis Ba'al Theme - Xelnya - Holy shit this file took me by complete surprise. I had five stars next to this to mark it down as a top five contender hahahahaha. Great work on this! Creative, fun, and challenging!

Rhythm and Balance - Bmah - There are soooo many files of yours I love actually haha. This one impressed me overall just because this was in my WIPS for the longest time, but I never in my life got around to finishing it. Great job on this one.

Ruins of the Giant - God damn this file and song is so fucking cool. Everyone needs to play this! A top 10 contender haha.

Sally (Select) - MooMoo_Cowfreak - Such an amazing song!! HNNNGGGG!!!! GAH!!! MacGravel knows how much I love this song lmfao. I hum it all the time. This song has a really great beat and I'm happy you sent this one in. It's a very short and sweet file. May be over layered for some, but for me this definitely hits my sweet spot.

Sortie - MarioNintendo - No one should sleep on this file either (Or any MarioNintendo file for that matter). This file is a BLAST to play.

Staff Credits - MarioNintendo- Top five contender haha. You sent in too many great files, dammit!

Theme of Frank West - Ferrari- All of your submissions were gems, but this one in particular is a fun as hell, wacky file that really shows off your creativity. Good stuff!

War Season - dub - This could be a top 10 contender for me haha. It's an extremely challenging file for a really awesome song. It also introduced me to the game, Lisa. Love it!

Where You At - MooMoo_Cowfreak - Wowwww! This was seriously a top 5 contender for me! Great job on this!

Ossa's Top Five
The man, the myth, the legend... is it DJ or JD? The world may never know...

For my top five, I just picked shit that was hella fun swag to the max 420 VAPE NAYSH

Airship Stage - cedo
Ok so this file is amazing. The song is amazing and the pacing and stepping style just makes me feel warm inside (sploosh). One of the things that I got out of this pack is the fact that cedolad is one of my favourite simfile artists. With all his files being amazing, Airship Stage defines his style and reaches the top of my list.

Name Entry - Nullifidian
This song is amazing. They way the song constantly progresses and evolves into something completely different and new was perfectly captured by Nullifidian in this file. Love the progression, love the simplicity and complexity that is experienced as you go through the file. Excellent!

Staff Credits - MarioNintendo
Dear MarioNintendo, thank you for introducing me to your files through this pack. You have, without a doubt, become my favourite simfile artist. Staff Credits embodies everything that makes your files amazing: Amazing song choices, incredible syncronization, and the mastery required to successfully take layering to the next level. Your files nevery feel crowded, yet they are perfectly developed. Thank you for your contributions to this pack. It would not be the same without you.

Johnny C Bad - porkypink
porkypink: This is your masterpiece. It has been very interesting to see you evolve as a simfile artist over the years this pack has been in production. The quality of your material has reached a point that not only is worthy of mention, but it has become a favourite style of mine. The layering in this file, along with the amazing use of colour theory, makes Johnny C. Bad an amazing file. Keep up the good work.

Betrayal - hi19hi19
Ever since I played this file, I fell inlove with it. It is a mixture of old school stream files, crazy solos, and amazing layering selection. Thank you for making this file.

Ossa's Judge Picks


Temperance & Vengeance - Tsuka
Tsuka aka DigitalSeraph aka Breekan: Temperance is such a fun and amazing file. The song is amazing and the pacing is spot on. Needless to say, it was an amazing experience.

Casino Area - MacGravel
MacGraveru-Sempai: GG. 10/10 IGN
This file, aside from maybe Goblinz, is the most entertaining and replayable file you've ever made. It makes my vagina tickle.

Ossa's Honorable Mentions
Vape Nation is the only honorable mention

Look at these sick ass banners


Mediafire Mirror!

Last edited by macgravel; 09-7-2016 at 10:48 PM..
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:27 AM   #2
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Exclamation Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)


Just a heads up guys, if you're having trouble with the Mediafire download, it's because of the CAPTCHA function (I was having a problem with this in Firefox). If you try it in Google Chrome it should work fine. Just complete the Captcha to prove you're not a Robobot and wala you did you've got the pack, winnar.


I am noticing many players have the following changes made to their Stepmania which is severely dampening the experience we had intended for those who are playing through this pack for the first time. (No backgrounds, no mines, CMod Only, playing on faster rates, etc)

Let's get things squared away:
This is not you're normal/usual Stepmania pack. This is not going to be your usual 'ey a new pack let's play it, get beast ass scores and try AAA'ing slower bpm songs on 1.5x rates' type of experience.

1. Have your backgrounds turned on, or at least at 30-50% brightness. YOU ARE DOING YOURSELF A MAJOR DISSERVICE BY NOT DOING SO. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE. Enjoy the pack first, WORRY ABOUT SCORES LATER. This is not your standard stepmania pack!

2. Certain files are intended to be played on X-Mod, and you will achieve the BEST experience playing Stepmania 5. .Execute for example uses features only available on SM5.

The following files are intended to be played STRICTLY on X-Mod for MAXIMUM enjoyment.
- .3X3CU73
- Flight of the Battery
- Luigi's Mansion
- Work Harder
- Your Worst Nightmare

(There are other files with tricks in them as well, such as Commodore and Tube of Medusa)

3. Turn mines on. Nearly every file in this pack that uses mines has been done so in a thoughtful way. There are even some files who's difficulty is ENTIRELY dependent on there being mines for the challenge. Not to mention, you will miss easter eggs and surprises planted within the pack.

You will be doing yourself a major disservice if you don't follow the above. I know it's niche or considered taboo to try to tell players how to play Stepmania, but seriously think of it like this...

Think of the VGMP 4 as a whole standalone game.
For your first playthrough, please:
1. Turn those BG's on.
2. Enable those mines!
3. Use X-Mods for files that have BPM changes!
4. Enjoy the pack first, worry about scores later! If a song is easy, then grab that AAAA!

If you follow the above, I promise you...You will enjoy the pack much more and actually see some serious surprises that will blow your mind and change the way you view Stepmania and the VGMP 4 as a game. Otherwise, you're not really experiencing it... You're just playing it blind-folded.

PM me if you find the secret.

Last edited by DigitalS3r4ph; 09-7-2016 at 02:56 PM..
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:30 AM   #3
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

DOWNLOADDDDDIIIINGGGGGG, gonna write up a review as i play through this xd
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Old 09-7-2016, 02:10 PM   #4
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

Originally Posted by DigitalS3r4ph View Post

Just a heads up guys, if you're having trouble with the Mediafire download, it's because of the CAPTCHA function (I was having a problem with this in Firefox). If you try it in Google Chrome it should work fine. Just complete the Captcha to prove you're not a Robobot and wala you did you've got the pack, winnar.


I am noticing many players have the following changes made to their Stepmania which is severely dampening the experience we had intended for those who are playing through this pack for the first time.

Let's get things squared away: This is not you're normal/usual Stepmania pack. This is not going to be your usual 'ey a new pack let's play it' type of experience.

1. Have your backgrounds turned on, or at least at 30-50% brightness. YOU ARE DOING YOURSELF A MAJOR DISSERVICE BY NOT DOING SO. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE. Enjoy the pack first, WORRY ABOUT SCORES LATER. This is not your standard stepmania pack!

2. Certain files are intended to be played on X-Mod, and you will achieve the BEST experience playing Stepmania 5. .Execute for example uses features only available on SM5.

The following files are intended to be played STRICTLY on X-Mod for MAXIMUM enjoyment.
- .3X3CU73
- Flight of the Battery
- Luigi's Mansion
- Work Harder
- Your Worst Nightmare

3. Turn mines on. Nearly every file in this pack that uses mines has been done so in a thoughtful way. There are even some files who's difficulty is ENTIRELY dependent on there being mines for the challenge. Not to mention, you will miss easter eggs and surprised planted within the pack.

You will be doing yourself a major disservice if you don't follow the above. I know it's niche or considered taboo to try to tell players how to play Stepmania, but seriously think of it like this...

Think of the VGMP 4 as a whole standalone game. For your first playthrough, please:
1. Turn those BG's on.
2. Enable those mines!
3. Use X-Mods for files that have BPM changes!
4. Enjoy the pack first, worry about scores later!

If you follow the above, I promise you...You will enjoy the pack much more and actually see some serious surprises that will blow your mind and change the way you view Stepmania and the VGMP 4 as a game.
reposted because people need to read this
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Old 09-7-2016, 02:19 PM   #5
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Exclamation Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)


This is actually important enough for us to stress. It's important enough that we'll include this as a ReadMe doc when we release the next patch. I know it's niche/taboo to request this of Stepmania players but this is not your average "Wewt I have 40+ new filez to play" kind of pack that gets released all the time. Think of it like a new game, or an expansion to SM... Focus on having fun and enjoy the VGMP4 experience first, then worry about scoring on the files you really really like later. If you can't find yourself doing that, then sorry, you're doing a disservice to yourself and the 3 1/2 years of effort all the collaborators and judges put into developing this pack.

PM me if you find the secret.
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:29 AM   #6
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:29 AM   #7
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

Nothing's non-fat. That's why the world's going to explode one day.
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:32 AM   #8
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

Edit: couldn't enter the captcha, had to disable adblock
Originally Posted by Buta-san View Post
Originally Posted by ilikexd View Post
tfw nanahira will never step on u
youll be surprised how possible this is.

Last edited by Pazzaz; 09-5-2016 at 09:33 AM..
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:32 AM   #9
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:34 AM   #10
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

See you, Space Cowboy.
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:36 AM   #11
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

also woohoo i cant play this until later today when i go back to my dorm where my keyboard is
Nothing's non-fat. That's why the world's going to explode one day.
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:37 AM   #12
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

Havin' a little trouble with the DL link (to be expected, the FUCKING HYPE IS REAL)
See you, Space Cowboy.
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:39 AM   #13
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:41 AM   #14
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

Yup had to disable adblock to get the dl link to work.

Can't wait to dig in, and glad you enjoyed my files so much Tsuka!
Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
dumps abstractly represent the song with arrows

post-dumps abstractly represent the existential nihilism that the song invokes in the listener with negative space, evoking the ephemeral nature of the mind - the journey of stepmania begins in hope yet soon becomes corroded into a dialectic of futility, leaving only a sense of dread and the unlikelihood of a new synthesis
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:43 AM   #15
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

I was artistic before it was "cool"
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:47 AM   #16
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

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Old 09-5-2016, 09:55 AM   #17
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

Putting this shit on SMO now, so for those experiencing the garbage that is mediafire (like me being unable to download this pack for like 10 minutes, even with ads), wait just a little bit. Give me like 15 more minutes to complete this upload and you'll have quick direct access!

I'll write up an FPP as well for SMO, this is one hell of a release!

SMO Mirror: [Soon]
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Old 09-5-2016, 09:56 AM   #18
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

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Old 09-5-2016, 10:02 AM   #19
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

I downloaded stepmania for this

Originally Posted by Xiaounlimited View Post
More like Tier ~0~
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Old 09-5-2016, 10:12 AM   #20
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

SMO Mirror: VGMP 4
EDIT: Front page post is up!

Thanks to all who worked on this pack, I can't wait to play this!
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Last edited by foxfire667; 09-5-2016 at 10:30 AM..
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