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Old 12-27-2007, 11:29 AM   #1
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Default K.A.I.S.E.R.

This is the beginning of a novel I'm writing. It's an Anime novel, no title yet. Champter one is FAR from over. What do you guys think?


2061. The world is falling in to turmoil, quickly. The Earth is on the brink of war, and nothing can be done to prevent it. It seems that the apocalypse is near. After each passing day, tensions rise all around the world; everything that is done is in direct effect of another country.
Japan was taking a close interest in this upcoming war as well, creating many military bases all across Asia as well as Europe. One base in particular is just outside of Castilla, Spain.
It was an underground base, for good reasons. There were more experiments going on there than any other place on the planet. Japan was preparing for what could possibly become World War III. Creating more weapons than ever before in their history, Japan was a force seldom reckoned with. Each passing moments formed an armada even greater and more powerful than that even of the United States. More tanks, ships, weapons, and personal were being implemented on a daily basis.
Large, brightly-lit screens shown off of the computers littering the facility. It was large, with bleak walls, aside to all of the large screens every twnety feet. Japanese and Hispanic overseers dressed formally in white trench coats and military uniform surveyed the activity, their piercing, almost chilling gazes and wordless lips in almost perfect contrast to the subsequent levels of noise booming from the loudspeakers, coworkers and scientists.

"Donde.....donde!?" one hispanic scientist uttered to himself, looking franticly for something on a shelf full of gadgets and small machines, all fruits of the Japanese Labor.

"The......transmitter, for the Wormhole. Where is it?"

An Asian scientist went over to the group of the two Spanish scientists. They both wore faded blue lab coats, and hair short cut black hair. The Asian looking scientist's freshly trimmed, oily hair and thin lens of his glasses gave him an almost comical sheen.

"Are you ready for the test?" the Asian scientist questioned, in a demanding tone.

"Si, once we find the transmitter." The first scientist said, eying a pencil absentmindedly before returning to his duties.

The Asian scientist shook his head. "C'mon, I wanna get this thing done. Hurry up. I'll be back in five."

He turned away, heading towards a separate group of Asian scientists only a few yards away. All were wearing the same generic clothing except for one, possibly a commander, adorning a military uniform, riddled with clips and badges and a helm with three stainless silver stars engraved into it.

"How are things coming along here?"

The group jumped, startled by the sudden acknowledgment.

"Ah, Shino." The man in the military uniform greeted. "This new weapon of yours...is amazing. How.... I mean...I have so many questions, and yet, I just want to see this thing in action. What's it called again?"

"K.A.I.S.E.R," Shino responded. "It's named in Japanese, so not even the Spanish here can figure it out. It stands for Kyuu Agerrureru Inshi Suiryoku Enjima Robotto."

"I'm not too good in Japanese. Is there at least a rough translation?" the Asian military officer asked."

"Well, it stands for Sphere..."

A Spanish man, suit very similar to the officer but his helmet noticeably donning many more badges, and his helm engraved with not three but five badges marched over to them.

"Gentlemen. How is work coming along over here? I assume this is K.A.I.S.E.R?"

Shino nodded. "Yes. This is still in the development stages, but it will be done in the next couple of months...speaking from a theoretical and statistical point of view."

"Good. If this thing does what you say it does, then this war won't last long, eh?"

Everyone laughed heartily, the Spanish General stopping abruptly and putting the same expressionless face on.

“What’re you laughing at, get back to work!”

Shock struck the group as they scrambled back to their stations, several tripping over their own feet in the process.

"Why did you not tell him? It's done, you know that Shino," the Asian General asked.

Shino leaned in close. "We can crush the Spanish with no problem. They are not fit for battle. If we have have them as allies, they will weigh us down. Once this war begins, we will have dried them of all their resources, and they will pose no threat to us."

The Asian General laughed, along with the other Asian Scientists in the area, however the stern eyes of the Spanish general brought them all down to silence once again.

"As long as they have no Intel on this, we will be unstoppable," he said.

"The plan exactly," Shino announced.

"Hey!" one of the spanish scientists working on the Wormhole yelled. "I’ve found the transmitter!"

Shino grabbed a black sphere, about the size of eight ball with rounded symbols, each a rather vibrant pastel colored aura on it from a table.

"Why are you taking that?" the General asked Shino.

"I don't want any snooping. This is to remain under my watch from now on."'

Shino turned, and walked to the small Spanish group of three working on the wormhole. Its shape was generally round, its metallic sheen standing out even more by the glowing baby-blue Japanese markings enscribed around the exterior.

"Vale, vale," one said. "Engaging in ten seconds."
He held a small black remote in this hand, with several small buttons and swtichs on it. The remote was the size of a present day televsion remote, with just as many buttons, but only more colorful and bright.

"Whenever you're read Santiago. I would like for this test to happen, now," Shino said.

Santiago nodded. "Get ready......Here we go.....!"

He pressed a series of buttons on the remote; the gate suddenly emitted a low humming noise. A black void replaced the empty space within the port.

"There, we have it!" Santiago yelled. "It works!"

"Let's see a test," Shino adviced.

"Fair enough," Santiago agreed.

He took a glow stick from the shelf of all his machines and items, and gently tossed it in to the void. Quickly, he pushed some more buttons and flicked some more switches, and the glow stick appeared across the room, unharmed and unchanged.

"Nice job," Shino congratulated. "Everyone, it works!"

Claps erupted from the rest staff, ecstatic at the success the project. Santiago and his other two workers smiled greatly, taking it all in. Santiago pushed a few more buttons to turn it off, but the void remained.

"Uh!? Its not turning off, the control’s jammed!" Santiago yelled, two coworkers moved frantically to find the problem.

"What?" Shino asked in anger. "What's wrong?"

"Yo no se’. I don't...I don't know!"

Shino stormed over to the Wormhole, the K.A.I.S.E.R. still under his arm, it's weight becoming present.

"No!" Shino yelled. "This can't be happening!"

The void became bigger, and the Wormhole started to shake. The energy and pressure being emitted was immense, amplifying second by second.

"Leave the vicinity!" Shino yelled.

Before he could get away, the void engulfed him. He was too close. It started to suck him in. He flailed around, keeping the sphere tight in his grasp. With his other hand, he reached out to grab something, and reached the shelf with the items and machines on it. He got his hand on the shelf, but it slipped and grabbed a cell phone like item, and eventually, he was completely engulfed by the void. Shino shut his eyes, and all he could hear were the screams of the other workers. Seconds later, everything went dark.

Chaper One

Present Day..........

"What do you mean you forgot your wallet?!" he beefy, heavily bearded waiter yelled, his face going purple.

Ryuu's short blond hair was a veil to the harsh tounge lashing he was receiving from the waiter. Ryuu was looking towards the ground, trying to keep a calm exterior, while butterflies were fluttering like crazy on his interior. He sighed heavily as he noticed that almost all of the guests were peering at Ryuu using menus and napkins to hide thier faces, all feeling sorry for the poor boy.

'Dammit. Why me?' he said to himself.

"Now, how do you expect to pay off this.....twenty three dollar bill?" the waiter asked while carefully eyeing the reciept that he held in his left hand.

"I dunno, wash dishes?," Ryuu said quietly, in a sarcastic tone. "They only do that in the movies"

"Ya know what kid, that sounds like a great idea!"

The waiter put a grin on his face as Ryuu grimaced.

'Dammit! He heard me!'
The waiter snatched a foot stained white apron from behind the reservation counter at the front of the restaurant, and casually tossed it to Ryuu, who caught it with a surprised look on his face.

"You best call you're parents son, you're here to close."

"Son? Ryuu, that's my name," Ryuu said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Tonight, it's dishwasher. Now get to work."

He stood up and moved silently over to the kitchen door, the curious eyes of the other guests following him across the room. He half opened it, then peered at the floor again. "...Why me?" He asked himself again. He looked back at the manager, a satisfied grin show casing horribly brown teeth.
Ryuu pushed open the brown swining door of the kitchen with a heavy sigh. A dim light cast off of the water-drenched floor. Used plates and untensils, some lay scattered, others piled into a laughably uneven mess. A cracked frame with a replica Mona Lisa hung from the wall directly faceing the sink. A dusty AC which was located in the far corner of the kitchen noisilly gave off air, which brushed against Ryuu's face, almost sensually, lightly swaying his silky golden hair. Taking his place at an open sink, Ryuu picked up a soggy sponge, and a dirty plate, and began his daunting ritual.

"I heard what happened," a voice said from nearby Ryuu. "Sorry."

Ryuu turned to find the keeper of the voice, and saw a teenager about the age of nineteen with curly black hair and green eyes. His face contained his innocence,as he looked young still, and there was a scar on his forehead. It was a small 'x' shaped scar, but noticeable still.

"Yeah," was all that Ryuu could muster but to say.

"I'll help you with your stack," the dishwasher offered.

Ryuu looked over at him, and smiled weakly. "Yeah, okay. I would like that."

"Ya see, that is actually how I got a job here. About......four months ago."

"What are the odds?" Ryuu asked, trying to convince the dishwasher that he was holding interest, but the dishwasher insisted on continuing.

"My name's uh.....Donny. Yours?"

"Um, Ryuu."

"Ryuu? Is that...Japanese, or Chinese?"

Ryuu nodded while wincing as some soap suds hit him in the face. He casually brushed them off, then continued washing.

"It's uh..it's Japanese for Flying Dragon. See, I lived in Japan, Okinawa, until I was ten."

"Wow, that's awesome. I've never met anyone farther than downtown Chicago. So, how long have you been here?"

"In Chicago, about 2 to 3 months. From Japan, I moved to Arkansas for a few years. There, I got my permit, because you can get it there when you are 14. Six months later, I got my license. Then, I moved here a year later."

"There's a story you don't hear everyday. So...you're....fifteen?"

Ryuu nodded while putting a freshly washed bowl on the drying rack next to the sink. "Turning sixteen in a few months."

"Now, let me ask you this. Do you have a car?"

Ryuu had to smile. He was the only one in his group of friends that does indeed have one. "Yes. I have a '79 Ford Mustang. It's orange. I paid.....oh let's see here."

Ryuu stopped the washing and looked up at the insulated ceiling to try and remeber.

"Ah yes, I paid around two grand for it. Very cheap car, but it runs great," Ryuu informed.

"That's awesome," Donny said in awe. "I have a car, but it's not nearly as impressive because I'm eighteen. Anyway, if you don't mind me asking, why did you are your family move away from Japan? It just seems kinda.....big is all."

Ryuu stopped his washing again He exhaled deeply, resting the plate and rag down, and leaned against the counter.

"Well, my father was in the....uh...military. He was killed while stationed of the coast of Korea. Me and my mother....well her mostly...wanted to forget, and try and move on. So, what better than to move across an ocean? At the time I didn't understand it, but as I grow older....I understand why."
"I....uh...I don't get it," Donny admitted.

Ryuu exhaled deeply, putting both his hands on the dulled sink, and looked down at the water spewing from the faucet, it steaming.

"Well, my mom loved my dad. He always brought home food, and supported us well. Him and my mom were highschool sweethearts, ya know? They got married early on in their life, but my mom never regretted it. He was her first and only love in life....and when he died.....she became a wreck. She would go in to deep depressions. I....I was only nine when this happened, so I didn't really understand at the time. But now, I realize it, I can understand. We needed to get out of there, for the sake of saving her. If she stayed ther, she would have died....from the inside, of a broken heart."

Ryuu remained silent as he recalled the past years of his history, of his life in Japan with his mother and father. Both the good and the bad times crossed his mind, one time in particular, when he saw his dad for the first time since he was stationed in Korea. He felt relieved to see his father, but at the same time, confused as to why his father didn't come home more often. His mother told Ryuu time and time again that his dad was in the army, so he couldn't get time off.


"Mommy, why can't daddy get time off? Why is the army so mean?"

"Ry, honey, you're only eight. I don't expect you to understand, but daddy is serving the country now. The country's saftey is in the hands of your father."

"Hey, Ryuu! Kid!"

Ryuu awoke abruptly from his daydream with a shake of his quick shake of his head. He opened his eyes wide open and blinked a few times before ge realized that there was the waiter who told him to wash dishes was standing next to him, yelling.

"Hey! Wake up!"

Ryuu shook his head to help wake his self up from his daydream.

"Yeah, sorry," Ryuu appologized. "I was...uh....I was letting the dishes soak a bit.....is all."

The waiter sniffled, the sound of mucus being very audible over the roar of the air conditioner and sizzling of the food in the kitchen being fried.

"Well, hurry it up! We got more dishes to do, table four just emptied."

Ryuu nodded reluctantly, and began to scrub down another plate, flustered with embarrassment.

"Eh, don't worry about it," Donny said, softly nudging Ryuu. "He's always like that. Angry, all the time. You'll get used to it....after awhile."

"Yeah, I don't plan on working back here any more."

Ryuu watched from the corner of his eyes as the waiter exited the swinging doors, the barrier between the kitchen and the rest of the restaurant. Ryuu went from being a stiff, standing upright worker to a slouching, haphazard worker as he noticed there was no upper management watching over him.

"Hell, the only reason I work here is that the pay is good," Donny remarked.

Ryuu raised his left eyebrow intentivley.

"Really now.......what is it?"

"Ten sixty and hour, and that's for being a dishwasher. I work....about twenty hours a week, making a total of about eight hundred a month. That ain't bad for just starting out. I mean, this guy is virtually begging for people to work here.”

“Well, I may reconsider my previous statement,” Ryuu announced, biting his lip and looking up with only his eyes. “I…I may wanna work here. I mean, I already know someone here, so it won’t be agonizing.”

Donny concealed his forced smile, but using a cleaned plate that he was putting on to the drying rack.
“Why not ask for an application?” Donny suggested.

“Not today, the manager’s already pissed at me. I’ll come back another day this week.

Today’s….Tuesday. Perhaps Friday I’ll come back.”

* *
Ryuu took advantage of the stoplight to warm his chest, exhaling, his steamy breath foggging the windshield. He sighed in disgust.

"Even the beasts are cold on a night such as this."

A green light signaled for Ryuu to continue on. He glanced at his watch quickly.

"5 am...." he uttered, shaking his head and barely resisiting the ever so tempting clutches of sleep.

He sipped his cup of coffee, steam spiraling up from the hot liquid similarly to the fog caking much of the drab cement.

"Mmm, minty."
Another light. He looked down at his bag, eyeing the picture of his mother. He touched the photo tenderly. Her soft features putting an almost entrancing spell over him. The loud honking of a horn brought him back to reality.

"Keep your eyes on the road jackass!"

He swivled out of the way moments before collision with a black and white 1986 Trueno.


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Old 12-29-2007, 01:03 PM   #2
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Default Re: K.A.I.S.E.R.

Originally Posted by EOS
This is the beginning of a novel I'm writing. It's an Anime novel,
stopped reading when you used an art style to describe a book

Last edited by Tokzic: Today at 11:59 PM. Reason: wait what
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Old 12-30-2007, 12:04 AM   #3
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Default Re: K.A.I.S.E.R.

Originally Posted by Tokzic View Post
stopped reading when you used an art style to describe a book
Thanks <.< I really appreciate you disregarding something that took me a few hours to write, just because of how I described it.

Well, I'm hoping to turn it in to an Anime comic, I'm just writing the book for it first. I have people that can draw, and are willing to.


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Style: Spread(since 12/14/07)
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Old 12-30-2007, 01:18 AM   #4
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Default Re: K.A.I.S.E.R.

Into is one word.

You switched tenses in the second paragraph.

It's personnel, not personal.

For the love of God, proofread your stuff before you post it.

Last edited by ShastaTwist; 12-30-2007 at 01:22 AM..
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